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        김우진 시의식 고찰

        김낙현(Kim, Nak-hyeon) 한국비평문학회 2018 批評文學 Vol.- No.69

        본고의 목적은 김우진의 시의식의 전개양상을 살펴보는데 있다. 김우진의 시의식은 ‘유교적 전통에 대한 거부와 순응의 태도’, ‘새로운 세계에 대한 동경과 열망’, ‘죽음의식과 그 역설적 의미’ 등으로 전개된다. 기존의 연구에서는 가부장적인 부친의 엄격한 태도와 일본 유학시절 김우진이 심취했던 표현주의 영향에 의해, 그가 유교적 전통과 인습에 대한 강한 저항과 거부의 태도를 보인 것으로 논의하였다. 그러나 전통과 인습에 대한 김우진의 태도를 단선적으로 저항과 거부의 태도만으로 설명할 수 없는 한계가 있다. 오히려 여러 작품과 일기 등에서 유교적 가정에서 장남으로 태어난 김우진은 유교적 도리를 실천하려는 태도를 보인다. 자아와 세계 사이에서 끊임없이 갈등했던 김우진은 특히 자신의 꿈의 원천이었던 어머니라는 매개체를 통해 새로운 세계로 나아가려는 시의식을 드러낸다. 5살 때 여읜 어머니에 대한 그리움과 동경은 김우진을 더욱 더 새로운 세계에 대한 동경과 열망으로 이끄는 강렬한 기폭제가 된다. 그러나 현실에서 부재한 어머니를 통해 새로운 세계에 도달할 수 없기에, 결국 김우진은 절망으로 치닫게 되며 이는 곧 죽음의식으로 나아가는 결정적인 동인이 된다. 김우진 시에서 죽음이란 단순한 육체적인 생의 마감을 뜻한 것이 아니다. 그의 시에서 죽음이란 곧 새로운 생의 시작이고 그 죽음을 통해 영원한 안식과 구원을 얻을 수 있다는 역설적인 의미를 뜻한다. 이러한 죽음에 대한 김우진의 고고한 역설적 진리는 결국 그가 29세의 나이에 스스로 생을 마감하게 하는 요인으로 작용하였다. 이와 같은 시의식을 살펴보면, 김우진은 희곡작가로 널리 알려져 있지만, 오히려 그의 삶과 문학은 시에서 보다 더 잘 표출되었다. The purpose of this study is to examine the aspect of development on the Kim Woo-Jin’s poetic consciousness. The poetic consciousness of Kim Woo-Jin is unfolded into ‘disapproval and conformity to Confucian tradition’, ‘admiration and longing for a new world’, and ‘the awareness of death and the paradoxical meaning.’ Previous research has suggested that he shows strong resistance and rejection to Confucian tradition and conventions due to his patriarchal father’s strict attitude and the influence of expressionism that Kim Woo-Jin engrossed during his study abroad in Japan. However, there are limitations that Kim’s attitude toward tradition and convention cannot be explained only by his attitude of resistance and rejection. Rather, Kim Woo-Jin, who was born as the eldest son in Confucian families shows an attitude to practice Confucian doctrine in his various works and diaries. Kim Woo-Jin, who constantly conflicted between himself and the world, reveals his poetic consciousness of moving into the new world, especially through the medium of his mother who was the source of his dream. The longing and admiration for his mother, who died when he was five years old, becomes a powerful catalyst for Kim Woo-Jin for a new world even more. However, as Kim cannot reach the new world through her absent mother in real life, he eventually goes to despair, which is the decisive driver of the awareness of death. In Kim’s poem, death does not mean the end of a simple physical life. In his poem, death means the paradoxical meaning that it is the beginning of a new life, and by its death it can obtain eternal rest and salvation. Kim Woo-Jin’s paradoxical truth about death eventually served as a factor that led him to end his own life at the age of 29. Examining his poetic consciousness, Kim Woo-jin is widely known as a playwright, but his life and literature are better expressed in poetry.


