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        양육비 확보에 관한 법안 검토

        박복순(Park Bok Soon) 한국가족법학회 2006 가족법연구 Vol.20 No.3

        We have divided a number of bills for child support enforcement into three parts: improvement of consultation divorce, reinforcing existing law for child support enforcement and child support enforcement by prepayment of child support. In consultation divorce procedure, which takes up 80% of total divorce in Korea, if the obligation to submit written agreement about child support given as executive power is introduced, all problems related to child support which are occurring now would be reduced to a great extent. However, it doesn’t mean that all the problems are solved when such decision about child support is settled. Consequently, there still is a necessity to reinforce the present bill about child support enforcement, and child support payment order, provision of security, and increasement of negligence fine might be the efficient measures. Also, a systematic device should be accomplished which could estimate the asset of child support obligor. Even if the child support enforcement is contrived through improving consultation divorce or reinforcing current law punishment, there might be a limitation still remained for an access at the personal level. Minors have the right to be fostered and to grow up under the best protection of the parents and the nation until they can take a social role as an individual. There are many households where the children are suffering due to the parents who evade their responsibilities of paying child support, not undertaking their basic obligations as parents. It is the time for the nation to interfere actively at the legislation and policy level with those suffering families. The child problem in the divorced family is not only a problem of individual but it is first task that the nation needs to prepare legal or systematic protection device in the aspect of family welfare. As a result, it is necessary to apply advance payment of child support. Yet, for the matters to be attended when paying in advance, a system should be devised so that there is no gap in supply only when it is conditioned that the advance payment is for the right of the children, not the parents. Consequently, not only child support aid to divorced families but also in cases the parents are living separately, the children are the head of families, and the children’s parents are dead, the advanced payment should be carried out. Furthermore, for a more precise and efficient law, there should be standard of child support spent for each age groups and when the child support in accordance with the standard is not sufficiently procured, then there should be a payment supply from the nation for child support. Aid to child support is a system that needs to be improved since it is related to the children’s right to live and it should never be delayed further.

      • 건강가정.다문화가족지원센터 통합서비스 운영을 위한 법적 기반 마련 연구

        박복순(Bok-soon Park),박선영(Seon-young Park):황정임(Jung-im Hwang),이세정(Se-Jeong Yi) 한국여성정책연구원 2016 한국여성정책연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2016 No.-

