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      • KCI등재후보

        예술 창작과 선(禪)

        김현숙 ( Hyeon Suk Kim ) 한국영상미디어협회 2015 예술과 미디어 Vol.14 No.1

        우리는 선(禪)이란 단어를 흔히 사용하고 그 개념을 어렴풋이 느낌으로 알고 있다. 하지만 선을 정확하게 이해하고 한마디로 표현하는 것은 쉽지 않다. 선에 관해 공부한 사람이라 할지라도 선 사상의 역사와 정신에 대한 질문에 대답은 할 수 있지만, 선을 한마디 말로 정의 하기는 쉽지 않을 것이다. 왜냐하면 선은 스스로의 체험에 의한 깨우침이기 때문이다. 더욱이 불교에서는 ``문자를 앞세우지 않는다`` 라는 뜻의 불입문자(不立文字)를 논하고 있으며, 선이 ``말로 표현이 될 때,그것은 이미 선이 아니다`` 라고 한다. 우리가 명상을 통해 알수 있는 선(禪)은 무엇이며, 명상이란 무엇인가? 명상이란 생각이 멈추거나, 생각하지 않고 있을 때시작된다고 하는데, 언제나 끊임없이 모든 것에 생각을 하며 살고 있는 우리에게, 생각을 멈추라는 말에 의문을 갖게 된다. 서양에서는 선(禪)의 뜻을 명상(meditation)으로 번역하고, 일본식 발음을 따라 젠(zen)으로 사용하고 있다. 또한 선은 종교적인 의미보다는 철학적인 의미로 해석되며, 프랑스의 일상 생활 속에서, ``soyez zen(쑤와이에 젠)``은 ``침착해라``라는 뜻으로 사용된다. 철학적인 의미에서, 명상과 선이 예술 작품과 어떠한 관계가 있는지 알아보기 위해, 선의 의미와 그 선의 근원인 디아나(dhyana)를 구성하고 있는 삼매, 사마타(samatha)와 비파샤나(vipasyana)의 의미를 살펴본다. 우리를 편안하고 고요하게 해주며, 생각을 잠시 멈추게도 해주는 제임스 튀렐(James Turrell)의 작품, <몰입(Mol-Ip)>과 김현숙의 작품, <고요(Calm)>에서 우리는 사마타의 의미를 살펴보고, 수행하는 사람들이나 내면의 세계를 연상시키는 Giusseppe Penone의 작품, <베르사이유의 삼나무(Versailles di Cedre)>에서 비파샤나의 의미를 해석해 본다. 또한 명상하는 사람들을 연상케하는 필립 라메트(Philippe Ramette)의 작품, <비이성적인 관조(Comtemplation irrationnelle)>에서는 선(禪)과 예술 작품, 그리고 명상과 예술 행위와의 연관성에 대해 생각해 본다. 선(禪) 사상처럼 말로 표현되지 않는 여러 쟝르의 예술 작품들은 우리에게 다양한 의미를 전한다. 때로는 작품의 의미들은 선 사상이 전수되었던 방식처럼 마음과 마음을 통해 (이심전심 以心傳心) 그 의미가 전달 되기도 하고, 이해할 수 없는 선사들의 선문답이나, 혹은 달을 가리키는 부처님의 검지를 바라보는 것 처럼,우리의 생각보다 훨씬 앞서 가는 작가의 의도를 우리가 알아채지 못할 때도 있다. 선은 명상을 통한 스스로에 대한 공부이며, 매 순간마다 새로움을 인식하는 것이다. 그래서 예술가들이 개인적으로 불교의 영향을 받지 않았다 하더라도, 그들의 작품이 현실 자체, 있는 그대로의 실체를 바라 볼 줄 아는 현명함을 담고 있다면, 그 예술 작품들은 선 사상과 비교될 수 있다. 더욱이 디아나(dhyana)의 의미처럼, 묵상과 몰입 속에서 이뤄지는 작품 제작과 순간적인 직감에 의한 예술창작 행위는 어딘가 선 사상과 닮아있다. We usually use the word Zen (禪) and we know vaguely about the sens, but it is not easy to accurately describe in short words to express the sense of Zen. Even we study of the Zen, be able to answerthe history and spirit of Zen, but it will not be easy to define the thought of Zen in simple words. Because the Zen is enlighten by our own experience. Moreover Buddhist saying 불입문자 burip munja (不 立文字) which means ``the word can``t precede the Zen`` and also they say ``when Zen represents by words, it``s not already Zen``. What is Zen through we know by meditation, and what is