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        환경정보 검색 시스템의 활용에 관한 연구 : 대기오염 물질의 위험성 확인을 중심으로

        김선정,신동천,정용,구자건,Kim, Sun-Jeong,Shin, Dong-Chun,Chung, Yong,Koo, Ja-Kon 한국환경영향평가학회 1996 환경영향평가 Vol.5 No.1

        The objective of this study is to establish the application method of environmental information system which is related to hazard identification for Health Risk Assessment. For establishing the environmental information system, fourteen hazardous chemicals were chosen and applicated to the database network such as RTKNET(Right Know Net), MSDS(Material Safety Data Sheets), TRI(Toxic Release Inventory), IRIS, AIRS, etc. The searching method of environmental information is classified to three sections such as the domestic commercial information company, international database agencies, and internet. Recently the importance of environmental information is being emphasized because it is essential 10 use database system in the field of environmental studies. Most of the foreign research organizations are communicating actively for information exchange, and the improvement of the quality of research. It is required to accumulate the data and develop them to database for future research.

      • KCI등재

        환경정보 검색 시스템의 활용에 관한 연구 대기오염 물질의 위험성 확인을 중심으로

        김선정,신동천,정용,구자건 ( Sun Jeong Kim,Dong Chun Shin,Yong Chung,Ja Kon Koo ) 한국환경영향평가학회 1996 환경영향평가 Vol.5 No.1

        The objective of this study is to establish the application method of environmental information system which is related to hazard identification for Health Risk Assessment. For establishing the environmental information system, fourteen hazardous chemicals were chosen and applicated to the database network such as RTKNET(Right Know Net), MSDS(Material Safety Data Sheets), TRI(Toxic Release Inventory), IRIS, AIRS, etc. The searching method of environmental information is classified to three sections such as the domestic commercial information company, international database agencies, and internet. Recently the importance of environmental information is being emphasized because it is essential to use database system in the field of environmental studies. Most of the foreign research organizations are communicating actively for information exchange, and the improvement of the quality of research. It is required to accumulate the data and develop them to database for future research.

      • KCI등재후보

        해지환급금청구를 위한 제3채권자의 보험계약해지

        김선정(Kim Sun-Jeong) 한국재산법학회 2007 재산법연구 Vol.23 No.3

          When a insurance contract has been terminated for the future in accordance with the provisions of Articles 649, 650, 651 and 652 to 655, the insurer shall pay to the policyholder the surrender value(The Commercial Code §736). The surrender value of a life insurance contract has been defined as the cash value of a policy that has been surrendered to the insurer by a person having the contractual right to surrender it. One of the most frequently recurring questions in connection with the surrender value is that who has the right to surrender. According to The Commercial Code §736 that reflect a general rule, the person having this right is the policy owner, but this right can be transfer to the creditor who cancel the insurance contract after attach the insured" right against to the surrender value. An creditor may, in order to protect his claim, exercise the rights belonging to the debtor(The Civil Code §404(1)). But although the right to cancel the insurance contract is not a personal exclusive rights, to exercise the right of subrogation is not easy because §404(1) demand to fulfil the condition that the debtor in insolvency situation. The author agree with the court that in compulsory execution proceedings, the creditor" right to cancel the debtor"s insurance contract is allowed because if not the attachment is invalid. The Creditor of the insured has three ways to realize his claim, those are subrogation(The Civil Code §404(1), garnishee order(The Code of Civil Enforcement §223), assignment order(The Code of Civil Enforcement §231) or collection order(The Code of Civil Enforcement §232) on the debtor"s surrender value claim against to insurer. This result has arisen occasionally question with respect to the stability of the beneficiaries" expectation against the sum of insured. The author concluded that the new legislation was needed and those exception statute  will be contribute to the harmonization of the interest between the creditorsand beneficiaries.

