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      • KCI등재

        『신소년』독자담화실의 특성과 기능

        박정선(Park, Jung-sun) 한국어문학회 2015 語文學 Vol.0 No.128

        Sinsonyun(New Juvenile) is a leading juvenile magazine during Japanese colonial rule. This magazine has a special column to create with the editor and readers. It is the Dokjadamhwasil(readers conversation room). The purpose of this thesis is to explain what the editor and readers exchanged opinions in the Dokjadamhwasil, and this column had a influence on the editor and readers. Dokjadamhwasil in Sinsonyun acted as an intermediation in the communication. Readers sent a letter to the editor in order to get close to him, and he encouraged and consoled readers. And readers asked the editor to know publication of a magazine, readers contributions, informations and knowledges. Accordingly the editor explained the circumstance and the policy of edition of Sinsonyun to readers. Readers also wanted to communicate with other readers in other regions, the editor helped them positively. Secondly, Dokjadamhwasil in Sinsonyun acted a space for public opinion. Readers sent comments and requests for the magazine, proposals for common problems, readers literary criticism of other readers to editor. The editor picked something important and inserted an important article in Dokjadamhwasil, and reflected on editing the needs of readers. And readers were criticized for plagiarism and double contribution. They solved the problem inside readers community voluntarily through this, too. Here was a consideration of the editor.

      • KCI등재

        천상병 문학에 나타난 고향

        박정선 ( Jung Sun Park ) 한민족어문학회 2013 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.65

        근대 이후 ‘고향’은 한국문학의 소재로 즐겨 다루어져 왔다. 거기에는 근대 초기부터 시작된 해외 이산, 6.25전쟁과 분단으로 인한 대규모 실향, 산업화시대부터 본격화된 이농과 도시집중화가 원인으로 작용했다. 이러한 역사적 격변 속에서 타향을 떠돌던 많은 작가들이 고향상실감과 향수의 정서를 토로하고, 고향의 이미지와 서사를 생산해 왔다. 그에 따라 한국문학에 나타난 고향을 규명하는 연구가 지금까지 지속되고 있다. 그런 점에서 ‘문학 속의 고향’은 한국문학 연구의 주된 테마 중 하나라고 할 수 있다. 천상병은 한국문학사에서 고향을 소재로 한 시와 수필을 비교적 많이 남겨 놓은 작가 가운데 한사람이다. 천상병은 성장기에 여러 곳을 전전하며 자랐다. 즉 그는 일본 히메지(嬉路)(1930~1933), 진동(1933~1938), 일본 다테야마(館山)(1939~1945), 마산(1945~1951), 부산(1951~1953)을 거치며 성장했다. 그는 성장기의 추억이 서린 곳을 모두 고향이라 불렀고, 시와 수필을 통해 향수를 지속적으로 언어화했다. 이 가운데 그가 특별히 그리워했던 고향은 ‘진동 및 진북’과 ‘마산’이었다. 그러나 지금까지 천상병 문학을 고향과 관련지은 연구는 극히 드물다. 이에 본고는 천상병 문학에 나타난 고향의 양상, 의미, 고향의식을 상세히 살펴보고자 했다. 천상병에게 진동은 유년기를 보낸 곳이고, 진북은 선대의 선산이 있는 곳이다. 천상병은 시나 수필에서 진동을 산수가 아름답고, 행복했던 추억이 서린 곳으로 회고했다. 천상병은 1953년부터 서울에서 생활했는데, 타향살이의 신산스러움 속에서 고향의 부모님, 특히 영면한 어머니를 그리워하는 시를 지속적으로 썼다. 