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        한문문체(漢文文體) `잠(箴)`의 교재화(敎材化)의 실제(實際)

        장재익 ( Jang Jae-ik ) 한국한문교육학회 2017 한문교육논집 Vol.48 No.-

        이 연구는 다양한 한문문체 중 `箴`의 특성을 규명하여 교육적 가치를 도출하고, 고등학교 한문교과서에 적합한 `箴`작품의 교재화 방안에 목적을 두고 있다. 기존의 `箴`에 대한 연구가 도구적 역할에 지나지 않아 한문교과서 제재 구성에 있어 그 중요성이 간과되었다는 점을 지적하면서 한문문체 `箴`의 다양한 특성과 교육적 가치를 규명한 `箴`의 교재화 방안을 모색하였다. 이를 위해 `箴`의 특성과 교육적 가치를 규명하고 `箴`의 제재 선정 기준을 마련한 후 선정된 `箴`작품에 대해 단원을 구성하였다. `箴`은 다양한 특성을 지니고 있다. 첫째, `箴`은 경계하는 글이다. 둘째, `箴`은 유가경전 속의 典故를 적극적으로 활용한다. 셋째, `箴은 제목을 통해 경계내용을 효과적으로 선명하게 드러낸다.` 이와 같은 `箴`의 특성은 내용측면에서 현대 사회에서 야기되고 있는 여러 가지 가치관 혼란 및 인간성 상실을 치유할 수 있는 장르로 인격적 성장에 긍정적 영향을 미친다. 내면화측면에서 `箴`의 창작 목적과 관련지어 나의 관점으로 그 작품의 내용과 가치를 비판적으로 바라 볼 수 있다는 교육적 가치를 지니고 있다. 한편 `箴` 제재 선정 기준은 일반적인 한문풀이과정에 속의 `箴`의 특성을 살린 작품난이도로 설정한 바, 題材分量, 典故引用, 警戒意味 明瞭性, 親熟度 이상 5가지이다. 제재분량은 분량이 많을수록 문법적 요소들이 개입될 여지가 높아 학습자가 이해해야할 정보량이 많아지고 복잡해진다. 전고인용은 字義로만 풀이가 되지않고 전고에 담긴 의미를 알아야 하기 때문에 典故가 많을수록 글은 어려워진다. 또한 `箴`은 경계의미가 명료한 문체로 대부분 작품의 제목에서 경계의미가 선명하게 드러난다. 때문에 학습자가 쉽게 작품에 접근할 수 있다. 친숙도는 학습자의 이미지, 감정, 상황 등과 연관된 것으로 학습자의 집중도를 높일 수 있다. 그러므로 작품에 대한 거부감을 줄일 수 있다. 이와 같은 선정 기준에 따라 점수를 부여하여 李玄逸의 「簡言箴」을 선취하여 교재화 하였다. 단원구성은 교수-학습 과정 중심 소단원 구성 체제에 착안하여 한문 학습에 대한 흥미를 높이면서도 한문 학습자가 자기 주도적으로 학습 할 수 있도록 하였다. 소단원을 2차시로 나누고 교수-학습 단계를 도입-전개-정리부로 설정하였다. 이를 바탕으로 교수-학습 과정중심 `箴` 단원 구성 체제를 구안하였다. 도입단계에서는 단원의 길잡이를 통해 학습자의 사전 지식을 활성화하여 소단원의 학습 동기 및 흥미를 유발하도록 하였고 전개단계 1차시는 독해활동, 2차시는 `箴`의 경계 내용 파악으로 요약하여 교재화 하였다. 그리고 1차시 정리단계에서는 평가에 해당하는 부분으로 학습목표에 따른 문항 유형을 구안하였다. 2차시는 1차시의 `독해활동`을 기반으로 한 경계내용 파악하기에 대한 학습내용으로 작품을 도형화하여 제공하였다. 마지막으로 주제심화학습은 비판적 글쓰기에 해당하는 것으로 작품을 통해 자신을 돌아볼 수 있으며 타인의 관점으로 나를 되볼아 볼 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. 이것은 `箴`의 교육적가치가 표출되는 장면이기도 하다. 수많은 한문 자료는 주변에 산재해 있다. 그러나 이것을 교육적 가치가 있는 제재로 발굴하여 학습자에게 제공해 줄 사람은 누구인가를 고민해 볼 때, 한문교육연구자, 한문학연구자, 한문교사의 역할은 실로 막중하다. 다양한 한문 자료에 대한 교재화 방안 연구는 언제나 유의미할 것이다. 이에 앞으로 학습자에게 더욱 교육적이고 유익한 제재가 다양하게 교재화 되길 기대한다. This study is aiming at describing the characters of JAM, deriving the educational value of it, selecting the suitable writing for it, and then making it a textbook. This study points at the fact that study over JAM is taking an instrumental role and the importance of it on composing textbook is ignored. This study is defining the various characteristics and educational value and then making JAM a textbook. For that, this study defined the characteristics and the educational value, made the standard of selecting the material for JAM and then organized units with the selected pieces of JAM. JAM has various characteristics. First, JAM is the writing for warning. Secondly, JAM is making use of stories from the Confucian ideology. Third, JAM clearly expresses the content of warning through the title in itself. JAM is a genre that can solve many problems involving value and the loss of humanity and it also affects the growth of personality in a positive way. In light of internalization, JAM has the educational value in that it can help the learner can view the content and value of the work critically. When it comes to the standard of selecting the material, the works which take on the JAM`s characteristics in the process of general Chinese problem solving are selected. There are 5 standards in choosing the suitable writing for making textbook with JAM. The volume of materials, the degree to which the writing make use of authentic precedent, the meaning of warning, clarity, familarity are those of them. When the material has much volume, there would be more grammatical points involved and thereby there would be much information for learner to understand. The authentic precedent is never understood just with the meaning of words but it needs for learners to know historical background knowledge and that`s why it becomes harder as it has more precedents. JAM is a style that has the clear marginal meaning so the meaning of warning is shown in most of the works. That`s why the learner can approach the work in an easy way. The familarity is related to learner`s image, feeling and situation so it can make the learner focus more on the work. With the standards above, `GanEonJam` by 이현일 was taken and made in the form of textbook. The units are organized, based on teaching-learning process centered system, which boosts the interest for learning Chinese characters and makes learners study by themselves. The subordinate units are divided into two periods and the teaching-learning step consists of introduction, development and foundation. Based on this, I organized JAM unit. In introduction, the guide for unit can help the learner activate the background knowledge and induce learning motive and interest. Reading activities during the 1<sup>st</sup> period of development, and the learning the content of warning during the 2<sup>nd</sup> period of development are summarized in the form of textbook. The 1<sup>st</sup> stage of foundation is about assessment so it consists of many questions suitable for the learning aims. The second stage provides the graphic organizer for learning content which helps the learner find the gist of warning from the reading activities. Lastly, subject based learning is about critical writing, which provide learners with the chance to reflect themselves in the view of others. This is the scene that gives off the educational value of JAM. There are plenty of materials for studying Chinese characters but when it comes to thinking about who can modify the materials and provide the educational material for learners, those who study Chinese characters education and Chinese writing, and Chinese characters teachers take quite an important role. The study over composing textbook with various Chinese characters material is meaningful. So I hope the variety of materials could be modified in the form of more educational and useful ways.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아웃도어 스포츠의류의 원산지정보 효과 분석

