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      • KCI등재

        미국헌법상 집회의 자유의 초기형성

        이병규 ( Byeong Gyu Lee ) 서울대학교 미국학연구소 2010 미국학 Vol.33 No.2

        This study deals with the early development of freedom of assembly in the United States. In keeping with the right of petition as it was guaranteed in the United Kingdom, freedom of assembly was widely permitted in the colonies of the Americas. Then, during the national foundation of the U.S. such freedom was codified into law by the First Amendment. Freedom of assembly primarily originated out of popular sovereignty in relation to the political system of republicanism. This was natural since the U.S. was founded as a nation without a monarch after its independence from the U.K. Because representatives of the people gathered together for the Constitutional Convention, assembly formally associated with popular sovereignty. Therefore, freedom of assembly, linked with the right to petition, had the characteristics of a right claiming to the government while it had the features of political rights, related to popular sovereignty. Freedom of assembly was understood in this manner during the twentieth century. Such freedom of assembly has developed through precedents set by the Supreme Court. The clearest examples are: United States vs. Cruikshank in 1876, where constitutional freedom of assembly was dealt with explicitly for the first time; DeJonge vs. Oregon in 1937, which presented general accounts about constitutional freedom of assembly along with the view that freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and freedom of the press all have common ground; and Hague vs. Committee for Industrial Organization in 1939, which paved the way for the public speech theory. Constitutional freedom of assembly in the U.S. is more than an ornament to the legal provisions for democracy. Rather, it plays a role of claiming freedom of association which heightens the effect of speech or assembly, and from which right to privacy is derived. The provisions on freedom of assembly generate freedom essential to a free and democratic system. In this light, the early development of freedom of assembly in the U.S. does not reflect simply a history of accepting the Constitution as well as a trend of provisions. As with other areas of the U.S. Constitution, by examining freedom of assembly, we can identify the history of constitutionalism of the U.S.

      • KCI등재

        대리출산의 헌법적 논의

        이병규 ( Byeong Gyu Lee ) 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2013 홍익법학 Vol.14 No.3

        This paper deals with surrogacy as part of assisted reproductive technology (ART) from a constitutional perspective. In particular, it focuses on constitutional justifications for surrogacy revolving around fundamental rights of individuals involved such as clients, surrogates, and newborns. Surrogacy boosted by the advance in ART is recognised to be helpful to some degree for converting to reality the hope of couples who want to have a baby. However, it creates not only its own ethical concerns but also legally difficult problems due to its various patterns. In addition, human rights issues including the fact that women from poor countries are exploited as a means of surrogacy cannot be overlooked. In this light, it is necessary to discuss constitutional justifications for surrogacy itself prior to arguing over numerous individual laws related. Surrogacy can be subject to the right of self-determination pertaining to the right to persue happiness guaranteed by the Constitution while it can be subject to restrictions on fundamental constitutional rights. Especially, putting aside whether the right to have a baby through surrogacy should be recognized or not, a focus should be placed on limiting the right because surrogacy may infringe on rights and interests of the third party who is asked to be a surrogate mother. In the case of violating the third party`s rights, a client cannot claim his or her own ``right to have a baby`` Although a surrogacy contract itself is thought to be valid, it will become null when the contract is subject to a legal violation or is interpreted as being against public policies. Moreover, the women to be surrogate mothers might understand the content of the contact and sign it of their own free will but there are not a few cases that they inevitably accept it due to economic problems including poverty. Therefore, even though people have reproductive rights and the right to have children, the privilege to fulfil their hopes by employing others who are under financial pressure should not be allowed. Regarding surrogacy, it is required to have broader perspectives and profound insights with which not only the right of self-determination but also the dignity of an individual as a human being, irreplaceable with any other things, the nature of human rights, child`s interests, social benefits or the role of a nation are all considered comprehensively. In this way, answers to many legal issues surrounding surrogacy can be found and conclusions of constitutional debates can be reached.