meditation? Thismeditation is thinking stops, starts when you are stops or not thinking. We will have a question about stops thinking, because we live in a constant thinking status about all of the things. In the West, the meaning of Zen is translated meditation, and used as Zen according to the Japanese pronunciation. Also Zen interprets a philosophical sense rather than a religious significance. In daily life in French, ``soyez Zen (be Zen)`` is used to mean ``calm down``. In a philosophical sense, to learn whether there is any relationship with a work of art and Zen, meditation, we search the meaning of Zen and the origin (source) of Dhyana, and we are explored a signification of configure the Dhyana that Samatha and Vipasyana. We look at the meaning of the Samatha in the works, Calm of Hyeon-Suk Kim and Light leading of James Turrell that makes us comfortable, quiet and also stopping to think. And we interpret the meaning of Vipasyana in the works Versailles di Cedre of Giusseppe Penone that evoke inner word, and Also we think about the relationship between the Zen and artworks, the meditation practices and the acts of the artists, in the works Comtemplation irrationnelle of Philippe Ramette that reminds those who meditate and perform. Like Zen, diverse genres of artworks which does not express in words, propose a variety of signification to us. Sometimes, the meaning of artworks allows to deliver us the way of transmission of Zen, through 이심전심 isim junsim (以心傳心heart to heart, mind and mind). And sometimes, such as the baffling dialogue of Zen Master, or such as looking at the index finger of Buddha pointing to the moon, we are also unable to perceive the intentions of the artists, because their thoughts go too far ahead than our thought. The Zen is studied for themselves through meditation, to recognize the now, at the moment and newness of each moment. So even if artists were not affected personally by the Buddhism, if their works contains a wise mind that know to look at the reality and reality as they are, artworks can be compared to Zen. Moreover, as significance of Dhyana, artistic creations that are produced through contemplation, and concentration, and, act of creation artistic by momentary intuition are similar somewhere to a Zen.

