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      • 고려 엉겅퀴(Cirsium setidens Nakai) 잎 조직을 이용한 callus 배양 및 항산화 활성 검증

        박정훈,심예지,박기임,이인순,문혜연 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2010 産業技術硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        We described the effects of antioxidant activity on the extracts of tissue and callus formation by Cirsium setidens Nakai. The callus culture were induced from leaf tissue of Cirsium setidens in both MS and B5 medium with IAA or/and kinetin (0∼5.0 ㎎/ℓ). As medium for callus culture induced from Cirsium setidens, B5 medium showed better condition than MS media. MS medium brought to decrease callus differentiation after formation, on the other hand B5 medium induced to accelerate callus differentiation. Among phytohormones is required 0.5 ㎎/ℓ of IAA and between 2.0 ㎎/ℓ and 1.0 ㎎/ℓ of Kinetin for formation of callus. In order to extract functional material from natural leaf and callus tissue of Cirsium setidens used distilled water and 75% ethanol as solvent and those extract used to determine antioxidant activity as alpha-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrozyl (DPPH) radicals scavenging effect and TBA(thiobarbituric acid) activity. In result, the effect of DPPH and TBA had high activity more natural leaf extract than callus tissue and 75% ethanol was solvent better than distilled water. The 75% ethanol extract of natural leaf showed an excellent antioxidant activity because that particularly had highest concentration of vitamin C and total phenol among those extracts

      • KCI등재

        음료 개발을 위한 가공용 쌀의 수화, 호화 및 당화특성 비교

        신동선,최예지,심은영,오세관,김시주,이석기,우관식,김현주,박혜영,Shin, Dong-Sun,Choi, Ye-Ji,Sim, Eun-Yeong,Oh, Sea-Kwan,Kim, Si-Ju,Lee, Seuk Ki,Woo, Koan Sik,Kim, Hyun-Joo,Park, Hye-Young 한국식품영양학회 2016 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.29 No.5

