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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Fatty Acid Compositions of Cultured Oyster(Crassostrea gigas)from Korean and Japanese Spats

        Bo Young,Moon, Soo Kyung,Jeong, Woo Geon 한국수산학회 1999 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.2 No.2

        Changes in lipid content, lipid class and fatty acid compositions of the cultured oysters in shallow-water, Bukman bay (Tongyeong, Korea), using both Korean and Japanese spats were investigated. The content of non-polar lipid (NL) comprised approximately 60~80% of total lipid (TL) in the cultured oysters. There was a positive correlation between NL content and meat weight, y=0.2871x-15.309 (r=0.8341, p$lt;0.001). The prominent fatty acids of the oysters were 16:0, 20:5n-3 (eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA), 22:6n-3 (docosahexaenoic acid, DHA), 18:0, 18:1n-7, 18:1n-9, 16:1n-7, 14:0 and 16:4n-3. During the growth of the oysters, 16:4n-3 showed the highest coefficient of variation, accounting for 41.8% for the Korean oyster and 32.3% for the Japanese one, respectively. Both oysters showed low level of n-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA and high level of n-6 fatty acid, 20:4n-6, in the spawning period (August). During growth of the oysters, both EPA and DHA were the richest fatty acids in the harvest period (December, 314 ㎎/100 g sample) and in the pre-spawning period (July, 237∼247 ㎎/100 g sample), respectively. Consequently, the cultured oyster with Japanese spat contained approximately two times more n-3 fatty acids per oyster individual than those with Korean one in the harvest season.

      • KCI등재

        고전소설 다시쓰기에서 ‘저자적 독자’의 양상과 국어교육적 의미 - 유튜브의 <열녀춘향수절가> 관련 콘텐츠를 중심으로 -

        서보영 ( Seo¸ Bo-young ) 한국문학교육학회 2021 문학교육학 Vol.- No.73

        이 연구는 고전소설을 읽고 쓰는 주체들을 저자적 독자로 개념화하고 유튜브의 <열녀춘향수절가> 콘텐츠를 중심으로 저자적 독자의 존재 양상을 분석하였다. 이를 통해 고전소설 다시쓰기에서 저자적 독자의 국어교육적 의미를 밝혔다. 라비노위츠에 따르면 저자적 독자란 저자가 쓴 글을 읽을 것으로 예상되는 독자로 실제 독자가 취할 수 있는 역할이다. 이 개념은 쓰기 이전에는 고전소설의 실제 독자이자 집합적인 수용자이며 쓰기를 시작하는 시점에서 새로운 독자를 추론해야 고전소설 다시쓰기에서 매우 유용하게 적용될 수 있다. <열녀춘향수절가>의 다시쓰기 결과물인 [민음사 TV]와 [10분의 문학]에서 저자적 독자의 존재 양상은 모본 수용 과정에서 저자적 독자 되기와 이본의 생산 과정에서 저자적 독자 구상하기로 나누어 살펴 볼 수 있다. 모본을 수용할 때 저자적 독자는 모본의 저자와 독자를 동일시한다. 또한 저자적 독자는 일반 독자의 해석과 차이를 둠으로써 자신의 해석을 강조한다. 저자적 독자는 모본의 가치를 신뢰하고 특정 장면을 중심으로 자신의 존재를 드러낸다. 한편 이본 생산자로서 저자적 독자는 자신의 독자를 구상할 때 자신을 독자에 가깝게 위치시킴으로써 독자들과 동질감을 형성하고자 한다. 특정 의도에 따라 텍스트를 재구성하며 독자에게 친숙한 현대적 어휘나 표현을 통해 독자와의 친숙함을 제고한다. 고전소설 다시쓰기에서 저자적 독자의 존재는 고전소설과 독자가 맺어야 할 관계를 선명하게 드러내 줄 수 있고 다시쓰기 행위의 의미를 성찰할 수 있게 한다는 점에서 국어교육적 의미를 찾을 수 있다. In this study, considering the importance of the authorial audience in rewriting the korean classical novel, their existence was searched for on the YouTube channel of < Chunhyangjeon >. Through this, the meaning in Korean language education was studied. According to Rabinowitz, an the authorial audience is a reader who is expected to read what the author has written. This concept is very useful for rewriting a classic novel in which both reading and writing occur simultaneously. In [Minumsa TV] and [10 Minutes of Literature], the authorial audience appears in different ways in reading and writing. In the rewriting of classical novels, the existence of the authorial audience clearly shows the relationship between the classical novel and the reader and can reflect on the meaning of the act of rewriting.

