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        조선시대 성균관대사성의 전력(前歷) 분석

        정덕희 ( Duk Hee Chung ) 한국교육사학회 2007 한국교육사학 Vol.29 No.2

        이 글은 계열사(Serial History)의 시각을 바탕으로 장기지속(Long Duration)에 따른 조선시대 성균관대사성의 전력을 계량적 방법(Quantitative Method)으로 분석하였으며, 이를 위해 성균관 관제가 정해진 태조 원년(1392년 7월 28일)부터 성균관 직제 개정이 이루어진 고종 31년(1895년 7월 2일)까지 대사성을 역임한 인물들을 『조선왕조실록』과 『고종순종실록』에서 추출하였다. 그리고 『조선문과방목』을 통해 확인된 이들 대사성의 전력을 시리즈(Series)로 만들어 빈도분석과 차이검증을 시도하였다. 이로부터, 이 글은 대사성의 입사전력, 초임시 연령, 문과 급제 전력 등에 대한 세기별·유형별 변화과정을 밝혔으며, 마지막으로 이 글의 분석결과를 조선시대 대사성의 실상과 관련시켜 논의하였다. Based on the perspective of serial history, this study analyzed the former office records of Sungkyunkwan(成均館) Daesasung(大司成) in the Choseon Dynasty according to long duration using a quantitative method. The results could be summarized into the followings: 1. Daesasung had been replaced frequently to the extent that consistent and continuous education policies were virtually impossible. 2. The average term of Daesasung`s office was below one year, which means that the Daesasung did not have minimal standards for duration of office which he could show his ability to successfully perform his duties. 3. The appointment of Daesasung who was qualified as Lao-Cheng-Chih-Shih(老成之士), an aged scholar who had mellowed character and wide experience, was made quite rarely, which means that the requirement for Lao-Cheng-Chih-Shih was seldom fulfilled and it was nothing more than an idealogical indicator. 4. The appointment of Daesasung was not greatly influenced by the ranking in the Civil Service Examination. 5. The recruitment rate of Daesasung from Saengwon(生員)·Jinsa(進士) decreased over time. Although Saengwon and Jinsa status were verified, through the examination administered by the nation, they showed lower rate in the appointment of Daesasung than Yaohsiao(幼學), a confucian scholar who did not enter the government service, especially after the 18th century. This needs to be explained by ensuing studies whether it be a general phenomenon or a particular one which could be applied only to Daesasung. 6. The recruitment rate of Daesasung from Sing-Nyeon-Si(式年試), a regular examination given triennially, of Mun-Kwa also decreased over time, whereas the Daesasung from Jeong-Si(庭試), a temporary examination, of Mun-Kwa, continuously increased after the 18th century. Based on the above result, Sing-Nyeon-Si turns out to have little relative advantage for the appointment of Daesasung compared to Jeong-Si.

