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        병리검사 처방오류 개선 시스템 구축

        이현임,최영진,구숙희,양승주,김병로,김묘정,신일근,신미옥,서임선 한국의료QA학회 2006 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        문제: 조직병리검사의 처방이 복잡하고 전문화됨에 따라 오류처방이 빈번하게 발생되고 이를 해결하기위한 프로세스가 복잡하여 부서간의 갈등과 업무의 가중, 또한 병원 수입 감소가 초래되었다. 목적: 발생된 오류처방의 유형과 발생율, 오류처방을 해결하기 위한 프로세스를 파악하여 이에 대한 문제점을 개선하여 업무의 효율성과 관련부서간의 부가업무 감소와 갈등해소, 더불어 병원수익을 향상시키는 것에 목표를 두고 활동하였다. 의료기관: 서울시에 소재한 종합병원 질 향상 활동: 조직병리검사 처방의 오류처방 발생 원인과 유형, 발생율을 조사하여 원인을 파악하고 개선을 위한 프로세스를 구축하여 질 향상을 도모하였다. 개선효과: 수술실에서 의뢰한 외과 입원환자의 일반조직병리검사 오류율은 개선 전 7.8%에서 개선 후 3.5%, 동결절편조직검사 오류율은 개선 전 28.6%에서 개선 후 0%로 이전보다 모두 개선되었다. 또한 수술실 간호사의 업무 만족도는 일반조직병리검사의 처방시 95%, 동결절편조직검사 처방시 90%로 높은 만족도를 보였다. 단 병리과의 경우 업무가 증가됨에 따라 초과근무시간이 증가하였다.

      • Giuseppe Verdi의 오페라 무대의상 연구 : Concerning to La Traviata La Traviata 의 경우

        현선희,김옥진 全南大學校家政科學硏究所 1998 生活科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate how to express wearing style through characters and images of dramatis personae based on 「La Traviata」s played by 3 different directors : Mario Lanfranchi's performance, Franco Zeffirelli's performance and Richard Eyre's performance, with actual approach and costume expression of Opera by considering expressional characteristics of wearing style on Stage costume. First, stage costumes of each performance have the common expressional characteristics ; Silhouette shows historical setting, material and color shows characters and images of dramatis personae, details and trimming to make images more effective express characteristics ·social class ·personality ·images of the cast. As the plot progresses, main subject and atmosphere are expressed with darker color. It brings catastrophe. That means that even if each performance has been made in different year and by different director, whole atmosphere, color and materials of all stage costumes are closely similar. Second, stage costumes of the Opera has a tendency to be simplified around the late 20 century. Works of the middle 20 century use gay details and excessive trimming while works of the late 20 century use silhouette to express the historial setting and use the simple design but detail and trimming. Third, the recent stage costumes emphasize simple wearing style and symbolic representation of the cast including historical circumstances. That means unique clothes, stage costumes, follows simple and functional trend of daily dress. As the stage costume applies the popular trend, costumes style is getting simplified and adornment is getting disappeared. Modernism of the late 1900's might effect this trend. As conclusion, stage costume expression of Opera shows the current and the background which the symbol applies to and expresses characteristics of the cast. The stage costume plays a symbolic role in delivering the plot like dumb lines of Opera. That is, stage costume of composite art, Opera, plays a very important role as one of visual factors to elevate the atmosphere

      • 부산광역시 승용자동차 주행중 전신진동 및 소음도 평가

        옥치상,모현주,정재열 高神大學校保健科學硏究所 1997 보건과학연구소보 Vol.7 No.-

        There are many vibrations and noixes during vehicle use in urban although pavement road. Those are from engin vibarations, tire and wheel related vibrations. And the vibrations of vehicle use cause frequently las variation of road state. This study investivated the whole-body vibration and noise caused as variation of road state and speeds during automobile duiving in Pusan City, Korea Based on the results, exposure to whole body vibration and noise during vehicle use was higher at 70km/h than 50km/h in speed. On the floor of vehicle at speed 50km/h and 70km/h, the the mean values of energy equivalent acceleration and permissible exposure time by vebrational performance were 99.2cm/s²(1512.4 min), 200.3cm/s²(1939.5 min)in x axis ; 132.3cm/s²(1035.9 min),182.3cm/s²(1278.2 min) in y axis;87.1cm/s²(2774.6 min),234.8cm/s²(4196.4 min) in z axis, respectively. And on the seat of vehicle at speed 50km/h and 70km/hr,82.0cm/s²(597.1 min),63.2cm/s²(757.4 min), 157.2cm/s²(1286.8 min) in z axis, respectively. Permissible noise exposure time(PNET) caused during vehicle use were 80hr, 184hr in speed 50km/h and 57hr, 116hr in speed 70kn/h when doors were closed and open,respectively.