        NOVA 4/X Minicomputer를 이용한 음성신호의 Digital저장

        김낙현,이선택,Kim, Nak-Hyeon,Lee, Seon-Taek 한국전자통신연구원 1984 전자통신 Vol.6 No.2

        애널로그 신호인 음성신호를 디지틀값으로 변환하여 컴퓨터의 mass storage device에 저장하거나 또는 저장된 디지틀 음성 데이터를 애널로그 신호로 재생하는 기술은 디지틀 음성신호처리의 가장 중요한 토대를 마련해 준다. 본고에서는 음성변경시스팀과 같은 저장형 통신시스팀의 구현에 있어서 반드시 구비되어야 할 기술인 음성신호의 실시간 디스크 저장문제를 NOVA 4/X 미니컴퓨터에서 해결한 것을 간단히 기술하였다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        강건추정자와 직선마스크를 이용한 스테레오 정합

        김낙현,김경범,정성종,Kim, Nak-Hyeon,Kim, Gyeong-Beom,Jeong, Seong-Jong 대한기계학회 2000 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.24 No.4

        Previous area-based stereo matching algorithms find the disparity by first computing the sum of squared differences (SSD) between corresponding points using a rectangular window, and then searching the position of the minimum SSD within the disparity range. These algorithms generate relatively many matching errors around depth discontinuities, since the SSD function may fail to search for the minimum because of varying disparity profiles in such areas. In this paper, in order to improve the matching accuracy around the depth discontinuities, a new correlation function based on robust estimation technique is proposed for stereo matching. In addition, while previous stereo algorithms utilize a single rectangular window for computing the correlation function, the proposed matching algorithm utilizes 4-directional line masks additionally to reduce the matching errors further. It has been turned out that the proposed algorithm reduces matching errors around depth discontinuities significantly. Experimental results are presented in this paper, comparing the performance of the proposed technique with those of previous algorithms using both synthetic and real images.

      • KCI등재

        장편서사시 『白頭山』 연구

        김낙현(Kim, Nak-hyeon) 국어국문학회 2014 국어국문학 Vol.- No.167

        The purpose of this study is to closely examine creative intention of long epic poetry 『Mt. Baekdu』 by Jo Gi-cheon, which was evaluated as a work that showed a classic of anti-Japanese revolution literature in North Korean literature. Jo Gi-cheon already released a novel titled <49> in the Soviet Union before creating 『Mt. Baekdu』. The contents were what embodied the heroic anti-Japanese revolutionary movement same as 『Mt. Baekdu』. This point is judged to have likely functioned as the primitive foundation in creating 『Mt. Baekdu』. The Soviet Koreans society that Jo Gi-cheon had developed literary activity was created and performed Tae Jang-chun’s drama 『Hong Beom-do』 in the middle of anti-Japanese independent movement. Jo Gicheon directly intervened in creation of 『Hong Beom-do』, which had anti- Japanese revolutionary movement as a material. The close correlation is being formed in that 『Hong Beom-do』 and 『Mt. Baekdu』 were created on the basis of real case and in that the character figuration in hero, which was realized in two works, is very similar. Unlike the literary world of Joseon in those days, a long poetry was very popular in the literary circles of the Soviet Koreans. That was created with a real work. The pioneering experience on long poetry functioned as a motive of having come to first create 『Mt. Baekdu』with a form of long epic poetry right after the liberation. Jo Gi-cheon was dispatched to North Korea by the Soviet Union of aiming to hand down the Soviet Union’s system and culture right after the liberation. Jo Gi-cheon came to create 『Mt. Baekdu』by the Soviet Union’s political intention of aiming to highlight him as North Korea’s leader by embodying Kim Il-seong as a legendary hero in the anti-Japanese revolution through the press. Leader Kim(Kim Il-seong),who was embodied in 『Mt. Baekdu』, was realized as the character figuration of having the transcendental, heroic, warm and humane aspect. This character figuration of Leader Kim (Kim Ilseong) aimed to clearly suggest who on earth needs to be the main agent of building new state right after the liberation. 『Mt. Baekdu』 was created with the aim of clarifying who on earth is the main agent of proceeding with likely constructing and leading new country in the liberated homeland, rather than aiming to clarify the principal agent. 『Mt. Baekdu』 acted as the cultural function of informing people of which the leader Kim (Kim Il-seong) is the main body who will proceed with construct and lead new homeland. There was strong political intention of aiming to clarify justification of founding a country centering on Leader Kim (Kim Il-seong). There was the Soviet Union in the base of its political intention. A work of depicting heroic figure was prioritized, above all, through the press in order to highlight Kim Il-seong as a leader of North Korea. In consequence, 『Mt. Baekdu』 functioned as the foundation of creating the president-imaging literature of idolizing Kim Il-seong in North Korean literature and became its model unlike the initial intention.

