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        조상과 후손의 만남에 대한 동서양 다원적 패러다임 연구 -주자의 감응이론과 칼융의 동시성이론을 중심으로-

        박재갑 ( Jae-gahb Park ),고재석 ( Jae-suk Go ),전철 ( Chul Chun ) 충남대학교 유학연구소 2016 儒學硏究 Vol.34 No.-

        우리 주위에서 인과관계를 알지 못하는 현상들을 드물지 않게 접한다. 이러한 현상들은 사실이 아니라고 보기보다는 어떠한 중요한 사실을 아직 알지 못하였기 때문에 이해가 안 되는 것이 아닌지 반문하게 한다. 이 글에서 근거로 삼은 자료는 논문의 공동필자인 박재갑 교수 집안에서 일어난 두 가지 사건이다. 첫째는 박재갑 교수의 15대 조상으로 1545년에 돌아가신 필재 박광우의 시신을 이장하는 날 밤, 사촌 형인 박재학의 꿈에 필재 할아버지가 나타나 자신이 소장하였던 방울을 찾아오라는 말을 듣고, 이후 파주에 가서 방울을 소장하고 있던 사람에게 방울을 찾아온 사건이다. 둘째는 박재갑 교수의 부친이 돌아가신 날 이모의 출가한 딸 꿈에 박재갑 교수의 부친이 금시계를 가지고 나타나신 꿈을 꾸었다. 이모의 딸은 이모부가 돌아가신 줄도 모르고 있었고 더욱이 이모부의 아들 부부가 금시계를 사갖고 온 것을 알 수가 없었는데, 금시계와 관련된 꿈을 꾼 일련의 사건이다. 과학을 주류 패러다임으로 삼고 있는 현대문명에서 보면, 신비롭고 기이한 현상은 그저우리가 확인하지 못하는 일상이나 정신현상의 일부일 수도 있다. 그런데 주자(朱熹,1130~1200)의 감응이론과 칼 구스타프 융(Carl Gustav Jung, 1875~1961)의 동시성이론은 인과관계를 알 수 없는 현상들에 대해 각기 다른 해석을 내놓는다. 인과관계를 알 수 없는 현상은 제한적 합리성의 완고한 세계관 자체가 균열되는 사건이며, 동시에 우리의 삶이 이해의 영역을 넘어선 광대한 현실에서 펼쳐지는 사건임을 말해준다. 실로 미지의 우주, 그리고 삶과 죽음에 대한 다원적 패러다임의 폭넓은 수용과 진지한 대화가 더 요청되는 시대이다. 이러한 관점에서 본 연구에서는 조상과 후손의 만남, 감응, 현현의 사례를 성리학의 감응이론과 칼 구스타프 융의 동시성이론의 관점에서 조명하고자 한다. We frequently witness phenomena which occur around us, not revealing the causal relationship. We can ask ourselves whether such phenomena are hard to understand not because they are not true facts but because they are beyond our understanding. The reference data for such a phenomenon in this article are the two events that had occurred in the family of Professor Jae-Gahb Park, one of the co-authors of this article. Firstly, on the eve of the night when his fifteenth-generation ancestor’s grave was to be moved, his ancestor appeared in his consin’s dream, telling him to go and find the bell that his ancestor had cherished. Accordingly, his father and relatives went to Paju county, where his ancestor’s grave is located, to remove the grave to another place. In the process, his father told the participants what his consin had dreamt of including a grave keeper who had kept the bell after reburial. The grave keeper returned it to his father after hearing from him. Secondly, On the day when Professor Park’s father died, his father appeared in the dream of his maternal aunt’s married daughter, carrying a gold watch with him. She was not aware that Professor Park’s father was dead. Furthermore, Neither did she know that Professor Park‘s old brother and his wife in America had bought the gold watch for his father. These two cases are representative examples of ancestors’ revelation through dream. According to the modern civilization which regards sciences as its mainstream paradigm, such mystical and arcane phenomena are just a part of mental phenomena that we cannot verify with our knowledge. However, there are two scholars presenting different explanations about the phenomena of which the causal relationship is not understood yet: Carl Gustav Jung (1875~1961)’s phenomenon of synchronicity and Zhu Xi (朱熹, 1130~1200)’s theory of correlation. A phenomenon whose causal relationship is not understood yet is an event in which the obstinate outlook of the restrictive rationality breaks off, and at the same time our life spreads into the vast realm transcending our understanding. We are living in an era when more discussions on the unknown universe and pluralistic paradigms on the questions about life and death need to be made. In this regard, Gustav Jung’s concept of Synchronicity and Neo-Confucian theory of correlation is instrumental in overcoming the phenomenon and case in which the causality breaks off.

