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      • 고혈압치료제의 in vitro및 in vivo 이용률간의 상관성 연구(Ⅱ)

        서수경,강현구,조재민,박인숙,안미령,이선우,최흥석,유태무,손수정,이용복,양지선 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        의약풍이 생체내로 흡수되는_파정에서 생리학적 인자 및 제제학적 인자들에 의해 생체이용률이 달라져 약물의 흡수과정을 연구함으로써 약물의 생체이용률을 예측하는 것이 가능하다. 그러나 제제학적 측면에서 용출시험과 흡수과정인. 장관막 투과도 나아가서 생체이용률간의 띤구가 미흡한 상태이다. 따라서 약물의 흡수과정을 연구하벼 생체이용률을 예측하기 위하여 장관막 투과도 및 혈중농도사이의 상관관계를 예견할 수 있는 모델을 개발하고자 1999년도 연구사업으로 고혈압치료제중 베타-차단약 (아테놀올, 메토프롤올, 프라프라놀꼴)을 선택하여 웅출시험과 장관막 투과도계수를 측정하여 사람의 흡수을을 예측할 수 있는 장관막 투파도 모델을 확림하였고, 2000년도에는 계속사업으로서 각 약물에 대한 횐쥐에서의 생체이용를 파라메타를 측정하고 1999년도 연구사업결과에서 얻은 장관막 투과도 시험결과를 가지고 생체이용률과의 상관섞을 구하고자 하였다. 각 베타-차단약을 경구 및 정맥투여하고 시간별로 채혈한 후 분리한 혈장으로부터 각 약물에 대한 EfLC를 이용한 분석준건을 확지하여 혈중농도를 측정하고 생체이용률 파라메타(AUC, Cma, Tme, 등)를 구하였다. 횐쥐의 소장을 이용하여 diffusion chamber 법으로 측정한 장관막 투과도계수와 각 생체이용률 파라미터 사이의 상관성을 구찬 결과 양호한 상관관계를 보였다. 이와 같은 연구결과를 통하여 약물의 특성에 따라 동물의 장관막 투도. 모델을 이용하여 사람의 생체이용률도 예측할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. A biopharmaceutics drug classification system for correlation f'H uf'fro dissolution and rH ui'ㄴo bio3vailabi3ity is proposed based on recognizing that drug dissolution andgastrointestinal permeability are the fundamental parameters controlling rate and extent of drugabsorption. The objective of this stud)· was to assess whether partition coefficient and intestinalPermeabilit)'can be rorrelateo with l'H vluo bioalFaifability. Beta-blockers were administeredorall? and intrauenousl)· to rats and pkarrnacokinetlc parameters were calculated. The goodcorre)ations between fermeability and log P (n~octanol/buffer) was demonstrated in previous ratexpenments performed in our laboratory. In this study, good correlations were obseFYedbetuTeen panitlon coefficient and permeabilit)·· or I'n ui'vo bioayilability These resuats indiEatethat rat intestinal perme3bilit3T model couBd be used to predict intestinal absorption ofbeta-blockeTs f'H uiuo.

      • 고빌리루빈혈증을 동반한 자가면역성 간염 1례

        서영범,김성욱,장재식,강혁주,이중현,윤병구,김욱년,이광헌,이구,유석동,양창헌,이정호,이영현,이창우,서정일 동국대학교 의학연구소 2000 東國醫學 Vol.7 No.-

        자가면역성 간염은 대개 만성 경과를 가지며, 혈중 자가면역항체와 혈청 글로불린치의 상승, 그리고 조직학적으로 괴사 염증성 변화를 특징으로 하는 질환으로 아직 정확한 병인이 밝혀져 있지 않은 상태이다. 발병연령은 대개 젊은 영자(15-25세)에서 호발한다. 이 질환은 급성 간염의 임상경과를 보일 수 있으나, 심한 급성 간염이나 전격성 간염으로도 나타날 수 있는데, 이 경우 아주 나쁜 예후를 보인다고 한다. 치료는 자가면역성 간염 임상 경과의 다양성이나 병인, 병리기전의 불확실성에도 불구하고 대개 steroid 치료에 반응하는 것으로 알려져 있으며 대개 80%의 관해율을 나타내며 궁극적으로 간경변으로의 진행을 막을 수 있는 것으로 보인다. 저자들은 58세 남자에서 발생한 급성의 경과를 가지고 심한 황달을 동반한 자가면역성 간염을 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a chronic necroinflammatory liver disorder of unknown cause associated with circulating autoantibodies and a high serum globulin level. The age of onset of AIH show a peak between the age of 15 and 25 years. AIH can develop and be manifested as acute hepatitis, but severe form of acute hepatitis or fulminant hepatic failure has a poor prognosis. Although AIH is likely to progress from chronic active hepatitis to cirrhosis, steroid therapy can control the disease activity, prolong survival, improve the quality of life , and defer liver transplantation. In the present report we describe a 58-year-old man who admitted because of progressive jaundice and fatigue. He was diagnosed with AIH from laboratory test result showing positivity for antinuclear antibodies, anti-smooth muscle antibodies, and negativity for hepatitis viral markers and from liver biopsy. Steroid therapy, oral administration of prednisolone, was effective in improving the liver function test. Following liver biopsy 6 months after onset shows markedly improved necroinflammatory activity.