      • o,m-Benzene-di-Sulfonyl Chlorides의 친핵성 치환반응에 대한 연구

        옥치율,박현석 부산교육대학교 과학교육연구소 1989 科學敎育硏究 Vol.14 No.-

        The Nucleophilic substitution reaction of o, m-benzene-di-sulfonyl chlorides with various substituted anilines in methanol-acetonitrile binary solvent mixtures at -15℃ For the reactivity of substrates, m-benzene-di-sulfonyl chloride has higher than o-benzene-di-sulfonyl chloride according to the steric effect of ortho position and the order of magnitude for the second order rate constants, p-CH_3 aniline > aniline > p-Cl aniline is the tendency of nucleophilicity as expected. The magnitudes of ρ_N and β are lager than benzensulfonyl chloride and indicate a relatively advanced bond-formation in the transition state. Relatively small values of a/s is an indication that the polarity-polaribility(π^*) of solvent contributes more than the hydrogen bond donor acidity (α). The reaction proceeds via an associative S_N2 mechanism.

      • 가정용 전기기기의 사용 실태

        김현지,김현진,안옥희 영남대학교 지역발전연구소 1999 새마을지역개발연구 Vol.24 No.-

        This survey carried out with three hundred housewives in her from thirties to fifties, those who lives in one's self around Taegu city, for satisfaction, possession and actual state of household electric appliances. It is tum up the desirable propensity to consume in buying but ineffective use in application generally in result.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국인 독일어 학습자의 어휘오류분석

        김옥선,현희 한국독일어교육학회 2003 외국어로서의 독일어 Vol.12 No.-

        Heute geh¨ort die Wortschatzarbeit zu den elementaren Aufgaben des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Denn die Kenntnis und Beherrschung von W¨ortern und die F¨ahigkeit zur situationsangemessenen Anwendung des erlernten Vokabulars sind die Voraussetzungen zu fremdsprach- licher Kommunlkation generell. Aber erst in den letzten 15 Jahren hat man sich intensiv mit der Frage der Wortschatzarbeit und ihrer Wichtigkeit beim Fremdsprachenlernen auseinandergesetzt. Zwar hat man schon in den 70er und 80er Jahren die Wichtigkeit der Wortschatzarbeit erkannt, aber sie beschr¨ankte sich auf Lese- und H¨or¨ubungen. Erst in den 90er Jahren begann man mit der systematischen und gezielten Wortschatzarbeit im Fremdsprachen- unterricht. Wenn ein Lerner anfangt, eine Fremdsprache zu lernen, wird er in erster Linie mit fremden W¨ortern konfrontiert. Gerade in einem kommunikativen Unterricht lernt der Lerner anhand des vorgegebenen Wortes die Aussprache, die Bedeutung und die Anwendungsm¨oglichkeiten(Grammatik). Je l¨anger sich nun der Lerner mit der Fremdsprache besch¨aftigt, desto gr¨oβer wird die Schwierigkeit bei der Erschlieβung der Wortbedeutung, w¨ahrend der Schwierigkeitsgrad bei der Aussprache und der Grammatik abnimmt. Aber nicht nur die schwierige Bew¨altigung der Lexik verlangt eine Schl¨usselfunktion f¨ur die Wortschatzarbeit, sondern auch die Erkenntnis, dass der falsche Gebrauch der W¨orter einen direkten negativen Einfluss auf die Kommunikation aus¨ubt. Ein falsch gebrauchtes Wort kann, im Gegensatz zu einem Grammatik- oder Aussprachefehler (der von den meisten Muttersprachlern als Kommunikation nicht st¨oerend toleriert wird), eine ¨uberraschende, von der beabsichtigten abweichenden Reaktion beim H¨orer hervorrufen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Aufs¨atze von Lernern in den fortgeschrittenen Kursen am Goethe-Institut auf lexikalischer Ebene untersucht. Bei der Analyse der lexikalischen Fehler in den Aufs¨atzen wurden die vier Kriterien, deren sich Marilyn Martin bedient, herangezogen. Die Analyse l¨asst den Schluss zu, dass die Fehler auf lexikalischer Ebene einerseits auf interlinguale bzw. Interferenzfehler zur¨uckf¨uhren lasen. Andererseits entstehen die Fehler auch dadurch, dass die Bedeutungsschattierungen eines Wortes nicht voll erfasst werden. Im Rahmen der Arbeit konnte aus Platzgr¨unden nicht auf die Didaktik und Methodik der Wortschatzarbeit eingegangen werden. Die Verfasser werden aber dies bei einer anderen Gelegenheit nachholen.

