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      • KCI등재후보

        국궁사법의 전통적 가치와 사상적 배경

        정희석(Hee Surk Jeong),최석규(Seok Gyu Choi) 한국체육교육학회 2009 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        This study is aimed to explore traditional value and ideological background contained in the principle of Jipgungjae which is shooting manual of gukgung. The principle emphasizes Confucius behavioral manual through marksmanship of the old archers representing morality to face to the target with the mentality of fair play. the principle of Jipgungjae is composed of thirty two Chinese characters which interpretate Confucius man of virtue, seonbi, as follows: observation of topography and wind force; body position and breathing; strength of pulling the bowstring and the form of archer`s ring after shoot; and not blaming the surroundings but finding from oneself for mistakes. It can be considered the traditional archery as alternative educational mechanism for virtue education while the principle had disappeared due to individualistic convenient shooting styles reflecting contemporary social atmosphere.

      • KCI등재

        국궁의 중세적 전통과 의미 : 각궁, 대초명적, 편전을 중심으로

        최석규 ( Seok Gyu Choi ),정희석 ( Hee Surk Jeong ),옥광 ( Gwang Ok ) 대한무도학회 2013 대한무도학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        본고는 고려 말 궁시의 특성을 중심으로 국궁의 중세적 전통과 의미를 규명하고자 수행한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 고려장군 이성계의 궁시와 궁술경지는 고려 말 공민왕의 요동정벌과 고려왕조의 국권회복 그리고 조선창업의 단초가 되었다. 둘째, 고려 말의 국궁은 각종 전투에서 사전에 적의 예봉을 꺾을 수 있는 원사전쟁무기로서의 도구적 기능과 천양의 궁술을 근간으로 한 개인전술은 천군만마에 버금가는 절대적 조건이었다. 셋째, 각궁은 민어부레에서 추출한 접착제로 접합하여 탄력성이 향상된 합성궁이며, 대우전은 학의 큰 깃을 달아 안정적인 비행성을 향상시켰고, 북방의 고(□)를 사용하여 철갑 옷을 뚫는 관통력을 배가시켰으며. 편전은 통아 없이는 발시 할 수 없는 작은 화살이지만 1000보에 도달하는 강력한 파괴력을 지닌 비밀병기였다. 유엽전은 버들잎 모양의 화살촉과 남방의 죽(竹)을 이용하여 원거리의 비행성과 첨예한 촉을 장착한 화살이며 현존하는 유엽전과 같고, 대초명적은 대우전과 동일한 화살로써 고(□), 학령(鶴翎), 대초(大哨)로 구성된 "우는 살" 명 적이었다. 고려 말에 있어 국궁의 중세적 전통과 의미는 호국무예로서의 상무정신 고양과 왕권의 회복 및 국조창업의 도구적 기능으로써 개인전술을 아우르는 전통적 가치였고, 천연소재의 개발을 통한 독창적 궁시제작기술의 진보를 통한 과학적이며 창의적인 민족정기의 발현이었다. The purpose of this study is to investigate medieval tradition and means of Korean traditional archery, gukgung during the late Goryeo. The following conclusion has been retrieved. First, gukgung in the late Goyreo was the most important national martial art and it was utilized for recovery and constructing of the medieval state reflecting military spirit. Second, gukgung played also an important role as a long range weapon with a highly effective value especially under warfares. Third, horn bow(gakgung, 角弓) was a highly flexible and technological sporting equipment combined with various materials as well as adhesive obtained from sciaenoid(□□□). Daewoojeon was a stable archery which improved its flight with long crane`s feathers in its arrow and its penetration was doubled by using the northern hard yew tree. Pyeonjeon(sculpture arrows, 片箭) was a small but powerful arrow, yuyeopjeon`s arrowhead was a shape of the willow leave to improve its range. Daewoojeon and daechomyeongjeok(big-sounding arrows, 大哨鳴鏑`s arrow was made of northern besom bush and feather of crane and its end was equipped with a air barrel which sounded a big sound. Therefore, gakgung during the Goryeo Dynasty was recognized as the most advanced archery which was made with the advanced technology and the Dynasty used gukgung for various purposes concerning about national constructions and defences.

