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      • Determination of Acyl-lysophosphatidic Acid in Plasma by Tandem Mass Spectrometry

        Yoon, Hye-Ran 덕성여자대학교 약학연구소 2005 藥學論文誌 Vol.16 No.1

        Analysis of acyl lysophosphatidic acids(LPAs) has clinical importance as a potential biomarker for ovarian and other gynecological cancers or obesity in the aspect of prevention. Here we report simple sample preparation and analytical method developed with high sensitivity and specificity for the early detection of gynecological cancers to improve the overall outcome of this disease. We established a novel quantification method of acyl-LPAs in plasma by electrospray negative ionization tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS) using multiple reaction monitoring mode without conventional TLC step. Protein-bound lipids, acyl-LPAs in plasma were extracted with methanol : chloroform (2:1) containing LPA C14:0 as internal standard under acidic condition. Following back extraction with chloroform and water, centrifuged lower phase was evaporated and reconstituted in methanol and then analyzed. Using ESI-MS-MS with negative ionization MRM mode, all the species of LPAs were completely separated from plasma matrix without severe interferences. For MRM mode, Q1 ions selected were m/z 409, 433, 435, 437 and 457 which corresponds to molecular mass [M-H]- of C16:0, C18:2, C18:1, C18:0 and C20:3 LPA, respectively. Q2 ions selected for MRM was m/z 79, phosphoryl product. Using MS/MS with MRM mode, all the species of LPAa were completely separated from plasma matrix without severe interferences. This method allowed simultaneous detection and quantification of different species of LPAs in a plasma over a linear dynamic range of 0.01 - 25 (mol/L. The method detection limit was 0.3 pmol/ml with correlation coefficient of 0.9983 in most LPAs analyzed. When applied to the plasmas with normal and gynecological cancer patient, this new method differentiated two different groups by way of total LPA level.

      • KCI등재후보

        枕肱 한시에 나타난 「수행의 반려자」로서의 달

        정혜란 한국고시가문학회 2005 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.15

        Chimgweng was a Buddhist priest. He lived in the 17th century. He wrote 119 poems, 4 libretto, and 27 writings. This study is on his chinese poems, especially the image of the moon appears in his chines poems. Chimgweng's chinese poem is buddhist literature and has buddhistic color, but it is beautiful as a lyric poem. The moon appears forty-seven times in his poems. The moon, in his chines poems, comes out as a varied appearance and comes in sight in the evening, sometimes in the midnight, sometimes early in the morning. This study aims to make a study of the image of the moon, appeared in the his poems. Chimgweng train himself Zen. Therefore he stayed at a small room in temple or a valley alone. There was no person around him. He has no teather. He has no friend. He felt lonely and sad. Sometimes he met his friends, but had to go back to the temple soon. Separation from his friends made him sad. Or he was loath to part greatly grieved over the death of his friends. At the moment the moon consoled him. Chimgweng wrote a poem about this moon. In conclusion, the moon which appears in Chimgweng's chinese poems has a image of a teather, or a companion, or a friend.