      • KCI등재

        일제 초기 사립교육령과 독일 선교사들의 실업교육 활동

        박보영 ( Park¸ Bo-young ) 대구사학회 2020 대구사학 Vol.140 No.-

        식민지 초기 ‘간이하고 실용적인 지식’은 중등 이하 실업교육에 부합하는 지적 체계였다. ‘개념지식’을 차단하고 하층 ‘기술지식’ 보급을 구조화한 1910년대는 결과적으로는 식민지 공업화의 기술인력 공급의 예비기간이었다. 통상 ‘식민지 우민화’ 정책으로 호명되는 이 시기에 독일 선교사들은 실업학교인 ‘숭공학교’를 통해 수공업 기술인력을 양성하고 자립경제가 가능한 중산층 신자 형성을 꾀했다. 그로써 천주교 신자들의 사회적 영향력이 높아지고 결과적으로 교회의 대중적 흡인력이 높아지기를 기대했다. 식민지 교육체제는 관공립 우선정책과 사립학교 억제정책, 종당에는 종교교육 철폐로 선교사들의 교육사업을 무력화시키는 한편, 중등 종결교육으로서 실업교육은 묵인하며 억압 수위를 조절했다. 당시 실업교육의 현황은 사회적 기대 수준에 비해 단기실무양성 확대로 사회적 불만을 무마시키는 정도에 그쳤다. 독일 선교사들은 고등교육을 포기하는 대신 실업교육의 내실을 기하고, 인력보강과 규모확대를 위한 설계를 갖추어나갔다. 교육 내용은 자립경제가 가능한 한 사람의 기술가이자 경영인으로 양성되도록 강도 높은 실습 위주의 도제방식이 적용되었다. 3년간의 견습과정 수료 후 제도와 원가계산, 실습제작을 완료하는 시험을 통과하면 숙련공 자격이 주어졌다. 그 어떤 구호보다 강하게 ‘자립’을 함축하고 있는 독일 선교사들의 도제교육은 식민지 질서 안에서 치밀한 통제대상이었던 이론교육의 범주를 빗겨나 있었다. 노동하고 땀 흘리며 행위실천으로 전이되는 장인(匠人)의 기술지식은 텍스트로 발화되지 않고, 손과 손으로 내면화 되는 ‘개념 지식’이며, 생을 통해 관철되는 무형의 자산이었다. 식민지 교육정책의 갖가지 억압적 요소 가운데서도 숭공학교는 꾸준히 명맥을 유지할 수 있었다. 그러나 세계 제1차대전의 여파와 1920년 원산교구 설정과 함께 주어진 새로운 선교과제는 숭공학교를 포기하도록 만들었다. 실업 혹은 공업교육이 절대적으로 미진하고 하급지식에 머물던 초기 식민지기, 독일 선교사들의 자립적 수공업자 양성은 하나의 대안적 가치로서 주목할만 하다. At the beginning of the colonial rule, the ‘easy and practical knowledge’ represented the intellectual system that corresponded to technical training below secondary school level. The 1910s saw the prohibition of ‘conceptual knowledge’ and the structuralized dissemination of the lower level ‘technical knowledge’. In this sense, it was a preliminary period of technical labor supply for the colonial industrialization. During this period, commonly known as the ‘colonial unenlightenment’ policy, German missionaries fostered manpower for manual labor at the Soong-gong Technical School with a view to forming middle-class believers who could manage a self-reliant economy. In doing so, they hoped to increase the social influence of Catholicism and thereby render the Church more attractive to the masses. The colonial education system relied on a policy of prioritizing public schools and controlling private schools, while religious education was ultimately abolished, neutralizing the educational work of missionaries. Nonetheless, the level of repression was somewhat adjusted and technical training was still tolerated at the end of middle school. But in regard to social expectations, technical training could only amount to alleviate social discontent by expanding short-term work training. Instead of giving up on Koreans’ higher education, German missionaries focused on improving the quality of technical education and worked out a plan to expand its scale and reinforce manpower. The training method consisted of an intensive, practice-oriented apprenticeship to form technicians capable of self-reliant economy. One was qualified as skilled worker after completing the 3-year apprenticeship and passing the examination that concluded the system, cost calculations and practical manufacturing. The apprenticeship training provided by the German missionaries implicitly promoted ‘self-reliance’ more than any slogan and deviated from theoretical education, which was tightly controlled within the colonial order. The technical knowledge of hard-working craftsmen is a type of ‘conceptual knowledge’ transferred through practice and internalized through hands rather than expressed through texts, as well as an intangible asset achieved through life. Amid the various elements of repression under the colonial education policy, Soong-gong School was able to maintain its name. However, with the aftermath of World War I and the new missions that came along the establishment of Wonsan Diocese in 1920 Soong-gong School was abandoned. The German missionaries’ efforts to promote technical education based on industrial apprenticeship and emphasis on self-reliant craftsmanship could serve as an alternative case study when looking into this early colonial period such knowledge and industrial education remained as a very low level. (Researcher, center of Asia study, KNU / jeanned@hanmail.net)

