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      • KCI등재

        현대 과학교육의 동향과 시스템사고 패러다임의 비교 연구

        김만희(Man Hee Kim),김범기(Beom Ki Kim) 한국과학교육학회 2002 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        The purposes of this study are to understand the trends of current science education compared with thinking paradigm and to find the direction of reform in holistic view. It is divided into three parts. Firstly, significant trends of science education during the late 20th century were examined. Secondly, the current society was discussed, particularly focused on the thinking paradigm. Thirdly, the science education trends and thinking paradigms were compared. The results are 1) A major goal of contemporary science education is the scientific literacy, for which the constructivist and STS class are introduced, 2) Thinking paradigm is changing from analytics to systemics, and 3) Compared the current science education and system thinking paradigm, they seem consistent in respect of looking for the whole-part relationship.

      • KCI등재

        약물사용 고위험군 선별척도의 표준화 연구(Ⅰ)

        김만희(Man-Hee Kim),김경빈(Kyung-Bin Kim),전현민(Hyun-Min Jun) 한국중독정신의학회 1998 중독정신의학 Vol.2 No.1

        One of the screening tests used for identifying the high risk group of adolescent drug users is High Risk Group of Adolescent Drug Users Screening Test (HIRIGADUST) developed by Kyung-Bin Kim (1977) that consist of six subscales and 70 items. The Purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and construct validity of HIRIGADUST. HIRIGADUST was administered to 370 third grade middle school students. In the reliability test, the Cronbach’s α coefficients were 0.70-0.89 in five subscales, but the Cronbach’s α coefficient was 0.53 in ‘Personal experience and general environment’ subscale. The resulting of testing the construct validity of five subscales of HIRIGADUST by factor analysis provided evidence for the validity of the each subscales. We used T score 65 as a cut-off point. The cutting scores were 12 for ‘Peer relationships and school performance’ subscale, 14 for ‘Personality and value system’ subscale, 14 for ‘Psychological problems and health concerns’ subscale, 8 for ‘Family history and characteristics of parents’ subscale, and 14 for ‘Conserns about parents’ drinking subscale.

      • KCI등재

        고령자의 평생교육봉사활동 특성 연구

        김남선(Kim Nam Shun),김만희(Kim Man Hee) 한국평생교육학회 2004 평생교육학연구 Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구는 퇴직 고령자의 평생교육봉사활동에 참여하는 특성 즉 고령자가 어떤 조건을 지니고 있을 때 평생교육봉사에 보다 적극적으로 참여하고 있는가에 대한 변인을 찾아보는 것이다. 본 연구의 대상은 전국 16개 지역평생교육정보센터 금빛평생교육봉사단회원 중 평생교육기관 에서 직접 봉사활동을 실시하고 있는 고령자이다. 그들의 참여특성은 문헌연구를 통하여 나타난 변수들을 중심으로 실증분석 하였다 . 연구의 결과에 의하면, 첫째 고령자의 평생교육봉사활동 참여는 노인의 성격과 거주지역, 과거 직업 종사기간, 봉사활동 거간 등에 따라서 각 집단간 유의미한 차이를 보이고 있다. 둘째, 고령자의 연령과 성격, 과거 직업형태, 봉사활동기간, 건강상태, 생활비 부담형태 등에 따 라 그 참여의지가 달라지는 특성을 나타내었다. 즉 노인의 평생교육봉사활동 참여에는 그들의 연령과 성격, 과거의 작업 형태, 지금까지의 봉사활동 기간 등이 중요한 영향을 주고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 향후 금빛평생교육봉사단에서는 노인봉사자의 지속적이고 적극적인 활동참여를 위해 이러한 특성요인을 효과적으로 반영해야 함을 시사한다고 하겠다. The objective of this study is to find out what the individual factors related to the aged's voluntary activity are in Lifelong education. The detail goals to do the objective are as follows; First, to clear up meanings, characteristic, theory from reviewing the literature relating the aged's voluntary activity. Second, to analyze the maintainable factors for the aged's voluntary activity in lifelong education by the empirical analysis. Third, to suggest the ideas the aged participate continuously in voluntary activity to lifelong education. The methodology of this study are as follows; literature review, field survey and empirical analysis. First, the literature review is used to study the present conditions of Kumbit Lifelong Education Volunteers and theories related to maintenaning the aged's voluntary activity. Second, the field survey is used to collect the data of personal background. The tool for field survey is composed of 45 items that are personal background items(5). Third, the empirical analysis is used to clarify the factors related to maintenancing the aged's voluntary activity. Major statistical methods to analyze the collected data were frequency, percentage, T-TEST, ANOVA, logistic regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. The major findings from this study are as follows; First, there is the significant relationship among age's character, resident area, job pattern and voluntary period. Second, the major characteristics of age's voluntary to lifelong education are age, character, job pattern, voluntary period, health, and money for life.