      • KCI등재
      • 철화분청사기 철화안료로 사용한 석간주 연구

        이재황,최석원,채상정,서만철 공주대학교 문화재보존과학연구소 2003 문화재과학기술 Vol.2 No.1

        한국은 오랜기간 발전된 도자문화를 지니고 있다. 한국의 도예가들은 독창적인 문화를 토대로 활동적이며 예술적인 도자기를 생산해왔다. 14세기에 이르러 9세기의 고려청자를 바탕으로한 조선시대의 독특한 분청사기가 나타났으며 분청사기 가운데 철화분청사기는 백토분장위에 철분의 안료를 사용하여 붓으로 그림을 그려 제작하였다. 철화분청사기는 주로 15세기 후반부터 16세기 전반에 걸쳐 제작되었으며 이들은 민예적인 특성을 잘 반영하여 지역별로 서로 다른 독특한 양식으로 발달함으로써 계룡산 지역에서는 "계룡산 분청"이라는 별칭으로 불리었으나 현재는 철화분청사기의 제작기술이 소멸된 상태이다. 철화분청사기의 재현을 위해 철화분청사기편을 실험한 결과, 철화안료는 화강암내의 산화광물인 자철석으로 이루어져 있으며 이것은 석간주로 불리운다. 또한 철화분청사기편을 1230°C정도의 고온에서 소성한 결과 태토가 잘 견디었으며 사라진 광택이 다시 빛을 발하였다. 따라서 계룡산 분청의 재현 및 발전을 위해 문헌에 따른 채굴장소에 대한 연구가 이루어져야 할 것이다. Korea has a long and flourishing history of ceramics. Korean potters have established a dynamic artistic civilization rooted on its unique ceramic culture. In 14th century, they had created Buncheong, based on the tradtional Korean ceramics such as the Koryo celadons of 9th century. Among the Buncheongs, Chulhwa-Buncheong ceramics were produced by using iron oxide (ferric, ferrous) as the drawing stain. A fragment of a Chulhwa-Buncheong, with a manufacturing year stamp of 1492, was found in a kiln at mountain Kyeryong located in central Korea. Chulhwa-Buncheong ceramics, which have often abstract drawings on them, have been recognized worldwide for their artistic quality. But unfortunately, the production technique of Chulhwa-Buncheong has been lost. To provide the technical criteria for systematic restoration of Chulhwa-Buncheong, the iron oxide (ferric ferrous) material used for the drawings was explored. The iron oxide used for Chulhwa-Buncheong is the magnetite (Fe_(3)O_(4)). At 1230°C, it changes black color. With no flow effect at high plasticity level, it becomes dark color of chestnut and form ferrous crystal. As described in the Choseon Dynasty's memorandum of King Young Cho's period. the iron oxide was obtained traditionally from natural materials such as Seokanju, a special kind of minerals in granite. It is concluded that the magnetite from the rock cave which had been used as the drawing stain of Chulhwa-Buncheong can be used for the restoration of the Chulhwa-Buncheong.

      • KCI등재

        벽면부착방식 PV시스템의 建築物 適用可能性에 關한 硏究

        김재원,오민석,이성주,최인창,이응직,김회서 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.6

        Building integrated photovoltaic(BiPV)systems can from a cohesive design, construction, and energy solution for the built environment. The benefits of building integration are well documented and are gaining significant public recognition and government support. PV cells, however, convert only a small portion of the incoming isolation in to electricity. The rest is either reflected or lost in the form of sensible heat and light. In order to judge of the Integration capability to the BIPV system, energy efficiency, capacity and integration capability is studied by considering the production quantity of electric power and U-value of PV system.