        장재익(Jae Ik Jang),조송현(Song Hyun Cho) 한국사회체육학회 2013 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.52

        The purpose of this study was to examine that was find out effect analysis of country of orihin in outdoor sportswear. To achieve the purpose of this study, 623 were selected using customer for the analysis university students in 2011-2012 ski(board) of Seoul and Pusan were selected by using a convenience sampling method. The results are as followed. First, the country of manufacture had effect consumers` quality perception and purchase intention. The country of brand had effect consumers` quality perception, while others had not effect purchase intention. Second, the interaction between country of manufacture and country of brand had not ef-fect consumers` quality perception and purchase intention(After controlling brand awareness and brand pref-erence). Lastly, the interaction between country of manufacture and country of brand in high ethnocentrism product had not effect consumers` quality perception and purchase intention. These results will be used as the important data of sports industry. The purpose of study will give to good message of management strategies to the outdoor sportswear company. Futhermore, will help to enable the domestic sports market.

      • KCI등재

        팔맥교회혈(八脈交會穴) 중(中) 열결(列缺),조해(照海)의 배합(配合)에 관한 문헌(文獻) 연구(硏究)

        장재영 ( Jae Young Jang ),박상연 ( Sang Yeon Park ),홍정아 ( Jung A Hong ),장재익 ( Jae Ik Jang ),김경식 ( Kyung Sik Kim ),김재효 ( Jae Hyo Kim ),손인철 ( In Chul Sohn ) 대한경락경혈학회 2006 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.23 No.4

        Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze how to treat various symptoms through the combination of Yoelgyoel (LU7) and Johae (KI6), according to reviewing the contents and data since Ling Shu (靈樞經) to recent Literatures including thirty-five medical books. Methods: It was arranged and considered that the Location, needling, and symptoms of each acupoint were described in various Literatures before the publication of Chim Kyung Ji Nam (鍼經指南). Through various Literature since the publication of Chim Kyung Ji Nam, it was examined how to be recognized and be referred about Yoelgyoel (LU7) and Johae (KI6). Results and Conclusions: The Location of Yoelgyoel is the superior 1.5 cun at wrist joint striation, medial of extensor carpi radialis Longus; the Location of Johae is the depression part under foot medial condyle. Yoelgyoel is often used for respiratory organ disease, urinary organ disease, neuopsychiatory disease, musculoskeletal system disease; Johae is often used for urinary organ disease, circulatory organ disease. At Chim Kyung Ji Nam, Yoelgyoel is often used for thoraco-abdominal pain, gynecological disease, digestive organ disease; Johae is often used for abdominal pain, gynecological disease, digestive organ disease. Therefore, these points are used together for general internal disease. As well, these are not directly continuous with previous Literatures from Chim Kyung Ji Nam. The combination of Yoelgyoel and Johae have been developed to the three categories as follows; it is quoted from as it is; it is reconstructed in the form of song; it has new symptoms enlarged. Consequently, the combination of Yoelgyoel and Johae was not bind to the rule of Up-Bottom harmony (上下配合), but asserted for the rule of Ju-Eng harmony (主應配合), which add specific acupoints to the combination of Yolgyol and Chohae as the complication of the symptoms.

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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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