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      • 취약지역 빈곤아동의 건강증진을 위한 프로그램 개발, 연구

        한국건강관리협회,, KOREA ASSOCIATION OF HEALTH PROMOTION 한국건강관리협회 2007 연구보고서 Vol.4 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 사회양극화현상 등으로 기본적 생존권마저 위협받고 있는 취약지역 빈곤아동을 대상으로 건강증진 프로그램 및 제도적 장치를 연구․개발함으로써 빈곤의 악순환에 따른 건강불평등 해소와 빈곤아동의 건강한 성장기반 조성을 도모하는 것이다. 빈곤이 아동에게 미치는 건강영향은 아동기 결식문제에서 비롯된 영양의 불균형으로 발육부진, 발달지체 등과 같은 신체발육발달의 문제, 성인기에 골다공증(칼슘부족), 위암, 뇌졸중(염분 과다섭취), 당뇨(비만)등의 문제를 일으킬 수 있으며, 특히 철분결핍성 빈혈은 인지능력의 저하와 관련된다는 보고도 있다(Pollite 등, 1985). 따라서 본 연구는 빈곤아동의 건강문제 해결을 통한 건강형평성의 확보에 궁극적인 목적으로 두고, 현재 우리나라 빈곤아동의 인구학적, 보건학적인 실태조사를 실시하고, 그 결과를 기초로 다양한 차원의 프로그램과 정책, 지원체계, 평가체계를 개발함으로써 이들의 건강문제에 대한 포괄적인 접근방안을 마련하고자 한다. The child poverty rate was about 10% in 2003 and almost 1,100,000 children were living below poverty line. Up to the 10% of all Korean children and adolescents experienced social and economic circumstances that place them at risk of poor health. Poor health outcomes have encompassed physical and cognitive growth and developmental problems, mortality, and morbidity. The purpose of this study was to determine the recent child poverty rate, to identify the major health problems and behavior and environmental health determinants of children, and to develop the health promotion program for low income children in underserved area. The ultimate goal of providing health promotion program for poor children was to improve the health equity in Korea.

      • 운동으로 건강을

        한국건강관리협회,KOREA ASSOCIATION OF HEALTH PROMOTION 한국건강관리협회 2002 건강소식 Vol.26 No.4

        우리 몸은 적절한 운동을 함으로써 각각의 기능이 정상으로 적응하도록 되어있으며 적절한 운동을 하지 않으면 신체의 기능은 점점 약화되어 건강에 나쁜 영향을 주게 된다. 우리 주위의 많은 사람들은 이러한 사실을 알고 있어도, 시간이 없다는 핑계로, 다른 할 일이 많다는 핑계로 운동 부족을 자초하고 있다. 우리나라의 사망원인 순위를 보면 위기 암(악성신생물), 위가 뇌혈관 질환, 3위가 심장질환으로 식생활, 운동부족 등 잘못된 생활습관이나 스트레스등으로 인한 만성질환이다. 특히 운동부족은 심장병, 암, 당뇨병, 근골격계 질환(골다공증) 등의 위험요인이 되는데 운동부족과 밀접한 관계가 있는 허혈성 심질환의 경우 사망률이 1985년 인구 10만명당 3.8명에서 2000년 21.5명으로 5배 이상 증가하였으며 당뇨병의 경우 1985년 인구 10만명당 6.8명에서 2000년 22.6명으로 3배 이상 증가하였나(통계청, 200년 조사), 우리나라 성인들의 운동 실천율은 매우 낮은 편으로 규칙적으로 운동하는 사람의 비율이 0.8%에 머물러 운동부족의 심각성을 보여주고 있다(한국보건사회연구원 1998) 세계보건기구(WHO)와 보건복지부는 2002년 4월 7일 세계 보건의 날을 맞아 ‘Move for health'라는 구호로 운동의 중요성 및 생활 속의 활기찬 움직임에 대한 중요성을 일깨우기 위해 보건의 날 올해의 주제로 선정하였다. 4월의 이달의 건강 길라잡이에서는 생활 속에서 쉽게 실천할 수 있는 운동, 나에게 맞는 운동에 대하여 알아본다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        ICOH Statement on Protecting the Occupational Safety and Health of Migrant Workers

        International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH),,Salmen-Navarro, Acran,Schulte, Paul Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2022 Safety and health at work Vol.13 No.3

        Globally, it is estimated that the number of people living outside of their country of origin reached 281 million in 2020. The primary drive of those migrants when migrating voluntarily is work to increase their income and provide for their families left behind in their home countries. Those who migrate immediately seek means of income to sustain themselves through a perilous process as currently evidenced in the war in Ukraine and not too long ago in Syria and Venezuela. Unfortunately, migrant workers are globally known to predominantly be working in "4-D jobs"- dirty, dangerous, and difficult and discriminatory; the fourth D was recently added to acknowledge the discriminatory aspect and other social determinants of health migrant workers face in their host country while exposed to precarious work. Consequently, migrant workers are at considerable risk of work-related illnesses and injury but their health needs are critically overlooked in research and policy. Recognizing the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights "Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment", we cannot consider any human life - thus, the life of migrant workers - as dispensable through a structural discriminatory process that undervalues their occupational safety and health, livelihood and the contribution these workers bring to their host countries. This was seen during the preparation for the upcoming world cup in Qatar where migrant workers were exposed to a multiplicity of serious hazards including deadly heat hazards.

