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      • 〈조선전사〉(4) 중세편의 分析과 그 批判 : 「백제사」를 중심으로

        신형식 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1991 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.59 No.1

        The description of the Chosun-Jonsa(History of Korea edited in North Korea) is the rationalized interpretation of the idolization of Kim Il-Sung. Therefore, the pre-modern history is the story of the peoples struggles and modern history is that of roles of Kims family against Japan and America. The history of Baekje is composed of 8 chapters. In first chapter, it described the origin of feudal Baekje Kingdom and in second chapter, North Korean compliers put great importance on the productive capacities in fields of agriculture, commerce, and manual works. In third and fourth chapter, we can find so-called the feudal extortion and peasant revolts. This is important part of North Korean description. In 6th chapter, Baekje extended her territory into Japanese islands and established several tributary-states named Komahooguk. This insistance is understood in the view of national subject hood, but it remains an unsolved problem. But in this Baekje history, it is found that there is a great difference, particularly, in the description of the periodization, foreign relations, and thoughts-Confucianism and Buddhism-. They explain the Confucianism and Buddhism as the opiums which paralyze the struggle power. We can see the distortion and fabrication of explanation in the historical concept. Accordingly, we have to confirm the distortion and illegitimacy of the Chosun-Jonsa and make every effort on the restoration of homogeneity as one nation on the basis of rightful understanding of the historical facts. Finally, we propose the necessity for common editing committee to correct the distorted facts in the Chosun-Jonsa.

      • 문학과 이념 : 짧은 비평사적 검토

        신형기 연세대학교 국어국문학과 1984 연세어문학 Vol.17 No.-

        아직도 문학을 여기나 소일거리로 여기는 사람들이 적지 않다. 문학이 현실 문제에 직접 소용이 닿지 않는 것이라는 통념은 전문화되고 지능화 되어 간다고 말하는 현대사회에 와서 오히려 두드러져 보이는 현상이 아닐까 생각된다. 문학이 현실에 소용이 닿지 않는다는 생각은 일편 문학이란 현세적 가치보다 영원한 본질적 가치나 이상을 추구한다는 전통적인 내포를 또한 함의하고 있는 것이다. 그러나 문학이 변하지 않는 가치의 보고로서, 미래를 향한 불멸의 빛 혹은 윤리라는 생각과 문학에서 윤리적인 지혜랄까, 교양의 인격화를 얻고자 하는 태도는 지금 우리들에게 과연 얼마나 유효한 것일까 의심스러우며 그러한 것은 몇 안되는 고집스런 사람들의 소외된 신념이나 대학 초년생들에게 나누어 주는 교양도서 목록 따위에서나 남아 있는 것이 아닐까 하는 반문이 앞선다. 문학 역시 어떤 한정된 시대의 생산품이며 그 시대 인물들의 행위인 이상, 현실적인 문제나 목표를 위한 수단이 되어야 하지 않겠느냐는 생각은 적어도 이러한 반문에 대한 하나의 답으로 제시되지 않았나 생각된다. 문학을 특별히 소외되지 않은 인간 정신 활동으로 보고자 했던 인문주의적 마르크스로부터, 그것을 프로레타리아 계급의 정치 구호이자 헤게모니 장악의 도구로 보고자 한 여러, 혁명론적 맑시스트들에 이르기까지에서, 우리는 또한 문학에 대한 현대적 열정과 훼손을 발견하게 된다. 문학이 무엇을 할 수 있을까, 혹은 무엇을 해야 하는가 하는 이 물음이 지금 우리가 여기서 또한번 제기해보고자 하는 것이다.