      • KCI등재

        <선봉(先鋒)>에 수록된 고려인 시의 전개양상

        김낙현 ( Kim Nak-hyeon ) 한국어문교육연구회 2018 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.46 No.3

        본고의 목적은 <선봉>에 수록된 고려인 시의 전개양상을 검토하고 그 특성을 밝히는 데 있다. 국권을 상실한 소수민족인 고려인들에게 사회주의는 단순한 이념이 아닌 조선의 민족해방을 위한 유일한 수단으로 인식되었다. 연해주시절<선봉>에 수록된 고려인 시에서 고려인들은 자신들이 처한 현실적 상황을 타개하기 위해서, 더 나아가 조선의 민족해방을 위해서 사회주의 건설과 계급투쟁을 노래했다면, 강제이주 후에는 생존적인 차원에서 의식적으로 행한 것이라 할 수 있다. <선봉>에 수록된 고려인 시에서 조선은 안태모국으로서, 소련은 사회주의 조국이나 모국으로서 제시된다. 그들의 시는 개인적인 정서보다는 집단적인 정서를 강조하여 잦은 명령형과 청유형 어미를 사용하여 격정적이고 선동성이 강한 거친 작품이었지만, 낯선 이국땅에서 치열하게 삶을 살면서 펼친 디아스포라(diaspora)의 욕망이 반영된 한민족의 문학이라 할 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to review the aspect of development on the Korean Poetry in < SunBong > and to illuminate the characteristics. The Korean Literature, developed by the chance of the first issue of newspaper, < SunBong >, faithfully reflected the national liberation of Joseon and the proletarian socialist revolution as the foundational purpose of < SunBong >. The Korean poetry in < SunBong > was developed into the ‘national liberation of Joseon’, ‘the construction of socialism and the class struggle’ and ‘acclaim for the Soviet Union as their homeland’ and so on. As for the Koreans who lost the sovereignty of a nation as a minority race, socialism was perceived as the absolute means for national liberation of Joseon not as a simple ideology. During the days in the Maritime Province, the Koreans, in the Korean poetry in < SunBong >, expressed the construction of socialism and the class struggle to overcome their real situation and, by extension, for national liberation of Joseon whereas they consciously did it on a survival level after deportation. In the Korean Poetry in < SunBong >, Joseon was presented as a spiritual motherland and the Soviet Union as a socialist country or their homeland. Their poetry was a passionate and demagogic work that emphasized collective emotion rather than personal feelings, frequently using the endings of imperative and propositive forms, but it is the Korean literature that reflects the desire of the Diaspora living a harsh life in a foreign land.