      • KCI등재

        당대(唐代) 유물과 회화에 나타난 화장(化粧) 문화

        박명희(Myung Hee Park),김만희(Man Hee Kim) 한국디자인문화학회 2013 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        당대의 사회적 배경은 개방과 경제성장을 이루었고 물질적으로 풍족했으며 시, 음악, 무용, 회화 등 문화적으로도 급속한 발전을 이룬 시기였다. 또한 화장 문화의 최고 전성기로 풍족한 만큼 화려한 화장법이 발달했으며 눈썹 화장은 중국역대 가장 다채로운 양상을 나타낸 시기이다. 본 연구의 목적은 먼저, 당대(當代)를 시기별로 나누어 사회·문화적 배경을 이해하고, 각 지역별로 출토된 유물과 출토 벽화, 회화에서 나타난 눈썹 화장의 특징을 고찰한 후, 당대 사회·문화적 특성과의 연관성에 대해 알아보았다. 연구의 범위는 당(唐) 건국부터 멸망까지의 시기로, 당대 여성의 화장 중에서도 가장 변화가 많았던 눈썹화장을 중심으로 연구하였다. 연구 방법은, 당대 유물이 많이 출토된 지역을 선정하였고, 당대를 초당, 성당, 중당∼만당의 세시기로 분류하여 각종 문헌이나 회화자료, 논문 등을 참고하여 고찰하였다. 눈썹 화장의 분석 방법은 형태와 두께, 양식으로 나누어 분석하여, 당대 사회·문화적 상황과의 연관성을 알아보았다. 연구의 결과, 당대 눈썹의 특징은 당 초기보다 후기로 갈수록 점점 개성적이며 화려해지고 유행의 주기가 짧아짐을 알 수 있었다. 눈썹 화장과 사회·문화적 특징과의 관련성은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 타 문화의 수용기에는 과감한 시도보다는 소극적인 변화를 추구하는 특징을 보였고, 둘째, 예술의 절정기에는 여러 가지 새로운 화장법의 출현으로 기존의 눈썹 화장은 다소 안정적인 특징을 보였으며, 셋째, 사회적 혼란기에는 불안정한 사회구조를 반영하듯 눈썹 화장의 형태도 단기간에 아주 많은 변화를 시도하였고, 넷째, 이국풍의 문화가 사회전반에 널리 유행하는 시기에는, 독특하고도 다양한 특징의 눈썹 화장에 관심을 가졌음을 알 수 있었다. 본 논문의 결과를 토대로 하여, 앞으로 당대에 관한 더 많은 유물과 회화의 발굴과 연구로 본 연구에서 다루지 못한 미흡한 부분이 후속 연구로 이어지기를 기대한다. The market was opened and the economy was substantially developed during Tang period. The society was materially rich. Tang period also achieved rapid growth of culture including poetry, music, dance and painting. Furthermore, as the golden day of makeup culture, a quantity of brilliant makeup skills was developed. The eyebrow makeup showed the most diverse styles in the history of China. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the special features of eyebrows makeup, which were found out in the relics and murals excavated in many regions and other paintings, and the sociocultural characteristics after understanding the sociocultural backgrounds on the bases of division the Tang Dynasty by periods. The scope of study was center on the eyebrows makeup during the period from the establishment to the collapse of Tang Dynasty, in which a lot of changes in eyebrows makeup occurred among females wearing makeup. The study method was based on reference and examination on various literatures, paintings and theses, after selecting the places where plenty of Tang Dynasty relics were excavated and dividing the period of dynasty into three periods, such as the early years, heydays, and the years from middle through last years. The analysis on eyebrows makeup was focused on the shape, thickness and style, of which the relationship with sociocultural situation at that time was examined. According to the study results, the characteristics of eyebrows at that time became more individualistic and colorful and the fashion cycle got shorter when the fashion was compared with that of the early years. The relationship between the eyebrows makeup and the sociocultural characteristics were defined as follows. Firstly, the eyebrows makeup at the time of acceptance of foreign culture was seeking passive changes rather than a drastic attempt. Secondly, during the climax period of arts, the makeup methods showed a stability along with the appearance of new makeup methods Thirdly, during the period of social chaos, the styles of eyebrows went through a plenty of changes in a short time as if it was reflecting the unstable social structure. Fourthly, during the time when the exotic and new culture were popular all across the society, the females were interested in unique various styles of eyebrows makeup. On the basis of the results of this study, it is expected that the follow-up studies will be carried out in order to deal with the things that were not dealt with in this study by using more relics and paintings that will be excavated and studied.