고향과 영면한 어머니에 대한 천상병의 그리움은 죽어 어머니 곁에 묻히고픈 염원을 낳았다. 진동과 진북은 그의 시에서 존재론적 기원이나 육신의 안식처일 뿐만 아니라 귀천을 위한 지반의 의미를 지닌다. 한편 마산은 그가 8.15해방을 맞아 귀국하여 1951년에 마산중학교를 졸업할 때까지 살던 곳이다. 그는 마산 시절에 책읽기에 몰두했고, 고전음악에 심취했다. 또한 산과 바다를 끼고 있는 마산의 수려한 경치를 보며 시적 정서와 감각을 키웠고, 당시 마산중학교 국어교사로 재직 중이던 시인 김춘수로부터 지대한 영향을 받았다. 이러한 요소들은 천상병이 시인의 길을 가게 한 주요한 계기가 되었다. 그런 점에서 마산은 천상병의 인생에서 심미적 도정의 출발점이란 의미를 지닌다. 천상병 문학에는 마산에서의 추억과 그 시절에 대한 그리움이 두루 나타난다. 천상병의 고향문학은 모두 타향에서의 경제적 곤궁과 불안정한 생활이라는 그의 실존적 조건에서 탄생했다. It is a well-known fact that hometown is used as a major material in Korean literature since the modern age. Hence, ``Hometown in literature`` is one of significant topic in the research of Korean literature. Cheon Sangbyeong is a representative poet that he made lots of hometown-poetry in the history of Korean literature. He grew up in several places. That is to say, he stayed at Himeji, Japan(1930-1933), Jindong(1933-1938), Tateyama, Japan(1939-1945), Masan(1945-1951), Busan(1951-1953). He named hometown all the places which are remembered during growth period especially. He expressed his nostaligia in writing sustainedly. Jindong, Jinbuk, and Masan is a special hometown that he missed. However, there has been little discussion about the relation between Cheon Sangbyeong and his hometown so far. This paper will focus on the meaning of hometown, the aspect of hometown, and hometown consciousness in Cheon Sangbyeong`s literature. Jindong is the place Cheon Sangbyeong grew up in his childhood period. Jinbuk is the place his family graveyard is located. He remebered Jindong is very beautiful and considered to be pleasant memories in his literature. Also he wrote poetry about his parents, especially his dead mother, when he stayed at Seoul since 1953. Jindong and Jinbuk is a not only origin of existence and place to rest, but also ground for back to heaven in his poetry. On the other hand, Masan is the place he grew up in his boyhood. At that time, he was infatuated with reading and classical music. And he was impressed by superb natural landscape, aroused poetic feeling and sensibility. Also he was seriously affected by Kim Chunsoo who is a poet and teacher of Korean in Masan middle school. For all these reasons, he was naturally influenced, they led him to be a poet. Masan is meaningful for him that it is origin of esthetic journey. He reflected the sense of longing for Masan in his poetry and prose. Cheon Sangbyeong`s hometown-literaure works were caused by his existential conditions from his economic poverty and precarious life.