      • 베타락탐계 항생제 합성과 항균성

        고옥현,강형룡,유진철,김경수,홍석순,김영수,황화영,하재천 조선대학교 약학연구소 1992 藥學硏究誌 Vol.14 No.1

        7β[5-(Substituted) phenyl-2H-tetrazol-2-yl]acetamidocephalospranic acid, 7β-(5-Diphnenyl-methyl-2H-tetrazol-2-yl) acetamidocephalosporanic acid and 7β-[5-(Substituted)-4-phenyl-1.2.4-triazol2-yl]thioacetamidocephalosporanic acid were synthesized and tested in vitro antimicrobial activity. These compounds exhibited good antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria whereas most compounds showed decreased antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative bacteria

      • 키토산이 배양중인 치주인대세포와 치은섬유아세포에 미치는 영향

        김옥수,정현주 전남대학교 치과대학 2001 구강과학 Vol.13 No.1

        The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of chitosan coating on the attachment, proliferation, functional and morphological change of periodontal ligament cells and gingival fibroblasts. Primary culture of human periodontal ligament cells and gingival fibroblasts were grown in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% antibiotics. In experimental group, cells were inoculated in the multiwell plates coated with chitosan in concentration of 0.02, 0.2 and 2㎎/㎖. Cell counting and MTT assay were done after 0.5, 1.5, 3, 6 and 24 hours of incubation to evaluate the cell attachment, and then after 2 and 7 days of culture th evalute the cell proliferation. The alkaline phosphatase activity was measured after 4 and 7 days of culture and the ability to produce mineralized nodules was evaluated after 21 days of culture. The results were as follows: 1. The morphology of both cells on the chitosan coating was round or spheric. Round cells were aggregated arger 6 hours of culture. Aggregated cells on the chitosan ­ coated surface showed nodule ­ like appearance after 24 hours of culture and not achieved confluency at 7 days. 2. During early period of culture, the attachment of periodontal ligament cells and gingical fibroblasts were inhibited by chitosan coating Inhibition of cell attachment tended to increase with the concentration of chitosan. 3. At the chitosan concentration of 0.02 and 0.2㎎/㎖, periodontal ligament cells were more rapidly proliferated at 7 days, compared to the control group. At the concentration of 2㎎/㎖, the proliferation of gingival fibroblasts and periodontal ligament cells was inhibited(p<0.01). 4. Alkaline phosphatase activity of periodontal ligament cells was increased in chitosan ­ coated group, especially at the concentration of 0.02㎎/㎖ after 4 days of culture. Alkaline phosphatase activity of gingival fibroblasts was inhibited by chitosan coating and decreased in course of time. 5. Periodontal ligament cells produced mineralized nodules on chitosancoated wells without the addition of mineralized nodule forming materials (ascorbic acid, β ­ glycerophosphate, dexamethasone). With the addition of mineralized nodule, forming materials, periodontal ligament cells produced more mineralized nodules at the concentration of 0.02㎎/㎖, compared to the control. Gingival fibroblasts also produced the mineralized nodule at the concentration of 2㎎/㎖ of chitosan. In summary, the attachment, proliferation, cell activity, and alkaline phosphatase activity of periodontal ligament cells depended on the concentration of coated chitosan and those of gingival fibroblasts were inhibited by chitosan. Chitosan stimulated mineralized nodule formation by periodontal ligament cells. At the appropriate concentration (0.02㎎/㎖), chitosam could increase alkaline phosphatase activity, stimulate the formation of mineralized nodule by periodontal ligament cells have antifibroblastic activity on gingival fibroblasts. These results suggest that chitosan can be used as an adjunct of regeneration, bone graft and the matrix of tissue engineering for periodontal regeneration, especially bone regeneration.

