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        창암 이삼만, 工拙을 벗어난 서예

        이성배(Lee, Sung-Bae) 한국서예학회 2007 서예학연구 Vol.11 No.-

        This study aims at exploring the history of Korean calligraphy and Changma, Samman Lee's calligraphy by dividing calligraphy into schools of rational and emotional calligraphy. This approach helps to provide a more various and broader understanding of the materials of calligraphy and presents a new way to understand the identity of Korean calligraphy. Changam, Samman Lee(1770-1847) possessed a very unique calligraphy style. This study investigates the commonalities and differences of Changam's calligraphy from his predecessors in terms of both his rational and emotional calligraphy styles. In the late Josun Dynasty, Changam freely pursued both rational and emotional calligraphy styles, not clinging to elaboration. His calligraphy practice and theory had two special aspects. His rational calligraphy style was shown in epitaphs or printed-style tablets, and his emotional style was written with printed, semi-cursive and cursive style. Both of his styles resulted from his unique consciousness of calligraphy. Changam's rational calligraphy style was based on his strict academic standards, serious consideration of process, and his endless endeavor to enter the ideal world of calligraphy. Meanwhile, his emotional calligraphy style was based on Jinhanwe's calligraphy which was different from Jindang calligraphy that had aesthetics of ugliness, pursuing strong strokes and a temperament overcoming the soft beauty. Changam's calligraphy presents Jinhanwe's style of strong, simple and honest strokes as well as reflecting the calligraphy trend of the late Joson Dynasty which focused on Jongyo, Wangheji. That is, his calligraphy crosses the boundaries between rational and emotional calligraphy and his aesthetics of calligraphy, as one of ugliness, shows another trend of Joson's calligraphy. 본고는 서예를 이성파와 감성파로 구분하고 이를 한국 서예사와 창암 이삼만 서예에 적용해 고찰한 글이다. 이성과 감성의 시각으로 접근하는 것은 기존의 서예자료에 대한 다양한 접근과 폭넓은 이해를 위한 한 방도이며, 한국 서예의 정체성을 이해하려는 새로운 방도이다. 이러한 차원에서 매우 독창적인 글씨로 알려진 창암 이삼만(1770-1847)에 대해 이성서예와 감성서예의 시각으로 그의 서예와 서론이 이전과 어떠한 同異點이 있는지에 관해서도 살펴볼 수 있겠다. 조선 말기의 창암은 감성서예와 이성서예를 추구하면서 공교에 구애 받지 않고 자유롭게 추구하려 하였다. 그의 많은 서예작품과 서론은 이 두 가지 측면을 보여주고 있다. 그의 이성서예는 비문이나 크고 작은 楷書, 편액 글씨 등에서 내용에 따라 다양하게 나타난다. 이에 비해 감성서예는 해서와 行書草書를 막론하고 다양하게 보였다. 창암의 이성서예와 감성서예는 그의 독특한 서예의식에서 비롯된다. 그의 이성서예는 엄격한 학서기준과 과정을 중시하고, 끊임없이 서예의 眞境에 들고자 엄청난 노력을 통해 나타났다. 이에 비해 감성서예는 당시 서예에서 추구하던 晉唐서예에서 벗어나 秦漢魏의 서예에서 古法을 추구하고, 연미함에서 벗어나 골기와 필세가 강한 愚拙의 美感을 추구하는 경향으로 나타났다. 따라서 창암의 서예는 조선 말기의 鍾繇? 王羲之를 중시하는 당시의 서예경향을 반영하면서도 한 단계 더 나아가 骨氣가 강하고 질박한 秦漢魏시기의 서예미감을 추구하였다. 이에 그의 서예는 이성서예와 감성서예를 넘나들었고, 그의 서예의식 은 愚拙의 美感을 보여주고 있다. 이것은 또한 당시 조선 서예가 추구하는 한 서예 경향을 보여주는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 서예치료의 회고와 전망

