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      • KCI등재

        1630년대 심양 사행일기의 면모 -<심양사행일기>와 <심양왕환일기>를 중심으로

        신해진 ( Hae Jin Shin ) 택민국학연구원 2015 국학연구론총 Vol.0 No.16

        선약해(宣若海)의 <심양사행일기(瀋陽使行日記)>와 위정철(魏廷喆)의 <심양왕환일기(瀋陽往還日記)>의 연구를 통해 1630년대 심양 사행일기의 구체적 면모와 전반적특징을 살피고자 하였다. <심양사행일기>는 1630년 선약해가 위문사(慰問使)로서, <심양왕환일기>는 1631년 위정철이 회답사(回答使)로서 심양에 다녀온 일기이다. 둘다 사신으로서 공식 임무를 수행한 일지이자, 중원의 정세 정탐보고서이기도 하다. 먼저, 사신으로서 공식 임무 수행 과정에서는 공격적인 불손한 후금인들을 상대하며 목숨을 내놓고 임무를 수행하는 사신의 모습을 만날 수 있었다. 선약해는 ‘가도(가島)의 명군에게 쌀 제공 여부’를 놓고 집중적으로 추궁을 당하면서 또한 ‘변발한 사람을 쇄환하는 일, 후금의 잠상(潛商)들을 정벌한 일, 군사를 빌려주는 일’ 등에 대해 갈등과 마찰을 빚는 가운데 조선의 국서 전달 및 후금의 분노를 달래는 임무를 수행하였다. 반면, 위정철은 ‘가도의 변란 뒤에 일어날 상황’에 대한 관심을 갖고 있으면서 ‘예물의 감소에 대해 불만’을 품고 있으며 ‘변발한 사람의 쇄환’을 요구하는 후금에게 당당하게 대응하기도 하고 옹색한 사정을 들어 달래기도 하고 어쩔 수 없이 요구를 들어주기도하면서 조선의 국서 및 예물을 전달하는 임무를 수행하였다. 게다가 위정철은 후금으로부터 대금을 받고 약재(藥材)을 거래하기도 하고, 후금에 귀순한 조선인의 쇄환을 요구하기도 하였다. 하지만 둘 다 후금의 회답국서를 받지 못한 채 귀국해야 했다. 다음으로, 다양한 방법으로 명나라와 후금의 정세 등을 정탐한 첩보의 구체적 양상을 알 수 있었다. 뇌물을 주고 호인을 매수하기도 하고, 길에서 만난 농부에게 은근슬쩍 돌려 묻기도 하고, 호인들끼리 하는 말을 엿듣기도 하여 얻은 정보를 빠짐없이 기록하고 있다. 뿐만 아니라, 포로로 잡혀간 조선인들, 조선에서 죄를 짓고 후금에 투항한 자들의 근황에도 촉각을 세우고 있다. 향후 조선의 정치적 외교적 행보를 결정하는데 중요한 단초를 마련하고자 명과 후금의 정세를 상세하게 기록하고자 한 것이다. 그리고 <심양사행일기>와 <심양왕환일기>는 모두 후금의 차사들과의 대화를 그대로 옮겨놓음으로써 사신들의 고충과 노력에 대한 형상화를 극대화할 수 있었고, 포로조선인 및 후금인들과의 대화나 제보를 그대로 옮겨놓음으로써 첩보의 신빙성을 높일수 있었으니, 이는 사실성을 확보에도 기여하는 것이어서 실기로서 그 가치가 인정된다 하겠다. This paper studies Seon Yak-hae(宣若海)``s <Simyang sahaeng ilgi> (Consolation Messenger``s Diary about Shenyang Travel), and Wi Jeong-cheol (魏廷喆)``s <Simyang wanghwan ilgi> (Reconciliation Messenger``s Diary of Shenyang Travel) to examine Simyang sahaeng ilgi in the 1630s. <Simyang sahaeng ilgi> was written in 1630 by Seon Yak-hae after he visited Simyang as a consolation messenger, and <Simyang wanghwan ilgi> was written in 1631 by Wi Jeong-cheol after he visited Simyang as a reconciliation messenger. Both are diaries on official missions and intelligence reports on China at the same time. Seon Yak-hae was intensively questioned about whether Joseon(朝鮮) provided rice to Ming(明) troops in Gado(가島), and faced conflicts and confrontations over the repatriation of pigtailed people, subjugation of Later Jin (後金) smugglers(潛商), and the lending of troops, and yet carried out his missions of delivering Joseon``s credentials and appeasing Later Jin``s wrath. On the other hand, Wi Jeong-cheol boldly responded to Later Jin which was deeply concerned about possible civil war in Gado, which was dissatisfied over the reduced tributes, and which requested the repatriation of pigtailed people. He listened to their mean excuses and appeased them, reluctantly accepted their demands, and yet carried out his missions of delivering Joseon``s credentials and tributes. They as emissaries carried out their official missions, even risking their lives, as they handled the aggressive, impolite Later Jin officials. Seon Yak-hae and Wi Jeong-cheol tried to get the intelligence about the political situations of Later Jin and Ming in diverse ways. To do that, they bribed people, asked farmers on the roads, eavesdropped on the Chinese. In this way, they gathered and recorded all these intelligence. They also were keen about the captured Joseon people and Joseon people who defected to Later Jin after they committed felonies in Joseon. To determine Joseon``s future political and diplomatic strategy, the two emissaries recorded the political situations of Ming and Later Jin in detail. <Simyang sahaeng ilgi> and <Simyang wanghwan ilgi> recorded the emissaries`` talks with Later Jin``s officials to fully show their difficulty and efforts. They also recorded the talks with and intelligence about the captured Joseon people and Later Jin people so as to boost the reliability of the intelligence, but also contributed to securing the factual truth, offering tremendous values as actual records(實記).