        쌀음료베이스 개발을 위한 품종별 가공용 쌀의 기초자료 확보를 위해 국내산 쌀 7종(삼광, 일품, 설갱, 안다, 다산1호, 고아미4호, 단미)과 수입쌀 3종(미국쌀, 중국쌀, 태국쌀)을 대상으로 수화, 호화 및 당화 관련 특성을 살펴보았다. 품종별쌀의 수분함량은 11.88~15.26% 범위로 나타났으며, 수분흡수율은 안다, 미국쌀이 가장 높게 나타났다. 수분결합력은 태국쌀이 가장 높았으며, 단미, 고아미4호 및 설갱은 낮은 수분결합력을 나타내었다. 용해도는 10종의 시료 중 단미가 월등히 높은 26.6%를 나타내었으며, 팽윤력은 설갱, 안다, 미국쌀이 유의적으로 높은 수준을 나타냈다(p<0.05). 품종별 쌀가루의 아밀로오스 함량은 고아미4호와 태국쌀이 가장 높은 반면, 단미가 가장 낮았다. RVA를 측정한 결과, 호화온도는 단미와 고아미4호가 각각 $91.6^{\circ}C$와 $78.5^{\circ}C$로 가장 높았고, 그 외 품종은 $68.0{\sim}71.1^{\circ}C$로 나타났다. 최고점도와 최종점도는 다산1호가 가장 높았고, 단미가 가장 낮게 나타났다. 치반점도는 일품과 미국쌀이 낮게 나타나, 노화가 더디게 진행될 것으로 예상되었다. 한편, 쌀, 수침처리 쌀, 건식쌀가루, 습식쌀가루로 가공용 쌀 전처리를 달리하고, 수침시 흡수되는 수분량을 고려하여 물을 첨가하고, 고온용 ${\alpha}$-amylase 처리 후 당화특성을 비교하였다. 당화액의 pH는 일품을 제외한 모든 품종에서 습식쌀가루가 유의적으로 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 가용성 고형분 함량은 대부분 수침처리한 것보다 수침처리하지 않는 것, 쌀보다는 쌀가루의 효소처리가 더 효과적으로 높게 나타났다. 환원당 함량은 전처리 방법에 따라 수침처리하지 않는 것보다 수침처리한 것, 쌀보다는 쌀가루가 유의적으로 더 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 색도는 L값의 경우 고아미4호를 제외한 대부분 품종에서 쌀보다 수침처리한 쌀이 낮은 값을 보였다. a값은 수침처리하지 않는 쌀과 습식쌀가루에서 낮은 값을 보였으며, b값은 쌀보다 수침처리한 쌀, 건식쌀가루보다 습식쌀가루가 품종에 따라 다소 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 이러한 연구결과를 종합해 보면, 쌀을 원료로 한 음료베이스 개발을 위해서는 원료곡의 호화, 액화 및 당화에 영향을 주는 여러 가지 인자와 품종별 특성을 고려한 접근이 이루어져야 할 것이다. This study evaluated the hydration, gelatinization, and saccharification properties of rice processing for beverage development. The properties of rice were studied on 10 rice cultivars (Samkwang, Ilpum, Seolgaeng, Anda, Dasan-1, Goami-4, Danmi, American rice, Chinese rice, and Thai rice) and employing four kinds of pre-treatment methods (dry grain, wet grain, dry flour, and wet flour). The results showed that moisture content of rice was between 11.88~15.26%. Increase in soaking time along with highest water absorption was noted in American rice cultivar (46.81%). The water binding capacity of Thai rice was higher when compared to that of other rice flours. In addition, solubility and swelling power of rice were 4.52~26.65% and 0.19~2.05%, respectively. The amylose content of Goami-4 was higher in rice processing. Using a rapid visco analyzer (RVA), the initial pasting temperature of Danmi cultivar was found to be the highest; the peak viscosities of Anda cultivar and Dasan-1 cultivar, and Chinese rice were higher than of those of other rice flours. After saccharification, the pH, soluble solids content, and reducing sugar content of rice processed through different pre-treatment methods were in the range of 6.22~7.08, $4.67{\sim}16.07^{\circ}Brix$, and 0.35~11.67% (w/w), respectively. In terms of color values, the L-value of dry grain, a-value of wet (grain, flour), and b-value of dry sample (grain, flour) were found to be the highest. Assessment of various factors and cultivars characteristics of the raw grains are of importance in the development of rice beverage.

      • KCI등재

        보리와 밀 혼합막걸리의 품질특성

        신동선,최예지,정석태,심은영,이석기,김현주,우관식,김시주,오세관,박혜영,Shin, Dong-Sun,Choi, Ye-Ji,Jeong, Seok-Tae,Sim, Eun-Yeong,Lee, Seuk Ki,Kim, Hyun-Joo,Woo, Koan Sik,Kim, Si-Ju,Oh, Sea-Kwan,Park, Hye-Young 한국식품영양학회 2016 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.29 No.4