        이성배(Lee, Sung-bae) 한국서예학회 2006 서예학연구 Vol.9 No.-

        전통서예에 혼재되어 나타나는 주술성·실용성·예술성·수양성은 서예가 다른 예술 장르와 구분될 수 있는 중요한 요소들이다. 지금 書藝는 治療性을 강조하면서 새로운 변화를 시도하고 있다. 서예치료는 서구에서 출발한 미술치료·음악치료·향기치료 등의 다양한 치료 기법보다 늦게 시작되었지만 오히려 동아시아적 정서를 반영한 치료법으로서 정체성을 중시하는 최근의 정서와 함께 새롭게 주목을 받기 시작한 예술치료의 한 분야이다. 국내에서 서예치료는 2001년에 韓國書藝治療學會가 창립되었고, 2002년에 원광대 보건행정대학원 예술치료학과에 書藝治療科目이 개설되는 등 학문적인 연구를 할 수 있는 구조적인 토대가 마련되었다. 그동안 한국서예치료학회는 이론적인 심화와 임상을 두 축으로 병행하여 많은 성과를 거둘 수 있었다. 한국서예치료학회는 이 과정에서 서예와 서예치료의 개념 차이를 논의하였고 高尙仁 선생의 연구 내용을 소개하고, 미술치료나 심리학 등 타 분야의 이론을 어떻게 수용할 것인지에 대한 문제 등등 열띤 논의를 수없이 하였다. 이제는 다양한 분야에 다양한 서예치료방법을 적용한 연구와 임상을 진행 중이기 때문에 조만간에 이에 대한 가시적인 성과를 기대할 수 있다고 본다. 그렇지만 현재 한국서예치료학은 아직도 정체성을 찾는 작업이 진행 중이라 말할 수 있다. The incantation characteristic, practicality, artistic characteristic and mental training characteristic are the crucial things which can be differentiated from the other genre of Art. Now, Calligraphy attempts to change newly while putting emphasis on the therapy. Calligraphic Therapy set off later than various therapy technology, such as art therapy, music therapy, aroma therapy which originated from western countries. But it begins to be noted as the therapy which reflects the East siatic emotion. And it is the field of artistic therapy which begins to attract attention newly with recent emotion. And the recent emotion takes a serious view of the identification. The Korean Caligraphic Therapy Association was founded in 2001 for Calligraphy Therapy within the country. And a course of Calligraphic Therapy was opened in Department of Artistic Therapy of Public Health Administration Graduate School in Wonkwang University in 2002. This arrangement came to prepare the structural base. In the meantime, The Korean Calligraphic Therapy Association was able to achieve many outcomes in a parallel motion with a theoretical profundity and a clinical lecture. During this process, The Korean Calligraphic Therapy Association decussed the difference between Calligraphy and Calligraphic Therapy. And it introduced Ko, Sang-in's research contents. And they also debated ardently many time how to accommodate the theory of other area. Now, we are processing the clinical lecture and the research, which are applied to the various Calligraphic Therapy method about the various area. So, I think that we soon could expect the visual achievement about this. But, at present, we might say that The Korean Calligraphic Therapeutics is still searching for its identity.

      • KCI등재

        청소년들의 이종격투기에 대한 미디어 시청동기가 시청태도와 행동에 미치는 영향

        성배(Seong Bae Kong),성낙훈(Nak Hun Seong),배상일(Sang Il Bae),방환복(Whan Bog Bang),이원희(Won Hi Lee) 한국사회체육학회 2007 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.31

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of teenagers` viewing motivation of the mixed martial arts program on viewing attitude and viewing behavior. For this study, teenagers who have seen the mixed martial arts program in Sung-nam and Young-in City were selected as the population. Then, 336 teenagers chosen by systematic stratified cluster random sampling were analyzed. Exploratory Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis and Multiple Regression were conducted by SPSS Window 12.0. The results were as follows:First, there were statistically significant differences in viewing attitude and viewing behavior according to the gender. Second, there were no statistically significant differences in viewing attitude and viewing behavior according to the school years. Third, there were statistically significant differences in viewing attitude and viewing behavior according to the viewing time. Fourth, there were statistically significant differences in viewing attitude and viewing behavior according to the viewing period. Fifth, it was found that viewing motivation significantly influences viewing attitude and explains 69.2%(R2=.268) of the variance. Vicarious satisfaction, entertainment pursuit motivation, time consuming motivation, and social exchange motivation which are subordinate constructs of viewing motivation have significantly a positive effect on viewing attitude in the order. Sixth, it was found that viewing motivation significantly influences viewing behavior and explains 69.3%(R2=.268) of the variance. Time consuming motivation, entertainment pursuit motivation, vicarious satisfaction, and social exchange motivation which are subordinate constructs of viewing motivation have significantly a positive effect on viewing behavior in the order. However, information pursuit motivation have significantly a negative effect on viewing behavior.