      • Lactobacillus plantarum의 생육 억제에 미치는 요소 및 protoplast 형성에 관한 연구

        박범식,--,전억한,조재선 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1993 硏究論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        발효중 L.plantarum의 생육 영향 실험은 다양한 인자를 이용하여 결정하였는데 당 종류 및 함량에 따른 성장 효과는 glucose가 20%일때 발효성 당 기질의 활용율이 높았으며, pH 저하 속도 역시 가장 빨랐다. 초기 pH를 6.5에서 3.0까지 acids 첨가로 고정시켜서 초기 pH에 따른 발효중 pH의 변화 정도은 접종 초기 pH와 관계없이 4.0 이하에선 pH 저하가 거의 일어나지 않았으나 세포 농도는 증가하였다. 초기 pH 40 이상에서는 급격한 pH 저하가 있었다. 따라서 acidulants 첨가시 적어도 pH를 40이하로 낮추게 되면 세포 성장이 둔화 되어 김치 발효에 앞서 acididulation을 행할 수 없게 된다. 젖산균의 종류에 따라서 일정농도 이상의 염농도에서 생육이 중지되거나 삼투압이 세포내보다 클때에는 세포가 파열하여 생육할 수 없다. 염농도 1%에서 3%까지 증가함에 따라 세포상장에 어느정도 영향을 미쳤으나 pH저하에는 거의 영향을 미치지 않았다. DEDT와 Butylated hydroxyanisol은 생장 억제제로 각 1%, 0.04% 첨가한 경우 접종초기와 배양후의 pH 변화는 거의 또는 전혀 일어나지 않았으며, Zn을 첨가하였을때도 pH 변화가 발견되지 않았다. Protoplast를 생성하기 위하여 세포벽 용균 효소로 lysozyme 40㎍/ml과 protoplast 형성율이 가장 좋은 생육 시기인 15hr으로 결정하였다. 30℃, ph75에서 현저한 흡광도 감소 경향과 protoplast 형성율도 우수하게 나타났다. 15% sucrose, 20mM MgCl₂, 6mM CaCl₂에서는 흡광도 감소 경향을 보이지 않았으나, protoplast 형성율은 다른 농도에서보다 증가하는 경향을 나타냈다. Plasma expander로 알려진 gelatm을 첨가하였을 경우에는 6660㎚에서 유의적인 흡광도 감소경향을 보이지 않았으며 단지 protoplast를 형성시키는데 있어서 중요한 보조적 역할을 수행하는 것으로 사료된다. Lactic acid bacteria involved in KimChi fermentation was tested for disposition of preservation with initial pH and inhibitory activity against Lactobacillus plantarum. The inhibotory effects of various factors which are additional sugars, lowering initial pH, addition of salts on the cell growth were evaluated by measuring capacity of acid formation. The cell growth was found to be high at 20% glucose in accordance with fast falling of pH. It was revealed that the cell growth was inhibited with some decrease in pH when concentration of salt increased up to 3%. It was also found that Zn concentrations ranging from 0.01% to 0.04% did not show any influence on the cell growth. Microorganisms of L. plantarum were also used for the protoplast fusion to obtain the improved strains for KimChi fermentation. Protoplasts of L. plantarum was produced by lysozyme digestion at 30℃ for 180min. The strain was treated with 40㎍/㎖ of lysozyme in 30 mM Tris-Cl buffer(pH 7.5) containing 10% sucrose at the late logarithmic growth. It was found that the efficiency of protplast formation was high at 30℃, pH 7.5 determined by decrease in absorbance. Optimum concentrarions of sucrose, Ca^(2+), Mg^(2+) for protoplast formation were determined to be 15%, 20 mM and 6 mM, respectively.

