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      • 임실관촌 사선대 일대의 식물상과 분포

        길봉섭,김창환,김무열,이은복 원광대학교 생명공학연구소 1997 생명공학연구소보 Vol.5 No.1

        임실 관촌 사선대의 관속식물은 66과 145속 177종 1아종 20변종 4품종으로 총 202종류가 분포하고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 조사기간이 가을 한 철에 불과했던 사정을 감안한다면 이보다 더 많은 종류가 있을 것이 확실하다. 사선대의 식물군락은 식물사회학적인 방법으로 분류한 결과 목본은 졸참나무군락(Quercus serrata community), 가침박달군락(Exochorda serratifolia community), 개서어나무군락(Carpinus tschonoskii community), 느티나무군락(Zelkova sarrata community), 상수리나무군락(Quercus acutissima community), 갈참나무군락(Quercus aliena community), 긴산개나리군락(Forsythia saxatilis var. lanceolata community) 그리고 리기다소나무식재림(Pinus rigida plantation) 등으로 구분되었고, 초본은 복수초군락(Adonis amurensis community), 피나물군락(Hylomecon vernale community)으로 총 9개군락과 1식재림으로 나누어졌다. 조사지의 식생은 피나물의 대형군락과 복수초군락, 긴산개나리군락 및 가침박달군락 등이 다른 곳에서 찾아보기 힘들 만큼 식물 분포학상 특이하며 그만큼 중요하므로 이를 특별히 보호해야 할 필요가 있다. 아울러 할미밀망, 큰잎산꿩의다리, 조팝나무는 한국특산식물이다. 흥미로운 점은 조사지가 비교적 낮은 곳에 위치하는데도 불구하고 할미밀망, 큰잎산꿩의다리, 피나물, 복수초 등 비교적 높은 곳에 분포하는 식물들이 이곳에 난다는 것은 국지적인 기후의 특수성 때문일 것으로 생각된다. 즉, 관촌 사선대 일대는 기온이 낮아서 옛부터 해빙이 늦게 되는 곳이라는 점이다. 또, 긴산개나리군락은 우리나라에서 가장 큰 자연군락이며 이곳이 분포의 남한계선이어서 이 군락지는 천연기념물로 지정되어 보호하고 있다. The flora of Saseon-dae, kwanchon, Imsil-gun was composed of 66 families, 145 genera, 177 species, 1 subspecies, 20 varieties, 4 forma and 202 taxa. The vegetaion was classified into 9 communities and 1 planted forest : Quercus serrata community, Exochorda serratifolia community, Carpinus tschonoskii community, Zelkova serrata community, Quercus acutissima community, Quercus aliena community, Forsythia saxatilis var. lanceolata community, Adonis amurensis community, Hylomecon vernale community and Pinus rigida plantation. Several ferns, for example, Pyrrosia linearifolia growing on the rock, Polystichum tsussimense, Camptosorus sibiricus, Asplenium trichomanes, Dryopteris lacera, and Dryopteris bissetiana, endemic species such as Clematis trichotoma, Thalictrum punctatum and Spiraea prunifolia var. simpliciflora were of great significance in terms of the geographical distribution of plants. Especial F. saxatilis var. lanceolata species are forming the biggest natural community and recognized southern boundary line of distribution in Korea, therefore, it should be protected with a special counterplan including designate as a precious natural monument.

      • 리기다소나무의 Allelopathy 效果

        吉奉燮 圓光大學校 基礎自然科學硏究所 1989 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.8 No.3