        Ⅰ. 서 론 1. 연구 목적 및 필요성 □ 현재 건강가정지원센터와 다문화가족센터로 이원화된 전달체계는 가족형태별 특수한 요구에 따른 개별적 지원서비스를 제공할 수 있는 장점이 있지만, 다문화가족을 제외한 다른 가족형태에 대한 개별적 지원서비스체계가 구축되지 않은 상황에서 정책대상자 간의 형평성의 문제를 야기함. 특히 최근 국제결혼의 추이가 하향 정체되면서 다문화가족 관계의 질과 안정적인 가족구성과 유지를 위한 가족지원서비스 프로그램의 확장이 요구되면서, 이들도 다양한 가족의 한 유형이라는 보편적 대상으로서 서비스가 제공될 필요성이 제기됨. 더불어 전달체계의 예산과 조직의 통합으로 경제적 효율성 증진과 서비스 제공 효율성 증진이 주장됨. □ 이에 따라, 2014년부터 다양한 가족에 대한 통합적 지원을 지향하며 건강가정지원센터와 다문화가족지원센터의 통합을 추진하는 가족서비스 전달체계 개편이 진행 중이지만, 아직 법적 근거는 갖추지 못하고 있음. □ 본 연구는 건강가정.다문화가족지원센터 통합 운영이 가시화된 2016년의 현 시점에서 법적 근거 마련 시 쟁점사항을 발굴하여 관계인 및 전문가 의견수렴을 거쳐 최적화된 법조문을 마련함으로써 통합서비스 정착 및 활성화를 꾀하고자 함. 2. 연구 내용 및 방법 □ 제Ⅰ장에서는 본 연구의 목적, 필요성, 연구내용, 연구방법에 대해 간략하게 설명함. 제Ⅱ장에서는 가족정책서비스 전달체계 관련 현행 법령의 규율 내용 및 관련 지침 상의 내용을 비교.분석함. 제Ⅲ장에서는 통합서비스를 운영하는 현장관계자 집담회를 통해 통합서비스 제공을 위한 법적 미비로 인한 문제점을 도출하고 쟁점별 개정방안을 모색함. 제Ⅳ장에서는 이상의 연구결과를 토대로 건강가정.다문화가족지원센터 통합서비스 운영을 위한 법 정비방안을 제시함. □ 본 연구를 수행하기 위해 문헌자료 수집 및 분석, 관련 법령 및 지침 조사.분석, 현장관계자 집담회 운영, 전문가 자문회의 방법을 활용함. □ 본 연구를 위해 가족정책 및 관련 법령 분야에 대한 전문적 지식을 지닌 원내외 연구자를 중심으로 연구진을 구성하고, 관계인 및 전문가, 관계 기관 간담회를 개최하여 충분한 의견수렴을 통해 연구결과를 도출하고자 함. 3. 연구결과에 대한 기대효과 □ 현재 건강가정기본법 을 둘러싼 다양한 개정논의가 있지만 본 연구는 통합서비스 운영을 위한 법적 근거 마련에 논의를 집중함. 본 연구를 통해 모색된 건강가정.다문화가족지원센터 통합서비스 운영을 위한 법적 근거 마련 방안이 통합서비스의 원활한 운영에 기여할 것으로 기대됨. The current service delivery system that is separated into ‘healthy family’ and ‘multicultural family’ support centers has the advantage of offering individual support services in accordance with specific needs by family type. However, under the current circumstance where an individual support system for families, other than multicultural ones, has yet to be set up, the service delivery system may bring about issues relating to equity among policy service recipients. Also, some experts argue that, with recent changes in the trend of international marriages being considered, multicultural families, a type of family, should also be given universal services, improving user convenience and economic efficiency via the integration of service delivery systems. Against this backdrop, since 2014, the family service delivery system has been reorganized to promote the integration of ‘healthy family’ and ‘multicultural family’ support centers with the aim of delivering comprehensive services to diverse types of families. However, a legal basis relating thereto is yet to be established. Taking into account that the integration in operation of the two types of support centers is being actively facilitated as of 2016, this paper aims to identify issues that may be incurred in the process of setting up a legal basis, to gather the opinions of related parties and professionals, to formulate optimized legal provisions, and thereby to promote the establishment and active operation of integrated services. The content of each chapter hereof is as follows. Chapter Ⅰ briefly describes research objectives, needs, content, and methodologies. Chapter Ⅱ compares and analyzes current legal provisions and guidelines pertaining to family policy service delivery systems. Chapter Ⅲ identifies issues resulting from lack of legal bases for integrated services, via group discussions among integrated service operators, coming up with revision plans by issue. Chapter Ⅳ crafts four plans to improve the legal system for integration in service delivery between ‘healthy family and ‘multicultural family’ support centers, comparing and analyzing their strengths and weaknesses.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        혼인적령(婚姻適齡)에 관한 소고