        본 연구에서는 보리와 밀 혼합막걸리의 품질특성으로 이화학적 특성, 색도, 환원당, 유기산, 효모수, 관능적 특성을 조사하였다. 보리는 흰찰쌀보리를 이용하였고, 금강밀, 백중밀, 조경밀을 1:1로 혼합하고 수입밀과 쌀을 대조구로 하여 $25^{\circ}C$에서 7일간 발효 후 착즙한 술덧을 시료로 하였다. 이화학적 특성으로 pH, 총산, 당도 및 알코올 함량을 측정한 결과, pH는 4.04~4.12로 밀 품종에 따른 유의적인 차이는 없었고, 총산은 0.94~1.06%로 나타났다(p<0.05). 당도는 밀 혼합막걸리가 $12.67{\sim}13.44^{\circ}Brix$ 수준으로 쌀 혼합 막걸리 $11.76^{\circ}Brix$에 비해 높게 나타났으며, 알코올 함량은 15.13~16.53%의 범위로 나타났다. 밀 품종간 색도 L값의 유의적인 차이는 없었고, a값은 0.26~0.60 범위를 보였으며, b값은 밀 혼합막걸리가 쌀 혼합막걸리 보다 유의적으로 높아 좀 더 황색에 가까웠다(p<0.05). 환원당은 5.65~7.85 mg/mL의 범위로 나타났으며, 유기산은 금강 밀 혼합막걸리에서 lactic acid를 제외한 citric acid, malic acid, pyruvic acid가 가장 높게 검출되었다. 효모수는 밀이 혼합된 막걸리가 7.17~7.46 logCFU/g으로 쌀이 혼합된 막걸리 6.06 logCFU/g 보다 더 높았다. 관능적 특성에서 우리밀과 수입밀 간의 유의적은 차이는 없었으나, 맛은 백중밀이 가장 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 이러한 결과로 보리 막걸리 제조 시 황색도, 효모수, 맛 등에서 높은 수준을 보였던 우리밀이 보리 막걸리 제조 시 혼합 곡물로 더 적합하였다. 따라서 밀 원료를 수입밀에서 금강밀이나 백중밀로 대체 시 일부 품질 증대와 함께 원료국산화에 따른 막걸리 프리미엄화 전제조건을 충족시킬 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. This study was conducted to evaluate the quality of barley (Huinchalssalbori) and domestic wheats (Keumkangmil, Baegjoongmil, Jogyeongmil). The pH and total acidity of mixed Makgeolli were 4.04~4.12% and 0.94~1.06%, respectively. The total acidity, sugar and alcohol contents of Makgeolli, but not pH, varied significantly by wheat cultivar (p<0.05). In terms of color values, the L-value of Baegjoongmil, a-value and b-value of Keumkangmil were highest. The reducing sugar contents was approximately 5.65~7.85 mg/mL, and those of Jogyeongmil and imported wheat were approximately 5.70 mg/mL lower. The yeast cell numbers did not differ significantly, with the exception of in the rice Makgeolli (p<0.05). Among the organic acids (citric, malic, pyruvic and lactic acids) in Makgeolli, citric acid was present at the highest concentration. Regarding the sensory characteristics of Makgeolli mixed with barley and wheat, taste and overall acceptability were highest in Baegjoongmil, and appearance and flavor were highest in Keumkangmil. The rice Makgeolli showed the lowest sensory values, with the exception of appearance. The results of this study suggest that mixing Makgeolli with barley and wheat is an expected to replace the wheat materials in the domestic wheat to be imported.

      • KCI등재

        Anti-Asthmatic Activities of an Ethanol Extract of Aster yomena in an Ovalbumin-Induced Murine Asthma Model

        Sim, Ji Hyun,Lee, Hyun Seung,Lee, Sunkyung,Park, Dae Eun,Oh, Keunhee,Hwang, Kyung-A,Kang, Hye-Ryun,Ye, Sang-Kyu,Kim, Hang-Rae The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2014 Journal of medicinal food Vol.17 No.5

        Aster yomena is used in traditional remedies to treat cough, asthma and insect bites; however, its therapeutic mechanism is not completely understood. To elucidate the anti-asthmatic effect of A. yomena, we investigated the anti-asthmatic characteristics of an alcohol extract of A. yomena in an ovalbumin (OVA)-induced murine asthma model. In this study, we showed that A. yomena extract inhibited the overall pathophysiological features of asthma by suppressing Th2 responses and enzymes associated with the production of inflammatory mediators. This suppression resulted in decreased Th2 type cytokines and eosinophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and OVA-specific IgE in serum. Additionally, A. yomena extract significantly decreased airway hyperresponsiveness and abrogated the histopathological changes in the lungs, which reached normal levels in the OVA-challenged mice treated with A. yomena extract. These findings suggest that A. yomena could be a promising natural agent for treating bronchial asthma in humans.