      • KCI등재

        개항기(1880~1906) 원산주재 일본영사의 파견과 거류지 행정

        최보영 ( Choi¸ Bo Young ) 연세사학연구회 2021 學林 Vol.48 No.-

        개항장 원산은 한국이 근대 이후 외국인에게 개항한 최초의 항구였다. 원산개항장 내에서 벌인 청일 양국의 각축에서 결국 일본이 승리할 수 있는 배경이 된 것이 원산영사관의 설치와 여기에 파견된 영사들의 활동임은 자명하다. 본고에서는 원산영사의 파견과 활동에 초점을 맞춰 연구를 진행하였다. 이를 통해 다음의 네 가지를 파악할 수 있었다. 우선, 원산 개항은 일본에 의해 이뤄졌으며 이는 러시아의 남하를 견제하려는 군사적 목적이었다. 이에 대해 한국은 수신사로 파견되어 일본을 경험한 김기수를 덕원부사로 임명하고 감리를 두어 이에 대응토록 하였다. 둘째, 일본영사의 면면을 보면 처음 원산 총영사관은 마에다를 총영사로 발탁할 정도로 원산을 중요한 지역으로 인식했음을 알 수 있다. 하지만 이들의 평균 재임 기간을 보면 부산보다 짧은 것으로 보아 서울에 공사관이 개설되고 인천영사관이 개설된 이후 러시아의 견제가 생각만큼 중요하지 않다는 인식 하에서 그 중요성이 적어진 것이 아닌가 생각한다. 셋째, 원산영사가 제정·시행한 포달을 표로 정리하고 이들 포달이 갖는 특징을 정리하였다. 대개 확인된 49개의 포달을 보면 첫째, 매춘영업과 위생에 관한 포달, 둘째, 거류민의 행정·사법적 통제, 셋째, 어업에 관한 통제로 구분할 수 있었다. 이는 당시 거류지에 성업했던 매춘에 대한 문제들을 행정통제권 아래로 묶어두어 위생과 함께 무분별하게 낭비되는 비용을 절감하게 한 것이다. 또 거류민의 각종 영업활동에 대한 통제를 포달을 통해 수행했으며 개개인의 형법·민법적 불법행위를 영사재판권으로 통제하고자 하였다. 그리고 해양을 끼고 있는 개항장이라는 것으로 많을 수밖에 없는 어업권을 통제하는 역할을 했다고 볼 수 있다. 마지막으로 원산에 파견된 영사는 영사 고유의 업무에 매진한 것과 함께 한국에 일본공사가 파견되지 않은 상황에서 덕원부사와 교섭해 거류지 관련 조약을 체결하는 외교대표권을 행사했음을 알 수 있었다. 또 일본인의 안정적인 거류지 정착을 위해 다양한 포달을 제정·시행하였다. The open port period of Wonsan was, in practice, the first Korean port to be opened to foreigners. It is widely agreed that the installation of the Japanese consulate and dispatch of consults in Wonsan played an important role for Japan to win the Sino-Japanese conflict in the open port. This article is focused on the dispatch and activities of Japanese consuls in Wonsan, and discusses the four main findings as follows: First, the port of Wonsan was opened by Japan in order to monitor Russia for possible invasion into the South. As a result, Korea appointed Kimgisu(金綺秀), who was previously dispatched to Japan as a diplomat, provincial governor of Deokwon. Second, at first, Japan appeared to have considered Wonsan as an important location, considering the country has sent Maeda(前田) as the first consul-general of the consulate in Wonsan. However, in terms of the average tenure in Wonsan, it was shorter than that in Busan. This suggests the importance of Wonsan decrease dafter a legation was set up in Seoul and another consulate in Incheon, as Japan possibly realized monitoring Russia was not as important as they once thought. Third, consuls dispatched to Wonsan did not only perform tasks dedicated to consuls but they also acted as diplomatic representatives who signed a settlement-related treaty with the provincial governor of Deokwon. Also, they created and enforced various consul’s announcements supporting stable settlement of Japanese people. Lastly, the article provides a table of announcements enacted and enforced by the consuls in Wonsan and discussed the characteristics of the announcements. The 49 announcements were largely divided into:first, ones related to prostitution and sanitation;second, administrative and legislative control of the settlement residents;and third, fishing-related regulations. The purpose was to save costs related to sanitation, by categorizing issues related to prostitution, which was rampant at the time of settlement, under the administrative control. Also, the announcements served as regulations of various sales activities and were intended to handle illegal activities of individuals based on the consular jurisdiction. Also, they were used to control the fishery right that was closely related to the open port area.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Three Actors of Entrepreneur Mentoring and Their Impact on Perceived Mentoring Effectiveness: The Korean Formal Mentoring Context