      • 아이스하키 선수들의 포지션별 슬관절 및 견관절의 등속성 근력에 관한 비교 연구

        박영균,전종국,이재문 경희대학교 체육과학연구소 2001 體育學論文集 Vol.29 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to compare the isokinetic muscular among ice-hockey athletics's positions(FW, DF, GK). For this purpose, the subjects were 29 athletes(FW 10, DF 10, GK 9), and the isokinetic strength were tested by knee and shoulderat. Knee tests processed at 5 times to 60˚/sec, 5 times to 120˚/sec, 20 times to 180˚/sec, and shoulder tests processed at 5 times to 60˚/sec, 90˚/sec, 120˚/sec with the CYBEX NORM system. The test items were peak torque, total work, average power, and H/Q ratio. The results of this study were as follows; 1. For both knee extension and flexion peak torque, showed DF, GK, FW order, and there was significant difference between DF and FW in extension, and between DF/GK and FW in flexion. 2. For both knee extension total work, showed DF, GK, FW order and there was significant difference between DF/GK and FW in extension And no significant difference among positions in flexion 3. For both knee extension and flexion average power, showed DF, GK, FW order, and there was significant difference between DF and FW. 4. For knee H/Q ratio, showed DF, GK, FW order, and there was no significant difference among positions 5. For both shoulder extension and flexion peak torque, showed DF. GK, FW order, and there was significant difference between DF and FW. 6. For both shoulder extension and flexion peak torque, showed DF, GK, FW order, and there was significant difference between DF and FW. 7. For both shoulder extension and flexion peak torque, showed DF, GK, FW order, and there was significant difference between DF and FW in flexion. But, no significant difference among positions in extension. 8. For shoulder H/Q ratio, showed DF, GK, FW order, and there was no significant difference among positions.

      • KCI등재

        장애인용 운동의사결정 균형검사의 요인불변성

        전혜자,김혜진,박재현 한국특수체육학회 2003 한국특수체육학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to introduce on factorial invariance for persons with disabilities of multi-group testing by structural equation modeling. Further, the second purpose involved assessing the construct validity and invariance of the two factor first-order model to the Decisional Balance for Exercise Scale (DBES) in a persons with disabilities (n=190) and non-disabilities (n=551) sample. For comparing the invariance of the factor structures in the DBES of multiple samples, a systematic way involves the testing of a series of hierarchical hypotheses by Jo^(‥)reskog and So^(‥)rbam (1989). To conduct this analysis, a preliminary test of invariance across persons with disabilities and non-disabilities groups in terms of their covariance structures (i.e., ∑_(1)=∑_(2)) is analyzed. The hypothesis of equal covariance structures for DBES persons with disabilities sample and non-disabilities sample was rejected. Thus, the analysis proceeded to test the hypotheses of invariance to find parameters responsible for the different covariance structures. It was rejected the hypotheses of invariance factor patterns (Ho. 2) at the significance level of 5%. In sum, this analysis indicated that the refined DBES does measure the different underlying concept of both samples.

      • KCI등재

        日本의 海岸砂防에 관한 연구(II) : 沖繩縣의 海岸保安林을 중심으로;On Seaside Protection Forest in Okinawa Prefecture

        全槿雨,李在善,朴完根,幸喜善福,中島勇喜,江崎次夫 江原大學校 森林科學硏究所 2004 Journal of Forest Science Vol.20 No.-

        우리나라에 있어서 海岸林의 多面的 機能과 時代的 價値觀의 변화를 파악하고, 海岸砂防의 참고자료를 얻기 위해 일본의 海岸林과 海岸砂防에 대한 각종 자료를 수집·분석하고 있다. 전보(全槿雨 등, 2002)에 이어 日本 沖繩縣의 海岸防災林을 중심으로 海岸林의 槪要, 海岸保安林의 實態와 각 島嶼別 주요 海岸砂防用 樹種 및 대표적인 海岸保安林에 대하여 분석·정리하였다. Management system of coastal erosion-control forest in Japan together with coast sand dune fixation and stabilization were investigated and analyzed to introduce to Korean researchers the many-sided importance and function of coastal forest and its chage from the standpoint of social value. In this study some suggestions and ideas were proposed for establishment of coastal forest including some suggestions and idea were proposed for establishment of coastal forest including seaside protection forest characteristics and tree species for coastal dune fixation, based on the analysis of date which were collected from the seaside protection forest in Okinawa Prefecture in Japan.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        횡 요천골부 후피부판 (Transverse Lumbosacral Back Flap)을 이용한 천골부 욕창 치험례