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : <심양왕환일기>의 저자 고증

        신해진 ( Hae Jin Shin ) 한국고전연구학회 2014 한국고전연구 Vol.0 No.29

        정묘호란과 병자호란 사이에 후금과 조선의 외교적 교섭에 관한 중요사료라 할 수 있는 <심양왕환일기(瀋陽往還日記)>는 1631년 3월 19일부터 4월 30일까지 장계(狀啓) 형식으로 거의 매일 기록한 사행일기(使行日記)인데, 후금의 정세뿐만 아니라 그 명나라 및 몽골과의 관계에 관한 낌새까지 기사가 상세하다. 이 일기는 위순량(魏順良)의 소장본을 1927년 베껴 옮긴 등초본이다. 그간 이 문헌의 저자는 일기의 내용을 충분히 검토도 하지 않은 채 빈약한 근거를 통해 1631년 춘신사(春信使) 박난영(朴蘭英)으로 추정되어 왔다. 이러한 추정에 대해, 이 글은 1631년의 춘신사로서 박난영, 선유사(宣諭使)로서 박난영 등으로 행적을 나누어 각종 문헌자료를 살펴봄으로써 잘못된 것임을 밝혔다. 또한 조선사편수회가 1935년에 편찬한『조선사료집진』 및 『조선사료집진해설』의 자료에서 새로운 근거를 찾아냄으로써 입증의 단서를 마련하고 각종 문헌자료를 통해 위정철(魏廷喆)이 저자임을 입증하였으며, 그 인물의 간략한 일대기도 아울러 정리하였다. 위정철은 위손량과 10대의 방조(傍祖)와 방손(傍孫) 사이였다. <Simyangwanghwan Ilgi (瀋陽往還日記, Diary on Travel to and from Shenyang)> is an important historical record on diplomatic negotiations between Later Jin Dynasty(後金) and Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮) during the Jeongmyohoran(丁卯胡亂) and Byeongjahoran(丙子胡亂). It was an envoy``s diary which was written in the form of a report to the king nearly every day from March 19 to April 30, 1631. It details not only the Later Jin``s political situations but also movements about its relations with Ming(明) and Mongolia(蒙古). This diary is the transcript which was copied from the copy possessed by Wi Sun Ryang(魏順良) in 1927. The author of this literature was presumed to be Park Nan-yeong(朴蘭英), a Chunsinsa(春信使) envoy appointed in 1631, based on poor grounds without reviewing the contents of the diary. Regarding this presumption, this study examined literature on Park Nan-yeong as a Chunsinsa envoy, and on Park Nan-yeong as a Seonyusa(宣諭使) envoy, proving that such presumption was wrong. Also, 『Collection of Joseon Historical Records(朝鮮史料集眞)』 and 『Interpretation of Collection of Joseon Historical Records(朝鮮史料集眞解說)』, compiled in 1935 by Joseon History Compilation Association(朝鮮史編修會) were explored, and other literatures were also examined, proving that Wi Jeong Cheol(魏廷喆) is the author of the diary. His brief biography was also mentioned. Wi Jeong Cheol was a tenth-generation descendant of Wi Sun Ryang.