      • C. R發振器의 多目的 利用

        張鉉桂 釜山工業大學校 1969 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        Wien bridge를 이용한 소위 C.R.Oscillator는 그 제작이 간단하고 Condenser C와 Resistance R만의 결합으로 넓은 주파수 범위에 걸쳐서 안정도가 좋은 Oscillator가 된다. Electronics 측정기로서는 필수일 것이며 진동수 측정 파형, Amplifier의 성능, Impedance측정 등 광범하게 이용된다. 여기서는 과학교육을 중심으로 하는 용도에 관하여 연구하였다. (1) 음감에 의한 진동수의 대략치는 피아노음과 비교함으로서 음정의 진동수 혹은 파장측정 또한 가청 진동수가 어디까지인가? 초음파란 무엇인가? 오디오 진동수의 개인차, 공기 중에서의 음파의 감쇠도 더 나아가서 액체 중에서의 초음파의 방향성, 소리의 정상파, 간보 및 반사의 측정 등 진동에 관한 실험의 음원으로서의 이용을 연구하였다. (2) 저항과 콘덴서의 impedance 측정 및 용액의 전도도(conductivity) 측정을 생각하였다. 그래서 Bridge circuit를 구성시켜 평형점을 찾기 위하여 2단으로 증폭시켜 검출에 고가인 Ampere meter를 없애고 시중에서 쉽게 구할 수 있는 6E5(Magic eye)를 사용하였다. 사용이 간편하고 detector로서 operation이 빠른 이점이 있다. 이것을 써서 R.C 및 용액의 Conductivity를 구하였다. (3) Stroboscope로서의 역할을 하도록 시도하였다. 회전수의 측정, 모터의 Slipping, 진동체의 진동수 등 매우 중요한 용도가 있는데 여기서는 강력한 광을 내는 Stroboscope 전용의 방전관을 구할 수 없었기 때문에 염가인 Neon tube를 사용하였다. C.R.Oscillator로서 연속적으로 주파수를 바꿀 수 있기 때문에 이 출력을 네온관에 가하여 점멸시켰다. 이 광을 회전체에 비치면 같은 진동수이면 마치 정치하고 있는 것 같이 보이기 때문이다. 네온관이기 때문에 광이 약하여 어두운 곳에서 실험하지 않으면 안되지만 매우 유용한 것이었다.

      • 몸적 주체의 회복 : 에밀리 디킨슨의 '원융'개념을 중심으로 on Emily Dickinson's Circumference

        김형태,권현주 대구대학교 인문과학 예술문화연구소 2003 人文科學硏究 Vol.25 No.-

        As a woman poet, Emily Dickinson digged out her identity in a patriarchal society. With double identity as an indweller and outsider in that society, she became qualified to grasp the whole on an individual and social level. She noticed the passiveness and destructive force of the marginal resulted from excessive emphasis on symbolic order. Simple and popular chant form was used omitted and distorted with complex and abstract theme. The tension and irony between content and form was analogous with that of being. The oppression and dependence of symbolic values through a transcendental signifier was revealed. Emily Dickinson's resistance against the Master's order was complex and strategic. Her efforts can be focused on the pursuit of circumference overcoming a dichotomy of spirit and flesh. She analogized herself with 'the only Kangaroo among the Beauty'. A kangaroo was regarded as a typical poetic example as it keeps growing in its lifetime and grassed twilight, a mixture of light & darkness. As a spiral expansion process, circumference was a continuous process to grasp individual and social totality. This process was on the road to make the dejected and the flesh recover the wholeness in society. In other words, this dynamic process was the way to revive a bodily subject through disruption and reconstruction. As one circle's periphery can be an inner core or a starting point of another larger circles, circumference meant the marginal and the direction in motion at the same time.

      • 도토리澱粉 添加給食이 白鼠에 미치는 營養效果에 關한 硏究

        吳亨根,高鎭福 新羅大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        In an attempt to examine the nutritional effects of acorn starch on the growth of rats, we made four experimental rice diets: one not supplemented with acorn starch and the others which were mixed at the level of 20% with acorn starch cleared from tannin in three different ways-by being heated, by being processed in the solution of NaCl: NaHCO₃, and by being sunk in water respectively. The four groups of rats fed each of these diets are feferred to as Group S, Group A, Group B, and Group C in the order mentioned. We also controlled each diet so that the calorie should be 376∼377kcal/100g diet and the amount of protein contained 15%. While these diets being fed to male albino rats for 12 weeks, growth rate, food consumption, food efficiency ratio, protein efficiency rtio, and body composition were measured. The main results obtained through this study are summarized as follows: 1) Weight gain of Group A was the highest, and the other two groups were similar to group S(control group). 2) The food consumption was larger in Group A in the 4th and 5th weeks, and in the 7th and 8th weeks Group s consumed the larger amount. 3) Food and protein efficiency ratios of the four groups were similar through the feeding period. 4) The four groups were also similar in the weights of the liver, the kidney and the spleen. 5) The hemoglobin content and hematocrit value in the blood, total nitrogen content in the liver and the serum, and DNA and RNA contents in the liver were almost the same in all the groups. 6) The total lipid and total cholesterol contents were not significantly different among the groups. 7) HDL-cholesterol content of Group C was lower in the 4th week, and those of Group A and Group B were lower in the 8th week, and those of Group B and Group C were lower in the 12th week, compared with Group S. From all the above results, The writer thinks that acorn starch can be used for the source of food.