      • 算數·自然 統合敎科 分析 및 指導硏究

        姜錫虞,成濟鉉,徐成輔,朴成澤 부산교육대학교 과학교육연구소 1982 科學敎育硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        This study is an analysis and a plan for the improvement on a teaching method, a development of the teaching instruments in integrated subject of mathematics and natural science called "Inquiring Life". Thus this study is summarized as follows: (1) An analysis of the integrated textbook. ① The proportion of the time required for teaching mathematics and natural science is 2:1 in our curriculum. However, in the practical guide book of the Inquiring Life, it has been investigated that the time allotted for mathematics is 12 periods more than the time allotted for natural science, furthermore its significant difference is to appear in x^2=3.86 (p<0.05). ② It has been found that there is a meaning of the integration in the first-term text-book, because the quantity of the contents which is integrated in it is 48.7% of the whole. But there is a problem which must be corrected in the second-term textbook, because such quantity is merely 25.6% of the whole. ③ The time required for teaching a field "figures" was 12 periods (9.2%) of the whole in the textbook of the third revised curriculum (1973). However, since the time required for it in the new textbook is only 2.5 periods (2.0%), this is to show a significant difference in x^2=4.62 (p<0.05). ④ It is because of a emphasis on the problem-solving that the time required for teaching the field "relations" has increased more than that of the preceding textbook. ⑤ There is some resistance in "a reclassification of the shaped boards" and "a learning for preservation of a quantity" to construct a possibility of the learning achievment. ⑥ It is found that the contents and the expressions of the integrated textbook is suitable for our pupils, because, in a questionary investigation for their appropriateness, a significant difference is to appear in x^2=9.49 (p<0.05). (2) The teaching method of the integrated textbook. The integrated teaching method is verified to be effective for a group of the dull pupils by showing a significant difference with CR_M=1.99 (p<0.05). (3) A development of the teaching instruments in the integrated textbook. The integrated teaching instruments that are considered to be a interest of pupils, a acceleration of thoughts, a economic condition, a exactness, a convenience, a firmness and anewness, are efficient for our pupils. (4) An estimation for the integrated textbook. An integration of the curriculum and the revision of the form the pupils' cumulative records are demanded in order to get the good estimations for the integrated concepts.

      • KCI등재

        SJO¨GREN'S SYNDROME 환자에게 즉시 임프란트 술식을 행한 치험례

        최정환,손동석,이지연,이윤서,안선희,이재목 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2000 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.22 No.5

        The old edentulous patients experience xerostomia commonly. They have considerable difficulty in wearing tissue-supported prosthesis and high risk rate of caries. One of them is Sj□gren's syndrome patient. Sj□gren's syndrome is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder that results in a lymphocyte-mediated destruction of exocrine glands. We planned to place implants immediately after extraction in this case of autoimmune disease. The advantages of immediate implant placement include considerable decrease in time from tooth extraction to placement of the final prosthesis, fewer surgical procedures, and better acceptance of the overall treatment plan. We present a case of Sj□gren's syndrome patient treated with immediate implant placement & immediate loading in anterior region and immediate implant placement in posterior region.

      • KCI등재

        공원묘지 유실에 의한 대량재해의 개인식별

        강신몽,이한영,윤중진,이원태,김종열,이영석,서재관,최득린,서지석,이혜경 大韓法醫學會 1992 대한법의학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        Individual identification of severely decomposed or skeletonized bodies is an important part in medicolegal field. 142 bodies were torn up and carried away by flood in a park cemetry, Kwang-Ju, Kyunggi province, Korea at Sept., 10, 1990. The authors examed the 56 bodies, which were gained, through medical, anthropological, odontological, radiological methods, and superimposition for individual identification. Among them, 41 cases were successfully identified, and remaining 15 cases were not identified because of sever destruction and no adequate information.

      • KCI등재

        KAL기 추락에 의한 대량재해의 개인식별

        강신몽,이원태,고영창,최상규,김윤희,이홍석,서재관,윤중진,이혜경,최득린,김종열,윤창육,변명식,이장홍 大韓法醫學會 1991 대한법의학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Individual identification is an important part in medicolegal field especially in mass disaster. At July, 27, 1989, KAL KE-803 was crashed on landing at Tripoli International Airport, Liba. The plane was caught in fire and sixty eight Koreans were sacrified. The majority of victims were severely charred and injured. The authors examed all dead bodies and successfully identified all the cases through visual, anthropological, odontological, radiological and pathological methods including fingerprint and blood typing.

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