        리기다소나무의 allelopathy 效果를 究明하기 위하여 그 植物의 잎, 낙엽, 뿌리에서 抽出한 抽出液, 洗脫液으로 實驗해 본 결과 다른 植物의 發芽와 生長 抑制에 관계함을 알아 냈다. 즉, 發芽率은 對照區에 比하여 약간 낮았지만 乾重量은 크게 抑制되었고 水溶抽出液이 洗脫液보다 더 抑制하였다. 또한 리기다소나무林床 土壞의 野外 生物學的 定量實驗結果에서도 위와 비슷한 사실이 確認되었다. 따라서 그 抑制物質을 찾기 위하여 chromatography法으로 리기다소나무 잎으로부터 14종류의 化學物質을 分離한 결과 phenolic 化合物로 確認되었다. 그래서 檢出된 物質과 同質인 化學物質을 써서 生物學的 定量實驗을 實施한 結果 상치의 發芽와 生長을 抑制하였고 特히 5x10^-3M 液區에서 극심하게 抑制하였다. 이상의 결과로 phenolic 化合物은 리기다소나무의 allelopathy 效果에 관계하는 物質임은 確認하였다. A number of laboratory and field experiments have performed wth aqueous extracts from fresh leaves, fallen leaves and roots of Pinus rigida in order to investigate the effect of the pine tree. The results obtained found its inhibitive effect on the germination and growth of tested species. Though relative germination ratio of the species was somewhat lower than the control plot, severe inhibition was observed in relative dry weight ratio. These results were more obvious in aqueous extracts than in the case of leachates and similar results were also confirmed by field bioassays on the forest soil of P. rigida. Therefore, to find out the inhibitory substances, 14 different kinds of chemical substances were isolated from the leaves of the tree by chromatography and most of them were confirmed to be phenolic compounds. The growth of lettuce was inhibited in the experiment using reagents identical to these chemical substances and a great inhibition was observed in the concentration of less than 5×10^-3M solution. Phenolic compounds are assumed the substance related to the allelopathic effect of P. rigida.

      • 植物의 生長에 미치는 비쑥의 毒性作用

        吉奉燮,柳賢卿 圓光大學校 基礎自然科學硏究所 1994 基礎科學硏究誌 Vol.13 No.2

        To find out phytotoxic effects of naturally occurring substances emitted by Artemisia scoparia, aqueous extracts and volatile substances of A. scoparia were provided and used for tests such as seed germination and seedling growth. In general, the more was the concentration of the extracts and the amount of A. scoparia leaf, the worse was the above mentioned tests of selected species. Especially. relative germination ratio and relative radicle elongation ratio of Plantago asiatica and that of Achyranthes japonica were inversely proportional to the concentration of the extracts and the volatile substances of A. scoparia. But Altriplex gmelini, outside species which growing out of A. scoparia community, was not much influenced from the chemicals. It was, therefore, confirmed that the chemical substances of A. scoparia were clearly showed the phytotoxic activity. The gas chromatography was employed for analysis and identification of phytotoxic substances from A. scoparia. Seven chemical substances were identified from it and, among them, cinnamic acid would be assumed as a main substance in this study.

      • 남강에 적용된 하천 수질모델의 비교 연구

        김봉진,윤기섭,양운진,이찬원 경남대학교 환경문제연구소 1995 환경연구 Vol.17 No.-

        The water quality models were applied to the Nam river The Nam river is one of the major tributaries of the Nakdong river. The entire stretch of 60 ㎞ was divided into 16 reaches. The models were calibrated and verified to the field data. The predicted water qualify showed good agreements with the field measurements by two models. However, the STREAM(Segment Travel River Ecosystem Autograph Model) model was approved to be better· than QUAL 2E model for the Nam river. It may be due to that the dissolved oxygen changes in water bodies are better by STREAM than by QUAL 2E model. From the results, the water quality of the Nam river was affected by the input loadings from the Haman stream. The shortness of the distance from this point to the Nakdong river made the joining water quality to the Nakdong river limit the purification capacity.

      • 고추炭疽病에 對한 新 浸透性 殺菌劑 Systhane M의 效果

        鄭鳳九,沈在燮 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1986 農業科學硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        In order to investigate effect of the new fungicide systhane M for controlling red pepper anthracnose, this experiment was carried out in a field and indoor test during the summer months, June to September in 1986. Foliar applications of systhane M with the other 4 chemicals effectively reduced anthracnose fruits infected of red pepper compared with control. No chemical damage of the fungicides used was shown throughout the experiment. Because less than 500ppm of the fungicide was not completely retarded germination of the two causal fungi, it was recommended that effective concentration of the fungicide was more than 500ppm. In addition, further experiment regarding dates and times of the chemical application should be conducted in the future in order to obtain basic materials for establishing a feasible control calender.

