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        유치 치주인대 신경분포에 관한 면역조직화학적 연구

        구대학,이원재,배용철,김영진 大韓小兒齒科學會 1994 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.21 No.2

        생리적 치근 흡수가 뒤따르는 유치 치주인대의 신경분포 및 변화를 평가하기 위하여 생후 1, 2, 3, 4, 5개월된 개의 유치 치주인대와 9개월된 영구치 치주인대를 대상으로 neurofilament protein(NFP)을 이용한 면역조직화학적 방법으로 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. ● 유견 유치의 치주인대 신경분포는 치근단 1/3부위에서 가장 밀집되어 있었으며 치근 중앙부로 향할수록 현저하게 감소되었으며 전체적으로 그 분포밀도 및 분지 정도는 영구치와 비교시 약한 양상을 나타냈다. ● 구치부에 비해 전치부에서 신경분포가 보다 발달된 양상을 보였으며 구치 치근이개부치주인대에서는 신경섬유가 관찰되지 않았다. ● 유치근이 흡수됨에 따라 신경분포 정도도 감소되었으며 탈락시기의 치근 주위에서는 신경섬유룰 관찰할 수 없었다. ● 치은점막상피의 신경지배는 치아가 발육함에 따라 감소되는 양상을 나타내었으며 설측점막이 순측점막보다 더 발달된 신경분포양상을 관찰할 수 있었다. ● 유치 치주인대 신경말단 형태는 수지상의 신경말단 형태를 나타내고 있었으며 전형적인 Ruffini 신경말단은 거의 관찰할 수 없었다. 이상의 결과를 미루어 신경섬유의 분포는 기능과 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 생각되고 더욱이 유치의 생리적 치근흡수에 따른 치주인대에 신경섬유의 분포 및 변화는 유치의 성장발육에 따른 하나의 변화라고 생각된다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the distribution of nerves in the periodontal ligament of a dog's primary teeth by each developing stage. The distribution of nerves in the periodontal ligament were investigated by means of immunohistochemistry for detection of neurofilament protein(NFP). The results were as follows: The NFP-immunoreactive nerve fibers were found to be densely distributed in the apical third of the periodontal ligament, while they were sparse in the coronal two third, in both primary and permanent teeth. In generally the density of distribution and degree of arborization of nerve fibers in periodontal ligament of primary teeth revealed a poor appearance compared with that of permanent teeth. Periodontal ligament in anterior teeth showed more abundant nerve innervation than posterior teeth, and the periodontal ligament of the bifurcation area in posterior teeth roots were not observed to have nerve fiber. The density of nerve distribution in the periodontal ligament of primary teeth was reduced according to the physiological root resorption and nerve fibers were not observed in the surrounding area on the root of the exfoliation stage in primary teeth. The distribution of nerve fibers in mucogingival tissue, was poor innervated according to the aging of the dogs. A more abundant distribution of nerve fiber was represented in the lingual mucogingival tissue than in the labial side. Most of the nerve endings in the periodontal ligament of primary teeth showed a tree-like appearance. However, the typical Ruffini-like nerve endings were not observed.