      • 숙명여자대학교 문신미술관 리브랜딩 프로젝트 -마케팅전략을 통한 디자인 문제점 해결을 중심으로-

        류혜나,박예진,손예빈,송혜진,이종화,이진민,장미정,이성애 숙명여자대학교 산업디자인연구소 2017 숙명디자인학 연구 Vol.24 No.-

        본 연구는 한국의 뿌리, 동양의 미의식을 동시에 지닌 숙명문화원의 가치를 끌어올리기 위해 ‘브랜드, 디자인, 마케팅’을 융합된 시점에서 바라보고 그래픽, 제품, 공간의 통합 및 구축하는 일련의 프로세스를 밝히는데 목적이 있다. 이에 본 연구 시간적 범위는 2017년 3월~6월까지 조사대상은 브랜딩이 미흡한 숙 명문화원의 문신미술관, 숙명박물관, 숙명역사박물관, 정영양자수박물관으로 한정한다. 그 결과, 디자인과 마케팅의 융합된 측면에서 도출된 브랜드스토리인 ‘문신의 작은 우주’는 조각가 문신의 가치관과 정체성을 유지하면서 지역사회와 소통하는 미술관으로서 포지셔닝 되었다. 또한, 문신미술관은 디자인과 마케팅 측면을 융합하여 로고, 사인물, 에코백, 머그컵 및 전시기획 등에 이르기까지 일관성과 객관성, 스토리성을 띄었다. 끝으로 본 연구는 문신미술관의 디자인과 마케팅을 융합하여 좀 더 체계화된 G·I, P·I, S·I의 통합 브랜드 매뉴얼을 만든 것에 의의가 있다

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        어린이에서 수술 중 엎드린 자세와 누운 자세에서의 심박수변이도의 비교

        김혜경,김종성,김성덕,김희수,염명걸,백진우 대한마취과학회 2001 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.41 No.4

        Comparison of Heart Rate Variability between the Supine and Prone Plsition during General Anesthesia in Children Hee-Soo Kim, M.D., Jin-Woo Baik, M.D., Chong Sung Kim, M.D., Seong Deok Kim, M.D. Myung0Kul Yum, M.D.^*, and Hae Kyung Kim, M.D.^?? Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University ^*Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hanyang University ^??Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Inha University, Incheon, Korea Background: It is well known that the prone position affects hemodynamics. In this study, we investigate whether the prone position will affect the heart rate variability compard with the supine position. Methods: Sixty five pediatric patients were assigned to supine group (n = 36) and prone group (n = 29) according to position during surgery. The patients were indeced with thiopental and vecuronium and maintained with O_2-enflurane-N_2O. ECG data was collected for 15 minutes after saturation at the end tidal concentration of the inhalent agent. From the ECG data, power spectral analysis was performed and approximate entropy was calculated. Results: IN the prone group, low frequency power and ratio of low to high frequency power were lower and approximate entropy was higher than those in the supine group. Mean heart rate and blood pressure were no different between the two groups. Conclusions: IN the prone position, sympathetic autonomic activity and balance of the autonomic nervous system decreased. However the complexity of regulation of heart rate variability was maintained in the prone position. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2001; 41: 455~460)

      • 여호와의 증인 환자에서 산과적 출혈 후 무수혈 치료 2예

        김재령,여소진,이해혁,김정식,김태희,남계현,이권해,이임순,박진화,황경호 순천향의학연구소 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.2

        Jehovah's Witness comprise a unique obstetric population. Their refusal of blood stems from an interpretation of a literal translation of the Bible, and it is this belief that puts them at an increased risk of morbidity and mortality if hemorrhage occurs. We report two cases of a Jehovah's Witness who bled massively due to obstetric hemorrhage, refused blood transfusion and had profound anemia. The patients were treated with recombinant human erythropoietin, parenteral iron and oxygen. And they were treated on an intensive care unit with intermittent positive pressure ventilation. We reviewed with literature considering the therapy for acutely anemic patients who refuse transfusion to decrease the duration of the most severe anemia.