      • KCI우수등재

        장편서사시 『생의 노래』 연구

        金洛炫(Kim, Nak-hyeon) 국어국문학회 2015 국어국문학 Vol.- No.171

        본고는 북한문학에서 노동을 소재로 한 최초의 장편서사시로 평가된 趙基天의 『생의 노래』(1950)에 대한 연구를 목적으로 한다. 장편서사시 『생의 노래』는 초기 북한문학의 특성을 총체적으로 보여준 작품이다. 『생의 노래』는 초기 북한문학의 특징인 고상한 사실주의의 특성, 대중적 영웅주의에 따른 노동 영웅의 형상화, 국제주의사상의 출현에 의한 朝?蘇 親善思想을 모두 담고 있는 작품이다.『생의 노래』는 고상한 사실주의의 핵심적인 창작방법론이었던 긍정적인 인물형과 부정적인 인물형의 대립, 낡은 것과 새 것의 대립구조를 지니고 있다. 교양적 기능이 매우 강조되었던 『생의 노래』는 새 국가 건설 과정에서 노동영웅을 형상화하여 일반 대중들에게 모범을 보이고자 하였다. 『생의 노래』는 서정과 서사의 유기적인 조화가 뛰어나 다른 재래의 북한 서사시들과 변별된다. 서정과 서사의 조화는 『생의 노래』가 성공적인 작품으로 평가될 수 있었던 근본적인 요인이 되었으며, 이는 조기천 시의 주요한 특징이기도 하였다. 『생의 노래』는 原詩와 달리 改作되었다는 점에서 문제를 초래한다. 주체사상이 대두된 이후에 출판된 텍스트는 소련에 관계된 내용이 하나도 빠짐없이 모두 삭제되었다. 소련에 관계된 내용은 『생의 노래』의 중요한 창작배경과 핵심적인 서사구조의 전개양상, 그리고 창작의도 등과 관련된다. 『생의 노래』가 개작된 근본적인 요인은 1956년 ‘8월 종파사건’을 계기로 어떻게든 소련의 영향에서 벗어나려는 북한 당국의 정치적 노력에서 비롯된 주체사상의 결과였다. 아직까지 『생의 노래』는 남한 연구자들에게 잘 알려지지 않았으나, 북한문학에서는 매우 중요한 의의를 지닌 작품으로 평가되고 있다. 『생의 노래』는 초기 북한문학의 특성을 총체적으로 담고 있는 작품으로서, 초기 북한문학의 특성을 압축적으로 보여주는 지형도와 같은 구실을 한다. The purpose of this study is to closely examine 『Song of life』(1950) by Jo Gi-cheon, evaluated as the first long epic poetry whose material is labor in North Korean literature. the long epic poetry,『Song of life』 is the work featuring the characteristics of the early North Korean literature overall. 『Song of life』 is the piece of work, which incorporates the character of noble realism in the early North Korean literature, the embodiment of labor hero along with mass heroism and goodwill idea between Korea and the Soviet Union on the ground of the advent of the internationalism idea.『Song of life』 features the antagonism between a positive character and a negative character which was the key writing methodology of noble realism and confrontational structure between the old and the new.『Song of life』 highly emphasized for the educational function intended to set an example for the general public, embodying a labor hero in the process of the establishment of the new country. Outstanding for the organic harmony of lyric and epic, 『Song of life』 is distinguished from the conventional North Korea long epic poetries. The organic harmony of lyric and epic is not only the fundamental factor of 『Song of life』being evaluated as successful work but also the important feature in Jo Gi-Cheon’s poetry. 『Song of life』 becomes a subject of discussion in that it was adapted differently from the original work. The subject related with the Soviet Union was completely deleted from the text published after the rise of self reliance ideology. The subject related with the Soviet Union is concerned to the significant writing background, the development aspects of the key epic structure, and the intention of writing poetry etc. The fundamental reason of 『Song of life』 being adapted was the consequence of self reliance ideology that the Government authorities in North Korea strived to escape the influence of the Soviet Union somehow with ‘August Denomination event’ in 1956. Until now, 『Song of life』 has not been well-known to researchers in South Korea yet, but it has been evaluated as a work of great significance. 『Song of life』 as a piece of work featuring the characteristics of the early North Korean literature overall plays an important role such as a topographical map compressively demonstrating the characteristics of the early North Korean literature.

      • KCI등재

        박용래 시의 자연물과 시세계의 원천

        김낙현 ( Kim Nak-hyeon ) 한국문학이론과 비평학회 2020 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.87 No.-

        본고는 자연물을 소재로 취하여 박용래(朴龍來) 시에서 발현된 특징과 그의 시세계의 원천을 살펴보는데, 목적을 두었다. 구체적으로는 박용래가 등단하기 이전에 발표한 3편의 시가 그의 시 전체에서 어떤 의의를 지닌 것인가, 그리고 자연물을 취하여 발현된 그의 시의 특징은 무엇인가에 논의를 집중하였고, 아울러 그의 시세계의 원천을 간략히 살펴보았다. 등단 이전 3편의 시는 박용래 시의 모든 특징을 담고 있는 작품이었다. 그의 시는 전원적이고 향토적인 자연물을 취하여 창작되었기에 전원적이고 향토적인 색채가 짙은 시였으며, ‘소묘적(素描的)’인 작시법(作詩法)에 따라 창작된 작품이었다. 또한, 시세계의 원천 중 하나인 고향의식을 형상화한 시였다. 자연물의 회화적인 이미지를 중시한 ‘소묘적’인 작시법에 의해 창작된 그의 시는 화자의 객관화를 초래하여 일명 ‘자기 소멸’의 과정을 거쳐 화자의 정서는 표면적으로 표출되지 않는 특징을 보였다. 그의 시에서 동원된 자연이 전원적이고 향토적인 자연이라는 점에서 그의 시는 기존의 서구적 모더니즘적 성격의 시와는 변별되는 시로 평가된다. 또한, 그의 시 속의 자연물은 우리 ‘생활 속의 자연물’이라는 점에서 그의 시는 현실과 격리되지 않는 현실비판적인 성격을 지니기도 한다. 아울러 자연물을 취하여 작시(作詩)했기에 박용래의 시는 필연적으로 단시(短詩) 형태를 띨 수밖에 없었다. 이상과 같은 모든 특징은 박용래가 일관되게 자연물을 취하여 작시한 태도에서 비롯된 것으로서 그의 시의 장점이자 단점으로 작용하기도 한다. 한편, 그의 전문학적 생애에서 관류했던 고향의식과 죽은 누이에 대한 슬픔과 그리움은 그의 시세계의 원천으로 자리 잡았다. 박용래는 집요하리만큼 전원적이고 향토적인 자연물을 취하여 그만의 방법으로 시를 창작했던 독특하고 개성적인 서정시인이었다. The main purpose of this article is to examine the natural objects mobilized in Park Yong-rae’s poems and the sources of his poetry. Specifically, this article focuses on the significance of all three poems published before Park Yong-rae’s debut of literary career and what the characteristics of his poems expressed by taking natural objects were, and also briefly looks at the sources of his poetry. The three poems before his debut were works that contained all the characteristics of Park Yong-rae’s poetry. His poems were created by taking rural and local natural objects, so they were rich in rural and local colors, and were created according to the ‘depictive’ method of poetry writing. In addition, they were poems embodying hometown consciousness, one of the sources of his poetry. His poems, which were created by the ‘depictive’ method of poetry writing that emphasizes the pictorial image of natural objects, resulted in objectification of the speaker, and thus the speaker’s emotions were not expressed outwardly through the so-called process of ‘self-destruction.’ His poems are evaluated as distinct from those of the existing Western modernistic character in that nature depicted in his poems is rural and local nature. Also, his poems have a critical character of reality that is not isolated from reality, given that natural objects in his poems are our ‘natural objects in our lives.’ In addition, Park Yong-rae’s poem inevitably took the form of a short poem because he wrote poems by taking natural objects. All of the above characteristics are derived from the manner that Park Yong-rae consistently took natural objects, which also serves as an advantage and disadvantage of his poetry. Meanwhile, the hometown consciousness and sorrow and longing for his deceased sister, which he perfused in his whole literary career, have become the source of his poetry. Park Yong-rae was a distinctive and unique lyricist who created poetry in his own way by taking persistently rural and local natural objects.