      • 신라대학교 2018년도 2학기 ‘부산의 하루’ 수강생 대상 설문조사 결과 분석

        김대래, 김형구, 박명선 신라대학교 부산학연구센터 2018 부산연구 Vol.16 No.2

        In 2018 2nd semester, 134 students who were attending the ‘A Day of Busan’ were asked to take this survey. Among them, 78 students were from Busan. This paper analyzed these 78 students. According to the respondents' grades, 52.6% of the respondents were in the first grade, slightly more than half, and the second was 33.3%. It can be seen that the 'A Day of Busan' course are mainly in interested in lower grades. According to the year of birth of the respondents, the birth rate in 1999 was 43.6% of the total, including one missing value. In this questionnaire, we surveyed and analyzed the religion of the students, the parent's home, the typical food of Busan, representative places in Busan, and the personality, strengths and weaknesses of Busan people. We also surveyed students' lives, for example, the number of participating in Pusan International Film Festival, the number of visits to professional baseball games, the number of overseas trips, using mobile phones time per day, the number of close friends, sleeping hours. Also we surveyed the population size of Busan. The proportion of students who replied that population size is less than the actual population of 3.45 million in Busan was similar to that of students who replied that it is more. 2018년도 2학기 ‘부산의 하루’ 수강생 가운데 부산출신 학생 78명을 대상으로 분석을 하였다. 응답자의 학년별 구성을 보면 1학년이 52.6%로 절반을 조금 넘고, 그 다음은 2학년으로 33.3%이었다. ‘부산의 하루’ 과목은 주로 저학년이 수강하는 것을 알 수 있다. 응답자의 출생연도를 보면 1999년 출생자가 결측값 1명을 포함한 전체에서 43.6%를 점하여 가장 높은 비율을 보였다. 응답학생 78명의 종교를 보면 무교가 61.5%로 압도적인 비중을 점하고 있다. 그 다음으로 불교가 20.5%, 개신교가 12.8%, 가톨릭이 3.8% 그리고 기타종교가 1.3%였다. 아버지의 고향은 부산이 53.8%로 절반을 넘으며, 그 다음은 경남으로 24.4%였다. 부산과 경남을 합하면 78.2%로 절대적인 비중을 점하고 있다. 어머니의 고향은 부산이 56.4%, 경남이 11.5%로 부산과 경남을 합하면 67.9%였다. 부산의 대표음식으로는 돼지국밥이 36.2%, 21.2%의 어묵, 15.7%의 밀면, 8.7%의 씨앗호떡, 7.4%의 생선회 순이었다. 타지역에서 오는 친구들에게 보여주고 싶은 곳으로는 광안리가 17.9%, 해운대로 13.1%, 서면으로 10.3였다. 그 다음으로는 롯데야구 6.1%, 광안리불꽃놀이 5.3%, 센텀시티 5.1%, 광안대교 4.9% 순으로 나타나 주로 광안리와 해운대 그리고 서면 쪽으로 쏠리는 경향이 나타났다. 부산에서 새로 생기면 좋은 것에 대한 설문에서는 놀이공원이 13.3%, 워터파크10.8%, 공원 8.7%, 체육관 8.2%, 수목원과 박물관이 각각 5.8%로 나타나 학생들은 놀이시설을 가장 원하고 있었으며 그 다음으로 공원과 체육관을 선호하였다. 부산사람들의 성격에서 좋은 점이 무엇인가에 대해서는 ‘의리있다’가 17.8%로 가장 많았고, 나쁜 성격은 32.5%의 압도적인 비율이 성격이 ‘급하다’로 나타났다. 즐겨마시는 음료에는 커피가 33.3%로 가장 높았고, 그 다음은 26.9%의 콜라였다. 주중 술 마시는 횟수에 대한 설문에는 ‘전혀 마시지 않는다’는 학생이 38.5%로 약 40%에 해당하는 학생이 전혀 술을 마시지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 부산국제영화제에 참여한 횟수, 부산에서 열린 프로야구 경기에 참여한 경험, 해외 여행 횟수에 대한 설문에 대해서는 각각 전체의 64.1%, 35.9%, 33.3%의 학생들이 한번도 없는 것으로 나타났다. 하루 휴대전화 사용시간의 평균은 271분, 친한 친구수의 평균은 13명, 수면시간은 평균은 6.8시간, 한달 용돈은 평균 35만원이었다. 부산의 인구가 얼마나 되겠는가 하는 설문에 대한 응답은 매우 다양하였는데, 2만명에서부터 3,800만명까지 넓은 범위에 걸쳐 분포하였다. 그런데 부산의 실제인구 345만명 선보다 적다고 응답한 학생의 비율이 약 절반이었고 나머지 절반은 그보다 많다고 응답하였다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 散文詩의 可能性

        鄭大九 명지어문학회 1975 明知語文學 Vol.7 No.-

        시보다 시론이 더 비중을 두고 있는 듯한 시지 <심상> 통권 구호에 특전물로 산문과의 문제점을 싣고 있다. 이 특전에서 재미있는 것은 산문시의 개념규정이나 산문시의 영역 혹은 산문시의 대상이 논자에 따라 서로 같지 않다는 점이다. 김용직은 <해석․ 제작․ 수용의 집적>에서 만해 한용운의 <님의 침묵>을 산문시로 보는 것은 억지에 지나지 않는다고 주장하고 있고, 윤재근은 그의 (이체의 산문시)를 말하는 과정에서 (님의 침묵)을 산문시로 보려는 경향이다. 물론 논지의 전개에 있어서 두 사람은 각각 그렇게 말할 수 밖에 없는 상황이었겠지만, 필자로서는 단적인 이 일예를 미루어 아직도 우리 주변에 ‘산문시’와 ‘산문시 아닌 시’에 대한 구별이 확실치 않다느 점을 지적해 두고 싶다.

      • 웹 데이타베이스에서 트랜잭션 처리에 관한 연구

        김대옹,최정구 서강정보대학 1997 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        The WWW is available in the multimedia information system, but it is not suitable to develope the database services system with lots of data On the other hand, A traditional database systems have a good performance on the management of a large scale of database and the developement tools of application, but it is not fit to develope a large scale of service system because of not being a form management and standard. Therefore, a large scale multimedia system is necessary to incorporate the technique of WWW and database system. The implementation of database path is possible to be extended in sever and in client. The method that a server extend the system using a CGI is easy to implement and expand but drop a performance because of process creation and data duplication between processes.