      • KCI등재
      • 대학사회교육 학습자의 요구분석에 관한 연구 : 대구대학교 사례

        김만희,김남선 한국국제지역사회개발학회 1999 地域社會開發學術誌 Vol.9 No.1

        The goals of this study are 1) to find out how the about education in University to be placed, acted and evaluated, 2) to investigate why people in community attend at the adult education programs that university is providing for the community, 3) to find out how they get the information about the adult education programs university provides, at the program's planning, implementing, and 5) to find out the methods to solve the problems in study are as follows. 1) The program action is so much focused on day time more than evening or early morning, and the people with low income and short education background who need actually adult education can't attend the adult education that university provides for community people. 2) The university don't actually accept the learner's needs in the palnning, action and evaluation of university adult education process, and the programs are not rational, especially in time, place, duration and methodology of adult education. According to the above major findings, we can suggest some ideas to improve the adult education that university should be based on community people who attend the program, second university must provide special program to community people by university's capacity.

      • 한국 평생교육센터 역할정립에 관한 비교연구 : 한국과 일본의 평생학습제도와 체제분석을 중심으로 long learning policy and system

        김만희,원용숙 한국국제지역사회개발학회 2000 地域社會開發學術誌 Vol.10 No.2

        Many changes have appeared on the roles of Life-long Education Center since the revision of Life-long Education Law in 1999. Ministry of Education ordered Korean Education Development Institute be responsible for the management of Life-long Education Center. In this context, the purpose of this study is to review of Life-long Education center's roles based on Life-long Education Law. The contents of this study are as follows: Frist, in this study to be reviewed the theories of life-long education and learning. Second, in this study to be reviewed the process of making policy in life-long education and compared the system of Korea with that of Japan. Third, in this study to be presented roles of Life-long Education Center in Korea. In addition, to be presented the characteristics of Life-long Education Center. According to these contents, in this study to set up some important roles of Life-long Education Center in Korea. 1) Frist, Life-long Education Center has to make new types of consortium the life-long education and set up the rational system by demand increasing of the life-long education. 2) Second, Life-long Education Center has to develop the various educational programs to improve the quality of people's life. And also the program is based on each ages; children, youths, adults, and elders. 3) Third, Life-long Education Center has to provide the network related to life-long education opportunity and to develop financial system. And the opportunity for participation should be increased within community.

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