      • KCI등재

        재소(在蘇) 고려문인들의 북한문학 형성기의 활동과 역할 : 조기천을 중심으로

        김낙현(Kim Nak-Hyeon) 우리문학회 2011 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.34

        해방 직후 소련은 북한을 조기에 사회주의화시키기 위하여 노어와 조선어에 능한 趙基天, 鄭律, 田東赫, 奇石福 등 在蘇 고려문인들을 북한에 파견한다. 이들은 북한문학 형성기에 소련의 문학과 문화, 예술 등을 傳授하는 핵심적인 역할을 담당하였다. 재소 고려문인들은 해방 직후 유력한 작품발표의 매체였던 『조선신문』과 『조·쏘문화』를 통해 수많은 소련의 작품들을 소개하고 북한문학이 나아갈 방향을 제시하였다. 특히 趙基天은 북한문학 형성기에 중추적인 역할을 하였던 재소 고려문인이었다. 그의 시 「땅의 노래」는 북한에서 토지개혁을 소재로 한 최초의 북한 서정서사시였으며, 장편서사시 「白頭山」은 항일문학의 전범을 제시한 작품으로서 북한문학이 나아갈 방향을 제시한 작품이었다. 북한이 소련을 모델로 설정하여 사회주의를 건설하는 과정에서, 이처럼 재소 고려문인들이 초기 북한문학 형성기에 중요한 활동과 역할을 할 수 있었던 요인은 무엇보다도 소련에서 사회주의 건설과정을 先驗했던 자산과 노어와 조선어에 능했기 때문이었다. 이들은 북한에 파견되기 전에 이미 사회주의 이념과 민족의식을 체득한 상태에서 문학 활동을 하고 있는 상태였다. USSR dispatched Koryo literary men who were fluent in Russian and Korean and lived in USSR such as Jo Ki Cheon, Jung Ryul, Jeon Dong Hyuk, Ki Seok Bok, et al to North Korea so as to promptly socialize North Korea immediately after emancipation. They were in charge of the main role to propagate the literature, culture, art, etc of USSR when the North Korean literature was being formed. The Koryo literary men in USSR introduced many USSR works and presented the direction to which the North Korean literature was to advance through 『Chosun Newspaper』 and 『Korea·USSR Culture』, the influential media of announcing works immediately after emancipation. Especially, Jo Ki Cheon was a Koryo literary man in USSR who played the pivotal role when the North Korean literature was being formed. His poem 「Song of land」 was the first North Korean lyrical and epic poem taking land reformation as materials in North Korea. As the work that presented the typical example of anti-Japan literature, the long epic 「Mt. Baekdu」 presented the direction to which the North Korean literature would move. When North Korea constructed socialism by establishing USSR as model, the Koryo literary men in USSR could play significant role with activity to form the North Korean literature in early stage, because they had their assets to experience the construction of socialism in USSR and were fluent in Russian and Korean. Before they were dispatched to North Korea, they already performed literary activity as they acquired the idea of socialism and ethnic sense.