      • KCI등재

        민법상 보험약관의 설명의무

        김선정(Kim Sun Jeong) 한국보험법학회 2018 보험법연구 Vol.12 No.1

        보험약관의 설명의무는 주로 상법 제638조의3, 약관규제법 제3조, 보험업법 제95조의2가 규정하는 설명의무 문제로 다루어져 왔다. 그러나 대법원 2017다229536 판결은 오직 민법의 법리만으로 해결하고 있다. 상사에 관하여 상법이나 상관습법이 없으면 민법의 규정에 의한다(상법 제1조). 그러나 보험계약의 설명의무위반을 오직 민법문제로 다룬 경우는 흔치 않다. 대법원은 보험약관에 대한 설명의무의 근거로 신의칙(민법 제2조 제1항)을 들었고 보험자가 이에 위반한 경우 불법행위(민법 제750조)가 될 수 있다고 보았다. 법원은 채무불이행(민법 제390조)의 문제로 보지는 않았다. 보험자의 불법행위로 인하여 보험계약자에게 발생한 손해를 배상함에는 불법행위의 요건이 모두 충족되어야 한다. 이 경우 손해배상액을 산정하기 곤란한 사정이 있는 경우, 위자료를 증액하는 방법을 통하여 손해를 배상할 수 있다. 한편 잘못된 설명을 듣고 사기나 착오에 빠져 청약을 하게 된 보험계약자는 계약을 취소할 수 있고, 계약이 취소되면 보험자는 부당이득반환의무를 지게 된다. 반환할 이득의 범위는 이득자의 선의ㆍ악의에 따라 달라진다. 민법에 보험자의 설명의무를 부과하는 명시적 조항은 없다. 대상판결이 새로운 민사법 이론을 만들어 낸 것도 아니다. 대상판결은 보험자가 약관을 잘못 설명한 행위에 대하여 민법 제2조 제1항의 일반조항에서 고객보호의무 및 설명의무를 연역해내고 이를 근거로 불법행위책임을 인정함으로써 보험자에게 보다 완전한 설명의무의 이행을 촉구하였다. The obligation to explain the insurance contracts has been dealt with mainly as a matter of explanatory duty provided in Art.638-3 of the Commercial Act, Art.3 of the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, and Art.95-2 of the Insurance Business Act. However, Supreme Court 2017 Da 229536 is solved only according to the Civil Act. Where the Commercial Act does not provide for a particular commercial matter, commercial customary law shall apply; and if no such law exists, the Civil Act shall apply(Commercial Act Art.1). However, it is very rare that the breach of explanation duty of insurance contract solves by Civil Act alone. The Supreme Court applied the principle of trust and good faith(Civil Act Article 2) and the breach of such principle becomes tort. Non-performance of Obligations In this case, court revealed that the policy holders breach of duty were satisfied with the requirements of Civil Act Article 109(Declaration of Intention under Mistake). If the insurance contractor fails to explain properly, it may be tort to make a subscription due to a mistake or fraud, and due to cancellation of the contract, the insurer will be obliged to return the unjust enrichment. In order to compensate for damages incurred by the insurance contractor due to illegal acts of the insurer, the general requirements of torts must be fully prepared. The court treated the breach of the obligation to explain as a matter of torts(Civil Act Art.750), not non-performance of obligations(Civil Act Art.390). If it is difficult to estimate the amount of damages, the court considered that it could be taken into account in calculating the consolation money. There is no explicit provision in the Civil Act that imposes an obligation to explain contents of insurance contract. However, the court urged insurer to carry out a more complete explanation obligation by recognized the responsibility for torts on the ground of the general provisions of Art. 2-1 of the Civil Act.