      • KCI등재후보

        An Investigation of Militaristic Sporting Culture during the Japanese Occupation

        Ok Gwang(옥광),Jeong Hee-Surk(정희석) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        지난 30여 년 동안 스포츠의 이데올로기적 양상을 분석하는 연구는 학자들의 중대한 관심사가 되어왔음에도 불구하고 국내 학계에서는 이와 관련된 연구물을 찾아보기란 쉽지 않다. 본 연구는 이에 일제 강점기 한국 스포츠문화의 군국주의, 민족주의 그리고 제국주의적 성향에 대해 문헌고찰과 관련 인물들과의 상호주관적 논의의 과정을 통해 심도 있게 고찰해 보았다. 일제 강점기 동안 강압적으로 실시된 군국주의적 체육정책은 이제 막 태동하려 했던 한국 근대 스포츠문화를 하나의 암흑기로 편성하는 결과를 가져왔다. 그러나 한국의 운동선수, 교육가, 그리고 행정가들은 결코 일제의 식민지 제국정책의 일환으로 치밀한 계획 하에 실시된 군국주의적 체육정책에 대하여 그들의 저항을 단념하지 않았다. 개인이나 단체에서 특정한 스포츠 활동들이 이루어졌고 이러한 활동은 다분히 민족주의적 성향을 띠었으며, 한국의 스포츠문화는 일제의 황국신민화 정책과 같은 제국주의적 동화정책에 의해 일본의 스포츠문화를 답습하기도 했다. 강압적 군사정책이 한국 스포츠의 민족주의적 성향을 강화하는 결과를 가져왔고, 일제의 군국주의적 스포츠 정책이 한국 스포츠문화의 일면에 순기능적으로 흡수된 측면도 드러났다. 이러한 관점에서 볼 때, 서양으로부터 도입된 스포츠는 동양의 전제주의에 저항하는 하나의 정치적 도구였으며 일본의 문화적 색채를 띠기도 한 시대 문화의 산물로도 자리 잡아 갔던 것으로 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선후기 국궁의 변천과 사회·문화적 기능

        최석규(Seok Gyu Choi),옥광(Gwang Ok),정희석(Hee Surk Jeong) 한국체육교육학회 2009 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        This study was aimed to investigate social cultural functions and transformation of Korean traditional archery and the social cultural functions for a theoretical foundation of the archery. The Korean traditional archery was utilized to defense the Japanese army as a long range weapon during the Japanese invasion of 1592 and its social cultural function was to promote Korean identity in the late Joseon Dynasty. The research intends to reconsider the significance of the Korean traditional archery and the necessity of its preservation as a traditional cultural legacy. Historic time span of this research is from the Japanese invasion in 1592 to Gabo Reform in 1894 by analysis using the literature review. The conclusions are as follows: first, the Korean traditional archery was the main weapon and it was successful at naval battles during the Japanese invasion in the late Joseon Dynasty; second, the bow and arrow was the main weapon for Korean army, despite the advent of gunpowder weapons of the absolute superiority in weaponry, according to demonstrated the best performance as weapons of warfares; third, the Japanese invasion was an opportunity to mobilize social status in the Joseon society and the archery was often played by former high ranking officers and governors. In addition, the Korean traditional archery became play an important role to entertain the upper class and to educate virtue of humility and concessions for youngers after the Japanese invasion. These social cultural functions of the archery can be applied for youngers now and future so that the archery itself can be mechanized to promote cultural diversity and globalism in the present and the future of the Korean society.