      • KCI등재

        반공국가의 폭력과 ‘좌익작가’의 전향

        박정선 ( Park¸ Jung-sun ) 현대문학이론학회 2020 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.83

        이 논문은 남한 단독정부 수립 후 전향제도의 작동 원리와 방식, ‘좌익작가’의 전향 과정과 전향 후 행적, 전향 후의 내면을 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 단정 수립 후 반공권력은 반공주의, 공안기구, 국가보안법, 국민보도연맹을 수단으로 좌익의 전향을 유도하고 전향자를 관리했다. 이때 전향은 사상과 소속의 변화라는 의미로 통용됐다. 반공권력은 좌익으로 지목된 단체에 가입한 사실만으로도 좌익으로 규정했다. 그리고 온정과 엄벌을 기조로 한 전향정책을 추진했다. 조선문학가동맹에 가입했던 작가들 중에서 월북도 입산투쟁도 할 수 없었던 작가들, 대표적으로 정지용, 김기림 같은 작가들이 이런 폭력적 상황에서 엄벌을 피해 보도연맹에 가입하고 전향자가 됐다. 그러나 이들은 정치적으로나 사상적으로 중도주의 노선을 따랐던 중도파였다. 이들은 실제로 좌익작가였기 때문이 아니라 좌익작가로 지목됐기 때문에 전향을 해야 했다. 따라서 이들은 반공권력에 의해 ‘만들어진 좌익(작가)’이었다. 한편 반공권력은 전향한 ‘좌익작가’를 포함과 배제의 정치공학으로 관리했다. 즉 이들을 포용하면서도 국민으로부터 분리했다. 그 점에서 이들은 호모 사케르였다. 이런 상황에서 ‘좌익작가’들은 대한민국 국민으로 인정받기 위해 보도연맹이 요구하는 속죄의 윤리를 따라야 했다. 그것은 철저한 자기반성과 실천이다. 이들은 여러 방식으로 자기반성을 언어화하고, 각종 문화적 실천을 수행해야 했다. 이 같은 강요된 자기반성과 실천 속에서 이들이 겪은 정신적 고통은 컸다. 정지용과 김기림에 대한 기록과 그들의 작품에서 현실과 내면의 갈등, 내면의 분열과 착종을 읽을 수 있다. 이들의 전향 사례는 남북의 분단과 냉전적 대립 속에서 반공국가의 폭력에 ‘좌익작가’가 어떻게 고통받았는지를 알게 해 준다. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the principle and method of the conversion system, the conversion process and the movements after the conversion of the ‘leftist writer’, and their inner side after the establishment of South Korean government. The anti-communist government led the leftist to convert and managed the converts violently through the means of anti-communism, public security organization, the National Security Law, the National Protection and Guidence Federation(NPGF). At this time conversion was used in the sense of a change in thought and organization. The anti-communist government pointed them to the left just by the fact that they joined the group designated as the left wing. And it pushed forward a conversion policy based on warmth and punishment. Among the writers who joined the Joseon Writer Alliance, writers who were unable to go to North Korea or enter the mountain, representatively writers such as Jung Ji-yong and Kim Ki-rim joined the NPGF and became converts. However they did not have to convert because they were leftist writers, but they had to convert because they were designated as leftist writers. They were politically and ideologically midwayers. Therefore they were ‘intended leftist’ by anti-communist government. The anti-communist government managed ‘leftist writers’ who were converted by political engineering of inclusion and exclusion. In other words it embraced them and separated them from the people. They were Homo Sacer in that respect. In order to be recognized as citizens of the Republic of Korea, they had to follow the ethics of atonement required by the NPGF. It is self-reflection and practice. They had to verbalize self-reflection in several ways and carry out various cultural practices. They suffered great mental pain because of this forced self-reflection and practice. We can read the conflict between reality and the inner side, the division and confusion of the inner side in the records of Jung Ji-yong and Kim Ki-rim and their works. They let us know how the ‘leftist writer’ suffered amid the division of the South and North Korea and the Cold War confrontation.

      • KCI등재

        근대 소년잡지 『신소년』 의 독자투고제도 연구

        박정선(Park, Jung-sun) 국어교육학회 2016 국어교육연구 Vol.60 No.-

        The modern juvenile magazines put a reader’s contribution system into effect to expand the class of readers and to satisfy the reader"s creative desires. Among them, Sinsonyun put this system into effect most actively. In the early, Sinsonyun limited a eligibility rule as a subscriber only and a certain kind of literary work. In process of time the rule was gradually improved, thus anyone and any kind of work could be allowed to submit. In this way more and more readers contributed literary work actively. And Sinsonyun gave lessons to the readers how to write through the judge’s comments and critique. The reader’s work was charged with juvenile mind tendency in the 1920’s and classist tendency in the 1930’s. It was deeply related with change of character of Sinsonyun. Sinsonyun motivated the readers to create and contribute for literary work by reader’s contribution system. They were lead to the literary field by publishing their literary work in the magazine. Also they helped to grow as an writer. The reader’s contribution system in Sinsonyun made a great contribution towards systematic formation and reproduction systematic creation in modern juvenile literature.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 이주홍의 아동문학 매체 활동

        박정선 ( Jung Sun Park ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2013 어문론총 Vol.59 No.-