      • 기본권보장과 민법의 역할에 대한 서론적 논의

        이병규(Byeong Gyu Lee) 한국헌법판례연구학회 2015 헌법판례연구 Vol.16 No.-

        이 논문은 헌법상의 기본권 보장과 민법의 역할에 관한 초보적 논의를 시도한 것이다. 이른바 기본권보호의무론에 기초하여 기본권의 국가적 방어권으로서의 성격과 객관적 가치질서로서의 성격에 대한 이해와 이것이 사법 영역에서 어떻게 이해될 수 있는지에 대한 논의이다. 민법이 인간의 존엄에 기초하는 사인관계를 어떻게 구체화할 것인가에 대한 논의는 민법학에 주어진 과제이겠지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 민법의 일반규정인 공서양속(민법 제103조)이나 불법행위(민법 제104조)와 같은 규정이 이와 관련하여 어떤 의미를 가지는지는 생각해볼 필요가 있다. 이른바 기본권의 제3자적 효력론에 있어서 다수설의 위치에 있는 간접적용설은 헌법상 기본권의 가치를 민법 제103조나 제760조로 해석하는 구조이다 그러나 . 이는 헌법상 기본권이 사인 간에 미치는 효과가 반사적인 것에 불과하다는 것을 이해하기 위한 전제를 결여하였다. 독일의 지배적 이론과 같이 헌법의 기본권의 가치가 객관법으로서 전방위적인 효력을 가진다는 전제 하에서는 이와 같이 이해하는 것도 불가능한 것은 아니다. 그러나 이러한 구조로 이해하게 되면 헌법관이나 기본권관의 변용이 불가피해진다. 그것을 피하여 전통적 헌법관을 유지하면서 사인간에 기본권 가치의 보장을 실현하고자 하면 민법을 전 실정법적인 기본가치로서 개인의 존엄을 보장하기 위한 실정법으로 파악하고 그 해석을 이러한 기본가치에 따르는 구조라고 해도 될 것이다. 이리하여 민법 제103조와 제760조의 일반규정은 개인의 존엄을 기초로 하는 구체화를 법원의 해석에 맡긴 것이 된다. 그 한도 내에서 민법은 법원에 의한 법창조를 승인한 것이 된다. 물론 여기서 법원은 법창조를 헌법해석이 아닌 민법해석으로 하는 것이다. This paper attempts to have an introductory discussion on the protection of fundamental rights under the Constitution and the role of civil law. Based on what is called a theory of obligation to protect fundamental rights, the discussion seeks a better understanding of characteristics of basic rights both as rights to national defense and as an ordering of objective values, and it deals with how fundamental rights can be interpreted in the judicial field. Although the issue of how civil law gives shape to private relations based on human dignity is a task assigned to the study of civil law, it is nevertheless necessary to think over what significance such general clauses of civil law as public order and good morals (Civil Code Article 103) or tort law (Civil Code Article 104) have regarding the issue. In terms of so-called force of the rights to a third person, the indirect effect theory which is in the position of the prevail opinion has the system of interpreting values of fundamental rights in accordance to Civil Code Article 103 or Civil Code Article 760. However, the theory lacks a prerequisite for understanding that the effect on private relations is just reflective of the fundamental rights under the Constitution. Such understanding is not impossible on condition that like the dominant theory of Germany, values of fundamental rights under the Constitution have an effect covering a wide range as an objective law. Yet if understood in this way, the alteration of constitutional ideas or the ideas of fundamental rights would be inevitable. To avoid the transformation and realize the protection of values of fundamental rights to private relations while holding traditional ideas of the Constitution, it would be acceptable that civil law is acknowledged as positive law to protect the dignity of individuals which is the basic value of the whole positive law and the interpretation of civil law depends on those fundamental values. Therefore, the general provisions of Civil Code Article 103 and Civil Code Article 760 leave the actualization based on the dignity of individuals up to the interpretation by the court. Within the limits, civil law gives approval to the creation of law by the court. Surely, the court allows for the creation of law through interpretation of civil law rather than through constitutional interpretation.

