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        Oxyfluorfen 및 bensulfuron-methyl의 處理時期에 따른 벼品種 및 主要 雜草種의 耐性反應

        Ja Ock Guh(具滋玉),Young Man Lee(李榮萬),Young Jin Kim(金永鎭),Chang Suk Kim(金昌錫) 한국육종학회 1988 한국육종학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Rice cultivars, Aichiasahi vs. Mushakdenti for oxyfluorfen and Chinsurah Boro II vs. IR 1846 for bensulfuron-methyl were experimented as the toterant vs. susceptible among other selected cultivars, respectively. The study was intended to know the difference in selectivity of both selected cultivars comparing with principal paddy weed species, and in relation with application time. -From the trial of oxyfluorfen by per-emergece soil application, ED₅₀ in rice cultivars indicate a highly significant tolerance to weed species, and rice cv. Aichiasahi showed higher level in ED₅₀ than that of cv. Mushakdanti. -From the trial of oxyfluorfen by post-emergence foliar application, Cypercus serotinus, Scirpus juncoides, Eleocharis kuroguwai and rice cv. Aichiasahi were recognized as rather tolerant than others. -From the trial of bensulfuron-methyl by pre-emergence soil application, rice cultivars showed more than 95% level in survival rate at 0.05kg ai/ha, however weed species were killed completely. Also the higher tolerance was detected from the tolerant cv. Chinsurah Boro Ⅱ comparing to cv. IR 1846. -From the trial of bensulfuron-methyl by post-emergence foliar application, no big difference in selectivity was evaluated between not only two varieties, and but also among rice and weed species.

      • 고대 혼파(混播)원리와 응용기술로서의 가설(假說) 연구

        구자옥(Ja-Ock Guh),국용인(Yong-In Kuk) 韓國雜草學會 2011 Weed&Turfgrass Science Vol.31 No.4

        중국에서 발상되어 우리나라에서 일반화하였던 고대 농법 혼파는 재해대책의 하나로서 최소한의 식량곡물을 확보하는 수단이었다. 이들 기술에 대한 역사적 흐름도를 중국농서인 『제민요술』 (5세기 전후)와 『왕정농서』 (1313)부터 우리나라 고대농서인 『농사직설』 (1429)․ 『한정록』 (1610)․ 『색경』 (1676)․ 『증보산림경제』 (1766)․ 『과농소초』 (1799)․ 『임원경제지』 (1843)로부터 인용 제시하였다. 이들 혼파원리를 응용하는 무비•무농약•벼 이품종 혼파법은 아졸라 투입•무경운•벼 다품종 직산파를 전제로 하여 새로운 생력친환경 농법으로 제시하였다. 아울러 기존 연구결과들을 인용하여 현실적 타당성을 제시하여 평가하였다. Ancient mix seeding that started in China and generated in Korea is one of the methods of securing foods against natural calamities. The history of this technology was excerpted and presented from Chinese agricultural books as 『eminyosul』 (closely one upon the other 5C), 『Wangjungnongseo』 (from 1313) and Korean agricultural books as 『Nongsajikseol』 (from 1429), 『Hanjeongrok』 (from 1610), 『Saekyeong』 (from 1676), 『eungbosanrimkyeongje』 (from 1766), 『Kwanongsocho』 (from 1799), 『Rimwonkyeongje』 (from 1843). In this study, we suggested new environment-friendly agricultural technique to save labors using ancient mix seeding principle, which is seeding different varieties rice without fertilizer and agricultural pesticides. It is essential prerequisite to have the process such as injecting Azolla, no-tillage direct and broadcast seeding with multiple varieties of rice. Based on the results of previous studies, we evaluated the practical validity.