      • KCI등재후보

        교과별 지식이론을 통한 교과교육 이론화 방안의 서설적 연구

        강현석 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교육과학연구소 2004 교육과학연구 Vol.35 No.2

        In a literary sense, subject matter education refers to teach a subject. The very act of teaching a subject matter includes a variety of factors related learners, society, and knowledge. Among these forces, Much attention have given to knowledge, especially the nature of knowledge. The study on subject matter education has had a tendency to deal with the status of subject matter education by objectives model approach originated by Tyler. This approach has many limitations to establish the inherent subject matter education. Now it is time to reconceptualize subject matter education on the basis of new conception. In the line of problem posing about the rethinking subject matter education, we focus on the act of theorizing subject matter education on the basis of theory of knowledge about the subject matter(TKS). Recently the discussion of the TKS have raised by multiple fields and numerous researchers. According to those who suggest merit of the TKS, the way of understanding and development of subject matter education should be integrated into the nature of knowledge which a subject matter teach. This study is to preliminary examine the theoretical possibility of subject matter education and to suggest the structure of it. According to research findings, the TKS includes two underlying theory, educational epistemology and disciplinary theory of knowledge. The former focuses on the nature of knowledge which is uncovered by pedagogical event-acquiring and transmitting a knowledge, the latter focuses on the structure of a subject matter by disciplinary epistemology. These two theories give valid ground to the process of education as teaching and learning a subject matter. We can construct the status and theoretical possibility of subject matter education in the line of educational and disciplinary epistemology to overcome the limits of general approach led by objective model, In the future, TKS in context of subject matter education plays the role of critical theorizing and practising the act of teaching a subject matter, and guides a teaching-learning situation in classroom. 본 연구는 기존의 교과교육에 대한 문제와 한계를 밝히고, 기존의 일반론적 접근의 문제를 극복하기 위하여 교과별 지식이론을 통한 교과교육의 이론화 방안을 서설적으로 탐구한 것이다. 교과별 지식이론을 통하여 기존의 전통적인 철학적 인식론에 대한 경도된 논의와 학문 분야별 인식론을 재인식함으로써 전문적이고 특성화된 교과교육에 대한 가능성을 제시하고자 하였다. 과거 일반적 인식론의 문제와 교과 구조에 대한 확장된 입장에 주목하여 교과교육을 새롭게 이론화 할 수 있는 교과별 지식이론을 논의하고, 거기에 기초한 교과교육론의 구성 방향과 체계를 간략하게 제시하고 있다. 향후 교과교윽에 대한 논의와 학문적 구체화의 방향은 교과의 학문적 인식론의 입장과 교육인식론의 구체화를 통해 상당 부분 체계화 될 것으로 기대된다. 그러므로 교과교육의 문제는 이러한 이론적 논의와 현장 실천의 문제가 연계되어야 하는 숙제를 안고 있다.

      • Sertraline이 Bleeding Time에 미치는 영향

        박현숙,장기용,김은남,강병조 대한생물치료정신의학회 1998 생물치료정신의학 Vol.4 No.2

        본 연구는 선택적 세로토닌 재흡수 억제제(SSRIs), 특히 sertraline이 출혈 시간에 미치는 영향을 알아봄으로써 선택적 세로토닌 재흡수 억제제의 안전성과 혈액학적 부작용 측면을 평가하고자 하였다. 선택적 세로토닌 재흡수 억제제의 치료적 적응증에 해당하는 95명의 환자를 무작위 할당으로 sertraline 50mg 투여군, sertraline 200mg, 투여군, nortriptyline100mg 투여군, 위약(thiamine 100mg) 투여군으로 분류하여 정해진 양을 4주간 투여한 후 출혈 시간을 약물 투여 전, 약물 투여 2주 후, 약물 투여 4주 후의 3회에 걸쳐서 측정하였다. 95명의 환자 중 78명이 실험을 마쳤다. Sertraline 50mg 투여군에서 실험 전과 비교하였을 때 시간에 따르는 출혈 시간의 증가가 있었다. 다른 군에서는 실험 전과 실험 2주 후, 4주 후의 출혈 시간을 비교하였을 때 시간에 따르는 출혈 시간의 증가가 없었다. 연구 기간 동안 지혈 이상을 보인 환자는 없었다. 결론적으로 Sertraline 투여 초기에 정상 범위 내에서 출혈 시간의 증가가 있었다. Objective : This study was designed to assess the safety and hematological complications of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs) by examining the effect of sertraline on bleeding time. Method : Ninety five patients included in therapeutic indications of SSRIs were divided into sertraline 50mg, sertraline 200mg, nortriptyline 100mg, placebo(thiamine 100mg) groups. Bleeding time was measured at baseline, and repeated 2 and 4 weeks after the initiation of treatment with sertraline, nortriptyline and placebo 78 patients completed the study protocol. Result : Bleeding time was prolonged within normal range after 2 and 4 weeks of treatment in sertraline 50mg administration group. Bleeding time was not prolonged in the other groups. No patient developed clinical signs of abnormal hemostasis during the study period. Conclusion : Bleeding time was prolonged within normal range at initial period of treatment with sertraline.