      • 鎭安 馬耳山 一帶의 植物相과 植生

        吉奉燮,金昌煥 圓光大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.32 No.2

        마이산 도립공원일대의 식물상과 식생을 조사하였다. 관속식물은 109과 346속 481종 71변종 5품종으로 총 557종류가 분포하는 것으로 조사되었다. 마이산의 외곽지대에는 소나무와 리기다소나무 식재림, 낙엽활엽수 종류들이 숲을 이루고 있다. 식물사회학적인 방법으로 조사한 마이산의 식물은 졸참나무군락, 굴참나무군락, 느티나무군락, 신갈나무군락, 소나무군락, 구실사리군락 그리고 밤나무 식재림으로 분류되었다. 이 군락들은 아교목층, 관목층, 초본층으로 구성되어 있으며 아교목층은 식피율 80%, 수고 7m쯤 되며 인위적인 교란이 많이 되어 있고 잘 보호하면 졸참나무, 개서어나무 그리고 신갈나무군락으로 발달된 것으로 예상된다. 특히 은수사 경내에 있는 청실이는 노거수인데 수세와 수형등이 찾아보기 드믄 나무로서 특별보호대책이 필요하다. The flora and vegetation of Mt. Mai provincial park were investigated in 1996. Vascular plants were composed of 109 family, 346genera, 481species, 71varieties, 5formae totaling 557taxa. Pinus densiflora, Pinus rigida plantation and deciduous tree species occupied dominantly in surrounding area of Mt. Mai. By phytosociological investigation the vegetation of Mt. Mai was classified into 6 communities and 1 plantation forest : Quercus serrata community, Quercus variabilis community, elkova serrata community, Quercus mongolica community, Pinus densiflora community, Selaginella rossii community and Castanea crenata plantation. These communities were formed three stratification such as subtree layer, shrub layer and herb layer. Cover degree of subtree layer recorded about 80% and their height, about 7m. In general artificial interference against forest development in Mt. Mai area were shown exceedingly, therefore, it should be make counter plant for special protection of the study area and then Q. serrata, Carpinus tschonoskii and Q. mongolica forest be able to develop in near future. Especially, Pyrus ussuriensis var. ovoidea species should be protected because of rare and beautiful tree.

      • 漢藥材의 蟲害實態와 그 防除對策

        吉奉燮 圓光大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.14 No.2

        1. 1979. 7-1980. 6까지 漢藥材에 加害하는 害蟲을 調査해 본 結果 애알수시렁이, 누룩바구미, 애수시렁이, Laemophloeus (Cryptolestes) ferrugineus S., 권연벌레, 톱가슴머리대장, 화랑곡나방, 쌀바구미, 쌀도둑, 붉은가루벌레, 곡식수수렁이, 기생봉류, 전갈류, 기타 等 14種이 나타났다. 2. 甚하게 加害하는 種類로는 권연벌레, 화랑곡나방, 톱가슴머리대장이었고, 芳香性 漢藥材에 더 많이 모였다. 3. 권연벌레는 1年에 3回 發生하며 7月下旬부터 많이 나타나다가 9월下旬頃이 發生 最盛期이고, 톱가슴머리대장은 1年에 4回 發生하며, 8月 下旬부터 9月까지 많이 나타났고 화랑곡나방은 1年에 3回 發生하여 8月中旬頃이 그의 活動 peak를 이루었다. 4. 幼蟲態로 越冬하는 害蟲은 애알수시렁이, 누룩바구미, 애수시렁이, 권연벌레, 화랑곡나방 等이고, 主로 成蟲態로 越冬하는 한약재 害충은 톱가슴머리대장, 쌀바구미, 붉은가루벌레 等이었다. 5. 害蟲의 主要한 生活習性은 漢藥材의 틈사이에 숨어서 살고 흔히 한약재에 구멍을 뚫으며 유충때에는 실을 吐해서 부스러기나 蟲糞을 얽고 그 속에 들어 있으며 그리고 大部分이 完全變態發生을 하는 特徵을 가지고 있었다. 6. 漢藥材 害蟲의 防除는 (1)漢藥材를 相對濕度 10% 以下로 잘 말려서 規格品化, 標準化하고 (2)漢藥材 乾材商이나 保管 倉庫에는 電燈을 달아서 1 日 10 시간씩 照明을 해 두며 (3)漢藥材 專用 封奪(PE 는 0.2mm 이상)를 만들어 流通의 全過程에 使用할 것, 크라우드紙나 其他 負袋 또는 包裝紙는 二重으로 만들면 더욱 效率的이다. In order to investigate on the vermin of herbs of oriental medicine, this study carried out for one year from July, 1979 to June, 1980. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Herbs of oriental medicine were damaged by fourteen species of vermin:Anthrenus (Nathrenus) verbascii L., Araeocerus fasciculatus De G., Attagenus piceus O., Laemophloeus (Cryptolestes) ferrugineus S., Lasioderma serricorne F., Oryzaephilius surinamensis L., Plodia interpunctella H., Sitophilus zea-mais M., Tenebroides mauritanicus L., Tribolium castaneum H., Trogoderma dranarium E., Hymenoptera sp., Pseudoscorpionida sp., Unknown sp. 2. Above all, the number of Lasioderma serricorne was the largest, that of Plodia interpunctella was next and Oryzaephilus surinamensis was also met with everywhere from smell sweet herbs as the others. 3. Lasioderma serricorne occurred three times, Oryzaephilus surinamensis was four times and Plodia interpunctella was also three times in a year respectively, they showed the height of prosperity from middle of August to the end of September. 4. Among the vermin of herbs, passing the winter in larva stage were A. verbascii, A. fasciculatus, A. Piceus, L. serricorne, P. interpunctella, while that in the adult stage were O. surinamensis, S. zea-maiz, T. castaneum. 5. An acquired acological habit of vermin showed their developmental stage that like to hide their body inside or slit of herbs, often boring herbs small hole, binding up their shelter with silk thread and take refuge in their body. Vermin of herbs characterized, for the most part, complete metamorphosis. 6. The author made a following proposal from the result of his study on the protective counterplan of vermin of herbs investigated. (1) Standardized goods for herbs of oriental medicine by dried them tili relative humidity became below 10%. (2) Turned on the electric light where had kept in herbs storage and illuminating ten hours in a day. (3) It should be good for use exclusive burlap bag of herbs of oriental medicine which made of double enveloped.