      • Coenzyme Q₁₀의 신체내에서의 생리학적 작용

        김은정(Kim Eun Jung),강병선(Kang Byung Sun),정희석(Jeong Hee Surk),서충진(Seo Chung Jin) 한국유산소운동과학학회 2008 한국유산소운동과학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Coenzyme Q₁₀ is an essential part of the cellular machinery like mitochondria used to produce ATP which provides the energy for living organism. It is a functional element in all cell membranes. Coenzyme Q₁₀ functions in its reduced form as an antioxidant. improving exercise performance. protecting biological membranes and serum LDL from lipid peroxidation. Coenzyme Q₁₀ directly reacts with free radicals and regenerates the activity of vitamin E by reducing the alpha-tocopheryl radical. Coenzyme Q₁₀ is highly concentrated in heart muscle. liver and kidney. Statin-induced coenzyme Q₁₀ deficiency is preventable with supplemental coenzyme Q₁₀. The congestive heart failure has been strongly correlated with significantly low blood and tissue levels of coenzyme Q₁₀. Coenzyme Q₁₀ significantly improved heart muscle function while producing no adverse effects or drug interactions. Coenzyme Q₁₀ was effective in lowering systolic and diastolic blood pressure. High doses intake of Coenzyme Q₁₀0 appeared to slow the progressive deterioration of function in early Parkinson’s disease. Coenzyme Q₁₀ supplementation increased total coenzyme Q₁₀ concentration in the slow-twitch muscles, and was useful for reducing exhaustive exercise-induced muscular injury by enhancing stabilization of muscle cell membrane. But, in highly trained athletes(triathletes. marathon and bicycle racers). Coenzyme Q₁₀ supplements had no measurable effect on oxygen uptake or exercise-induced fatigue. The plasma levels of coenzyme Q₁₀ were affected by regular exercise, so more research about the relationship between human health and Coenzyme Q₁₀ is needed.

      • KCI등재후보

        골프지도자 카리스마리더십이 엘리트골프선수들의 선수생활만족과 경기력향상에 미치는 영향

        강호정(Kang Ho-Jung),이종근(Lee Jong-Kun),정희석(Jeong Hee-Surk) 한국체육과학회 2009 한국체육과학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        With the purpose of finding effects of charismatic leadership of golf instructor on satisfaction of athletic life and improvement in performance of elite golf athletes and providing a more effective method of instruction, this study was conducted on 256 elite golf players in middle and high schools who are officially registered at Korea Golf Association and Korea Junior Golf Association. Independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA test, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed in order to test the hypothesis, and the following results were obtained. First, difference in charismatic leadership of golf instructors according to individual characteristic of elite golf athletes was shown to be large in all categories including sex, school level, athletic career, prize achievements, and handicap. Second, in the relationship between charismatic leadership of golf instructors and satisfaction in athletic life, all categories of charismatic leadership were found to have a relationship with satisfaction in athletic life. In terms of influence, effects were shown highest in emphasis (16%), suggestion of vision (12%) and confidence (10%). Third, in the relationship between charismatic leadership of golf instructors and improvement in performance, only the exemplary actions and emphasis showed a significant correlation with improvement in performance. In terms of influence, effects were shown in the order of exemplary actions (18%) and emphasis (7%).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        스포츠 여성 아나운서 이미지, 채널 평판, 시청의도 간의 인과관계

        신진호(Shin, Jin-Ho),이복주(Lee, Bok-Ju),정희석(Jeong, Hee-Surk) 한국사회체육학회 2017 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.67

        The purpose of this study is to examine the casual relationship among image of sports female announcer, channel reputation and viewing intention. The 600 audiences of sports channel were chosen. Among 600 questionnaires distributed and collected, 147 were excluded from the study because they were neither thoughtfully nor completely answered. For the purpose of this study, frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, structural equation model analysis of SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 were performed . The research results of this study indicate that First. image of sports female announcer had a significant influence on channel reputation. Second, channel reputation had a significant influence on viewing intention. Finally, image of sports female announcer had a significant influence on viewing intention.

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