        박복순 ( Bok Soon Park ) 법조협회 2006 法曹 Vol.55 No.6

        현행 민법은 혼인할 수 있는 최저연령에 관하여 남성은 만 18세 이상, 여성은 만 16세 이상으로 남녀간의 차이를 두고 있다. 이는 성별역할분담의식에 기초한 것으로 합리적인 근거가 빈약하다. 혼인이 가족을 형성하고, 그 생활이 사회적·경제적인 형태로 이루어지고 있는 것을 생각하면, 혼인연령에 대하여 사회적 관점으로부터 판단하여야 한다. 헌법과 국제조약의 정신을 존중하고 고교진학 실태 및 성년의제효과도 고려한다면 남녀 모두 만 18세 또는 성년을 혼인연령으로 하여야 한다. 혼인이 당사자의 자유로운 의사에 기초하여야 한다는 이상을 달성하기 위해서는 혼인적령과 성년을 일치시키는 방향이 하나의 안이 될 수 있을 것이다. 또한 혼인연령을 현행 여자 16세에서 18세 또는 성년으로 인상할 경우에 받게 될 불이익을 고려하여, 혼인적령에 이르지 아니한 자의 혼인에 관하여는 특별면제 제도를 두어야 할 것이다.

      • 양육비 이행지원 강화방안

        박복순(Bok-soon Park) 전남대학교 공익인권법센터 2019 인권법평론 Vol.- No.22

        양육비는 부모에게 전적으로 생계를 의지하는 자녀의 기본적인 생계유 지를 위한 비용으로, UN아동권리협약 제27조에서 규정하고 있는 아동의 건강한 성장발달을 보장하기 위해 그 안정적인 확보는 중요하다. 그동안 양육비에 대한 이전이 제대로 이루어지지 않은 현실을 개선하기 위해 법과 정책적 변화를 꾀하며, 많은 노력을 기울여왔지만, 여전히 한계에 봉착해 있다. 그 근본적인 원인은 양육비이행관리원의 역할에 따른 적절한 위상 및권한 미부여, 채무불이행에 대한 이행강제 수단의 미흡, 양육비의 사적 이전이 곤란한 상황에 대한 대체수단 부족 등이 존재하기 때문이다. 우선 양육비의 사적 이전이 곤란한 상황에 대한 대체수단으로 양육비대 지급수당을 도입할 필요가 있으며, 대지급수당 도입 이전의 보완책으로 한시적 양육비 긴급지원제도의 지원요건 완화가 필요하다. 둘째, 양육비채무 불이행에 대한 이행강제 수단으로 사법적 제재조치의 강화와 함께 행정적인 제재조치로서 운전면허 정지・취소 및 출국금지조치의 도입을 고려할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 양육비이행관리원의 역할에 따른 적절한 위상 및 권한 부여를 위해 양육비 이행 관련 모니터링 방식을 개선하여 효율성과 정확성을 기하고, 강제조치 수단의 강화에 따른 비양육부모에 대한 법익 침해 가능성을 최소화할 필요가 있다. 마지막으로 양육비를 안정적으로 확보하지 못해 건강한 성장발달권을 침해받고 있는 아동의 권리를 보호함과 동시에 우리사회에서 양육비를 바라보는 인식의 대전환을 꾀하기 위하여 양육비 지급의무가 있는 비양육부모의 양육비 미지급행위를 아동복지법상의 금지 행위로 다루고 연동하여 처벌의 대상이 되도록 구조화하는 법개정이 요구된다. Child support is a basic living expense for children who financially rely solely on their parents and should be stably secured to ensure the healthy growth and development of children as prescribed in Article 27 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Revising laws and policies, the government has made ceaseless efforts to enable child support to be properly transferred but has yet to produce tangible results. This is deemed to be attributed to the following three reasons: 1) failure to give the Child Support Agency appropriate status and authority based on its roles; 2) lack of means to force defaulters to fulfill their duties; and 3) lack of alternative means to deal with circumstances where child support can hardly be transferred privately. First, in case child support can’t be transferred privately, the advance payment of child support should be considered and introduced as an alternative means. At the same time, prior to the introduction thereof, it is necessary to relieve requirements for eligibility to apply for temporary emergency child support. Second, strengthening legal punishment against those who fail to pay child support, the introduction of administrative measures including the suspension/revocation of driver’s licenses and the prohibition of departure should also be taken into account. Third, the Child Support Agency should be given proper status and authority, considering its roles. To this end,how to monitor the payment of child support needs to improve to increase efficiency and accuracy, minimizing the possibility that tougher compulsory measures can infringe on the legal interests of non-custodial parents. Lastly, children whose rights to healthy growth and development are violated due to failure to secure child support in a stable way should be more effectively protected, promoting a paradigm shift in how we should recognize child support. To this end, related laws should be revised to make it mandatory for non-custodial parents to pay child support pursuant to the Child Welfare Act and to subject defaulters to legal punishment.