        전건수,김유승,하재성,박준용,서정오 大韓成形外科學會 1993 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.20 No.3

        Pressure sore is an area of ischemic tissue loss resulting from prolonged or often repeated pressure, usually over a bony prominence of body. Recently, the prevalence of pressure sore is major clinical problem, due to the increased number of patients with spinal cord injuries or longterm comatous patient after traffic, industrial accidents. The surgical principles in the treatment of pressure sores are total excision of the ulcer, scartissue, bursae, complete removal of all infected bone with recontouring of bony prominences to alleviate discrete pressure points and resurfacing and padding of the defects with healthy and well vascularized tissues. The sacral sore is the most common site for the development of pressure sore in Korea. We had experienced 14 cases who had received surgical treatments for sacral sores with transverse lumbosacral back flap. We obtained the following conclusions. Advantages 1)It is quick and easy procedure 2)The flap elevation itself is relatively bloodless 3)The donor defect is in a non-weight-bearing area 4)Muscle is not sacrified(possibly of importance in the ambulatory patient) 5)Surgical options are preserved in cases of recurrence(the flap itself may be reelevated and inset in some cases of recurrence) Disadvantages 1)It is lacking the bulky padding afforded by alternative musculocutaneous flaps 2)The vascularity of the flap tip is empirically less dependable than that of a musculocutaneous flap 3)The donor defect is large, cannot usually be closed primarily, and may prove of cosmetic concern

      • 전통무예의 문화관광 자원으로서 관광 인지도 조사 연구 : 태권도와 택견을 중심으로

        박재천 문화관광연구학회 2000 문화관광연구 Vol.2 No.1

        This study is to make an analysis of the present problems on Korea tourism business which use Taekwondo, Takkyun (traditional martial arts as important tourism sourse, and find the better way of increasy the value of Taekwondo and Takkyun. Now, Taekwondo and Takkyun makes people all over the world visit Korea. The past year, about 3million foreigners have been to Korea. now if we use Taekwondo and Takkyun as tourism business sourse, we can get the great profit. As you know, traditional Korea culture has a good value, and possibility in world tourism market. Therefore we have to advertise Taekwondo and Takkyun actively, at the same time make foreigners have the interesting of Taekwondo and Takkyun.

      • 동일한 국제예후지표(International Prognostic Index)를 나타내는 미만성 대형 B-세포 림프종에서 Bcl-2와 p16의 임상적 중요성

        박상은,박수진,곽승근,박남숙,천재민,윤환중,조덕연,김삼용,김진만 충남대학교 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.2

        In Korea, malignant lymphoma is a common cancer, comprising about 2.7% of all malignant neoplasm. Diffuse large B cell lymphoma is the most common lymphoma, representing about 50% of all Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is usually considered as heterogeneous group of neoplasms rather than a single clinicopathological entity. Clinical prognostic systems, including the International Prognostic Index (IPI), although useful to assess overall prognosis, embrace patients with heterogeneous prognoses. But International Prognostic Index scoring system is not sufficiently predict the prognosis. It is likely that the prognostic assessment of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphomamight be improved by using biological features. Bcl-2 protein and p16 protein expression is recognized as useful biologic markers predicting the prognosis of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. To determine the clinical significance and prognostic value of bcl-2 and p16 proteins expression patterns, we studied 18 patients with de novo DLBL, whose archival pathology specimen were available for immunohistochemistry studies, atChungnam National University Hospital from September 1992 to December 2000. Archival specimens from each patient were immunostained with respective antibodies for bcl-2, p16. The results are as follows; 1) The median age was 54(rage : 37-69). There were 12 male patients(66.7%) and 6 female patients(33.3%) The 'B' symptom was abscentin all patients. The stages were as follows : Ⅰ, 2 patient(11.1%), Ⅱ, 10 patient(55.6%), Ⅲ, 4patient(22.2%) and Ⅳ, 2patient(11.1%). 3 patients(16.8%) had the elevated LDH level, 14 patients(77.8%) had the normal LDH level and 1 patients(5.6%) was not identified the LDH level. 2 patients(11.1%) had the bulky disease and 16 patients(88.7%) had no bulky diease. The distribution of ECOG status were O, 2 patients(11.1%c), 1, 14patients(77.8%) and 2, 2patients(11.1%). 2) Theimmunohistochemistry results are as follows bcl-2:+,10 patients(55.6%), bcl-2:-, 8patinets(44.4%), p16:+,3 patients(16.7%), p16:-, 15patients(83.3%) 3) After a median follow UP durations of 67 months, the median survival time was 57 months with a rage of 7-100+ months. 5-years overall survival rates was 44% by Kaplan-Meier method. 4) Reduced overall survival was demonstrated in the patients who expressed bcl-2 protein(P=0.0174). 5-year overall survivial rate was 12%(bcl-2 expression) versus 88%(no bcl-2 expression) 5) Among diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients with IPI score 0-1, reduced overall survival was demonstrated with bcl-2 expression(P=0.023). 5-year overall survival rate was 18%(bcl-2 expression group) versus 100%(no bcl-2 expressiongroup) 6) Median survival durtation of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients negative for p16 expression was 57 months whereas p16 postive patients' median survival duration was not reached(P=0.4478). In diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients with identical IPI scores, bcl-2 expression had additional prognostic value.