      • Isolation of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria from a Showerhead in Patient with Nontuberculous Mycobacteria

        ( Ji Yeon Choi ),( Bo Ra Sim ),( Song Yee Kim ),( Eun Young Kim ),( Sang Hoon Lee ),( Kyung Soo Chung ),( Ji Ye Jung ),( Moo Suk Park ),( Young Sam Kim ),( Young Ae Kang ) 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2021 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 추계학술대회 초록집 Vol.129 No.0

        Background The environments are the source of exposure to most nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) involved in human infection, and it is important to reduce the frequency of exposure from environmental sources for preventing NTM infection. The aim of this study was to examine the NTM inside showerheads in patients with NTM pulmonary disease, because household water has been considered as one of the possible sources of NTM. Methods Samples were taken from 32 showerheads in patients with NTM pulmonary disease recruited through the Pulmonary Outpatient Clinic between October 2018 and October 2019. In order to determine the composition of the showerhead, washing fluids were examined using the multiplex PCR assay and cultured by conventional Methods. Subsequently, suspected microbial isolates in washing fluids and culture were identified using sequencing analysis of 16S rRNA gene. Results The patients consisted of 25 females and 7 males, and their ages were 59 years (range 30 to 72 years). The species of NTM that caused the patient’s pulmonary disease infection were Mycobacterium avium (n=17, 57%), M. intracellulare (n=7, 23%), M. abscessus (n=1, 3%), M. massiiliense (n=1, 3%), and M. fortuitum complex (n=1, 3%). In 17 showerhead samples, we identified potentially pathogenic mycobacteria isolated from the showerhead. However, species identified in the showerhead not matched those of the patient’s strain and few NTM causing the human disease were isolated from the showerhead; M. florentinum, M. phocaicum, M. gordonae, M. mucogenicum, M. gilvum, M. llatzerense, M. peregrinum, M. triplex. Despite a predominance of NTM species, we did not demonstrate the main pathogen associated with disease in the patients studied. Conclusion This report provides evidence that the showerhead may present potential exposure to NTM.

      • [P139] Pemphigus vegetans induced by aceclofenac

        ( Ji Yeoun Shin ),( Chang Yoon Sim ),( Sun Bum Kwon ),( Ye Seul Kim ),( Jong Suk Lee ),( Kyu Uang Whang ),( Sang Hoon Lee ) 대한피부과학회 2017 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.69 No.1

        Pemphigus is an autoimmune bullous disease that may be influenced by genetic and exogenous factors. Pemphigus vegetans is one of the rare form of pemphigus, accounting for 1~2% of total pemphigus cases. Pemphigus vegetans is characterized by granulation formation in the bullous lesions while the wound healed. Many kinds of drugs have been reported to the causes of the onset of exacerbation of these disease. The NSAIDs triggering pemphigus can be categorized into the drug-induced pemphigus. Diclofenac, one of the NSAIDS widely used, was implicated to trigger pemphigus through the two reported cases. Aceclofenac is chemically related with diclofenac in the way that diclofenac is metabolized to aceclofenac in the body. Here in, We report a rare case of aceclofenac-induced pemphigus vegetans in the English literature.

      • FC 2-7 : Elevated KAI1 protein expression identified in malignant melanoma

        ( Ye Seul Kim ),( Ji Hoon Sim ),( Sang Jin Oh ),( Je Min An ),( Sang Hoon Lee ),( Sung Yul Lee ),( Moon Kyun Cho ) 대한피부과학회 2013 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.65 No.2

        Background: KAI1/CD82 reportedly slows the metastatic process in a variety of tumors. However, its function is not fully clear. This study investigates the expression of KAI1 in correlation with malignant skin cancers. Objectives: To investigate the expression and clinical significance of KAI1 protein in malignant skin cancers. Methods: KAI1/CD82 expression was evaluated by western blotting in 24 specimens including 6 malignant melanoma (MM), 6 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 6 BCC and 6 normal skin specimens. Immunohistochemical staining was performed to measure KAI1/CD82 expression in 6 MM, 6 SCC and 6 BCC. Results: We observed over-expression of KAI1 in the malignant melanoma. The expressions of KAI1 in malignant melanoma were higher than those in SCC and BCC. The KAI1 expressions in malignant melanoma were higher in protein levels compared to SCC and BCC. Western blotting results agreed with immunohistochemistry. Conclusion: KAI1 is highly related to malignant melanoma and may be a useful indicator of malignant melanoma.