      • KCI등재

        進饌儀軌를 통하여 본 1887년 朝鮮王朝 宮中 進饌宴 중 萬慶殿 翌日灰爵과 萬慶殿 翌日夜연의 상차림에 대한 考察

        金尙寶,李盛雨,朴惠苑,韓福眞,黃蕙性,韓福麗 동아시아식생활학회 1991 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.1 No.3

        To examine the following day party and the following evening party in the Man Kyong Jeon, the authors studied "Jin Chan Eui Gue", which is a historical reoord published in 1887(King Go-Jong). The results obtained from the study were as follows, 1.There were fixed arranging tables(22) and taking-away tables in the dining table of the following day party. 2.There were fixed arranging tables(5) and taking-away tables in the dining table of the following evening party. 3.Food and flowers were distributed to the 390 attendants in the following day party. 4.There were no distribution of food and flowers to the attendants in the following evening party. 5.Arrangements of the followings day party and following evening party were the same as those of the main party. 6.The arranged seat of the King, Go-Jung was facing the south. 7.According to the status or class of the attendant, the pattern or size of table settings were differentiated in the kinds of food, heights of food, table flowers, chinaware etc. 8.1n the arrangements of tables for the King, the heights of food on the dishes were as following levels, 1 dish : 1 chok(1尺) 6 dishes : 8 chon(8寸) 4 dishes : 7 chon(7寸)

      • NSIP와 BOOP의 고해상전산화단층촬영 소견과 비교

        백상현,박재성,차장규,홍현숙,김대호,박성진,조준희,이혜경,최진수 순천향의학연구소 2003 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.9 No.2

        Purpose: BOOP and NSIP also share similar clinical features such as subacute flu-like illness, the finding of bronchoalveolar lavage, the result of pulmonary function test and more favourable outcome than usual interstitial pneumonia(UIP). The author try to compare the HRCT findings of NSIP with BOOP by pattern and distribution of diseases. Materials and Methods: HRCT findings of histopathologically proven NSIP(Group Ⅰ; 6, Group Ⅱ; 7, Group Ⅲ; 2) in 15 patients(5 male, 10 female, age range, 39-69 years; mean age, 53 years), BOOP in 15 patients(6 male, 9 female, age range, 26-76 years; mean age, 52 years) were reviewed retrospectively. Results: The common pattern of the two diseases was admixed consolidation, ground glass attenuation & reticular densities with/without architectural distortion(NSIP; 53.3%, BOOP; 46.7%). The main component of the pattern wan predominantly consolidation(NSIP; 46.7%, BOOP; 73.3%) and ground glass attenuation(NSIP; 40.0%, BOOP;20.0%). Architectural distotion was more provinent finding with NSIP(mild ; 3, moderate ; 4, severe; 2) compared with BOOP(mild; 7, moderate; 2, severe; 0). The predominant overall distribution was lower lung, peribronchovascular & peripheral lung field in both of the two entities(NSIP;73.3%, BOOP; 73.3%). Peribronchovascular involvement was more common with NSIP(100%) than BOOP(80%), whereas peripheral involvement was more common with BOOP(93.3%) than NSIP(80%). Conclusion: The HRCT findings of NSIP and BOOP were similar in pattern and distribution. But NIP manifested more frequently ground-glass attenuation, whereas BOOP showed more frequently consolidation. Architectural distortion was more severe with NSIP than BOOP. NSIP invoved more frequently peribronchovascular space and BOOP were more common in peripheral lung field.

      • KCI등재

        운동성 산화 스트레스와 항산화비타민의 보충이 말초단핵세포의 NF-kB 활성에 미치는 영향

        진영수,박건구,박준영,김미정,이왕록,김혜영,이한준,박은경 대한스포츠의학회 2000 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        Reactive oxygen species(ROS) are implicated in the pathogenesis of a wide variety of human diseases. Numerous studies indicate that ROS may serve as common intracellular molecules that contribute to the process of nuclear factor(NF)κB activation in response to a diverse stimuli. In our laboratory, we have demonstrated tat antioxidants could reverse the decline of immune function caused by exercise-induced ROS. Furthermore, it in necessary to understand a mechanism underlying ROS-dependent disorder in biological system. Recent studies have been shown that several gene expression were regulated by oxidants, antioxidants and other determinants of the intracellular reduction-oxidation(redox) state. In this process, NF-κB have been shown to play a important role. The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate the effect of exercise-induced oxidative stress and antioxidnt supplementation on NF-κB activation in peripheral mononuclear cells. Forty male SD rats(4 weeks old) were randomly divided into noraml diet group and antioxidants(ATO) supplement group, and then ATO groups were treated with antioxidants(VE: 2001U/kg, VC: 50mg/rat, β-carotene: 300mg/kg, vitamin B6: 250㎍/100g, selenomethionine: 0.1mg/kg) for 16 weeks. After 16 weeks breeding at each condition, each group divided into two groups: Control group(CR) fed generally, Exercise group(CE) fed generally and followed by acute exercise 16 weeks later. Antioxidant Antioxidants and Exercise group(AE) fed with antioxidants and followed by acute exercise. The activation of NF-κB binding activity was increased after exhaustive exercise bout in both group. In addition, pretreatment of ATO group with the antioxidants mixture lead to the inhibition of NF-κB binding activity. This results suggest that NF-κB activation should be further studies in response to a variety of exercise.

