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      • KCI우수등재

        근린공원에 대한 환경지각이 이용자의 건강증진인식에 미치는 영향 - 창원시의 8개 근린공원을 대상으로 -

        박영은,이우성,정성관,박경훈,Park, Young-Eun,Lee, Woo-Sung,Jung, Sung-Gwan,Park, Kyung-Hun 한국조경학회 2015 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.43 No.1

        본 연구는 근린공원에 대한 이용자의 공원지각환경이 건강증진인식에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해 경상남도 창원시의 8개 근린공원을 대상으로 공원별 현장조사 및 설문조사를 실시하였다. 연구결과에 따르면, 먼저 공원별 공원지각환경에서는 대부분의 공원이 집에서 공원까지의 거리와 집에서 공원까지의 길 환경이 높게 평가된 반면, 수공간과 공원 내 다양한 볼거리는 충분하지 못한 것으로 분석되었다. 다음으로 23개의 지각환경 변수들을 요인분석한 결과, 경관성, 안락성, 접근성, 활동성, 편의성, 쾌적성의 6개 요인으로 분류되었다. 이를 토대로 건강증진인식과 지각환경요인과의 관련성을 분석한 결과, 8개 공원 중 4개 공원에서 지각환경요인이 신체적 건강증진인식에 유의한 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 접근성과 활동성이 3개의 공원에서 영향력이 있는 변수로 분석되었다. 또한, 심리적 건강증진인식의 경우, 8개 공원 중 5개 공원에서 유의한 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났으며, 접근성이 4개의 공원에서 영향력이 있는 변수로 평가되었다. 이상과 같은 결과들은 기존의 공원 환경을 개선하고, 새로운 공원을 조성하고자 할 때 효율적인 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of environmental perception in neighborhood parks on user's recognition of health improvement. This study used objective field survey data and subjective user survey data at 8 neighborhood parks in Changwon City. According to the results, the perceptions of distance and street environment from home to park were evaluated highly but the perception of water spaces and various attractions within the parks were rated lowly in most of parks. As a result of factor analysis, 23 environmental perception variables were classified into 6 factors such as scenery, comfort, accessibility, activity, convenience and amenity. For the result of regression analysis between environmental perceptions and user's recognition of health improvement based on 6 factors, the recognition of physical health improvement was significantly influenced from environmental perception factors in 4 parks among 8 parks. 'Accessibility' and 'activity' were analyzed as the meaningful factors in 3 parks. Also, recognition of mental health improvement was significantly influenced from environmental perception factors in 5 parks among 8 parks and especially 'accessibility' was showed as the significant factor in 4 parks. The findings from this study can contribute to improve the physical environments of the present parks and can be a basic data for new park development.

      • KCI등재

        아나톨리 김의 문학세계와 동방정교

        박영은(Park Young Eun) 한국노어노문학회 2007 노어노문학 Vol.19 No.3

        본 논문의 목적은 동방정교의 관점에 입각하여 아나톨리 김의 작품에 나타나는 정교적 가치의 문학적 변형을 연구하는 것이다. 예수를 닮은 인간 모두가 그리스도처럼 될 수 있다는 신화(神化)를 근거로 아나톨리 김은 인간이 이기적인 본성에서 벗어나 새로운 성장 단계로 진입해가는 다양한 인간 유형을 창조하였다. 여기서 아나톨리 김은 신화(神化)의 에너지인 은총을 통해 인간은 생명을 가진 존재인 ‘프시케’에서 생명을 주는 영적 존재인 ‘프뉴마’로 변형된다고 간주한다. ‘프뉴마’는 인간의 성화를 실현하면서 그리스도에 동화되게 한다. 결국 새 사람이고 새로운 아담이며 새로운 인류의 첫 열매가 그리스도였듯이, 인간 역시 또 다른 그리스도로 ‘신화’될 수 있는 존재라는 믿음을 창작의 토대로 삼고 있는 것이다. 이에 따라 신의 모상을 재생시키는 추동력이 되는 신화를 인간이 자신의 ‘에고’에서 벗어나는 양상, 새로운 영적세계와 만나는 양상, 죽음과 부활에 대한 이해 차원에서 고찰하여, 그의 종교관의 지형도를 그려보았다. This study aims at analyzing the literary transformation of Christian value in the major works of A. Kim on the basis of belief system of the Eastern Orthodox Church. He presents us various types of human beings advancing from egoistic nature into new stages of development finding his reasons in the belief of deification that all the man are able to become like Jesus Christ. A. Kim believes that a man is metamorphosed from ‘psyche’ - a living being - into ‘pneuma’ - a spiritual being through the medium of grace, which is the energy of deification. ‘Pneuma’ is a main source of human assimilation into Christ achieving sanctification. As Jesus Christ is a new man, a new Adam, and the first fruit of a new mankind, a man is also a being who is able to be deified into another Christ. This kind of belief system becomes the foundation of his Weltanschauung as well as artistic creation. In conformity with his belief system, which is based on the Eastern Orthodox Divinity, the following may be given as conclusions. Firstly, A. Kim considers that the human world of mythology should take the starting point from casting off the yoke of ego. Secondly, he believes that the negative theology is an expression of the position which transforms theology into the contemplation to a revelation of God. Thirdly, the aspect of ‘theosis’ in the world of A. Kim's work is clearly stood out in relief in the authorial point of view of the next world.