      • 사무엘 베켓(Samuel Beckett)의 평론과 메타드라마의 전개

        변형택 동아대학교 인문과학대학 영어영문학과 2001 동아영어영문학 Vol.17 No.-

        This thesis focuses on the ways in which Samuel Beckett embodies his authorial self-consciousness in metadramatic forms and how he develops these metadramatic characteristics through dramatic devices and language from his early criticisms to his plays. For this analysis, this study traces how Beckett reflects the interrelationship among actors, audience and author. Throughout Beckett's literary career, one obvious characteristic in which he has continuously expressed interest is his self-consciousness concerning drama itself. This self-consciousness, though only intermittently expressed, vividly works as considerations of and comments upon literary as well as artistic form in most of his plays. As is seen in his comment on James Joyce that Joyce's writings "are not about something but something itself," Beckett's self-consciousness brings about direct interaction and communication between stage and audience, and hence becomes self-reflective. Such self-reflectivity is very significant in that it is a challenge to representation, the most important dramatic principle firmly held since Aristotle. In this sense, his plays in their exploration of drama itself or the dramatic genre, take on metadramatic qualities. Since the origin of drama was in play or ritual, it is true that drama has always contained strong self-reflective elements within itself. These qualities, evident even in Shakespeare's works, however, began to disappear when they were at odds with the representational principle of realism which seeks to depict life at it is. Just as the postmodern dramatic feature is not a faithful imitation or representation of external reality, but a reflection of play itself, an intersection with other literary systems and art forms, and an interpretation of life through a drama/culture complex, so Beckett also reflects or mirrors his plays through a play-within-a-play or through a new narrative form.

      • 근대 지식인의 해외유학과 동아시아 문화교류 : 李大釗의 민주주의 사상과 신아시아주의를 중심으로

        김형열 동의대학교 인문과학연구소 2012 인간과 문화 연구 Vol.20 No.-

        李大釗는 1914년 1월 일본으로 유학을 떠났고 그 해 9월 와세다(早稻田)대학 政治本科에 입학하였다. 그는 1914년 초부터 1916년 초까지의 2년여에 걸친 일본유학을 통해서 서구사상을 거의 완전하게 습득하였고 袁世凱의 본질을 파악하게 됨과 동시에 자산계급 민주주의 사상을 완성하였다. 일본유학시기 李大釗가 ‘唯民主義’라 불렀던 일종의 민주주의 사상은 기존의 전통적 민본주의 사상이 민주주의 사상과 결합되어 근대적 민본주의 사상을 형성하게 되었음을 보여주는 것이었다. 이처럼 李大釗는 일본 유학시기에 ‘民意’를 역사와 정치의 주체로 보는 단계에까지 이를 수 있었다. 李大釗가 일본유학시기 상당한 수준까지 민주사상을 발전시킬 수 있었던 것은 당시 일본사회의 상황 및 중국유학생계의 동향이 일정한 영향을 주었다고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 상황 속에서 李大釗는 민주주의와 입헌주의 그리고 민중과 군중운동에 대한 정치적 의식을 발전시키게 되었으며, 훗날 공산주의자로 변모하게 된 후에도 늘 취하고 있었던 정치사상에 대한 유동적이고 역동적인 자세를 지니게 될 수 있었다. 바로 이 점에서 일본이라는 정치, 문화 환경이 李大釗 사상의 전환과정에서 담당한 역할에 대해 긍정적인 평가를 내려 볼 수 있을 것이다. 한편 李大釗는 일본의 ‘대아시아주의’에 대해 그것이 ‘침략주의’, ‘제국주의’, ‘군국주의’의 다른 이름이라고 비판하면서 이에 대항하는 ‘신아시아주의’를 주창하였다. 그는 신아시아주의를 통해서 아시아의 약소국과 약소민족이 먼저 연합하여 대연합을 달성하고, 피압박민족의 대연합을 통해 식민주의적인 일본의 대아시아주의를 파괴하며, 결국에 가서는 세계의 모든 민족이 연합하는 세계 조직에 가입하여 세계 연방을 달성하여야 한다고 제시하였다. 이처럼 李大釗는 그가 유학을 통해 서양의 근대문명과 사상을 받아들인 일본에 대해서 민족주의적 관점에서 그들이 걷고 있는 길이 옳은 길이 아님을 일깨워 주고자 하였고, 민족해방과 민족 공조 그리고 세계 민족의 공영이라는 관점에서 아시아 연합과 세계 연합을 이루어 내고자 하였다. Li Da-zhao was one of progressive intellectuals who has introduced Marxism to China during May Fourth Movement. He tried to establish new China, and finally his effort drove China to accept Marxism in Chinese style. He was educated in traditional Confucianism from childhood to adolescents, when is important era to make his personality. And he had studied 'constitutional democracy' systematically since he was 18 at Bei-yang(北洋) Law College. When he was studying in Japan, he could attain the thoughts of western philosophers and thinkers of politics in the atmosphere of Japanese constitutional movement. Therefore these educational background seemed to be environmental facts to explain characteristics of his democratic idea based on 'traditional democracy'(民本主義). He built up early traditional democratic idea as well as pursued democracy not with revolution but with harmony in the western constitutional system. So his 'Wei-min zhuyi'(唯民主義) which is based on western Democracy was joined together with Chinese traditional thoughts and was presented by unique 'Min-yi'(民彝). After Studying in Japan, Li Da-zhao accepted socialism which stayed at the level of utopianism. But He strongly opposed 'Pan-Asianism' that several intellectuals in Japan insisted at that time. And he advocated 'New-Asianism' that insist alliance of weaker nations and resistance to 'Pan-Asianism'. Eventually he proposed world alliance in that allied weaker nations tried to join. In terms of nation he tried to correct the ways of Japan's foreign policy, even if he accepted modern political thought during his stay in Japan. And he wanted to make Asian and world people unite with the vision of co-prosperity of mankind.