      • 濟州地域 女大生의 吸煙行態 및 保健意識에 關한 調査硏究

        金賢淑 제주한라대학 1989 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        The purpose of this study was attempted to analyze and evaluate smoking behavior and knowledge among the college women studens in Cheju. In order to achieve this set-goals, questionaires were finally supplied to a total 357 case of 3 colleges and 1 university from Dec. 5, 1989 to Dec. 15, 1989. The results were as follows : 1) The habitual smokers were 5.6%, ex-smokers were 7.8%, and non-smokers were 86.6%. 2) For the analysis of personal identifying datatum, the rate of habitual smokers increased among the groups lower socio-economic status student, first child out of family, student with history of father only loss, student out of parent care. 3) Relationship of smoking to knowledge on life span, fetus, menopause uterin cervix, brain activity, disease-incidence, pregnancy : a) The degree of general knowledge of non smokers about the smoking and health was higher than that of smokers. b) The degree of general knowledge of nursing college students about the health and smoking was higher than that of general college students. 4) The sources of information about anti-smoking were mainly massmedia (59.2%), and school teaching from nursing college (38.4%) and from general colleges (8.6%). 5) Relationship between smoking behavior and drinking pattern: The higher the proportion of habitual smokers, the more drinking of alcohol. 6) Most of them (78.3%) began smoking after enterance into colleges or university. 7) The motivation of first smoking was dissolution of psychological frustration (46.7%), curiosity (33.3%). 8) Daily amount of smoking revealed below 5 cigarettes in 81.8%, while above 15 to 20 cigarettes in zero %. Eventually, all of them were light smokers. 9) The majority of them (72.1%) had smoked whenever they felt drive for psychological anxiety, and some of them had smoked when they felt drive to smoke (14.0%) 10) They smoked mainly in cafe or entertaining place (32%), circle room (16%), own private room (20%). 11) The fact that they were smokers was secret (14.6%), but the fact was open in 4.9%, while some of their intimate friends were known in 65.9%. 12) Many of smokers (63.4%) wanted to stop smoking in some days because of the harzardous effect on health of cigarette smoking. 13) Only 26.83% women had intention to give up smoking after marriage. 14) They felt physical discomfort (88.2%) due to smoking and women who felt respiratory discomfort were 41.2%. 15) A half of them (50.0%) had smoked an entire fill of cigarette, and some of them (47.5%) had a deep smoking habit. 16) Thy had other women smokers among their family (30.0%) and among their girl friends (89.9%).

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 성 경험에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석

        김현숙 韓國學校保健學會 1999 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.12 No.2

        The purpose of this study is analyze the factors which influence the college student sex behavior. The results can be used as the basis to establish health polices and a health promotion program to reduce the risks of sexual behavior of college students. The study subjects were random selected from college students in Kyonggido. The 335 subjects were selected from 4 schools including three colleges and one university. The self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 350 students, 335 of which were analyzed (after excluding the 15 incomplete or inaccurate data). The study took place between December 7-19,1998. Regarding the analysis method, the SPSS program was used. The relationship between social and demographic characteristics and relevant factors was identified through Chi-squared test. The major findings of the study were follows: 1. Of the 335 respondents, thirty seven percent of men and ten percent of women had already experienced sexual intercourse. Significantly more males had experienced sexual experience than women. The majority of students, living with both their parents had less sexually experience than that living without their parents. There were religious differences, that students. Students who reported drinking alcohol frequently had more sexual experience than those who did'nt and it was statistically significant(x2=47.6 df=4 p=0.000). 2. Sexual awareness was relatively low. High level group of sex knowledge were less sexual experience than middle or low level group(x2=6.038 df=2 p=0.049). Women were more sexually aware than men(x2=20.814 df=2 p=0.000). Groups who had sisters and brothers were more sexually aware than those who few sisters and brothers. 3. Sixty one percent of respondents said that chastity before marriage should be kept but twenty four percent of them felt that it was unnecessary. Opponents to chastity before marriage had more sex experience than those for. It was statistically significant (x2=48.967 df=2 p=0.000). Those who agreed with the questionnaire point 'Even if people are not married, if they love each other, they can have sexual intercourse.' had more sexual intercourse than those who did'nt agree. Those who agreed with the questionnaire point Even though people does'nt like, they can still have sexual intercourse. had more sexual intercourse than those who disagree. On this point, men were three times higher of the opinion than women. So we can see the difference in the perception between men and women. As a result of this study, sexual awareness influences sexual attitudes and sexual attitudes influence sexual behavior too. Also, one of the risks of sexual activity includes poor knowledge and uniformed attitudes about sex. Therefore sex education is needed and it is very important to reestablish concepts about sex.