      • The risk of spontaneous preterm birth in asymptomatic twin pregnancies with mid-trimester cervical length measurement of 26-29mm

        ( Sim Ye Bin ),( Yun Ji Jung ),( Joon Ho Lee ),( Ja-young Kwon ),( Young-han Kim ),( Hayan Kwon ) 대한산부인과학회 2022 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.108 No.-

        Objective: To determine the risk of spontaneous preterm birth in asymptomatic twin pregnancies with mid-trimester cervical length measurement of 2629mm Methods: A retrospective study of women with asymptomatic twin pregnancies with transvaginal ultrasound cervical length measurement of 2629mm identified during universal cervical length screening at time of anatomy ultrasound (18-23 weeks), was performed at a single center from January 2017 to December 2021. Women with symptoms of preterm labor, fetal or uterine anomalies, cervical cerclage, or those with incomplete data were excluded from the study. Demographic information as well as data on risk factors for spontaneous preterm birth were collected. Patients were divided into 3 groups based on the cervical length measurement (26-27mm, 28-29 mm, and ≥30 mm). Primary outcomes included the rate of spontaneous preterm birth (<34 weeks and <28 weeks). Results: Of the 254 pregnancies that met inclusion criteria, 17 (6.7%) had a cervical length of 26-27 mm, 27 (10.6%) had a cervical length of 28-29 mm, 210 (82.7%) had a cervical length of ≥30 mm. 4 (23.5%) of cervical length of 26-27mm, 5 (18.5%) of cervical length 28-29mm, and 37 (17.6%) of cervical length ≥ had a preterm birth at < 34 weeks. The prevalence of spontaneous preterm birth at <28 weeks or <34 weeks was higher in women with a cervical length of 26-27 mm compared to those with a longer cervical length (P < 0.01). Conclusion: The risk of spontaneous preterm birth in asymptomatic twin pregnancies with mid-trimester cervical length measurement of 2629mm increases as cervical length shorter even if cervical length is more than 25mm. Therefore, follow up cervical length screening in twin pregnancies with a mid-trimester cervical length measurement of 2629mm for assessment of short cervix is needed

      • Increased basophil activation in adult patients with anaphylaxis

        ( Ji-hye Kim ),( Seung-hyun Kim ),( Sailesh Palikhe ),( Eun-mi Yang ),( Young-min Ye ),( Hae-sim Park ) 대한내과학회 2015 대한내과학회 추계학술대회 Vol.2015 No.1

        Introduction: Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction mediated by IgE antibodies that interact with basophils and mast cells to release vasoactive and proinflammatory mediators. We evaluated basophil activation status using CD203c and CD63 expressions in adult patients with anaphylaxis. Methods: 41 patients with asthma/rhinitis, chronic urticaria and anaphylaxis and 23 normal controls were recruited and divided into three groups; anaphylaxis (n=13), non-anaphylaxis (n=28) and normal control groups. Basophil CD203c and CD63 expressions were measured by flow cytometry. The whole blood samples were collected and red blood cells (RBCs) were lysed with a RBC lysis buffer. Basophils wereincubated with anti-IgE antibody or calcium ionophore. The resuspended cells were stained with anti-human CD203c or CD63, anti-human CD123, and anti-human human leukocyte antigen- DR, or isotype-matched controls on ice in the dark. Results: Baseline expression levels of CD203c and CD63 were higher in the anaphylaxis group than NC group (30.28±23.10 vs 13.76±14.60, p=0.036; 17.67±20.48 vs 3.31±3.73, p=0.028, respectively) and tended to be higher in anaphylaxis group than in non-anaphylaxis group (p=0.320, p=0.922, respectively). The positive BAT rates tended to be higher in anaphylaxis group than in non-anaphylaxis group (38.46% vs 17.85%, p=0.20), while no differences were noted in CD63 expression levels. Conclusions: These findings suggest that increased basal activation status of basophils may contribute to the development of anaphylaxis in adult patients.

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