      • KCI등재

        심연수 저작물의 서지학적 가치와 활용의 문제

        김낙현(金洛炫) ( Kim Nak-hyeon ),유춘동(兪春東) ( Yoo Choon-dong ) 한국어문교육연구회 2021 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.49 No.4

        본고의 목적은 일제강점기 尹東柱와 더불어 대표적인 항일 시인으로 일컬어지는 沈連洙 시인 저작물의 書誌學的 가치와 그 활용의 문제를 논의하는 데 있다. 2000년 7월에 중국 용정에서 발굴된 심연수는 시를 비롯하여 시조, 소설, 수필 등 많은 문학 작품을 남겼다. 심연수가 남긴 문학 사료로는 원고류, 노트와 학습장류, 일기와 수첩류, 편지와 엽서, 도서와 사진, 기타 등으로 구분할 수 있다. 심연수의 자료는 대부분 육필원고로서, 작가의 자취가 고스란히 남아있는 草稿이다. 그가 남긴 이러한 각종 문학 사료는 심연수의 생애를 복원해 볼 수 있는 자료이자, 일제강점기 시인이자 문인으로서의 심연수의 모습을 再構해 볼 수 있는 자료이다. 현재 확인된 근현대문인들의 문학 사료의 경우, 심연수와 같이 다양한 자료, 생애 전반을 재구해 볼 수 있는 자료가 전무한 상황이다. 따라서 심연수의 文學 史料는 상당히 중요한 자료적 가치를 지닌 것으로서, 근현대문학 유산이라는 사실을 인식하고 문화재청의 등록문화재로 등록하여 보존, 관리, 활용할 필요가 있다. 심연수의 사료는 近代登錄文化財 등록을 위한 요건을 모두 갖추고 있기에 등록문화재로 등록할 필요가 있다. 현재 가장 시급하고 중요한 과제는 이미 DB로 구축된 상당수의 심연수 자료를 국가기관과 연계하여 자료를 공개할 필요가 있고, 近現代文獻 正理 및 保存의 관점에서 체계화하며, 차후 등록문화재로의 등록 준비를 하여 자료의 관리 방안과 연구 확대를 위한 노력이다. This paper aims to discuss the bibliographical value of the works of poet Shim Yeon-su, who is said to be a representative anti-Japanese poet along with Yun Dong-ju during the Japanese colonial period, and the problems faced in using his works. Excavated in Yongjeong, China in July 2000, Shim Yeon-su left behind many literary works, including poetry, novels, and essays. Literary materials left by Shim Yeon-su can be I have revised “divided into” to “categorized into” as a word choice revision since manuscripts, notebooks, diaries etc. are categories his work can be classified into. Please check for the intended meaning carefully. categorized into manuscripts, notebooks, study books, diaries, letters and postcards, books and photos, and others. Most of his materials are handwritten manuscripts, drafts in which his traces remain intact. The various literary materials he left behind are works that can reconstruct his life, as well as I have revised “appearance” to “identity” as a word choice revision since appearance only refers to the outward persona, while identity comprises of his thoughts and opinions that he must have produced through his poetry and writing. Kindly check for the intended meaning carefully. his identity as a poet and writer during the Japanese colonial period. I have revised this information heavily for structure, readability, language, grammar, and flow. Kindly check for the intended meaning carefully. In the case of the currently confirmed literary sources of modern and contemporary writers, there is no material available to reconstruct his entire life. Therefore, his literary works have considerable material value, and should be recognized as a modern literary heritage. Since his works meet all the requirements for registration as a modern registered cultural property, it should be registered with the Cultural Heritage Administration. This recognition shall result in its preservation, management, and utilization. The most urgent and important task at present is the disclosure of a considerable volume of deep training data already established as a Do you mean database? Please insert the full form since this is the first mention. DB in connection with national institutions, systematize it from the perspective of organizing and preserving modern and contemporary literature, and prepare for registration as a registered cultural property in the future. This statement is a bit abrupt, since there is no indication of a link to the previous sentence. Please consider providing some context here. It is an effort to manage data and expand research.

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