      • KCI등재

        장기적 트립토판 결여식이 생쥐의 유해감각예민도에 미치는 영향

        서영대,박제민,김명정,전명호,양구범,장세헌,강철중,김정태,김용식 대한생물치료정신의학회 2000 생물치료정신의학 Vol.6 No.1

        The depressive patients can be divided into two subgroups by presence and absence of pain symptoms. Those without pain symptoms have blunted pain sensitivity whereas those with pain have normal range of pain sensitivity, and are clinically characterized by anxiety and irritability. The aim of the study is to test if these clinical profiles of the depressives with pain symptoms are related with reduced level of brain serotonin(5-HT). Forty four mice were randomly divided into two groups : one group to be bred with tryptophan free diet and the other with normal control diet, each for 4 weeks. Before the beginning of the breeding period, measured were locomotor activity by open field test, anxiety by elevated plus maze and nociceptive sensitivity by tail flick test, before and after forced swimming(FS). During each FS, duration of immobilization was also measured. The sable sets of measurements were repeated at the end of the breeding period. The brain 5-HT and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid(5-HIAA) were measured by high performance liquid chromatography. The results were as follows 1.Four weeks of tryptophan free diet reduced significantly body weight, brain weight, and levels of 5-HT and 5-HIAA in the whole brain. 2.Tryptophan depletion did not influence basal nociceptive sensitivity as measured by tail flick latency before FS. The normal blunting of the pain sensitivity induced by forced swimming was preserved in the tryptophan depleted group. 3.Tryptophan depletion did not influence general locomotor activity in open field. 4.Tryptophan depletion increased significantly time spent on the open arms at the elevated plus maze test done before FS. This anxiolytic-like effect was reduced by FS. 5.Tryptophan depletion did not influence duration of immobilization during FS. From these results, it is suggested that the genesis of the depression with pain symptoms is not medicated by quantitative reduction of brain serotonin

      • 소규모사업장 용접근로자들의 소음·용접흄·망간 노출에 관한 연구

        김동구,문덕환,이채관,박명희,함성애,손병철,김대환,이창희,김휘동,이채언 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.5

        Objective : This study was conducted for the purpose of investigating the level exposure of welders to noise, welding fume and Manganese(Mn) related to this process. Methods and Material : All subjects in this study were welders engaged in CO2 arc and coated arc welding process especially in small-scale enterprises classified by type of manufacture of ship building, repairing and of other fabricated metal products, which is located in Gimhae and Milyang of Kyeongsang province in south Korea. Air sampling of welding fume was measured, shipped and analyzed on the basis of national institute for occupational safety and health(NIOSH) method in U.S. and work environment measurement method established in south Korea. To measure Noise in the work environment, Noise dosimeter was used on the basis of work environment measurement method established in south Korea. Result : This study was performed during a period from January, 2000 to December, 2001 and Results were as follows: 1. Noise level measured in this work environment was higher than national criteria for permissible exposure limit on health examinations related to hearing loss. 2. The concentration of welding fume and Mn in manufacture of ship building and repairing was higher than those in manufacture of other fabricated metal products. 3. In conditions of existing in ventilation system installed and operated, the concentration of welding fume and Mn was slightly lower than those of not existing. 4. In conditions of existing in sufficient air supply from out door into the work place relied on natural exhaust system, the concentration of welding fume and Mn was slightly lower than those of in not sufficient. 5. In all subjects, a rate of wearing ear plug and respiratory mask for dust and fume was lower than that of not wearing. Conclusion : According to above results, this study suggests that more positive work environment managements such as the use of portable local ventilation system, the supply of highly qualified personal protective equipment, and consecutive education and training related to health protection should be need to acquire suitable health protection program for welders engaged in small-scale enterprises in Korea.