        Boyoung Kim(Boyoung Kim) People&Global Business Association 2023 Global Business and Finance Review Vol.28 No.1

        Purpose: This study investigates the impact of three actors that influence entrepreneur mentoring—mentor, mentee, and operating agency—on mentoring effectiveness within the context of formal mentoring in Korea. Specifically, the study considers the characteristics of the mentee, mentoring functions provided by the mentor, and support from the operating agency as antecedents to explain the perceived mentoring effectiveness of the mentee. Design/methodology/approach: I conducted two studies. Study 1 involves data from mentees participating in the entrepreneur mentoring program hosted by the Korea Venture Business Association from March to June 2018. Data for Study 2 was collected from mentees participating in the mentoring program hosted by incubating center of university located in South Korea from November to October 2022. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to examine the hypotheses. Findings: First, Study 1 shows that willingness to receive mentoring positively affects entrepreneurial competence improvement, but this impact was insignificant in Study 2. Second, the problem-solving function provided by the mentor presents a significant positive effect on both mentoring satisfaction and entrepreneurial competence improvement. Third, the motivating function undertaken by a mentor only has a significant positive effect on improving entrepreneurial competence in Study 1. This motivating function positively affects mentoring satisfaction and entrepreneur competence improvement in Study 2. Fourth, support from the operating agency has a significant positive impact on both mentoring satisfaction and improving entrepreneurial competence after controlling for the mentor and mentee effects. Research limitations/implications: This study provides a theoretical contribution to the research on entrepreneur mentoring. In this regard, it suggests three actors-based models of mentoring effectiveness and practical implications for organizations executing entrepreneurship mentoring programs. Accordingly, it confirms that the operating agency’s managerial role is necessary for enhancing entrepreneur mentoring effectiveness. Originality/value: Entrepreneur mentoring is implemented via formal mentoring in many developing countries. However, little attention has been paid to the operating agency as the primary determinant affecting mentoring effectiveness. The current study addresses this gap by examining the effects of three actors in formal mentoring— mentee, mentor, and operating agency—on the mentee’s perceived mentoring effectiveness.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        K-Band Substrate-Integrated Waveguide Resonator Filter With Suppressed Higher-Order Mode

        Boyoung Lee,Tae-Hak Lee,Kangho Lee,Man-Seok Uhm,Juseop Lee THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 2015 IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters Vol. No.

        <P>In this letter, we present a design method for K-band substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) resonator filters utilizing TM<SUB>02</SUB> mode. More importantly, a methodology for suppressing an unwanted higher-order mode ( TM<SUB>11</SUB>) close to the passband is demonstrated. It is shown that suppressing the unwanted mode give rise to the improved stopband performance. In addition, the resonator used in this filter design has capability of adjusting the resonant frequency, and this allows for compensating the fabrication error. Verification of the presented design method has been carried out by fabricating and measuring the filter.</P>

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