      • KCI등재

        왕양명의 사구교와 그 전연(傳衍)에 대한 교육적 이해

        정덕희 ( Duk Hee Chung ) 한국교육사학회 2006 한국교육사학 Vol.28 No.2

        Wang Yang-Ming(王陽明)`s Si-Ju -Jiao(四句敎), or Four-Sentence-Teaching, was one of the deepest catechistic questions for meditation at the late of Ming(明) dynasty in China. This article is to understand the educational meaning of Si-Ju-Jiao. The major understandings are followings. 1. Si-Ju -Jiao` first phrase contains Wu-Shan-Wu -E(無善無惡) that is not any good and evil, and its fourth phrase includes Wei-Shan-Qu -E(爲善去惡) that is trying to do the good and eliminate the evil. But, the real sense of Wu-Shan-Wu-E means the trans-normativity which does not stick to the good and evil. And Wei-Shan-Qu-E means the normativity at the point of requiring a standard value and canon in order to do the good and eliminate the evil. Therefore, Si-Ju -Jiao subsumes the double character of normativity and trans-normativity. 2. Wang Ji(王畿), who was one of the prominent disciples of Wang Yang Ming, laid stress on the trans-normativity of Wu-Shan-Wu-E among the double character of Si-Ju-Jiao. At this point, he asserts Gong-Fu-Ben-Ti(本體工夫) that is the only self-cultivation of acquiring the substance of mind in its purest state, because human`s mind being Wu-Shan-Wu-E has a function that reveals itself in the real world. For this assertion, Wang Ji`s Gong-Fu-Ben-Ti could take a position of emphasizing the child`s purest mind that is not bound by the existing values in the process of learning. Thus, it can be understood that his self-cultivation appears the trans-normative practice of education. 3. Quan De-Hong(全德洪), who also was one of the prominent disciples of Wang Yang-Ming, assumed that human`s mind in the real world lies in selfish desire. So, he paid strongly attention to Wei-Shan-Qu-E a mong the double character of Si-Ju-Jiao. According to this assumption, he insisted Xiu-Zheng-Ben-Ti(修證工夫) that is the self-cultivation to make a constant effort of improving human`s willing in an everyday experience. Because the willing that is placed with the polluted mind could turn to evil unless adequately trained by the existing values and canons. For this reason, Quan De-Hong`s Wei-Shan-Qu-Eco uld take a position that child`s mind accepts the values and canons of the existing society in the process of learning. Accordingly, it can be understood that his self-cultivation appears the normative practice of education. 4. Si-Ju-Jiao subsumes normativity and trans-normativity which are contradictory to each other in principle. And supposing rich inclusion inherent in this antinomy, it could be said that the theories of Ben-Ti between Quan De-Hong and Wang Ji which have been distinctively opposed to each other grasped one side respectively among dualistic characters of Si-Ju-Jiao. Considering this, if the understanding of Wang Yang-Ming toward educational practice described as "Teaching is carried out by each person … There is no righteous rules in teaching", it is said that Si-Ju-Jiao does not insist only one side between normativity and trans-normativity but subsumes both sides of them. Also, this indicates that the modes of subsumption of this case cannot be determined in advance, and show open possibilities of educational practice which are determined by concrete situations of learners as occasion demands.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조선후기 지방정부의 서원 재정지원 규모 추정

        정덕희 ( Duk Hee Chung ) 한국교육사학회 2013 한국교육사학 Vol.35 No.4

        이 연구는 조선후기 지방정부의 서원 재정지원 규모를 추정하고, 그것의 지원양태를 수량적 지표로 확인함으로써 서원 재정지원의 특징을 밝혔다. 연구결과, 조선후기 지방정부의 서원 재정지원 규모는 5만 8천여 냥으로 지방재정에서 차지하는 비중은 1.45%이었다. 이러한 수치는 오늘날과 비교할 때 상당한 수준인 것으로 평가된다. 조선후기 사액서원은 미사액서원의 2.3배에 해당하는 재정을 더 지원받았다. 조선후기 지방정부의 서원 재정지원 전체 규모에서 차지하는 각 도별 비중은 경상도가 32.7%로 가장 높았고, 다음으로 전라도 19.3%, 충청도 14.0%, 경기도 11.6%, 평안도 7.0%, 황해도 6.4%, 함경도 4.6%, 강원도 4.3%의 순이었으며, 경상·전라·충청도는 서원 재정지원 전체 규모의 2/3에 해당하는 66.5%를 점유하였다. 그리고 각 도별 지방재정 대비 서원 재정지원액 비중은 경기도 4.77%, 충청도 2.08%, 전라도 1.61%, 황해도 1.51%이었고, 경상도와 평안도는 각각 1.38%와 0.52%로서 평균을 밑돌았다. 지방정부의 자체재정인 본읍재정 대비 서원 재정지원액 비중은 경상도 4.96%, 경기도 4.95%, 황해도 4.51%, 충청도 2.54%, 전라도 2.07%, 평안도 1.19%로서 각 도별로 많은 편차를 나타냈다. 이와 같은 편차는 본읍재정 여건에 상관없이 서원의 숫자와 유형에 따라 지원액이 일률적으로 결정되는 법정 정액주의 방식 때문에 발생된 것으로 보인다. 한편 향교재정 부담액 대비 서원 재정지원액의 평균 비중 56.6%는, 관학 정상화와 서원 통제라는 국가 교육정책과 합치되는 재정 배분양태로 평가된다. 그리고 향교재정 부담액 대비 서원 재정지원액의 각 도별 비중에서 가장 두드러진 현상은 황해도 이남과 나머지 지역의 전형적 양극화이다. 즉, 경상·전라·충정도와 경기도에서 그 비중은 54.1~88.7%이었으며, 반면 황해도 이북의 평안·함경도와 강원도에서 그 비중은 28.2~30.4%로 전국 평균에 훨씬 못 미쳤다. This study examined the characteristics of annual expenditure structure of Seowon(書院) education finance in the late Chosun Korea by confirming fiscal expenditure patterns with a quantitative index based on the calculation of annual expenditure size of Seowon education finance. The result of this study showed that annual expenditure size of Seowon education finance in the late Chosun Korea was small, which was about 58,572 Nyang(兩) occupied only to 1.45% out of local government finance. Regarding the number of established educational institutions, however, that size was significant level compared that of today. The Seowon education finance injected to each province in the late Chosun Dynasty showed that Gyeongsang province(慶尙道) was alloted the most, which was 32.7%, and Jeolla province(全羅道) was 19.3%, Chungcheong province(忠淸道) was 14.0%, Gyeonggi province(京畿道) was 11.6%, Pyeongan province(平安道) was 7.0%, Hwanghae province(黃海道) was 6.4%, Hamkyung province(咸鏡道) was 4.6%, and Gangwon province(江原道) was 4.3% respectively. Also, the occupancy rate of Seowon education finance out of local finance showed that Gyeonggi province was the most, which was 4.77%, and Chungcheong province was 2.08%, Jeolla province was 1.61%, Hwanghae province was 1.51%, which were over the average, on the other hand, Gyeongsang province and Pyeongan province were below the average, which were 1.38% and 0.52% respectively.