      • KCI등재

        『나이트 워치(Night Watch)』: 소설과 영화에 변주된 존재와 실존의 ‘경계’의 넘기 판타지

        박영은(Park Young Eun) 한국노어노문학회 2008 노어노문학 Vol.20 No.2

        본고에서는 소설을 토대로 영화 시나리오를 개작한 〈나이트 워치〉의 판타지적 토대와 특성을 살펴보았다. 하나의 완결체로 구축된 생명력 있는 텍스트는 다층적 차원에서 고찰 가능하지만, 여기서는 판타지 구조상의 ‘경계 넘기’라는 키워드로 소설을 영화화한 포스트 소비에트 최초의 블록버스터를 고찰하였다. 인류의 운명이 빛과 어둠, 선과 악의 ‘경계’에 놓인 위기 상황을 전제로 하는 〈나이트 워치〉는 다양한 ‘경계’에 대한 인식이 상호 추동하는 기능소로 내재되어 있다. 필자는 이를 각각 ‘지리적 경계’ 넘기를 통한 판타스틱 지형학 구축, ‘존재론적 경계’를 넘나드는 초자연적 형상의 도입, ‘실존주의적 경계’ 넘기를 통한 휴머니즘의 특성 부각이라는 관점으로 단계적으로 분석하였다. 이러한 시도는 ‘변신’과 ‘변형’의 모티프가 판타지의 기본속성이라는 점을 감안할 때 〈나이트 워치〉의 장르적 특성을 분명히 부각시키는 동시에, 이 작품을 단순한 오락물을 넘어서서 실존적ㆍ철학적 담론의 영역으로까지 해석의 가능성을 열어주는 토대가 될 것이다. This study focuses on a foundation and property of fantasy in Night Watch, which is a movie scenario based on a novel of the same title. The author's and the director's artistic presentation, expressing fatalistic agony and responsibility of humanity with feigned truth, together with the temporal as well as spatial circumstances, are here examined. For the same purpose of analyzing their artistic viewpoint on the novel and the movie, the three stages of development are presented: building configuration of the fantastic nature, creation of supernatural figures, and accentuation of the characteristics of humanism. At first, it is the 'door' in the movie to be a turning point from ordinary life to the new world of human soul. As Egor and Anton cross into the boundary of twilight zone, in which life coexists with death, they are confronted with the world above the laws of nature. They were ordinary creatures who recognize nothing about their difference in the beginning, they become the main characters by entering the world of supernatural in the struggling history of the good and the evil. Secondly, it presents such various monster figures as vampires and changelings, which have access to the existential border, into both the movie and the novel. Besides, unlike the movie the image of the Holy Mother and that of a Byzantine legend are introduced for Svetlana in the novel. Furthermore, Olga is especially endowed by nature for the goddess of Wisdom, Athena of Greek myths, by the medium of an owl. These are only a few examples how Night Watch put the familiar legend and mythology, taken from literary tradition, in the right place. Thirdly, both the author and the director in Night Watch try to hold a mutual conversation with Matrix, which is an exemplary existential movie text of today. As Neo cast off the yoke of Simulark in Matrix, Anton in Night Watch frees himself from the actual world and realizes the truth of the world. He is awakened to the true nature of the world as well as of man's true character. Through the medium of the above three stages, Night Watch acquires and widens meaning of the genre of fantasy to philosophical discourse.