      • KCI등재
      • Poster Session : PS 0608 ; Pulmonology ; Music to Your Lungs: A Prospective, Interventional Study in Eastern Health

        ( Anuk Kruavit ),( Eugene Teh ),( Imogen Clark ),( Emily Shen ),( Vikas Wadhwa Eastern Health ),( Australia ),( University Of Melbourne ),( Australia ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술대회 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) places signifi cant pressure on the health care system. Studies have shown that music therapy has positive effects on quality of life and increases exercise capacity of patients. Our aim is to evaluate the effects of music on exercise capacity in COPD inpatients. Method: This was a prospective, interventional study invoving patients admitted with an acute exacerbation of COPD. Patients were given a list of song options to select from. Patients will select a preferred song rated as the best motivational score, as per the Brunel Music Rating Inventory. Patients then undertook a 2-minute walking test to assess the distance walked with and without music. A dyspnoea visual analogue scale was used to record the degree of dyspnoea after each walking test. Secondary outcomes included walking time, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation with and without music. Results: Seventeen patients were recruited, with a mean age of 73.9 ± 8.6 years. Nine were males and 8 were females. There was a signifi cant increase in the walking distance with music therapy, with a mean increase in distance of 7.94 metres (95% CI, 3.58 - 12.31). There was a non-signifi cant trend that patients could walk for longer with music therapy. Diastolic blood pressure were noted to increase signifi cantly with music therapy, but other physiological parameters did not show any signifi cant changes. The motivational score of the preferred song used did not lead to any signifi cant correlation with the outcome variables. Conclusion: Music therapy with a patient-preferred song may lead to signifi cant clinical benefi ts in hospital inpatients with acute exacerbation of COPD. Larger studies are warranted to provide further evidence for its potential use in routine clinical practice.

      • KCI등재후보

        강원도내 일부 초,중,고등학교의 금연에 대한 건강증진정책의 조사연구

        김춘배 ( Chun Bae Kim ),박준호 ( Jun Ho Park ),안정숙 ( Joung Sook Ahn ),허혜경 ( Hea Kung Hur ),박은정 ( Eun Jung Park ),전은표 ( Eun Po Jeon ),지역보건연구회 ( Community Health Service Research Group ) 한국보건행정학회 2003 보건행정학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of health promotion policies about antismoking, and the relationship between policy status, enforcement of smoking restrictions and perceptions of smoking behaviour among teachers. A representative sample of 173 teachers·school inspectors from 150 elementary·middle·high schools in Gangwon-do was surveyed during Gangwon-do Office of Education`s antismoking and temperance training course in 2002 (response rate 60.7%). One staff member from each school was also analyzed regarding school antismoking polices for students and teachers in several locations within and outside the school building. The results showed that 118 elementary·middle·high schools (78.7%) had an antismoking policy and more schools had a written policy on student antismoking than on teacher antismoking. Most schools (92.4%) in the sample banned smoking by students, but 52 schools (44.1%) allowed smoking by teachers in restricted areas. However, teachers reported seeing smoking sometimes in the toilets (42.7%) or the playground (40.0%) among students and sometimes in the staff room (31.3%) or about every day on school premises (52.7%) among teachers. Irrespective of the type of policy or restrictions on smoking, the association between having a ban on student/teacher smoking and teachers` perceptions of student/teacher smoking in school was not significant. In conclusion, we suggest that most schools must have explicitly an antismoking policy on both students & teachers and enforce consistently a ban in promoting a healthy school environment (smoke-free schools).

      • 근로자 종합건강증진운동

        대한산업보건협회,Korea Industrial Health Association 대한산업보건협회 1994 산업보건 Vol.75 No.-

        우리나라의 산업보건분야에 있어서, 오늘날 건강장해 방지를 위한 단순한 관점으로부터 새롭게 한걸음 더나아가 앞으로는 근로자의 전체 근로생활을 통하여 계속적이고 계획적인 심신양면의 건강유지증진을 지표로 삼아야 할 것이다. 이러한 배경에서 이제 우리의 산업현장에서도 건강유지증진을 위한 근로자의 자발적인 노력이에 사업주가 함께 수행하는 건강관리사업이 서서히 전파되고 있는 듯 하다. 여기에서 간략히 소개코자 하는 THP(Total health Promotion, 종합건강증진운동)는 일본에서 실시하고 있는 제도로서, 현재 우리의 사업장에도 이를 보급해 나가고자 그 제도적 뒷받침을 마련하는 시점에 와있다.

      • 모바일 메신저를 이용한 단체 수유상담에 대한 초산모의 만족도 조사

        한국건강증진개발원(Korea Health Promotion Foundation),대한모유수유한의학회(Korean Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine),김경한(Kyeong Han Kim),지은영(Eun Young Ji) 대한모유수유한의학회 2015 대한모유수유한의학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        Objectives: The aim of this study is to survey on satisfaction of primipara for group breast-feeding counseling using mobile messenger. Methods: We conducted breast-feeding group counseling using mobile messenger to people who participated in prenatal education program of public health center. After 3 months, we surveyed the behavior of breast-feeding and the level of satisfaction of group counseling. Results: All of subjects fed colostrum and breast milk for 1 month after birth. Each levels of satisfaction of group counseling before and after birth, which were measured by 5-point Likert scale, were 3.77±1.09 and 4.33±0.70, respectively. The most common reason for satisfaction of mobile counseling before birth was the reduction of fear of breast-feeing (31.6%). The most common reason for satisfaction of mobile counseling after birth was offering information about breast-feeding (27.3%). Conclusions: Breast-feeding group counseling using mobile messenger seemed to be helpful for primipara s breast-feeding. Additional studies including more subjects will be required to prove credibility and validity of the effect of group counseling.

      • KCI등재

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