      • 회맹장 및 대장을 침범한 장 결핵에 있어서 바륨을 이용한 방사선 이중조영촬영 소견에 대한 연구

        진용현,전혜정,이용근,강철호,조성범,김윤환,박철민,차상훈,김일영,이혜경 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2002 건국의과학학술지 Vol.12 No.-

        To determine the characteristic double contrast barium enema findings of ileo-cecal and colonic tuberculosis and to make differential diagnosis from other bowel inflammatory disease. Sixty-seven patients confirmed as ileo-cecal and/or colonic-tuberculosis in six hospitals were evaluated retrospectively. The diagnosis was proven by endoscopic biopsy, surgery, and clinical follow up. Nine of 67 patients were excluded because radiologic findings were normal though endocopic biopsy examinations resulted in tuberculosis. Histopathological diagnosis were madein 58 cases as follows: endoscopic biopsy(n=29), operation(n=12), follow up examination(n=14), tissue culture(n=1), laparoscopic biopsy(n=2). There were 30 men and 28 females. The mean age were 36 yrs(range:16-67), 34 patients were in the second and third decade. The distribution of lesions, morphological characteristics, mucosal changes, ulcer shape and depth, associated with other tuberculous lesion, multiplicity were retrospectively analyzed in the findngs of double contrast barim enema. The commonest clinical symptoms were abdominal pain(n=35, 60%) and diarrhea(n=18, 31%). The chest radiography revealed association of pulmonary tuberculosis in 39 cases. Tuberculous lesions of other organs except chest were present in five cases. Double contrast barium enema findings showed a thickening and irregularity of intestinal mucosal fold(n=29, 50%), bowel contraction and/or shortening(n=26, 45%). There were small, nodular, superficial ulcers in the case of ulcer depth less than 2 mm in the depth. As many as 39 cases(67%) in this series had two or more lesions in the intestinal tuberculosis. The involved segment revealed symmetrical feature(n=21, 36%). Inflammatory pseudopolypoid lesions were noted in 30 cases(52%). The ileo-cecal region was involved in 38 cases(66%). The ascending colon(n=25, 43%) was the second commonest site with or without contiguous cecal involvement. Lesions in terminal ileum, ileo-cecal valve, transverse colon, descending colon and appendix were seen in 19, 18, 18, 12 and seven cases, respectively. Among 18 cases of ileo-cecal valve lesions, there were incompetency in nine cases(16%) and wide gapping in four cases(7%). In 14 cases, tuberculous enterocolitis was diagnosed by clinical follow-up and double contrast barium enema study. 12 out of 14 cases, the findings of double contrast barium enema of tuberculous enterocolitis were normalized after anti-tuberculous medication. However, two cases showed more aggravated state than before due to inappropriate treatment. Double contrast barium enema plays an important role in the diagnosis of tuberculous enterocolitis, determines the type, site and extent of the involvement and helps in treatment guide by using sequential studies.

      • 한국 여성의 지위에 관한 연구

        秦惠淑 배화여자대학 1996 培花論叢 Vol.15 No.-

        The subject on raise of woman's status, realization of the equality of the sexes, and repeal of role division by sexes has recently received considerable attention all over the world. It is the same in Korea. To see the Korea woman's status, this paper focused on the changing process of that centering around late twentieth century. And also started questioning what means 'woman's status'. Conclusively, now it is very slowly establishing stage for woman's status in society our country, but on the other hand it is more firm state in home. We should effort more to rise in women's social status than that in home. Though not complete, this paper reviewed woman's status assuming society of equal sexes. Namely, this paper examined change of woman's status using objective facts and statistics as a tool, and compared the past with the present. Consequently, the status subject in woman is not the new theme and not the simple problem. Many women has been stuggled to raise their status. The woman's status in society has remarkably improved for the last 30 years. Namely, family law in patriarchal system was reforme and resulted in improvement of woman's right. But the marrage of the same surname and the same family origin, unconditioned succeeding of the headship of a family, and infant welfare problems are not settled. We have to do our best to realize real equal society. The coming 21 century is the intelligence-information Society. The intellectual power such as originality and information processing ability is more important than physical power in this society. Threrfore woman can be play the leading role. And the social change will be drived with increasing speed. To adapt such changing Society, to participate national development, and to make an affluent life, woman should develop their ability.

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