      • KCI등재

        게오르기 구르지예프의 철학과 수행에 내재된 유라시아적 특성 연구

        박영은(Park, Young Eun) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2013 슬라브학보 Vol.28 No.1

        This article is focused to analyze and demonstrate the Eurasian traits in the ideas and practice of G. Gurdjieff, one of the forerunners who introduced Eastern wisdom to the Western world. What Gurdjieff had found in the course of his discipline was the fact that human consciousness is asleep. It is the fundamental problem of humans that he realized while in contact with the essence of human life through the teachings of various religions, including Islam, Buddhism, Sufism, and the Russian Orthodoxy. Therefore, to awake in order to regain consciousness was for him the only way given to humans to recover their inherent value. This may be one of the causes for him to propose ‘the fourth way’ as a practice system awakening human consciousness as well as to re-establish the origin of the ancient wisdom and meditation, such as Enneagram, Sacred dance. In the process, Gurdjieff converges various spiritual traditions and disciplinary systems from Asia and Europe, establishing a unified system. He emphasized the harmony of the three energy centers of human body based on the Russian Orthodox Church tradition in Enneagram, while elaborating the system of western Dalcroze eurhythmics in Sacred dance. Gurdjieff presented the idea of pure experience of un-differentiation, a state of oneness without the distinction between you and me, nature and me, and cosmos and me. His thoughts have greater meaning that he suggested the possibility of self-transcendence, which is one of the main areas of today’s transpersonal psychology.

      • 페레스트로이카와 러시아 ‘은세기’ 정신문화 유산의 부활

        박영은(Park, Young Eun) 아시아·중동부유럽학회 2005 동유럽발칸학 Vol.7 No.2

        본 논문은 페레스트로이카 이후 정교의 부활과 더불어 새로운 담론의 장으로 활성화된 19세기 말 20세기 초 러시아 은세기 종교 철학의 두 축을 형성하고 있는 솔로비요프와 표도로프의 역사관을 고찰하였다. 일반적으로 복잡하고도 모순적이라고 일컬어지는 은세기의 다양한 철학적 탐색을 아우르는 동시에, 이것을 거시적으로 조망할 수 있는 표도로프와 솔로비요프의 사상을 고찰하면서 오랫동안 금서로 지정되어 있던 표도로프와 솔로비요프에 대한 이해가 페레스트로이카 이후 의식의 변화를 보이고 있는 러시아에 어떤 의미를 던지게 되었는지 살펴보았다. 이러한 목적을 충족시키기 위한 방법론으로 표도로프와 솔로비요프의 세계관에서 출발하여 그들의 물질에 대한 이해가 어떻게 인간 의식에 방향성을 부여하는 근거가 되며, 또한 이것을 토대로 그들이 세계 진화와 역사의 과정, 그리고 인류의 미래상을 전개해 나가는 과정을 고찰하였다. 솔로비요프가 ‘소피아론’을 통해 세계의 ‘전일성’의 과정을 보여주었다면, 표도로프는 인류가 당면한 ‘공동의 일’의 수행을 위한 구상을 제시함으로써 ‘사랑’을 통한 인류의 ‘전체성’을 강조한다. 과거와 단절하고 계급투쟁을 통해 인간의 평등을 지향했던 소비에트의 이데올로기와는 달리 표도로프와 솔로비요프는 결과적으로 과거 를 계승하고 선조들을 부활시키는 공동의 노력, 다시 말해 신의 왕국을 성취하려는 공동의 노력을 통해 진정한 의식의 진보가 가능하다고 보았던 것이다. 즉 그들은 개개인이 자율성을 잃지 않는 독립된 개체이면서도 ‘큰 하나’를 이룰 수 있는 인류의 모델을 제시하고 있으며, 이것은 비단 러시아의 은세기 뿐만 아니라 시공간을 초월하여 현재의 우리에 게도 새로운 정신문화의 패러다임으로서 중요한 가치를 지닌다고 할 수 있다. The cultural movement of Silver Age, despised as ‘decadence’ by the Soviet regime, came to public notice as a result of the ideology and the policy of Perestroika. The cultural heritage of Silver Age was again activated, following the trend of the time period of Perestroika. One of the most important field of the heritage is in the Russian Orthodoxy and the philosophy of religion. In this regard, a survey of various philosophy of Silver Age, especially the religious philosophy of both Nikolai Fedorov and Vladimir Solovyov is conducted in this study. The viewpoints of both philosophers of religion are regarded totally different each other, even though the majority of scholars agrees that they share their philosophical origin in common. Considering such points of view, the following conclusions may be drawn by the result of the philosophical and religious survey. First of all, the ideology of both Fedorov and Solovyov shows a synthetic outlook on the world, which connects theory with practice, spirit with material, science with philosophy. Contrary to the existing Christian viewpoint, they do not distinguish the spirit from the material, but regard the material as a foundation for a new spirit. Both of them borrow such ideas as ‘evolution’ and ‘resurrection’ from the field of natural science to ensure their ideas of human spirit and consciousness. Secondly, they suggest the directive of human soul through the medium of evolution and transformation. Therefore, the resurrection, which means a conquest over death, is come to the fore as a triumph of the spirit over the material. It is resurrection for them to reorganize the distorted condition of the material world by both the struggle and the triumph over death. Thirdly, they consider human nature united in the process of world evolution and human history. While Solovyov presents the process to the wholeness by the medium of the theory of Sophia, Fedorov puts great emphasis on the inevitability of human union through the ‘common task’, which mankind is confronted. However, it is different for them to bring forward such wholeness. It is more important for Solovyov to go ‘forward’ because he lays emphasis on the future, while for Fedorov ‘backwards’ and the past. Such ontological consideration on human beings is connected with that of the Russian intellectuals, who try to find a solution for their motherland after the fall of the Soviet Union. Therefore, it may be regarded that the understanding and investigation for religious philosophers such as Fedorov and Solovyov presents unique opportunities not only for a new paradigm of spiritual culture but for a groping of the change after the ‘Perestroika’.