        Lee Ju-hong was a writer that led the juvenile literature of socialism during Japanese colonial rule. Also he edited a media of juvenile literature, Sinsonyun, contributed his works to Sinsonyun and Byeolnara. Thus Sinsonyun and Byeolnara were closely related with Lee Ju-hong`s literature in the 1930`s especially. However, there has been little discussion about this research so far. The aim of this thesis is to explain the relationship between Lee Ju-hong and a media of juvenile literature. Lee Ju-hong joined a magazine company, Sinsonyunsa, in June, 1929. He was a magazine editor. The magazine company has been strengthened socialism at this point of time. At this time, his literature was showed various tendency. His collection of children`s song was reflected innocentism, his children`s story, juvenile drama and novels were showed illuminism and realism. He published a juvenile novel of socialism in 1930. By this time, his ideology was changed to socialism. It is closely connected with transformation of Sinsonyun. He resigned and then he returned to his home in the late 1930`s. But he has still edited magazine after that. Besides, he joined as a co-author in Bulbyeol. His children`s song was a tendency of socialism completely at this time. After that, he extended to contribute his works to Byeolanra. He came back to Seoul in September, 1932, and he created prolificacy in writing. The theme of his literature at this time was showed legitimacy of Marxism and socialism, class hatred of landlord profiteering and solidarity of the weak. All of these works are recorded in Sinsonyun and Byeolnara.

      • KCI등재

        권환의 초기문학과 진전(鎭田)의 문화 환경

        박정선 ( Park Jung-sun ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2018 어문론총 Vol.77 No.-

        이 논문의 목적은 권환이 사회주의와 프로문학의 길로 나아가게 된 배경과 과정을 그의 고향인 진전(鎭田)의 문화 환경과 관련하여 살펴보는 데 있다. 권환은 넓고 비옥한 토지, 오랜 혈연공동체, 교통의 요충지를 특징으로 하는 진전의 문화 환경 속에서 나고 자랐다. 그런 문화적 환경은 그에게 농경적 정서, 공동체 의식과 감각, 낯선 것에 대한 호기심을 갖게 해 주었다고 본다. 그리고 그는 아버지 권오봉과 그가 세운 경행학교를 통해 민족교육을 받고 민족적 소명의식을 갖게 되었다. 그 같은 고향의 장소성과 성장기의 체험은 후일 그로 하여금 식민지 민중의 비참한 현실에 관심을 갖게 했고, 그러한 현실을 다룬 이른바 빈궁문학 작품을 쓰게 했다. 그는 경행학교를 마치고 중동학교와 휘문고등보통학교, 야마가타고등학교를 거쳐 교토제국대학에 진학했다. 그는 이 10여 년의 유학시절 동안 문학에 뜻을 세우고 부지런히 작품을 쓰고, 투고했다. 그런 과정에서 등단 작 「아즈매의 사(死)」(1924)가 탄생했다. 이 소설은 식민지 민중의 빈궁을 연민 어린 시선으로 그려낸 작품인데, 그 뒤에 발표한 작품들도 거의 이런 경향에 속한다. 그리고 등단 무렵의 작품들은 대부분 강고한 현실에 패배하는 인물을 그렸다면, 1920년대 말로 갈수록 폭력적인 방식이긴 하지만 현실에 적극적으로 저항하는 인물을 그리는 것으로 작품 경향이 변화한다. 에른스트 톨러의 혁명적 문학에 심취한 결과이다. 또한 그는 당시 일본 지식계에 영향을 끼치던 사회주의를 이념적 무기로서 받아들인다. 그에 따라 그의 문학에서 현실에 대한 저항의 방식도 개인적 폭력에서 조직적 투쟁으로 변화한다. 이때가 1929년이며, 그의 문학적 여정에서 초기문학 시대가 끝나고 프로문학 시대가 시작되는 시점이다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the background and process of Kwon Hwan’s choice of socialism and proletarian literature during the Japanese occupation in relation to the cultural environment of his hometown, Jinjeon. Kwon Hwan was born and raised in the cultural environment of Jinjeon, which features wide and fertile land, a key place for transportation, and an old blood-linked community. Such a cultural environment made him a man rich in emotions, a man curious about strangers, and a man of community consciousness and sense. And he received a national education from nationalist teachers, including his father, at Kyenghayng School in Jinjeon, and had a sense of national mission. Such a placeness of his hometown and his experience of the growth period later led him to pay attention to the miserable realities of the colonists, and to write an literature of poverty dealing with such realities. He graduated from Kyenghayng School, went to Kyoto Imperial University through Joogdong School, Whimoon School, and Yamagata High School. During this period, he aspired to be a writer and devoted himself to writing and contributing. His first work, Azmae's Death(1924) was born in the process. This novel depicts the poverty of the colonists with a compassionate gaze, and the works published after that are almost in this trend. And early works depicted the characters who are defeated by strong realities. But as the end of the 1920s, his works changed to portray people who actively resist reality, even though they are violent. That's because he was absorbed in Ernst Toller’s revolutionary literature. He also embraces socialism as an ideological weapon that influenced Japanese intellectuals at the time. Accordingly, the method of resistance to reality in his literature changed from personal violence to organized struggle. This point is the year 1929, when the era of early literature ended and the era of proletarian literature began in his literary journey.