      • 우리나라 농사일(농무(農務), 농경(農耕)) 문화의 성립,전개 및 연구 -3. 농사일 유래의 문화 사례(事例)-

        구자옥 ( Ja Ock Guh ) 한국농업사학회 2008 농업사연구 Vol.7 No.2

        일련의 역사와 전통, 그리고 농사일을 통하여 우리만의 독특한 문화를 형성할 수 있었고, 그 문화 위에서 오늘과 내일을 살아가는 문화특성이 있다. 사례를 요약하면 다음과 같다. (1) 오곡(五穀)과 쌀(稻) 오곡의 내용이나 그 가운데에서 쌀이 차지하는 비중은 시대와 민속·의례행사 내용에 따라 차이가 있지만, 여하튼 궁중과 일반 백성의 중요한 민속·의례·축제 및 기념행사에 오곡을 등장시켜서 먹거리 농사의 중요성을 함께 공감하고, 받드는 전통을 이어왔다. 심지어는 마을 공동체의 무탈·안녕·질서·번영을 기원하거나 불행한 사건의 잘못을 비는 일에서까지도 오곡을 곁들여 제사하는 형식을 빌었다. 오곡의 형식이 오행설에서 비롯하였으며 지금까지도 일상의 언어를 통하여 五자의 단어, 예를 들어 오행, 오보, 오락, 오장, 오미, 오복, 오도 따위의 표현이 사용되고 있다. (2) 축력(畜力)과 소(牛) 소는 우리나라 농경의 축력원으로서 신라 유리왕 5년(AD28년)부터 지금까지 실용기록으로 쌓여왔다. 그래서 소를 대하는 우리 백성의 마음은 한낱 한 마리의 동물이나 가축이 아니라 인간과 동류, 동급으로 우대하는 정서를 지켜 소를 인간처럼 훈련시켜서 특징을 유순하게 육성하였고, 인간의 마음에 따르는 일꾼이며 농사꾼으로 길들여 사용하였다. 우리나라 농경의 혁신적인 발전은 소와 쟁기를 쓰고, 소를 산틀 밭틀까지 누비는 운반기능체로 썼으며, 힘든 일을 도맡는 동력원으로 쓸 수 있었던 데서 비롯하였다. (3) 논매기 문화 복합행사 우리나라 농경에서 가장 정밀하고 철저하게 다루어지는 과정이 논매기 일이다. 따라서 논매기는 공동의 일로 치부되고 자기 일에 우선하는 일로 취급되었으며, 또한 공동의 일이었기에 단순한 노동의 한 과정이 아니라 공동의 문화 복합적인 행사로 꾸며졌다. 서로의 애환을 나누고 위로하며 공동의 책무로 인식하였다. 즉 논매기의 연례행사에는 농요(農謠)와 풍물(굿), 참밥과 낮잠이 병행되어 나타났고, 뒤이어 마당매기와 호미씻이(풋굿)가 이어져서 온 마을이 대동단결하는 수순을 겪도록 꾸며졌던 것이다. (4) 공동체(두레)의 농사일과 놀이 특히 동시적인 단체일로 꾸며 질 수 밖에 없는 벼농사는 두레라는 공동체 의식 속에서 놀이와 병행하여 이루어졌지만, 그 형식의 형편에 따라서 놀이 연계형 노동, 놀이 중첩형노동, 노동 분리형 놀이, 놀이 분리형 노동 등으로 분화, 계승, 발전되어 왔으며, 여기에서 찾아지는 원리적 가치는 노동과정에서의 상보성(Mutual Aids)과 농업 주기상의 상보성을 들 수 있다. 이러한 농사일 문화의 전통은 오늘날 우리사회에 국민적, 정체적 바탕으로 재투영되고 있다. 첫째로, 가깝게는 갑오농민전쟁을 통한 농민, 농촌, 농업의 반란행위로 표출이 되어 농경을 통한 조국지향의 의식을 고취시켰으며, 이 저력은 일제에 대한 항거와 조국 광복의 쟁취로 이어졌다. 둘째는, 2002의 여름, 월드컵 축구를 계기로 비롯된 우리의 응원단 붉은악마들이 내보였던 일설 5억 Kcal의 대동단결된 힘이었다. 붉은 악마의 상징은 환우천왕의 배달국 14대 천왕이었던 것이다. 천하융사지주라는 명성에 걸맞게 불패신화를 이룩했던 선조의 얼과 거기에서 발원한 정체성의 모아진 힘이었다. 셋째는 동남아와 중국, 일본을 휩쓸고 있는 한류(韓流)의 열풍을 들 수 있다. 외형적으로는 가요와 영화, 춤과 젊은이의 자유분방한 놀이에 근간을 둔 것으로 보이겠지만, 기실에는 불변으로 밑바닥을 흐르는 홍익인간의 이념, 유교적인 가치관과 질서의식, 민족애와 자긍심을 수반하는 국민정서 및 정체성, 새롭게 도약하는 정보사회의 첨단과학기술이 함께하고 있으며, 이들은 농경사상의 바탕 특성인 은근과 끈기로 계승 발전시켜 가고 있는 나라의 모습에서 비롯된다고 하겠다. (1) Five Cereals(五穀) and Rice Cereals, even the rice, in old days geuerally indicate the most important grains which support the human diet, and the number Five derived from the five elements of the Chinese cosmogony. So this five is using as the simbol of metal, woods, water, fire and earth, respectively. Also five cereals, even