      • KCI등재

        농촌형 급식교와 비급식교 중학생의 체조성 및 식행동 특성

        이옥이,장현숙 한국 가정과 교육 학회 1999 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the body composition and the eating behavior of rural middle school provided with and without the national school lunch Program(NSLP) The subjects consisted of 34O rural middle school students provided with(n=177) and without(n= 163) NSLP. Data were collected by using a questionnaire. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. Anthropometric measurements were taken for body weight, height, triceps skinfold thickness and percentage of body fat. There was no significant difference in the height. body weight between girl students provided with (155.8cm. 47.2kg) and without (156.Ocm,49.7kg) NSLP. However, the height. body weight were higher in the boy students provided with NSLP(160.8cm, 50.4kg) than without (158.4cm, 48.4kg) NSLP. Percentage of body fat(%) were significantly higher in girl students provided without NSLP(27.5%) than in those with NSLP(25.0%). 2, Food habit scores of 68% of the subjects, regardless of with and without NSLP, were poor. However, appetite of 98% of the subjects, regardless of with and without NSLP, were very good. But rate of skipping meals and snack intakes of students provided without NSLP were significantly higher than in those with NSLP. In the case of instant food intakes. the students of eating three-four times per week were significantly higher in students provided without NSLP(41.1%) than in those with NSLP(20.9%)

      • KCI등재

        상악동으로 이소맹출한 견치

        김현옥,최병재,이종갑 대한소아치과학회 2000 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.27 No.4

        구강 내에서 치아가 이소맹출되는 것은 흔히 있는 반면에 구강외 다른 부위로의 이소맹출은 드물다. 예를 들어 비강, 턱, 하악과두, 관상돌기, 안와 또는 상악동으로 이소맹출할 수 있으며 그 원인은 불명확한데 구개열과 같은 발육장애, 외상이나 낭종에 의한 치아변위, 상악감염, 유전, 총생 또는 치밀골 등의 원인 요소가 논의되고 있지만 대부분의 증례에서 정확한 원인이 규명되지는 않았다. 치아가 상악동으로 이소맹출한 경우 무증상일 수 있지만 심각한 병적문제를 야기할 수 있다. 본 증례는 6세 1개월 남환아로 어금니가 아프다는 주소로 연세대학교 치과대학병원 소아치과에 내원하였다. 의과병력과 치과병력조사에서 특이한 사항은 없었고 통상적인 보존치료후 주기적인 임상 및 방사선 사진 검사에서 상악 좌, 우 견치의 맹출경로의 이상소견을 보였다. 13세 7개월에 촬영한 파노라마 방사선 사진에서 상악 좌, 우측 견치가 상악동으로 이소맹출되었으며 Caldwell Luc 수술법으로 제거하였다. 환자는 동통이나 불편감 등을 호소하지 않았으며 종창이나 지각과민 등의 구강내 이상소견은 없었다. 이소맹출되는 치아는 영구치, 유치 및 과잉치일 수 있으며 대부분의 과잉치는 무증상으로 주로 주기적인 방사선 검사시 발견될 수 있다. 정확한 진단 및 치료계획을 세우기 위하여 주기적인 구강 및 방사선 사진 검사가 필요하다. Ectopic eruption of a tooth into the oral environment occurs commonly whereas ectopic eruption of a tooth into other sites is rare. Those that have been reported include the nasal cavity, chin mandibular condyles, coronoid processes, orbits and maxillary sinus. The etiologic factors of ectopic eruption are developmental disturbances such as cleft palate and teeth displaced by trauma or cysts, maxillary infection, genetic factors, crowding and exceptionally dense bone. In many cases, however, the etiology cannot be identified. Eruption of the teeth into the maxillary sinus is uncommon, however, the identification of such teeth can be important since they have potential to cause considerable morbidity. The definitive treatment is surgical removal of the teeth. A 7 year-old-boy visited the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University for treatment of dental caries. The abnormal erupting paths of the left and right maxillary canines were found during routine panoramic radiographic investigations. A panoramic radiograph taken at 13 years old revealed that two maxillary canines were located into the sinus. The teeth were extracted the Caldwell-Luc approach.

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