      • 한부모가족을 위한 외국의 법과 정책

        박복순(Park, Bok-Soon) 한국한부모가정학회 2008 한국한부모가정학 Vol.1 No.1

        한부모가족지원법을 근거로 저소득한부모가족을 대상으로 경제적 지원 등을 하고 있으나 그 대상이 극소수에 그치고, 복지내용도 충분하지 않아 한부모가족은 여전히 여러 가지 어려움을 안고 살아가고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 여전히 부족한 지원현실 속에서 외국의 한부모가족 지원정책을 고찰함으로써 우리에게 주는 함의를 도출하고자 함이다. 외국의 정책들은 각 국가의 사회복지 이념 및 정책의 방향에 따라 각국 정부와 노동시장이 한부모가족을 어떻게 취급하고 지원하는가에 있어서 차이를 보이고 있었지만, 외국의 사례를 통하여 도출할 수 있는 시사점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기존의 사회복지서비스 전달체계를 통해 보편적으로 제공함으로 한부모가족에 대한 사회적 낙인을 없애고 이들이 다양한 가족의 한 유형으로 자리매김할 수 있도록 지원하고 있다는 점이다. 한부모가족이 겪고 있는 어려움 가운데 사회적 낙인이 자리 잡고 있다는 점을 감안한다면 향후 법과 정책을 시행함에 있어서는 이 점에 특히 유의하여야 할 것이다. 둘째, 최근 한부모가족에 대한 정책의 전반적인 추세는 복지급여정책(welfare)에서 근로유인정책(workfare)으로 바뀌어가고 있으며 취업을 통한 자립을 성취하고 공공부조에서 탈피하는 것으로 목표를 삼고 있다는 점이다. 셋째, 외국의 사례들에서는 어떠한 형태로든 국가가 자녀양육을 직․간접적으로 지원하는 등 자녀의 복지가 우선적으로 고려되고 있다는 점이다. 한부모가족의 경제적 어려움은 그 세대만의 문제로 그치지 않고, 자녀에게 빈곤이 세습되는 결과로 이어질 가능성이 있다는 점에서 한부모가족 정책에서 자녀 문제는 분리해서 생각할 수 없는 것이다. 앞으로는 일시적인 생활안정자금 지원 등 공공부조적 성격이 있는 복지 급여를 현실적인 욕구를 충족시킬 수 있는 정도까지 현실화하면서도 장기적인 관점에서는 빈곤의 늪에서 빠져나와 국가의 보조 없이도 자립할 수 있도록 하는 근로유인정책으로 무게중심을 옮겨가야 할 것이다. In Korea, the government provides economic assistance to low-income single parent families according to the Act of Support for Single Parent Families. However, the scope of beneficiaries is very limited with lacking welfare contents. Thus single parent families still have to endure various difficulties in everyday life. The purposes of this study were to investigate the support policies for single parent families in others nations and find their implications for Korea's case. Although there were differences among the foreign nations' policies according to their own ideas of social welfare and policy directions, they as a whole provided the following implications: First, they provided support for single parent families through the existing delivery system of social welfare service and thus succeeded in removing a social stigma branded on them and helping them take root as one of the diverse family types. Considering that one of the great difficulties that single parent families face is a social stigma, the Korean government must pay attention to that in implementing related acts and policies in future. Secondly, the recent trend in policies for single parent families is a shift from welfare to workfare. The goal is to help them get a job to be independent and graduate from public aid. And finally, the cases of the foreign countries all revealed their first consideration of children's welfare through the governments' direct and indirect support for child upbringing in many different forms. Given that the economic hardship of single parent families can be passed down the children, it's inevitable to think of children's issues in setting up and implementing policies for single parent families.