changed historically for fitting to the situation, were used for things offered in sacrifice to a deity. Smilar number five initiated from five elements in cosmogony are, today, finding at various terms such as the five tastes(오미: sour, bitter, pungent, sweet, salty), five blessings(오복: longevity, wealth, health, love of virtue, peaceful death), five constant virtues(오상: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, knowledge, sincerity), etc., and these tell the one case of descended old days agricultural cultures. (2) Animal Power and Farming Ox From Korean agricultural fundamentalism, farm ox was well adapted to farm works not only in plowing but also in transporting of miscellaneous materials. Traditional instruction on farming ox in Korea was even taught to consider just like a human, a neighbor person, and a most valuable friend or brother. (3) Weeding Culture Complexed Events Ror instance, Homissisi, among other events, was an representative agricultural rite and festival of farmers after weeding completion in mid July of the lunar calender. Homissisi indicate the first half-sowing and cultivation shift into the second half-harvesting and threshing grain, in agricultural work all the year round, and this event was a kind of complexed festival, so farmers amuse oneself playing all day. As it were in historic process, the appearance of its agricultural factor was the change of the technology and formation or a agricultural production, mamely the rice cultural method and system all the year round. Another appearance was the change of the viliage society and working pattern, respectively. (4) Farm Work and Playing Set of a Communal Society (Durae System) Farm working system related to paddy fields was consited with communal concepts with work and play sequences, and released an uncountable value as a result of events, namely the mutual aids from both sides of labor process and agricultural cycling of seasons. Case studies above mentioned are suggesting that the tie relationships between agricultural farm working cultures and some national and original characteristic movements in today Korea situations, for instances: the reformation of Gabo(甲午), World Cup Olympics of Football Game, and Hanryu(韓流) Movements through the recent Asian countries.