      • KCI등재후보

        이황화탄소 폭로 남성 근로자의 진동감각 역치에 관한 연구

        박승희,이은일,천병철,염용태,최재욱 大韓産業醫學會 1996 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        This study was conducted on 367 male workers to evaluate the change of vibration perception threshold(VPT) according to exposure degree to carbon disulfide. VPT was measured on both metacarpal bones of index and little fingers and on fibular malleoli by Vibrometer(Rion, on 125Hz). The exposure degree was classified by the name of department. Workers in department 2 had been exposed to carbon disulfide, those in department 3 had been exposed to undetectable concentration of carbon disulfide. The results were as follows: 1. The mean values of VDT of metacarpal(MC) bones showed dose-response pattern, i.e., the mean values of VPT at department 1 were highest, and those of VPT at department 3 were lowest with similar work duration or age. But the mean values of VPT of fibular malleoli(FM) showed dose-response patter only in workers having above 5 years of work duration or whose age were above 30. 2. The mean values of VPT of MC bone of workers increased by age. 3. There were statistically significant difference in mean values of VPT of MC bone only in workers having 5-10 year work duration. And there were statistically significant difference of mean values of VPT of left 2nd and 5th MC bone in workers whose age was 30's, of right 2nd MC bone in those whose age was 40's, and of left 2nd MC bone in those whose age was 50's. 4. The variables affecting VPT significantly were department and age(or age group) both in multiple regression and general linear model. The department showed to have more effect to VPT than age in multiple regression, but age group showed to have more effect to VPT than department in general linear model. 5. The variables were transformed to indicator variable to do logistic regression analysis. department 1, 2, 3 were classified into high exposure(spinning department) and low duration was classified into long(above 10 years) and short. The exposure and age were significant variables by logistic regression analysis. Odds rations of department and VPT on metacarpal bones or malleoli were 2.7-3.2 and VPT those were 2.6 or 2.7. Odds ratio of age and abnormality of VPT on any point was 3.3(1.59-6.8), and that of department and VPT was 2.8(1.5-5.5). We concluded that exposure of carbon disulfied was significantly associated with reduction of VPT regardless of age; and that the test of VPT would be useful tool for screening and early detection in neuropathy by carbon disulfide or other neurotoxic chemicals, even though it is simple and cheap.

      • 강진만에서 미생물의 년 변화

        박종천,오재영,정용욱,주현수,이원교,유춘만,이우범 國立 麗水大學校 환경문제硏究所 2001 環境硏究論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        The biological surveys were performed at seven sites in the Gangjin bay from February, 1998 to November, 2001. In order to analysis of environmental variation, numbers of heterotrophic bacteria, general fungus and fecal coliforms were enumerated in each sample. The result showed that variation range of heterotrophic bacteria, general fungus, and fecal coliforms were 2.9 x 10^(3)~9.6 x 10^(3) CFU/ml, 17.2~80.1 CFU/ml, and 6.3~682.5 CFU/100ml for four tears(1988~2001), respectively. Density of heterotrophic bacteria and general fungus were gradually decreased for four tours, while fecal coliforms were suddenly increased. Specially, numbers of fecal colifoms were increased the more 100 times in 2001 than that 1998. We think that it was probably caused a little rainfall in February, 2001. There result suggests that ecosystem of Gangjin bay were mainly regulated by 2~3 factors, which were inflow of fresh water, salinity and variation of water temperature.

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