      • 植物의 發芽와 成長에 미치는 곰솔의 Allelopathy 效果

        吉奉燮 圓光大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.17 No.2

        곰솔은 소나무와 더불어 해안 지방을 중심으로 많이 분포하는 식물이다. 그 임상은 비교적 단순한 종조성을 이루고 있다. 그래서 이를 조사해 보고 전보한 (Kil, 1981) 소나무의 allelopathic effect와 비교하면서 본 연구를 수행했다. 곰솔의 수용추출액을 pH별로 맞추어서 실시한 bioassay결과는 pH 3이하, pH 9 이상에서는 발아와 성장에 억제 작용이 나타났다. 또한 곰솔잎을 24, 48, 72, 96시간별로 물에서 추출한 액에서의 발아, 성장실험은 시간이 갈수록 점점 억제 정도가 큰 결과를 얻었다. 그리고 곰솔잎, 낙엽, 곰솔임상의 흙에서 얻은 leachate에서 실시한 발아,성장실험 결과는 잎 leachate단에서 억제현상이 현저했다. phenolic acids 5종을 물에 녹여서 각각 그리고 혼합액으로 실험해 본 발아와 성장실험은 발아는 잘되나 건조량은 감소되었다. 곰솔잎에 함유된 억제물질을 찾고자 paper chromatography에 의한 화학분석을 했던 바 13 phenolic acids를 분리 동정해냈고 이들은 소나무의 경우와 거의 비슷한 물질들 임을 발견했다. Aqueous extracts, leachates of black pine(Pinus thunbergii) were prepared to elecidate allelopathic effects on the selected species. Germination and seedling growth were heavily inhibitory at pH 3 below, pH 9 above extracts of leaves leachate, and did also in extracts provided at 18℃ for 72 hrs. Comparing with inside species and outside of black pine, in general, relative germination percentage (RGP), relative elongation percentage (REP) and dry weight of the latter were lower than the former. It was confirmed that phytotoxic substances related to allelopathic phenomenon largely contained in black pine leaves. 13 phenolic acids were isolated and identified by paper chromatography from black pine leaves.