      • 한국 전통농업의 현대적 의의

        구자옥 ( Ja Ock Guh ) 한국농업사학회 2009 농업사연구 Vol.8 No.3

        1. Definition of conventional agriculture: Among the patterns of awareness, behavior, and techniques in agriculture, the native and typical thoughts, crafts, and sense of values improved for the innate environmental and agricultural conditions to be timely succeeded to future generations. 2. Technical and cultural essence of Korean conventional agriculture (1) Realization in history -Originate from the common ownership of ancient Chinese agriculture. -Create and develope of Korean identical agriculture, its skill and culture since the early of Chosun dynasty. -Realize the confidence of the people as self-help, self-respect, and self-regulate living way during the age of King Sejong, King Cheongjo and President Park. (2) Technical essence -Ecological farming by harmonize the old Chinese vitalized dry-farming and water irrigated paddy farming: the role of old-farmer, -Small size and labor-intensive farming: the dry uplands developed based on the multiple cropping and mixed cropping systems, and the paddy fields on the direct and dry seeding, rotation paddy cropping, and switching methods between upland and paddy cropping. -Historical realization of circulation ecological farming systems by the self-supplying small holders. -Self-supplying small holders realized the ecological circulating farm-management systems by use of human manure, rain-water depending paddy, and hollow cropping methods, etc. -Supplementing the weakness in small sized farming, the intensive multiple cropping systems and the mutual aiding culture and its related labor community systems. Cultural essence -Durae-culture (farm work and playing set of a communal society): Farm working system consisted with communal concepts of work and play sequences, and related as uncountable value as a result of events, namely the mutual aids from both sides of labor process and agricultural cycling of seasons. -Ondol-culture: Tighted the union of family, clan, and village of small holders, and developed into the identical culture of sitting life (Ex: sericulture, hoeing, and hand-made industry, etc.) and induced Korean traditional fermented foods and sitting-down diet systems. -The worship of Heaven, agricultural fundamentalism, and doctrine of the five natural elements of the positive and negative has modern the characteristic life-style and the sense of values of the Korean farm peoples. Dilemma of Korea Agriculture, today -Modernizing process, Korean conventional agriculture was replaced by western technical agriculture, and not harmonized with. -Through the Japanese colonial policy, the mono-cropping of paddy rice was gradually occupied in cropping by large scale, professional and commercial trends in production pattern. -After the liberation of the country, the succeeded agricultural policy of the western logics, especially the government subsides for newly targeted rural renovation projects, among others, made the essence of conventional agriculture to be forgotten and layed waste of the conventional multi-purposed agricultural systems of the small hoders. As a result of those policy, the failing of soil fertility gradual increased of biotic hazards (by weeds, insects and diseases) and environmental pollution (by fertilizer and chemical pesticide), reduction of legume, minor cereals and lowering of self-sufficiency of agricultural production in another side of abundant rice production. Moreover, the clearance of young-power from the agriculture sector(as it were the given-up of agriculture), is attracted attention among all others. -The conventional culture of agronomy, including the mutual aids among family, clan, village and love of home country is disregarded. This results deprived the justification for existence of rural area and farmers and disturbed the social order in ethical and moral fundaments of the country. -Timely asking tasks in agriculture, namely the establishment of environment-friendly, sustaining, organic, and ecological agriculture is just confronted with a difficult problem from the basic processes. Conclusion -Globalization of agricultural policy is so important to establish, however the shaping of agricultural course of a country should be considered it`s own agricultural and historical specialty and it`s related diversity and durability. -The counter-proposal of Korean agricultural development should be maintained under the consideration of conventional agriculture and it`s cultural systems. -The reason, right, justice, truth and duty of agriculture should be confined to fuse of oriental and western technical base. -The traditional culture related with agriculture should be based on the communal origin of family, clan, and region, and reconstructed with the concepts of mutual aids among small holders.