      • KCI등재

        보험회사지배구조에 관한 국제규범 서설

        김선정(Sun-Jeong Kim),조형래(Hyeong-Rae Cho) 한국기업법학회 2018 企業法硏究 Vol.32 No.3

        글로벌 기업환경 아래서 지배구조에 관한 각국의 국내법제는 장기적으로 또 전체적으로 국제규범에 동조화 될 수밖에 없다. 지배구조에 관한 국제규범은 주식회사 일반을 대상으로 한 것, 금융회사를 겨냥한 것, 보험회사에 한정된 것들이 섞여 있다. 우리나라는 금융회사지배구조에 관한 법률 등이 이미 제정되어 있다. 그러나 정작 국제규범에 대한 연구가 아직 충분하지 못하여 법제정 · 개정시마다 글로벌 기준에 부합하는지를 두고 갈등이 재연되고 있다. 그동안 세계금융위기를 겪으며 금융기관의 지배구조 문제는 시스템리스크 때문에 은행에 초점이 맞추어져 있었다. 그러나 본고는 보험 사업에 초점을 맞추었다. 은행과 보험은 서로 연계되어 있다. 또한 금융시장과 상품의 복잡성 및 그 변동성으로부터 고객을 보호하기 위해 건전경영을 하고 바른 성과주의를 실행하여야 하는 공통점을 지니고 있다. 보험회사를 규율할 최적의 황금률을 확인할 수 있는지, 보험회사들이 시스템에 연관되는지, 고객보호와 금융안정을 보장할 최적의 규제가 존재하는지, 현행 규제와 감독은 적합한지를 확인하는 것이 필요하다. 이를 위한 첫 단계 작업으로 본고는 보험회사지배구조에 관한 국제사회의 현존하는 규범을 우선 살펴보고자 하였다. OECD의 「G20/OECD지배구조원칙」과 「보험회사 지배구조에 관한 OECD가이드라인」, FSB산하 IAIS의 「보험기본원칙(ICP)」, 국제적 보험그룹에 관한 「ComFrame」과 국제적으로 중요한 보험사에 적용할 「G-SIIs」, EU의 「EIOPA가이드라인」등이 대상이다. 그 밖에 Stewardship Code도 연기금의 주요투자대상이자 스스로 기관투자가인 우리나라 보험사의 지배구조에 영향을 줄 사항이지만 다음 연구에 미룬다. 보험회사 지배구조문제는 미국의 보험회사들도 벗어나기 어려운 미국법조협회의 「지배구조: 분석과 권고」도 10년의 세월을 고민한 결과물이다. 국제 규범의 내용은 그 연원과 배경이 더욱 복잡하므로 1회적 연구로 전반적인 흐름을 개관하는 것은 불가능한 일이다. 보험회사의 지배구조문제도 소유자 - 주주간, 소유자 - 경영자간 대리인 문제를 풀어나가는 과정으로 이해된다. 보험회사의 지속가능성, 윤리경영, 소비자보호는 바로 위 두 가지 유형의 갈등에 절대적으로 좌우된다. 필자는 후속연구에서 주요국가 또는 대표적 보험회사들이 국제규범을 어떻게 수용하고 있는지 살피고자 한다. 일련의 연구를 통하여 우리나라 보험회사 지배구조문제를 상법(제3편 회사), 보험업법, 금융회사지배구조법 등의 개정방향과 관련하여 시사점을 얻을 수 있고 국내시장에 진출한 외국보험사의 감독, 외국에 진출할 한국보험사의 전략에 도움이 되고자 한다. Today`s corporate environment is that each country`s national legislation on corporate governance can only be synchronized with international norms in the long term and overall. International norms on corporate governance include targeting the general corporations, targeting financial institutions, and restricting insurance companies. Korea already enacted the Act On Corporate Governance of Financial Companies(ACGFC). However, there is not enough research on international norms, so conflicts are rekindled over whether or not to comply with the Grobal Standard at each enactment or revision. Due to the global financial crisis, the problem of governance structure of financial institutions has been focused on banking sector due to the System Risk. However, this article focused on insurance industry. The two sector are often strictly interconnected and undoubtedly share some very relevant common grounds that sound management and good performance should be implemented to protect customers from the complexity and volatility of financial markets and products. It is necessary to check whether it is possible to identify some optimal golden rules for insurance corporate governance, whether insurance companies are involved in the system risk, whether there are existing regulations proper to protect customer and guarantee financial stability, and whether regulation and supervision are appropriate. The first is devoted to research the existing international norm relevant to insurance industry. More in detail, the OECD"s “G20/OECD Governance Principle” and “OECD Guidelines on Insurer Governance”, “Insurance Core Principles”, “ComeFrame” and “G-SⅡs” of IAIS. Also the “Stewardship Code” will affect the governance structure of Korea`s insurance companies, which are subject to major investment in pension funds and are self-investing institutional investors. The American Law Institute`s “Corporate Governance : Analysis and Recommendations,” which is hard for insurance companies to escape, is also a result of more than a decade of deep study. The content of international norms is so complex about its origins and backgrounds that it is impossible to overview the overall. However, corporate governance mechanisms in the insurance industry have to solve two types of agency problems: the conflict of interest between owners and policyholders, and the one between owners and managers(director). Insurance companies` sustainability, ethics management and consumer protection are absolutely depends on these two types of conflicts. In the subsequent study, we would like to examine how major countries or major insurance companies are embracing international norms. Through follow-up research, the governance structure of Korean insurance companies can be brought up by the revision of the Commercial Act (Part Ⅲ), the Insurance Business Act, and the ACGFC.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        주제별 논단 : 보험법 ; 변액유니버셜보험계약에 있어서 설명의무와 적합성원칙에 대한 재론 -대법원 2013. 6. 13 선고 2010다34159 판결-