      • 유아교육실습 지도교사 교육프로그램 개발 연구

        윤기영,정현숙,류칠선 서원대학교 교육연구소 2001 敎育發展 Vol.20 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develop a in-service teacher education program for student teaching in early childhood education center in order to reinforce student teacher's educational role for improving their student teaching. In this paper, the sample consisted of 20 early childhood professionals who have experienced at least 3 years in students teaching program. The survey was administered using the Delphi method. The study explored the objectives, contents, administration and method, and evaluation of the developed program. We also attempt to outline the present conditions and problems on student teaching in early childhood education center. As a conclusion, the program have to assist the able kindergarten teacher for understanding student teacher correctly, to consist and administrate a practicum program with systematic support.

      • Ethionine의 시간투여로 인한 Rat의 간과 신장의 지질과산화와 지질량의 변화 연구

        김은석,김현아,이주연,이주현,한정희 曉星女子大學校 藥學大學 學生會 1990 曉星藥誌 Vol.5 No.-

        The present studies were undertaken to evaluate the effect of Schedule administration of ethionine on the change of lipid peroxidation, total lipid, phospholipid, total cholesterol, and triglycerides of liver and kidney in male rats. The result obtained were summarized as follows ; 1) Hepatic and renal lipid peroxidation were significantly increased 18hr and 24hr after ethionine I.P. injecion. The change of hepatic and renal lipid peroxidation was maximal 18hr after ethionine I.P. injection. 2) Hepatic total lipid and triglycerides were significantly increased 12hr, 18hr, and 24hr after ethionine I.P. injection. The accumulation of total lipid and triglycerides was maximal 18hr after ethionine I.P. injection.

      • 한국 여자 전통 혼례복식에 나타난 미적 감성에 관한 연구

        양현주,권영숙 복식문화학회 2001 服飾文化硏究 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to determine aesthetical characteristics of the Korean traditional wedding dress for women by analyzing such dresses' aesthetical senses. For the purpose, the study showed four types of the dress, jukyee, whalot, weonsam and private weonsam and their photographed stimuli to subjects and then obtained data using the seven scale measures of meaning differentiation consisting of 25 pairs of adjective words. Results of the study are described as follows ; Aesthetical senses shown in the Korean traditional dressing dress for women included six factors in total, among which attractiveness was found as the main factor, followed by chastity, For the four types of the dress, whatnot adpated revelation as its main factor while the remaining three types, or jukyee, weonsam and private weonsam were found having dignity as their main factors. adjective words which largely accounted for aesthetical senses included uncomfottable, wart, chaste, intellectual, bright unique, regular, luxurious, classical, ornamental and beautiful, suggesting that the Korean traditional wedding dress fur women is somewhat unfunctional, but high in attractiveness and aesthetic beauty and has a better classical harmonization of dignity and revelation. Aesthetical senses were most different according to nationality(Korea and Japan) when they were analyzed in terms of nationality, Ponder and whether of specialization or non-specialization. Japanese people had unique and interesting senses while Korean people, chaste, calm and delicate aesthetical senses. According to gender, men revealed free senses and women, classical ones. According whether of specialization or non-specialization, those who specialized in a related field had more unique, straights regular, luxurious and interesting aesthetical senses than those who did not specialize.

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