      • 서둔벌의 근대농학 교육과 과학기술 전개

        구자옥 ( Ja Ock Guh ) 한국농업사학회 2010 농업사연구 Vol.9 No.1

        한국의 근대농업교육은 1895년 고종의 교육조서로 태동된 대한제국 농상공부의 상공학교(1899. 6.), 동 농상공학교(1904. 6. 4.), 동 농림학교(1906)로부터, 조선총독부 농림학교(1910), 동 농림전문학교(1918), 동 고등농림학교(1922)와 후기 동 농림전문학교(1944)로 일관되게 이어져 왔고, 오늘의 서울대학교 농과대학(1946. 10. 15.)은 서울 수진방 재용감과 성수동의 뚝섬 및 수원의 서둔벌에 자리하여 일관되게 나라의 농학교육을 이루어 온 총본산이다. 100여년의 역사와 전통을 통하여 서둔벌의 농학교육이 이룩되어 온 성과와 교육전개의 내력을 살펴보고(광복 이후는 배제) 대략 다음과 같다. 서둔벌 위치 선정의 배경: 수원 서둔벌은 지정학적으로나 풍수적으로, 또는 정조대왕의 농업입국 정신을 받드는 입장이나 위치선정 당시의 농업환경적 입장에서 타당한 곳으로 판단된다. 특히 농사시험기관인 권업모범장과의 근접연계성은 현실적이며 능률적이었다. 한국의 근대농업교육 시작은 1895년과 1899년 고종의 교육칙서에서 시작되고 뚝섬에서 수원으로 옮겨져 수많은 명칭으로 변신되어 오늘에 이르렀지만 고종황제와 순종의 칙서에 담긴 내용을 받들어 학교의 역사와 전통을 이어 왔다. 국가적·민족적으로 대표되는 농업·농학교육의 장으로 그 정통성을 유지해 왔다. 일제강점기의 서둔벌 농학교육에 대한 일제의 의도나 한인 지식층의 의도는 한결같이 농림교육을 고등화·전문화된 교육기관으로 진화시키는데 있었고, 현실적으로 그렇게 진화되어 왔으나 양국측이 같은 의도였음에도 내면적으로 동상이몽이어서 일본측에는 부정적인 문제덩어리로 커 왔고 한국측에는 기대 이상의 귀중한 독립정신과 애국문화를 고취시켜 올 수 있게 커 왔다. 이런 양극화 동기는 일인학생의 입학과 점유비율증대를 수반하고 공학제 허용으로 비롯된 것이었다. 서둔농학의 얼과 상록수운동을 위시한 젊은 학생들의 항일 저항운동과 야학운동·고농항쟁 등은 고등전문인력들이 애국·애족 정신과 농학(철학)을 바탕으로 하여 서둔벌 항쟁의 전통문화를 창조하고 역사적으로 전례가 드문 사례들로서 민족혼을 지키고 발현시킨 상록수정신으로 표출된 것이었다. 심훈의 소설『상록수』에 잘 묘사되어 있으며, 이런 까닭은 주인공 채영신을 실제인물의 모델로 내세웠던 데 있고, 이 소설의 내용은 동아일보가 창립 15주년 기념행사로 모집·당선시켜 연재하였던 바 있다. Modern agricultural education of Korea has oriented by the Royal ordinance of Emperor Kojong, Choseon dynasty(1895), and started by establishment in order of Sangong School(商工學校, 1899. 6), Nongsangong School(1904. 6), and Nonglim School(1906), respectively. This school was continually changed into newly upgraded and advanced level of education, namely as Nonglim S.(1910), Nonglim Professional S. (1918), High Nonglim S. (1922), and later Nonglim Professional S. (1944). On this respect, the College of Agriculture and Life Science of Seoul National University(1946. 10. 15), Seodun-field, Suwon should be counted as the original home and main head campus of Korea agricultural education. Seodun-field as a Campus location? Considering the geopolitical and geomantic characteristics of Suwon, and the socio-economic reformation spirits of Emperor Jeongjo, the location choice of Nonglim school at seodun-field of Suwon would be supported as practically and efficiently responsible. Specially, neigboring with Head Experiment Station of Agricultural Technology [Kwonupmobeomjang, 勸業模範場] was also one of a logical consequence for the School to be located at seodun-field, Suwon. Orthodoxy of the School? The School, even changed many times in education systems, had observed its historical and conventional notion of agricultural mission released from the Emperor Kojong`s Royal ordinances. such a consistant achievement could be spoken for the School to held his own Upgrading of the School? The systemic phase of the School had continually upgraded by political intension of not only Japanese Imperials but also Korean intellectuals. However the advancing and professionalizing of the School was resulted nothing but a negative dream of colonization policy for Japanese Imperials, and for Korean peoples, really positive phase change for higher and strong power of young students to release devotion for their country and people. Such a both two extremes were resulted from the Japanese education policy to promote the School entrance rule and to increase the ratio of Japanese in enrolled students. Sangroksu spirits and resistance of Korean students? Originally and fundamentally, Korean student-power oriented from the same dormitory [Dongryo] could be rather easily and unifically activated their resistance movements against Japanese Imperials, such as Sangroksu campaigns [a mass-education drive], teaching a night class [around the near villages of the School], and Konong-student`s resistances [mainly 3 times events for Korean students of the High Agricultural School to directly and nationwidely lead the resistance way], respectively. As well presented in Shimfun`s novel "Sangroksu", Korean students living in a dormitory [Dongryo] would be applauded as heroes who create the advanced resistance culture depending on their professional resistant movements against as an systematic aggressors, Japanese Imperials.