        김선정 ( Sun Jeong Kim ) 한국금융법학회 2013 金融法硏究 Vol.10 No.2

        In recent case (2006Da17539), the Korean supreme court judged about a duty to explain the significant matters of contract and the principle of confirmity in variable universal life insurance contract. The supreme court support the decision of Seoul high court (2009Na 97606 decided March 31, 2010) partly. In this case the supreme court decision agree with the breach of the duty of explain of insurance solicitor. But in applying principle of confirmity, the supreme court reversed a judgement of the original court and remanded the case to the original court for future developing. Currently, this case is pending in original court. Above all, supreme court allowed comparative negligence in formation of insurance contract. The writer have been comment the high court`s decision in Vol. 385 of Monthly Life Insurance published by Korea Life Insurance Association. The writer rewrote the comment since the supreme court`s decision is differ from high court`s decision in some important points. The decision of the supreme court is particularly significant because it clarified that when deciding the tort liability of the insurance company it is possible to comparative negligence at court`s discretion. The supreme court emphasize that the principle of conformity should be prudentially applied. New Insurance business act of 2010 art.95-3 provide the Principle of Conformity and limit the scope of the insurance products governed by above article is prescribed by Presidential Decree. Variable insurance included the example of investment product have to apply the conformity rule. Also, Insurance business act art.95-4 provide the duty of explain to apply all insurance business include variable insurance. And Enforcement decree of the insurance business act newly insert art.42-3 (Matters to Confirm, etc. under Principle of Conformity) in 2011. The decree describe the standard of judgement on the conformity in detail. Those are age of the policyholder; monthly income and the share of insurance premium disbursement in the monthly income ; purpose of purchasing the insurance ; whether the policyholder has an amount-variable insurance contract or has purchased collective investment securities under Article 9 (21) of the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act. Above matters deemed necessary for recommendation of the conclusion of an insurance contract suitable to the policyholder. The original court shall render a judgement. The factual and legal findings, which has been regarded by the court of final appeal as the ground of reversal, shall be binding. And the original court shall review the circumstance evidence consider the intent of above statutes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고지의무 이행자에 대한 계약전발병부담보

        김선정 ( Sun Jeong Kim ) 한국상사판례학회 2014 상사판례연구 Vol.27 No.4

        Commercial act provides the termination of contract due to breach of duty of disclosure. Most insureds think that they perform the duty if they fulfil written questions made by the insurer. However, in many cases the insured does not receive the insurance payment on the ground of pre-existing conditions. The general condition provision excludes a disability or illness that results from a disease or injury that occurred before the policy was issued, unless the disability or illness resulted from a disease or injury specifically named or defined in the policy. Such clause contrary to the reasonable expectations of the insured and reduced the effect of incontestable clause. That clause limit the time in which an insurer may contest the validity of an insurance policy based on material misrepresentations made by the insured during the application process. Even if pre-existing clause is inevitable, it is necessary to mitigate the rigor as other countries`` tendency. This paper emphasizes that it is necessary for the insure to give sufficient explanation to the insured concerning the clause when concluding the contract.

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