      • KCI등재

        친양자 및 자녀의 성ㆍ본 변경제도에 관한 성인지적 분석

        박복순(Park, Bok-Soon),현소혜(Hyun, So-Hye) 한국가족법학회 2014 가족법연구 Vol.28 No.1

        This research analyzes the current status of the full adoption system and changing their family name and place of family origin that started in 2008 from a gender perspective and proposes the reform for the gender-neutral system based on this analysis. The following cases were studied for the research: 262 applications for full adoption that were rejected between January 1, 2008 and February 5, 2013; 71 cases that were appealed from the lower court's decision, rejecting their applications for changing children's family name and place of family origin between January 1, 2008 and July 16, 2013; and 45 cases of dissolution of full adoption that were granted from January 1, 2008 and July 16, 2013. The researchers reached the following conclusions: First of all, most of the recent full adoptions was primarily for stepfathers to adopt stepsons. Second, a biological mother tends to try to make her family look "normal", which centers around a stepfather by having him adopt her children as soon as possible. Third, this newly formed family easily ceases to exist once the marriage is terminated and adoption dissolution follows. Fourth, judges favor taking a stepfather's family name and place of family origin over mother's when changing child's family name and the place of family origin. Fifth, a couple of reasons is behind judges' cautious attitude towards granting applications for taking mother's family name for childeren; 1) a stereotype that taking mother's family name and place of family origin is still unusual and 2) the concern that after changing to mother's family name and place of family origin, it will be re-changed to stepfather's after the mother re-marries. Such lower court's tendency reflects its unfavorable view on single-mother families. That the ratio for adoption dissolution and retaking their original family names and places of origin following a breakdown of remarriage is high does not stop lower courts from granting applications for changing family names and places of family origin of children to stepfathers'. This practice reinforces prejudice against divorced women, thus, interfering with women's right to divorce. It also puts children's wellbeing in danger by allowing making changes to legal status of children frequently depending on their mother's marital status. Therfore, the proviso statute of the Article 908-2, the section 1 should be repealed. Also, grounds for adoption dissolutions should be limited so that people will think it over thoroughly at the time of adoption. It should be declared that a principle is to grant an application when it asks to change family name and place of family origin of children to mother's. To prevent a perception that taking mother's family name and place of family origin is still unusual, Article 781, Section 1 and 6 of the civil law should be amended.

      • KCI등재

        협의이혼제도의 운용실태 및 개선방안

        박복순(Bok-Soon Park) 한국가족법학회 2012 가족법연구 Vol.26 No.1

        Three years have passed since the system for a divorce by agreement was revised and implemented. This paper is designed to check the operation of the scheme for a divorce by agreement, assess the system, and identify measures to improve the structure. The operation of the divorce system was checked through a diversity of methodologies. First, by analyzing official statistics regarding divorce from Statistics Korea and courtroom statistical data, situations before and after the consideration period system was introduced were indirectly compared. In addition, the survey regarding the operation of the scheme for a divorce by agreement and the degree of satisfaction was conducted, based on the following five categories such as court employees, judges, counselors in the court, divorce applicants with underage children, and divorce applicants without underage children. Through this research, we looked into facilities and HR for the operation of the system for a divorce by agreement, the use of the consideration period, the implementation of parents education, the operation of counseling recommendation system, counseling support, the use of counseling, discussions on child-rearing, and the use of correction orders. Based on the survey results, the system for a divorce by agreement can be enhanced as follows: First, in order to activate the consideration period system, a necessary scheme should be established for the efficient use of the system. Furthermore, the consideration period reduction system should be flexibly operated. Second, in relation to counseling support and parents education, the types of counseling support should be diversified, expanding counseling resources in material/HR, reinforcing the PR of the counseling system, and actively implementing parents education.

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