      • 우리나라 농사일(농무(農務), 농경(農耕)) 문화의 성립,변천 및 사례

        구자옥 ( Ja Ock Guh ),김영진 ( Young Jin Kim ) 한국농업사학회 2008 농업사연구 Vol.7 No.1

        농사는 우선 굶지 않기 위하여 먹거리를 가능한 많이 생산할 수 있는 방편을 찾는 쪽으로 발달하였다. 적절한 작목과 품종을 찾아 들이고, 적절한 파종과 거름 및 물대기를 찾아내었으며, 농기구를 개량하고 농지를 개간하는 등속의 일이었다. 그러나 종국적으로는 노동과 토지 및 자본 투여에 따른 생산성 향상이 농사의 경영목표였기에 가급적 투자효율이 높은 시비기술관개기술파종기와 수확기술, 그리고 작부양식이나 체계의 발전이 이루어졌다. 세역(휴한)법에서 탈피했던 일모작이 이모작이나 다모작으로 변하고 산파가 조파나 점파로 변하였으며, 직파가 모종이식 및 이앙법으로 개선되는 방향으로 변하였고, 소면적 경영이 광작경영으로 바뀌거나 작부체계가 단순화하여 상품농산물을 단작으로 경영하도록 바뀌어 왔다. 특히 우리나라의 재래식 농법에서 두드러지게 변화한 기술요인은 제초(풀매기)와 파종이나 모내기 따위의 생력화에 있었다. 이들 변화내용을 기술적으로 뒷받침하기 위하여 주로 중국의 농서를 통한 기술도입에 주력하였고, 이들 기술을 우리나라 현실에 맞도록 바꾸는 체계화에 진력하였다. 독창적인 농기구로 우리나라에는 지역과 농사체계에 걸맞는 무수한 쟁기낫호미의 형태가 만들어졌고, 소를 농사일에 맞추는 기능분화와 현실화 요령 및 기술을 만들어 세인들의 놀라운 찬사를 받게까지 되었다. 지게 또한 그 능률과 과학성이 뛰어나고 독창적인 최고의 사례 가운데 하나이다. 또는 단순한 농민들에게 농사일의 적기손실을 막기 위하여 계절별순별 또는 월별 행사내용을 정리하고 단순화시켜 쉽게 외울 수 있도록 하였다. 이율곡의 『전원사시가』, 고상언의 『농가월령』, 정철의 『권민가』, 김회수의 『월여농가』, 정학유의 농가월령가 , 박세당의 『전가월령』 등속이 모두 그러한 것들이었다. 이들은 노래로 불려지며 쉽게암송토록 유도되기도 하였다. Agricultural affairs has developed to find out the every possibile ideals, suchas sites, systems, and technologies to realige the maxium production and productivity. During the Chosun Dynasty, the agricultural affairs has organized to clarity the frame work of the fundamentalism which means agriculture with owner farmers and farm villages meet play a principal role in constructing and managine a ideological country. On this respect, the most important political affairs are indicated the selection of most proper crops and societies discovering of methods of seeding, fertilizing, imigation, farming tools, and broadewing of anable lands etc. And it`s good of dynamic improvements put on the maximize the labor, land and capital productivity and the claying trend of farm working systems has released so many seeding, fertilizing, irrigation and harvesting technologies, and also the shipping sequences. The yearly fallowing system(세역법) was chainged into mono(單作), and double(이모작) to multiple cropping(다모작)systems, the broad-cast seeding method into that of now(條播) and spot seeding, the direct seeding(直播) method into transplanting(이식,이앙), the small land holding(소면적재배) farm into the broadland(광작), and the self-sufficient farming systems into the marketing production(상품생산), at the last. On those every situations, the key farm works were relatated with the possibility with the labor-saving devices in weeding, seeding and transplanting etc. Especially, the water sources and imigation technologies were roled as the key factor in changing the systems, and directly related with the practices in weeding, seedinf, fertilizing and yielding processes the inibiation of technical change in farm works influenced and imported from the China, however not small quantity of Korea-own ideals were improved. Firstly, many kind of Korea original farming tools such as Oriental plow(쟁기), weeding hoe(호미),sickle(낫), coolie sack(지게), flail(도리깨), pick(괭이), forked sake(쇠스랑), harrow(써레), water pump(무자위), water scooper(두레), straw mat(멍석), ox will(연자매), water mill(물레방아), etc., among others. Also, the Korean farming(plow) ox might be a best artificially trained farm device in the world. Secondly, various calendar songs and its publications such as Four Seasons Farm Song(전원사시가) by Yulgok Lee, Monthy Farm Work Song(농가월령) by Sangan Koh, Monthly Farm Songs(월여농가) by HyeongSu Kim, and similar works by Hakyu Jeong(농가월령가), and by Sedang Park(전가월령) etc. has simplified the multiply inter related farm techniques and practiced into force for ignorant farmers. Technique on reciting of a song or poem is, at any case, the best way for farmers to fit the farm affairs into practice at proper times.

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