      • KCI등재

        유도결합플라즈마 질량분석법에 의한 납 취급 근로자와 일반인의 혈장 중 납 분석 및 상관성 분석

        이성배 ( Sung Bae Lee ),양정선 ( Jeong Sun Yang ),최성봉 ( Jeong Sun Yang ),김남수 ( Nam Soo Kim ),이병국 ( Byung Kook Lee ),신호상 ( Ho Sang Shin ) 한국산업위생학회 2013 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Objectives: This study attempted to develop a method to measure ultra-trace lead concentrations in plasma using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry(ICP-MS) and to test whether plasma lead can be used as a biomarker for the biological monitoring of exposure to lead. Methods: Lead concentrations in 160 plasma samples of field workers and 42 plasma samples from the control group were measured by ICP-MS. Blood zinc protophorphyrin(ZPP) concentrations and urinary δ-aminolevulinic acid(δ-ALA) were measured for correlation analysis with plasma lead. Results: The mean lead level in the plasma of the workers exposed to lead at work were 786.1 ng/L. Plasma lead levels were not correlated with blood ZPP or urinary δ-ALA concentrations. Otherwise, plasma lead levels showed a good correlation coefficient of 0.400 with blood lead levels, and their correlation coefficient had a better value of 0.552 for the non-smoking and drinking group. In the general population group which was not exposed to lead in the workplace and was considered the control group, the mean concentration of plasma lead was 123.1 ng/L. The plasma lead levels for the general population group showed a good correlation coefficient of 0.520 with blood ZPP and urinary δ-ALA concentrations.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        젊은 남자 환자에서 발생한 자발적 비장 파열: 증례보고

        이성배 ( Sung Bae Lee ),최영일 ( Young Il Choi ) 대한외상학회 2014 大韓外傷學會誌 Vol.27 No.4

        Rupture of the spleen is relatively common, both immediately and in a delayed fashion following significant blunt abdominal trauma. However, atraumatic splenic rupture rarely occurs. Multiple underlying pathologies have been associated with splenic rupture without trauma, including hematological, neoplastic, inflammatory and infectious conditions. In our case, a 21-year-old male without prior medical history visited the hospital with left upper quadrant abdominal pain that had started one day earlier. He had no history of trauma. An abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan found a collection of perisplenic fluid, accompanying a splenic rupture. Due to the patient’s stable vital signs and lack of clinical progression of hemorrhage, he underwent conservative treatment. The patient was discharged at day 14 without complication. Rupture of a normal spleen without a history of trauma is not often reported, and it has long been a subject of debate. Ruptures of normal spleen almost always follow some kind of trauma, such as a car accidents or a fall from significant heights. Here, we report a case of spontaneous rupture of a normal spleen in the absence of other medical pathologies or triggering factors. [ J Trauma Inj 2014; 27: 208-10 ]

      • KCI등재후보

        문화(文化) : 우암 송시열의 서예와 비평의식

        이성배 ( Sung Bae Lee ) 한국사상문화학회 2008 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.42 No.-