      • KCI등재
      • 향상된 회귀모델을 위한 영역생성 및 실험계획에 관한 연구

        박정선(Jung-Sun Park),이동주(Dong-Joo Lee),임종빈(Jong-Bin Im) 대한기계학회 2005 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2005 No.5

        The effectiveness of Response Surface Method(RSM), one of optimization methods recently watched, is verified in various fields in that it has semi-global and discrete characteristics. The choice of the regression model and the plan of Design of Experiments(DOE) are primary factors which have a considerable effect on the optimization. Therefore, many studies are being continued since the development of RSM. In particular, a suitable build of DOE is a potent influence of convergence time and its confidence. In this paper, two ways are suggested to make the algorithm more efficient. The first is about a collecting method of sampling data which determines the form of regression model and the other is about construction of the trust region in order to improve reliance. The merge algorithm is developed on this study so that run sequentially and used in fundamental research to acquire more improved technique.

      • KCI등재

        화병환자를 대상으로 한 음악청취 중재의 효과에 대한 연구

        소정 ( So Jeong Park ),정선용 ( Sun Yong Jung ),황의완 ( Wei Wan Hwang ),김종우 ( Jong Woo Kim ) 대한한방신경정신과학회 2007 동의신경정신과학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        Objective: The objectives of this preliminary study was to develop cost-effective and accessible self-intervention program and to assess the effects of music listening self intervention program for Hwa-byung patients, who had undergone conflicts with family and economical problems, in quantity and quality. Subjects: Seven middle age women who had been diagnosed with Hwa-byung by Hwa-Byung Diagnotic interview Schedule participated in this program. Method: Participants learned music listening techniques and visited hospital three times a week during 2 weeks. Music-listening self intervention for Hwa-byung patients was consisted of three sad musics (in minor) and three sedative musics(in major) and performed at home for 2 weeks. Patient`s somatic symptoms and self awareness (of Hwa-byung scale), anxiety(STAI), anger(STAXI), depressive mood(BDI) were evaluated before and after intervention and 6 weeks later after study completed. And various and subjective responses of Music-listening self intervention for Hwa-byung patients were collected by semi-structured interview made for this study. Results: Their Somatic symptoms(especially insomnia), self-awareness of Hwa-byung and depressive mood were improved except anxiety, anger. This improvement had maintained over a 6-week follow-up period. Patients had used constantly the music-listening program for Hwa-byung patients after the study completed. Conclusion: The music-listening program will be an effective for Hwa-byung patient`s somatic symptoms and depressive mood and had been used constantly by them. But, much methodological supplementation will be needed to assess clinical effects on this program.

      • 항공기 구조성능 향상을 위한 신뢰성기반 최적설계

        박정선(Jung-Sun Park),장원(Jang-Won Park),이동주(Dong-Joo Lee) 대한기계학회 2006 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2006 No.6

        This paper presents the reliability based design optimization(RBDO) for air structure. We utilized central composite design(CCD) of experiment design method and response surface method(RSM) to generate the response surface that describes limit state function for design constraint. And we ontain reliability index(β) using advanced first-order second-moment method(AFOSM).

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