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심현석(H.S. Sim),김민성(M.S. Kim),최민혁(M.H. Choi),배호영(H.Y. Bae),김희진(H.J. Kim),김두범(D.B. Kim),한성현(S.H. Han) 한국산업융합학회 2018 한국산업융합학회 논문집 Vol.21 No.2
This Study Propose A New Approach To Impliment A Intelligent Robot Control Based on Voice Recognition For Smart Factory Automation Since human usually communicate each other by voices, it is very convenient if voice is used to command humanoid robots or the other type robot system. A lot of researches has been performed about voice recognition systems for this purpose. Hidden Markov Model is a robust statistical methodology for efficient voice recognition in noise environments. It has being tested in a wide range of applications. A prediction approach traditionally applied for the text compression and coding, Prediction by Partial Matching which is a finite-context statistical modeling technique and can predict the next characters based on the context, has shown a great potential in developing novel solutions to several language modeling problems in speech recognition. It was illustrated the reliability of voice recognition by experiments for humanoid robot with 26 joints as the purpose of application to the manufacturing process.