        17세기 조선 서예는 성리학을 바탕으로 하는 서예인식이 심화되었다. 당시의 서예는 16세기 이후로 크게 떨친 石峯體를 많이 쓰고 있었다. 노론계통에서 석봉 글씨를 많이 썼는데 尤庵과 同春의 글씨에서 그러한 흔적을 볼 수 있다. 아울러 顔眞卿體와 朱子體도 忠節과 義理를 상징하는 의미를 갖기 때문에 우암의 서예에 반영되었음을 볼 수 있다. 우암의 書論은 朱子의 書畵認識을 계승하여 자신의 서화 비평의 기준으로 삼았다. 그는 모든 면에서 주자를 철저히 계승하려 한 것이 서예에서도 그대로 반영되어 나타났다. 우암의 書論은 주자 사상을 바탕으로 하고 있지만 단지 서체를 익히는 1차적인 계승이 아니라 내면의 의리정신을 수용하고 구현하고자 하는 2차적인 계승이라 할 수 있다. 주자의 학문과 사상은 우암에게 正派로서 인식되었고 直思想과 春秋大義로 주자를 계승하고자 하였다. 우암의 서론은 이런 의식이 반영되어 있고 이것을 바탕으로 서화에 대한 비평을 하였던 것이다. 우암은 書藝와 인간의 德性이 상관있다는 德藝相關論의 인식을 갖고 있는데 이것은 주자의 관점을 계승한 것이다. 그렇지만 우암은 이 관점을 한 단계 더 발전 시켜서 心劃을 강조하였고 또 단지 心劃에만 머물지 말고 心法을 보라고 강조하였다. 더 나아가 글씨만 사랑하는 愛書 보다는 글씨 쓴 사람의 심성을 사랑하는 愛人을 강조하고, 또 애인보다는 도를 사랑하는 愛道를 강조하여 궁극적인 道의 입장에서 글씨를 볼 것을 강조 하였다. 이상으로 우암의 서예와 비평을 살펴볼 때 그는 주자와 안진경과 석봉의 글씨를 쓰고 효종의 글과 명황제의 글씨를 새겨서 사상과 의리와 예술과 정치적 구심점을 조성하여 당대의 헤게모니를 구축하는 내면 의지를 살필 수 있다. In the 17th century, Joseon calligraphy was deepened in terms of calligraphic idea based on Study of SungRi. The calligraphic field of that time was prevailed by SeokBongChe (石峯體: Han Seok Bong`s Letter-Writing Style) that had been popular since the 16th century. Many scholars of NoRon sector also used such SeokBongChe, which was traced on the letters written by Uam and Dongchun. In addition, AhnJinGyeongChe (顔眞卿體: Ahn Jin Gyeong`s Letter-Writing Style) and JuJaChe (朱子體: Ju Ja`s Letter-Writing Style) were also reflected in Uam`s calligraphy because they symbolized faith and moral sense respectively. Uam`s idea of letter-writing succeeded Ju Ja`s recognition of letter-writing and painting and became his standard for criticism on letter-writing and painting. He made a big effort to follow Ju Ja in every aspect and such his effort was reflected in his calligraphy as it was. Uam`s idea of letter-writing was based on Ju Ja`s idea. However, it was not the 1st phase succession of simply learning Ju Ja`s letter-writing style but the 2nd phase succession of accepting and realizing the spirit of moral sense dwelling in Ju Ja`s idea. Ju Ja`s study and idea were recognized by Uam as a genuine idea, so that he tried to inherit Ju Ja`s idea as Idea of Jik (直思想: Idea of Right Mind) and ChunChuDaeEui (春秋大義: A Great Moral Sense to show Just and Great Cause). These ideas were reflected in Uam`s idea of letter-writing, based on which he criticized the letter-writing and painting. Uam believed that there was relation between calligraphy and moral character of a person. His belief was succeeded from Ju Ja`s viewpoint. However, Uam upgraded such Ju Ja`s viewpoint to emphasis on SimHoik (心劃: Mindful Stroke). He, furthermore, emphasized that you should see SimBeop (心法: Principle of Using Mind) beyond SimHoik; emphasized AeIn (愛人) of loving the writer`s mind beyond AeSeo (愛書) of loving only letter; and emphasized AeDo (愛道) of loving Do (道: justice) beyond AeIn. As a result, he emphasized that you should see the letter based on Do (道: justice). In conclusion, this study on Uam`s calligraphy and criticism indicates that he wrote letters in the letter-writing styles of Ahn Jin Gyeong and Han Seok Bong and engraved King HyoJong`s letters and King Ming`s letters in his mind to form the center of idea, moral sense, art and politics and then build up hegemony of that period through his internal will.

      • 대지저항률에 따른 접지임피던스의 주파수 의존성

        성배(Sung-Bae Bae),최종혁(Jong-Hyuk Choi),박건훈(Geon-Hun Park),이복희(Bok-Hee Lee) 한국조명·전기설비학회 2008 한국조명·전기설비학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.5월

        A design criterion of grounding systems is commonly based on low frequency resistance in Korea. When lightning surges which have high frequency components are injected into the grounding system, the grounding impedance is greatly different from the static grounding resistance. This paper presents the grounding adimittance and phase on the frequency range from 100 [㎐] to 15 [㎒] using water tank simulating the grounding system in different water resistivities. As a result, capacitive effect is dominant over the frequency of 100 [㎑] at the water resistivity of 1,000 [Ωㆍm]. On the other hand, the inductive characteristics appear at the low water resistivity. Consequently, dependence of grounding impedances on the frequency of injected current is strongly related to resistivity.

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