      • KCI등재

        대리모계약규정을 위한 법률안의 제안

        윤혜란 숭실대학교 법학연구소 2006 法學論叢 Vol.16 No.-

        현대사회는 생명공학의 발달로 인공수정에 의하여 선천적 이유에서나, 후천적인 이유에 의하여 부부의 일방 또는 쌍방에 불임의 원인이 있으면 불가능 하였던 임신이 가능하게 되었다. 또한 능력 있는 미혼의 여성이나, 남편을 잃은 미망인 등 일반적으로 임신 할 수 없는 사람들도 아이를 원한다면 임신이 가능하여 출산할 수 있게 되었다. 인공수정의 방법 중 대리모에 의한 경우 각 나라들은 인간의 존엄과 사회질서를 파괴시킬 수 있다고 하여 불법으로 간주하고 엄격히 금해 왔지만, 불임 부부 등의 증가와 변화하는 가족관계 등의 영향으로 각 나라들은 사회적·윤리적·종교적 실정을 고려하여 법률로 규정 하고 있다. 우리의 경우 대리모에 관하여 명문의 규정도 없으며 민법 제103조의 선량한 풍속 기타 사회질서에 위반함을 이유로 대리모를 인정하지 않고 있다. 대리모 문제는 가족의 형태가 점차 혈연주의를 탈피하고 새로운 가족형태로 변화하고 있는 시점에서 혈연주의를 유지시키기 위한 시대에 역행하는 문제라는 비판이 될 수 있겠다. 하지만, 대리모를 부정한다는 것은 혈연관계를 중요하게 생각하는 우리나라의 경우 자녀를 얻기 위한 종족보존의 욕망을 지나치게 제한하는 것이라고 볼 수 있으며 불법행위를 조장하게 되는 문제를 내포하고 있는 것이다. 사회적 문화적으로 많은 변화를 거듭하고 있는 현실에서 국가가 불임부부들에게 대리모를 찾는 것을 민법 제103조 등에 의하여 무효로 보아 금지할 것이 아니라 대리모와 의뢰부부, 이미 출생한 자, 현재도 출생하고 있는 자, 출생을 앞둔 자들의 법률적 지위를 보호하기 위하여 법률을 제정해야 한다. With the development of bio-engineering in modern society, artificial insemination now makes pregnancy possible when one or both members of a couple are not fertile due to inborn or postnatal reasons. Also, single women or widows can now give birth to a child through this process. Depending on the body of the woman who is to be artificially inseminated, it can be grouped as inner artificial insemination, outer artificial insemination and surrogate mothers. Inner artificial insemination is when sperm is inserted into the woman's body, while outer artificial insemination is when the sperm and egg are inseminated inside a lab and then entered into the woman's body. Surrogate mothers are used when women who wish for a child, but cannot be pregnant through both inner and outer insemination methods, agrees with a surrogate mother to carry and give birth to the woman's child on their behalf. Though there are no problems with artificial insemination between couples, there are legal problems for non-couple artificial insemination. Moreover, there are particularly more problems when a surrogate mother is involved. Nations, according to their development of bio-engineering, have made legislations for artificial insemination depending on their social, religious, and ethical framework. However, in Korea there is still only the civil law article 844 on legitimacy of a child and legal custody that legislates this issue. According to the legality of child laws on artificial insemination and legal custody of them, Korea's judicial precedents of civil law article 844 have approved of it with no limitations, but in the 1980's it was recognized to be limited. However, the recent trends of judicial precedents have been recognizing blood relationships in a limited manner, and brings up the question of whether one's own profits are unconsidered and whether it prefers blood relationships, which is a retrograde step to practices of older times. In the case of surrogate mother agreements, most nations strictly forbid it as illegal because it can destroy people's dignity and social order. However, with evidence of infertility of a couple, and due to changing family relationships, surrogate mother agreements have been legally allowed to fit the social, ethical, and religious circumstances of that nation. Unfortunately, there are no related legislations as such in Korea. At a point when we are emerging from the importance of blood relationships, surrogate mother agreements can be following suit to a modern, but wrongful practice. However, denying surrogate mothers can be another way to make concubines, which was practiced in our history that placed great importance on blood relationships, evil and therefore should be approved in a limited manner.