      • KCI등재후보

        토마스 제퍼슨의 사법권에 관한 사상

        이병규(Lee Byeong-Gyu) 미국헌법학회 2010 美國憲法硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        이 글은 미국의 제3대 대통령을 역임한 토마스 제퍼슨의 헌법사상 중에서 사법권에 관한 사상을 조명하는데 그 목적이 있다. 주지하다시피 제퍼슨이 남긴 많은 공적 문서와 서간문에는 헌법학 전반에 관한 그의 헌법사상이 표현되어 있다. 또한 그러한 헌법사상은 단지 문언으로 그치지 않고 그의 다양한 공적활동을 통해서 건국 초기 미국의 정치제도를 형성하는데 운용되었다는데 그 의미가 있다. 제퍼슨의 헌법사상은 연방주의와 권력분립의 원리에 기초한다. 연방헌법에 근거하여 연방과 주 사이의 권력 균형을 유지하고, 권력분립의 원리에 의하여 입법부, 행정부 그리고 사법부가 서로 견제와 균형의 원리에 의하여 유지되는 것을 이상적으로 보았다. 따라서 그의 사법권에 관한 사상도 권력분립의 원리에 기초한다고 할 것이다. 제퍼슨은 고결하고 독립된 법원의 확립을 기대했다. 사법권의 독립은 입법부와 행정부로부터의 독립과 함께 법관의 독립을 보장하고 있다. 법관의 독립을 위해서 그는 국민 다수에 의한 법관 선출을 주장했다. 그리고 법관은 단순한 기계로서 국민에 의해 선출된 의회가 만든 법을 평등하고 공정하게 적용해야 한다고 했다. 사법심사제에 대하여 그는 초기에는 ‘동의적 심사’라는 보다 제한된 개념을 견지하고 있었다. 즉 위헌이라고 생각되는 의회 제정 법률을 법원이 무효로 선언하지 않고 집행을 거부하는 것이다. 그러나 그는 대통령이 되고 나서 사법심사제 대신에 ‘3부 원칙’을 주장한다. 그것은 사법부가 헌법에 대한 최종적인 해석권을 가지는 것을 반대하고 각 부가 헌법에 대한 해석권을 가져야 한다고 보았다. 그것이 권력분립의 원리에도 합치한다는 것이다. 그러나 그것은 정부의 한 부문이 궁극적으로 상고 없이 언제 조치를 취할지 어떻게 결정하느냐가 문제가 된다. 제퍼슨의 헌법사상과 마찬가지로 그의 사법권에 대한 사상도 완벽한 일관성을 유지했다고 보기는 어려울 것이다. 그는 시간과 상황에 따라서 변화된 입장을 보였다. 또한 연방파와 정치적으로 대립하는 과정에서 자신의 헌법이론과 관계없는 정파성을 띤 입장으로 흘러가는 모습도 발견할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study is to examine the ideas of Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, on judicial power from the viewpoint of his constitutional thought. As is generally known, a number of public papers and letters he wrote carry his thought on the overall constitution. In addition, his constitutional thought has great significance in that not limited only to the written documents, it was applied for establishing political institutions of the early United States through his various public activities. The constitutional thought of Thomas Jefferson is based on both federalism and doctrines of separation of power. He believed it ideal to keep the balance of power between the federal government and the states on the basis of federalism, and to maintain the executive, the legislature and the judiciary on the principle of check and balance. Therefore, his thought on judicial power is probably founded on doctrines of separation of power. Jefferson expected the establishment of a noble and independent court of justice. The independence of the judiciary guarantees that of a judge along with independence from the legislature and the executive. He contended that a judge should be elected by the people to protect his independence. Also, like a simple machine, he said, a judge should make an equal and impartial application of a law enacted by the legislature elected by the people. Regarding the judicial review, he initially held fast to his more restrictive concept of 'the concurrent review', in which a court could refuse enforcement of an assumingly unconstitutional law enacted by the legislative without proclaiming its invalidation. After he became President, however, he supported 'the tripartite doctrine' instead of the judicial review. He objected to the idea that the judiciary should have the final right of the constitutional interpretation, insisting that each power should exercise such a right, which, he thought. was in agreement with doctrines of separation of power. But it is problematic how a power of the government should decide on when a measure would be taken, ultimately with no appeal. Like the constitutional thought of Thomas Jefferson, it is hard to claim that his thought on the judicial power kept perfect consistency. He changed his stance according to time and circumstances. Moreover, in political conflict with federalists, he took up the partisan position irrelevant to his constitution theory.