      • 動物의 冬眠이 血液像에 미치는 影響 : 미꾸리 (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus), 두렁허리 (Fluta alba), 개구리 (Rana nigromaculata nigromaculata), 까치살모사(Agkistrodon halys halys), 집박쥐 (Pipistrellus abramus) 의 冬眠時 血液의 血球値 血色素値 및 血液水分含量을 中心으로 Effects of the Hibernation on the Blood, Pictures with Special Reference to the Corpuscles, Hemoglobin Content, and Water Volume of the Blood during Hibernation in the Loaches (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus ), Eels(Fluta alba), Frogs (Rana nigromaculata),

        朴奉燮 朝鮮大學校 文理科大學 1973 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        With respect to the counts of red blood corpuscle and white blood corpuscle, the content of hemoglobin, and the content of water in blood during hibernation of the pisces, amphibia, reptilia, and mammalia, the following results were obtained: Loaches (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) and eels(Fluta alba) began hibernation at 5-6℃ of water temperature ; frogs (Rana nigromaculata nigromaculata) and snakes (Agkistradon halys halys) at 5-6.5℃ of air temperature; and bats (Pipistrellus abranus)at 5.7℃ . The loaches and eels started complete hibernation at 5-6.5℃ of water temperature; the temperature of shelter beneath the earth during hibernation was 10.62℃ (at 20 cm on November)and 11.29℃ (at 30 cm on November) respectively, while bats on the earth showed 38℃ of the body temperature. The temperature of water and air when these animals began awakening was at 10℃ for loaches and at 10-15℃ for eels repectively; at 8.8-10℃ for frogs and snakes, and bats with 14.3℃ of body temperature at 11.4℃ in air temperature. Arousal from hibernation was: at 25-26℃ of water temperature for loaches; at 23-28℃ for eels; at 25-27℃ for frogs and snakes; and at 11.4-11.9℃ (in air temperature) for bats with 36-37℃ ofthe body temperature. The erythrocyte count, leucocyte count, and hemoglobin content of hibernation, awakening, creeping, normal activity, and inactivity resulted in: the values of these gradually increased in normal activity. In other hands, the content of water in the blood decreased until creeping period. It may be concluded that the hibernation depends on the external environmental factors which are PH of water, soil, water, and air temperature, and that results the changes of blood pictures.

      • 쑥의 알레로패티 작용

        길봉섭,윤경원 圓光大學校 大學院 1996 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        쑥에 들어 있는 화학물질이 다른 식물에게 미치는 영향을 알아보려고 쑥의 입, 줄기, 뿌리의 수용추출액으로 종자 발아와 생장실험을 실시했다. 그 결과 추출액에 영향을 거의 받지 않는 종과 심하게 억제되는 식물로 구분되었다. 억제를 받는 경우 추출액의 농도가 높아짐에 따라서 실험식물의 생장은 역비례적으로 감소되었다. 또 추출액에 의한 억제 현상으로 유식물의 신장보다는 건중량 조사결과에서 훨씬 더 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 아울러 쑥의 잎에서 방출되는 휘발성물질에 의해 발아와 생장은 농도에 따라서 정도의 차는 있었지만 억제되었다. 그래서 이러한 생장억제물질을 찾기 위하여 쑥의 잎을 화학적으로 분석하여 수용성 물질에서 benzoic acid, phenylacetic acid, catechol, salicylic acid, t-cinnamic acid, m-hydroxybenzoic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, protocatechuic acid, syringic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid등 16종류를 확인했고 휘발성물질로부터 α-pinene, β-myrcene, α-terpinene, cineole, r-terpinene, (-)-thujone, camphor, bornylacetate, (-)-t-caryophyllene, α-humullene등 10종류를 분리 확인 했다. To study of allelopathic potential of chemical subtances emitted from wormwood(Artemisia priceps var. orientalis), germication and growth experiment of selected species were carried out with aqueous extracts of leaf, stem and root of the wormwood plant. Some of the tested species were inhibited germination and seedling elongation by the influence of chemicals from the wormwood plant, but the but the other, not. the inhibitory effect was in inverse proportion to concentration of the extracts and shown in dry weight test remarkably than in elongation one. GC/MS were employed for analysis relating to the above mentioned effect, allelopathic potential, a number of compounds, were identified such as benzoic acid, phenylacetic acid, catechol, salicylic acid, t-cinnamic acid, m-hydroxybenzoic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, phloroglucinol, p-phenylbenzaldehyde, vanillic acid, gentisic acid, protocatechuic acid, syringic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, α-pinene, β-mycene, α-terpinene, cineole, r-terpinene, (-)-thujone,camphor, bornylacetate, (-)-t-caryophyllene, α-humullene.

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