      • KCI등재후보

        전공의들의 직업적 유해인자 및 직업만족도

        송혜란,김진하,변주현,이광영,이덕희,김호찬 大韓産業醫學會 2003 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        목적: 전공의는 여러 유해인자에 노출되어지고 있으며 과중한 업무로 인한 수면 부족에 시달리고 있다. 본 연구는 전공의의 건강상태의 기초 자료를 제공하고 향후개선 방안을 도출하기 위하여 시행하였다. 방법: 연구대상은 2000년 3사관학교와 국군군의학교에 입소한 전체 1,316명 중 전공의 수련과정 없이 입대한 의사와 치과의사, 한의사를 제외한 881명을 대상으로 설문지를 배포하여 784부(회수율: 89.0%)를 회수하고 이중 분석이 가능한 704(79.9%)명의 자료를 최종 분석하였다. 결과: 월평균 당진횟수는 레지던트 1년차에서 19회 정도이었다. 당직 시 평균 수면시간은 레지던트 1년차에서 4시간미만 이었다. 수련기간 동안 전공의의 20%이상에서 방사선, 레이저, 살균소독제, 마취가스, 항암제에 노출되었으며 예방대책은 방사선과 레이저의 노출의 경우 35%정도를 제외하고는 10%내외로 조사되었다. 연구대상자중 91.1%에서 수련기간 동안 주사침이나 시술에 의해 손상을 입었으며 그 중 본인이 감염된 경우는 HBV 2.3%(4명), HCV 0.6%(1명)으로 조사되었다. 응답자의 28.4%에서 자신의 직업에 불만족 하였으며 96.5%가 과중한 업무부담을 느꼈고 69.5%가 동일한 임금수준에서 직업을 바꾸고자 한다고 응답하였다. 결론: 전공의는 수련기간 동안 물리적, 화학적, 생물학적 유해인자에 노출되고 있었으나 이에 대한 보호나 예방대책은 거의이루어지지 않고 있었으며 과중한 업무부담으로 수면부족을 초래하여 가장 중요한 환자 진료에 지장을 받고 있었다. 수련기간 동안 대다수가 의사로서 직업에 대한 흥미를 가지고 있었으나 업무부담과 진료이외의 업무 등으로 소득과 조건이 비슷하다면 다른 직업을 선택하고자 하였다. 이상의 결과를 토대로 전공의들을 위한 유해인자의 보호대책 및 예방대책을 마련하며 과중예방대책이 마련되어야 하고 업무환경개선 및 업무로 인한 건강장해에 대한 정당한 보상이 향후에 마련되어야 할 것이다. Objects: Residents are exposed to various hazards and harassed by sleep dificiency due to overwork. This study was performed to outline the health condition of residents and develop the ways of improving it. Mehtods: A questionnaire was distributed to 881 army doctors who enrolled at the Korea Third Military Academy and The Armed force Health Service School in 2000 with the exception of medical doctors who joined the armed service without going through intern and resident periods, dental and oriental medical doctors. 784(89.0%) of the 881 questionnaires were resident of which 704 cases (79.9%). This should actually be 89.0% were regarded for analyses as being reliable data. Results: More than 20% of residents were exposed to radiation, laser, disinfectants, anesthetic gas, and anticancer drugs during their training periods with preventive neasures for each of these hazards taken in about 10% of the cases of the lesser hazards but in about 35% for the hazards from radiation and laser. 91.1% of residents had experience of needlestick injuries during theirtraining periods with over 36.3% being exposed to patients with infection during that time. The cases contracting HBV and HCV diseases due to pricking are 2.3% and 0.6% respectively. The average number of night duties per month during a one-year resident's period was about 10. The average sleeping time on duty during a one-year residents was less than 4 hours. 28.4% of respondents were not satisfied with their occupation, 96.5% delt tired from overwork and 69.5% wanted to change their occupation to another that would pay the same salary. Conclusion: Residents are exposed to harmful physical, chemical and biological factors, but the preventive care seldom undertaken. In addition, their overwork brings about lack of sleep which causes them problems when giving medical treatment to patients during their training periods. Despite the resident's interest in an occupation as a doctor, many intend to select other occupations if they can receive the same salary. According to the above results, preventative systems and measures should be prepared with environmental improvements for residents, and proper rewards for their overwork should be accomplished