      • KCI등재

        기본권의 대사인적 효력과 입헌주의 그리고 공사 구분

        이병규(Lee, Byeong-Gyu) 한국비교공법학회 2016 공법학연구 Vol.17 No.1

        본고는 헌법의 본질적 의미와 입헌주의 그리고 공과 사의 구분을 중심으로 헌법상 기본권의 대사인적 효력론의 이론적 기초가 무엇인지를 논의하는 것이다. 즉 국가라고 하는 통치 집단의 존재 근거인 헌법의 개념 정의에 의할 때 기본권의 대사인적 효력에 관한 논의는 무엇을 검토 대상으로 해야 하는지가 본고의 문제의식이다. 기본권의 대사인적 효력에 관한 종래의 논의는 헌법의 본질이나 입헌주의가 무엇인지에 대한 논의보다는 외국의 법리에 대한 고찰이나 아니면 외국의 법리를 그대로 수용하는 경향이었다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 본고는 기본권의 대사인적 효력에 관한 종래의 학설, 즉 간접효력설이나 직접효력설 혹은 무효력설 중의 어느 하나로 분류되는 것을 예정하고 있지는 않다. 즉 이들 학설의 타당성에 대한 검토가 아니라 오히려 이들 학설의 기저에 있는 것이 무엇인지를 검토하는 것이다. 그러한 논의 과정에서 입헌주의와 공과 사의 구분을 중요한 소재로 삼은 것이다. 기본권의 대사인적 효력에 관한 논의는 헌법이나 기본권의 본질, 국가․사회·개인의 관계 혹은 헌법재판의 방식 등과 같은 기본적인 과제들과 어떻게 연관되어 있는지 혹은 개별 국가의 역사나 전통에 얼마나 의존하는지와 같은 관점에서 논의되어야 한다. 즉 헌법이 무엇이며 입헌주의가 무엇인가라고 묻는 과정에서 기본권의 대사인적 효력론의 기저에 있는 공과 사의 구분을 논의해갈 필요가 있는 것이다. This study aims to discuss the essential meaning of the Constitution, constitutionalism, and what theoretical foundations the effect of fundamental rights to the privates has, focusing on the public/private distinction. In other words, the issue is what should be examined in the discussion of the effect of fundamental rights to private relations when it is considered from the definition of the Constitution under which a nation exists as a ruling group. Previous studies on the effect of fundamental rights to the privates have the tendency to mainly review legal principles of other countries or uncritically accept the principles rather than deal with what the nature of the Constitution is or what constitutionalism is. However, this study is not to suggest one doctrine should be drawn among existing theories about the effect of fundamental rights to the privates, that is, direct effects, indirect effects or no effects. Instead of reviewing the validity of these theories, the research seeks to investigate what underlies the doctrines. For discussion of the topic, constitutionalism and the public/private distinction are important ideas. The effect of fundamental rights to the privates should be examined in terms of how it is related to such basic issues as the nature of the Constitution or basic rights and the ways of judicial review, or how much it depends on the history or tradition of an individual country. To conclude, in the process of questioning what the Constitution is and what constitutionalism is, it is required to review the public/private distinction which is the foundation of the effect of fundamental rights to private relations.

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