      • KCI등재
      • 開發途上國에 있어서의 多國籍企業에 관한 硏究

        朴炯昊 全南大學校企業經營硏究所 1974 産業經濟硏究 Vol.1 No.1

        The term “Multinational Coporation, ”a product of the 20th century, has been popularized in recent years, but that type of enterprise was already begun in the 1870s. In general, the developing countries want to develop their economy, but they are lacking in capital, technology, management skills, etc. On the other hand, the MC seeks for the maximization of profits with sufficient capital, advanced technology and management skills. Under the circumstances, the DCs and the MC can help each other for the mutual advantages. If so, the MC is bound to transfer its capital, technology, and management skills to the DCs and helps to make them develop the undeveloped economy. The MC engages in various international activities and operates plant in a number of countries with different political, economic, and cultural environments; it has a substantial financial commitment overseas and derives considerable profits from this business; and it has a worldwide perspective in marketing, investments, and other opportunies. It is natural that the investment effects of the MC should depend on the policies of host country and, in the end, upon all the negotiation abilities of both sides. Taking into consideration the investment motives and the nature of capital, the disadvantages of the MC on the DCs may be inevitable. Nevertheless, the host country should try to take measures in order to reduce those harms as far as possible. The first thing to be considered is to fortify its ability to absorb the foreign direct investment. And then, the MC ought to be advised to take self-restriction. In case this self-control is not effective, the host country can take the following restrictions; the determination of specific investment scope and definite investment ratios, management participation, the adoption of shrinking tariff system and “Calvo” clause, and so forth. Thirdly,, it is quite desirable that the host country makes an agreement, like GATT or IMF, with the investing country on a national basis. The agreement is related to the restriction of the MC activities which might hurt the economic and political sovereignty of the host country. In addition, we can consider the transnational international institution. But, in the near future, it seems to be difficult to expect its establishment. That is the reason why the world economy has not yet become a perfect economic community and each nation-state has not yet developed into a simple international nation institution. Those various restrictions might make the MC inactive temporarily and, in the long run, it will play the greater part in the world economy and, especially, in the DCs owing to its necessity and growth tendency. The MC will ultimately evolve into the “Transnational Enterprise” and, futhermore, the 21th century will be called “the century of the MC.”

      • 외국어교육에서 문법·번역식 교수법

        선형성 광주보건대학 1990 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        This Study is designed to delve in an effective was of application of the Grammar-Translation Method in teaching foreign language in Korea with analizing and considering its own merits and weak points. English teachers had chiefly depended on Grammar-Translation Method for a long time in teaching English in Korea. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the way of application of the Grammar-Translation Method. The researches into Grammar-Translation Mothod, Direct Method, Audio-lingual Method, and Cognitive Code Learning Method showed that different methods resulted in different effect in learning language skills. Among others, Grammar-Translation Mothod was tmore effective in teaching for reading and writing, Audiolingual Method for listening and speaking. Thus, in spite of weak point of spoken language skills, the Grammar-Translation Mothod seems to have many practical merits. And the Grammar-Translation Mothod should be supplemented with the other methods like Audio-lingual Method. In addition, deductive explanation of grammar and practice in translation are not just interfering factors, but also can be beneficial factors in learning a foreign language.

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