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2010∼2019년 대한군진의학학술지 게재 논문의 연구동향 분석
배은경 ( Eunkyoung Bae ),이순영 ( Soonyoung Lee ),황점숙 ( Jeomsuk Hwang ),이건희 ( Gunhee Lee ),이희성 ( Heesung Lee ),임미화 ( Mi-hwa Lim ) 국군의무사령부 2021 대한군진의학학술지 Vol.52 No.1
Objective; The purpose of this study is to identify the trends in military medicine by analyzing the Journal of the Korean Military Medicine from 2010 to 2019. Method; Two hundreds and fifty five research articles were analyzed by their authors, study designs, data collection methods, participants, data analyzing methods, and research domains. The centrality and network cluster of the key words were identified by data mining technique. Result; The first authors in 88.1% of the studies were military officers, and 49.8% were multidisciplinary studies. 71.0% of the studies were funded by AFMC. 85.9% of research articles were designed as quantitative study, and the most frequently used design was cross-sectional design. The participants in 38.8% of the studies were ill patients, and 27.8% were healthy people respectively. In 33.3% of the studies, the research domain was ‘clinical medicine’, and 30.4% were ‘health promotion’. The most commonly used key words were ‘study’, ‘survey’, ‘patients’, and ‘analysis’. The words that showed the highest network centrality were ‘soldiers’, ‘study’, and ‘military personnel’. Conclusion; The results of this study showed interest in Korean military medical research. It is necessary to establish and to implement the strategies for research development in order to promote military medicine practice.
Kim, Kiyoung,Choi, Jaemook,Chung, Junyeon,Koo, Gunhee,Bae, In-Hwan,Sohn, Hoon Elsevier 2018 MEASUREMENT -LONDON- Vol.130 No.-
<P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>For civil infrastructure monitoring, RTK-GPS sensors are commonly used to measure dynamic displacement. However, these sensors have poor precision (around 0.5–5 cm in the vertical direction) and a low sampling rate (up to 20 Hz). Furthermore, both the accuracy and the precision of the RTK-GPS sensors deteriorate when signals from satellites are not properly received by the sensors due to multipath, bad weather, signal blockage, etc. In this study, a new dynamic displacement estimation method is proposed so that the accuracy, precision, and sampling rate of dynamic displacement can be improved by combining the acceleration measured by a force-feedback accelerometer and the velocity and displacement measured by a low-cost RTK-GPS sensor. The uncertainty levels in the displacement and velocity measured by the RTK-GPS sensor are evaluated based on the quality of the received satellite signals, and the measurement from the RTK-GPS sensor is fused with the acceleration measured from the accelerometer using a two-stage Kalman filter. The performance of the proposed method is validated through a series of lab-scale tests and a field test conducted on Yeongjong Grand Bridge in South Korea. In the tests, the accuracy of the estimated vertical displacement was about 2 mm, and displacement, velocity, and acceleration are all simultaneously estimated at a sampling rate of 100 Hz.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> A new displacement estimation method is proposed for high accuracy and sampling rate. </LI> <LI> The proposed method enhances the accuracy and sampling rate up to 2 mm and 100 Hz. </LI> <LI> The proposed method estimates the displacement, velocity, and acceleration simultaneously. </LI> <LI> From a field test, the RMSE of displacement was 1.55 mm with the proposed method. </LI> </UL> </P>
용탕가압침투법에 의한 알루미늄 보레이트 강화 Mg-3Al-2Ag-1Zn 금속복합재료의 물성
강호준,배건희,박용하,한상호,박용호,조경목,박익민,Kang Hojune,Bae Gunhee,Park Yongha,Han Sangho,Park Yongho,Cho Kyungmox,Park Ikmin 한국재료학회 2005 한국재료학회지 Vol.15 No.12
In this study, aluminum borate whisker reinforced Mg-3Al-2Ag-1Zn matrix composites were fabricated by the squeeze infiltration technique. The purpose is to develop materials for elevated temperature applications. Microstructure observation revealed successful fabrication of the metal matrix composites, namely no cast defects such as porosity and matrix/reinforcement interface delamination etc. High temperature hardness and creep rupture properties were improved significantly with addition of Ag to the Al borate whisker reinforced Mg alloy composite. $Mg_3Ag$ phase formed during aging heat treatment could improve creep properties of the Mg matrix composites.
Young-Jae Cha(차영재),Sojung Baek(백소정),Hyung-Suk Lee(이형석),Jonghoon Bae(배종훈),Jongho Lee(이종호),Sang-Hun Lee(이상훈),Gunhee Kim(김건희),Dayk Jang(장대익) 한국인지과학회 2019 인지과학 Vol.30 No.3
인공 지능으로 인한 정체성 위협은 지능 과제에 대한 동기 및 수행을 저해할 수 있다. 본 연구는 실험기법을 활용하여 개인의 지능 과제 수행 저하 현상이 인공 지능으로 인한 위협에 노출됨으로써 나타나는지 조사하였다. 또한 본 연구는 집단 정체성 확인(group identity affirmation)이 과제 수행 저하 현상을 완화해줄 수 있는지 확인하였다. 구체적으로, 인공지능 위협이 높은 조건에서는 낮은 조건에서보다 지적 과제 수행이 낮을 것으로 예측하였다. 또한 이와 같은 수행 저하 효과는 집단 확인 조건에서 나타나지 않을 것으로 예측하였다. 대학생 참가자 210명을 대상으로 실험 연구를 시행하여 예상과 일관된 결과를 발견하였다. 인공지능으로 인한 정체성 위협은 참가자의 지적 과제 수행을 떨어뜨렸으며, 이와 같은 수행 저하 현상은 집단가치 비 확인 조건에서 발견됐지만 집단 가치 확인 조건에서는 발견되지 않았다. 논의에서는 이론적 · 실용적 함의를 다루었다. Motivation of human individuals to perform on intellectual tasks can be hampered by identity threat from intellectual machines. A laboratory experiment examined whether individuals’ performance loss on intellectual tasks appears under human identity threat. Additionally, by affirming alternative attributes of human identity, researchers checked whether group-affirmation alleviate the performance loss on intellectual tasks. This research predicted that under high social identity threat, individuals’ performance loss on the intellectual tasks would be moderated by valuing alternative attributes of human identity. Experiment shows that when social identity threat is increased, human individuals affirmed alternative human attributes show higher performance on intellectual tasks than individuals non-affirmed. This effect of human-group level affirmation on performance loss did not appear in the condition of low social identity threat. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.