      • 한국 공공도서관 재정의 역사적 고찰

        서혜란 新羅大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.34 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate and evaluate the financial policies of public libraries in Korea historically. The movement of public library establishment by the patriotic intellectuals with their own private endowment in the end of 19th century was all in vain with the Japanese annexation of Korea. National and local finances in straits, lack of understanding of the public library and defects of the Library Act of 1963 made the public libraries in the Republic of Korea suffer from the limited budgets. Library Act of 1963 was amended in 1987. The revised act obliged municipalities to have a public library for the first time. It was not until the amendment that the general account of the local finance was stipulated as revenue sources for the public libraries. But charging for the admission of public library was sanctioned under the pretext of difficulties of public finance. Library Promotion Act which substituted Library Act of 1987 prohibited the admission charges as of January 1, 1992. Government grants did not make great contribution to the development of public library services. And we can be so optimistic about the success of the grants planning. Public libraries in Korea, despite of some improvements, have failed to secure the stable revenue sources. They constantly find themselves suffering the effects of cutbacks in budgets. So a new and positive strategic planning is in need for more prosperous future.

      • 교내 매점 유무에 따른 고등학생의 간식섭취행동

        이혜란, 김민지, 현태선 충북대학교 생활과학연구소 2013 생활과학연구논총 Vol.17 No.2

        This study was carried out to investigate snacking behaviors among high school students according to the presence of a school snack shop and gender. Questionnaires were distributed to 280 students in two schools with snack shop and two schools without snack shop. The data of 257 students were analyzed using SPSS program (version 17.0). Students in schools with snack shop had meals significantly less frequently as well as breakfast, and snack more frequently than those in schools without snack shop. While 47.4% of the students in schools with snack shop had snack in the morning, 58.4% of the students in schools without snack shop had snack after 6 in the evening. When snack intake behavior outside the school was compared according to the presence of snack shop, frequency of snack purchase outside the school was significantly higher in schools without snack shop. When frequency and kind of snack intake in schools with or without snack shop were compared, frozen dessert showed the highest intake frequency inside and outside the schools in schools with snack shop, while milk and dairy products showed the highest frequency outside the schools in schools without snack shop. The results show that eating behavior including meals and snack were different between the students in schools with and without snack shop. Healthy eating habits should be guided through nutrition education about proper snack selection and moderate intake of snack.

      • KCI등재

        대학종합평가인정제 실시에 따른 대학도서관의 평가에 관한 연구

        서혜란 한국문헌정보학회 1996 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        현행 대학종합평가인정제의 실시배경과 목적, 평가절차, 평가영역 및 부문별 가중치를 개관하였다. 대학교육협의회에서 설정한 대학종합평가 기준 가운데 대학도서관에 관련된 평가항목 및 가중치, 평가지표를 분석하고 문제점을 지적했다. 외국에서의 대학 도서관 평가의 최근 경향을 살펴보고, 그것에 기초하여 현행 평가기준중 도서관 평가와 관련한 대안을 제시하였다. 단 평가 항목에 대한 정량적 평가척도 문제는 제외하였다 This study provides an overview of the accreditation landscape in Korea, and identifies some problems in the current accrediting review program which assesses the library's achievements. These are as follows: ①The weight given to the library sector is insufficient. ②There are no indicators to appraise the achievement of the informational and educational functions of academic libraries. ③It is completely devoted to input indicators, but not process or output indicators. ④It is impossible to evaluate the quality of library services. ⑤The units of statistics are not standardised. Some alternative measures and indicators are proposed to evaluate the performances of academic libraries* services. It is suggested that an official draft should be prepared by Korean academic librarians to amend the library sector of current accrediting review program

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아버지됨에 의한 심리적 변화 : 유아기 자녀를 둔 아버지의 생애발달적 관점 A Lifespan Developmental View

        강란혜 한국영유아보육학회 2002 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.29

        The main purpose of this study is to examine the psychological changes of persons who have just become fathers. The objects of the study were fathers of 123 preschool children in child care centers. The statistical methods for data analysis were percentage, ANOVA with SAS program. The findings of this study were as follows: First, on the psychological changes of them after becoming a father, most of them have showed positive changes comparing to the times before becoming a father. Second, as I researched on the relations between the fathers' psychological changes and their education level, their human nature, and their mothers' states of employment, there were significant differences on all of the relations. Third, there were not significant correlation between father's child-rearing involvement and father's psychological development.

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