      • KCI등재

        개인연구 : 천태지의(天台智의)의 인간이해와 수행론 -부정지관(不定止觀)을 중심으로-

        정덕희 ( Duk Hee Chung ) 한국교육사학회 2004 한국교육사학 Vol.26 No.2

        Tian-tai(天台, 538~597) was the founder of Tian-tai School of the dynasty of Nan Pei(南北) in China. This article is to undestand Tian-tai`s human understanding and self-culture based on his Non-Fixed samatha-Vipasyana(不定止觀 ; the indeterminate calming and discerning). The major understandings of this article are followings. 1. In the discussion of Three kinds of samatha-Vipasyana(三種止觀), the Non-Fixed(不定) comes from the mode of relation between the Sudden(頓) and the Gradual(漸). From this, it is able to teach all living beings in accordance with an individual defference even though thre are too various levels in them. 2. Tian-tai`s the Non-Fixed has two kinds of teaching. These are the revealing Non-Fixed(顯露不定) and the secret one(秘密不定) that represent the mysterious methods of Buddha`s teaching. From this, it is raising the quality of educational experience that the students individually and peculiarly accept in the class-teaching. 3. Tian-tai`s Liu Miao Fa Mên(六妙法門 ; six subtle writings) repeals that the one can co-operate with other five kinds of method, and promote one`s self-culture. From this, it is raising the study subject being related to the comprehensive method that is embracing the various perspectives of the educational method.

      • KCI등재

        유아의 일상적 스트레스와 마음이론 및 조망수용능력

        정덕희 ( Duk Hee Chung ) 한국아동교육학회 2011 아동교육 Vol.20 No.2

        본 연구에서는 유아의 일상적 스트레스의 양상, 그리고 일상적 스트레스와 마음이론 및 조망수용능력의 관련성을 알아보고자 하였다. 연구대상은 서울시 소재 어린이집 2개소에서 선발한 4, 5세 유아 101명이었다. 유아에게 각각의 과제를 제시하여 일상적 스트레스와 마음이론, 조망수용능력을 측정하였으며, 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일상적 스트레스 양상을 살펴보면 유아들은 전체적으로 비교적 높은 수준의 스트레스를 받는 것으로 나타났으며, 불안·좌절감 경험, 자존감 상함, 비난·공격적 상황에 접함 순으로 스트레스를 많이 받는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 유아의 일상적 스트레스와 마음이론 및 조망수용능력의 상관관계를 분석한 결과, 일상적 스트레스와 마음이론은 유의미한 상관관계가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 일상적 스트레스와 조망수용능력은 상관이 있는 것으로 나타나서 비난·공격적 상황에서 받는 스트레스가 높을수록 조망수용능력 전체 및 타인사고조망수용능력은 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 유아의 일상적 스트레스에 대한 주의를 환기시키며 유아의 스트레스를 줄여줄 수 있는 방안이 모색되어야 함을 보여준다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the children`s daily stress, and correlations among daily stress, theory of mind and perspective taking ability. The investigation was done on 2 childcare-centers in Seoul with 101 children of 4 or 5 year-old. Children had relatively high level of daily stress and they were more stressed in the order of experience anxiety and frustrated situation, hurt pride, encounter with criticized-violent situation. The relation of daily stress and theory of mind was not significant. But the correlations between encounter with criticized-violent situation stress and perspective taking ability was negative-the former the higher, the latter the lower. These results showed daily stress could have a bad influence upon children, so we have to seek ways to decrease it.

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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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