      • KCI등재

        표도르 솔로굽의 서정시집 《상승》

        박영은(Park Young Eun) 한국노어노문학회 2006 노어노문학 Vol.18 No.1

        솔로굽의 서정시집 《상승》은 그를 염세적, 폐쇄적, 도피적 세계관의 소유자로 이해하는 관점을 수정할 수 있는 많은 열쇠를 내포하고 있다. 1899-1906년 사이에 창작된 단시들이 실제 쓰인 시기 순이 아니라, 《상승》이라는 제목에 상응하는 과정을 보여줄 수 있도록 내용별로 재배치되어 있는 이 작품은 삶과 죽음의 문제에 천착했던 솔로굽의 세계관을 규명하는데 도움을 준다. 이를 위해 본고에서는 수록되어 있는 시의 의미를 사각형, 폐쇄된 원, 확장되는 원과 같은 도형 이미지들을 통해 재분류하였다. 또한 시적 자아가 윤회를 통해 다양한 삶을 경험하고 수많은 영혼 이주를 거듭하여 동심원적 확장을 이루어가는 모습을 고찰함으로써, 서로 밀접한 관련성을 지닌 쇼펜하 우어와 니체, 〈우파니샤드〉 철학이 솔로굽의 《상승》에서 어떠한 의미망을 형성하고 있는지 규명하였다. F. Sologub's famous anthology of lyrical verse 《Ascension》 contains various clues to correct the poet's Weltanschauung, which is known to be pessimistic, closed, and fugitive. The narrative pattern of 《Ascension》 is to connect the chains of meaning which the lyrical “I” experiences in the collection of poetry. In the first half of the collection the lyrical “I” was a captured beast, but it later achieves the ontological ascent of being a superhuman after overcoming all human hardships. It is able to be one of the conclusive evidences not to consider the poet as only a decadent and pessimist. The philosophy of Schopenhauer is useful to understand the poetry of Sologub, but it also sets limit to a thorough study of his lyric verses. It is true that the world view of Sologub is connected with the philosopher on the notion which a human being is confined in a world of idea. However, the poet's idea of a human being as a new creator of the world is very close to that of Nietzsche. Furthermore, the philosophers of 《the Upanisads》 who express solipsism exert a great influence on Sologub. After discerning the Brahma, an absolute being, which has no property, shape, and distinction, the philosophers of 《the Upanisads》 put great emphasis on the solipsism of the Brahma - the absolute and eternal “I”. It is because the true self which is identified with the Brahma is not subject to the restriction of effects of Karma and Samsara, but it is above oneself. From this point of view, Sologub depicts a process of the combination of the poetic “I” and the true self through the transmigration of souls. The death, for Sologub, serves as a trail for the absolute freedom. Therefore, the death for him is not simply a place of refuge, but a way of achieving the absolute and eternal “I”. Sologub perceives a truth that a human being will acquire the true freedom in it.

      • KCI등재
      • 코워킹(co-working) 스페이스 개념을 적용한 디자인창업보육센터의 관한 연구

        박영은(Park, young-Eun),강철희(Kang, Chel-Hee) 한국실내디자인학회 2017 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2017 No.10

        The youth unemployment in August this year was the highest in 18 years, and the seriousness of youth unemployment was further intensified. When the word "lifetime" disappears, more and more businesses are considered alternatives. It is difficult to find start-up support in the field of design and the number of start-up childcare centers operated by specialized systems is only three in the whole country. These issues are causing inequalities in the workforce in the design ecosystem. Therefore, it is difficult for preliminary founders to realize design research and development, realization of ideas, and realization of various creative activities.In this study, design (preliminary) founders include funding, entrepreneurship support, networking / mentoring, space / infrastructure, etc., and preliminary designers collaborate as an open source platform for creative design ideas, hobbies, collaborative research and information sharing Space - Pre-Start, Pre-Plan We are planning a program and space that will enable the founder to realistically realize situations that are difficult to realize.

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