      • 유리폐기물과 하수슬러지 소각재의 고형화 처리연구

        한상목,신대용,윤봉구,김승겸 강원대학교 부설 석재복합신소재 제품연구센터 2002 석재연 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        하수슬러지 소각재, 폐유리분말 및 고로슬래그의 고형화에 의하여 건자재를 제조하였다. 하수슬러지 소각재는 SiO_2와 Al_2O_3가 75 wt%, Fe_2O_3가 8.21 wt%, 폐유리분말은 SiO_2 71.4 wt%, Na_2O 14.43 wt% 및 CaO 9.32 wt%, 고로슬래그는 SiO_2 33.4 wt%, CaO 41 wt% 및 Al_2O_3 14.5 wt%를 함유하여 세라믹스 제조원료로 사용이 가능하였다. 하수슬러지를 800℃에서 2시간 하소한 무기질분말을 분쇄하여 하수슬러지 소각재를 제조하였다. 30∼70 wt%의 하수슬러지 소각재, 30∼70 wt%의 폐유리분말 및 10∼30 wt%의 고로슬래그를 혼함하여 950∼1,100℃에서 2시간 소성하여 시편을 제조하였다. 하수슬러지 소각재 첨가량이 감소하고 폐유리분말의 첨가량과 소성온도가 증가하면 부피비중과 압축강도는 증가하였으나 기공률과 흡수율은 감소하였다. 1,050℃에서 소성한 시편(No. 1, 3, 5 및 7)의 부피비중은 1.70∼1.83, 기공률과 흡수율은 0.3∼2.4% 및 0.1∼1.5%, 압축강도 272∼323 kgf/㎠을 나타내었다. 고로슬래그를 첨가하여 1,100℃로 소성한 시편(No. 8, 9, 및 10)의 부피비중은 1.82∼2.11 및 압축강도는 350∼671 kgf/㎠이었다. 하수슬러지 소각재, 고로슬래그 및 시편의 중금속출량은 매립지 침출수배출 허용기준치보다 낮아, 본 연구에서 제조한 시편은 주변 환경에 해가 없어 건자재로의 이용이 가능하였다. An experimental study for the constructional material by solidification using sewage sludge ash, waste glass powder and blast furnace slag was carried out in the senses of waste materials disposal and utilization. The reusability of sewage sludge ash, waste glass powder and blast furnace slag as a raw material in the manufacturing process of ceramics was highly expected because the chemical compositions of these waste materials were mostly SiO_2 and Al_2O_3. Sewage sludge ash was fabricated by calcined at 800℃ for 2 hours and obtained by the crushing. The mixture of 30∼70wt% of sewage sludge ash, 30∼70 wt% of waste glass powder and 10∼30 wt% of blast furnace slag were heated at 950∼1,100℃ for 2 hours. The density and the compressive strength of specimen increased with increasing the sintering temperature and decreasing the addition amount of sewage sludge ash, No. 1, 3, 5 and 7 specimens showed the bulk density of 1.70∼1.83, porosity of 0.3∼2.4%, water absorption of 0.1∼1.5% and compressive strength of 272∼323kgf/㎠. And, that of the No. 7 specimen heated at 1,100℃ increased with increasing the addition amount of blast furnace slag, and for No. 8, 9 and 10 specimens, bulk density was 1.82∼2.11 and compressive strength was 350∼671 kgf/㎠. An extraction test for specimen to detect toxic materials showed below the permitted standard of land-filling extractable heavy metal contents. It was founded that the specimen were useful for the constructional materials.

      • 전하 제어법을 이용한 압전 액추에이터의 이력저감

        정순종,이대수,송재성,홍원표,강은구,최원종 한국공작기계학회 2005 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2005 No.-

        This paper presents a method to reduce hysteresis in multilayer ceramic actuator by connecting the actuator with a capacitor in a series circuit. The change in hysteresis with respect to the capacitor was examined. 0.2Pb(Mg_(1/3)Nb_(2/3))O₃-0.8Pb(Zr_(0.475)Ti_(0.525)) O₃ ceramic material was used as a piezoelectric material for the actuator. Displacement of the actuator was measured in a capacitive gap sensor measuring system. In case of inserting a capacitor in a total circuit, hysteresis became dramatically decreased, and then finally the hysteresis value can be reduced below 0.2%. It was found in this present study that reducing the hysteresis in the actuator is dependent upon the characteristics of the capacitor in total circuit and also operating frequency

      • 프리텐셔너가 장착된 시트벨트 시스템의 관성잠김 안전버클 개발

        탁태오,국민구,김대희,박재순,신승언,최석 강원대학교 산업기술연구소 2006 産業技術硏究 Vol.26 No.B

        To improve passenger safety, seat belt systems with pre-tensioner that tightens seat belt webbing using explosive just before collision are widely used these days. Even though seatbelt must not unlatched without passengers' operation. explosive power of pre-tensioner can cause unlocking of a buckle. To prevent the unlocking, an anti-g mass that blocks displacement of the release button has been attached to the buckle. In this study, the dynamics and statics of locking mechanism associated with operation of anti-g buckle has been theoretically investigated, and important design variables that affect the operation of anti-g buckle have been identified. Through the total seat belt system's dynamic simulation using force and displacement inputs obtained from seat belt sled test, design of the proposed anti-g buckle has been validated.

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