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        Bi-factor MIRT True-Score Equating for Testlet-Based Tests

        이규민(Gue min Lee),Won Chan Lee,Michael J Kolen,박인용(In Yong Park),Dong In Kim,Ji Seung Yang 한국교육평가학회 2015 교육평가연구 Vol.28 No.2

        Lee and Lee (2014) proposed bi-factor multidimensional item response theory model (BFM) "observed-score" equating procedures. The main purposes of this study were to develop BFM "true-score" equating procedures, and to investigate applicability of the proposed procedures with actual data. Eight equating methods (including both true- and observed-score) based on dichotomous IRT (2-parameter logistic model: 2PL), polytomous IRT (graded response model: GRM), testlet response model (TRM), and BFM were compared with target equipercentile equating. Data for this study were from the Reading Comprehension test for a large-scale state assessment program, which consisted of several passages and corresponding groups of items. True- and observed-score equating methods based upon 2PL and BFM produced similar equating results. The GRM true- and observed-score equating methods provided equating results somewhat different from others, and more similar to the target equipercentile equating. Lee와 Lee(2014) 연구는 혼합형 검사에서의 bi-factor 다차원 문항반응모형을 적용한 IRT "관찰점수" 동등화 절차를 제안하였다. 이 연구는 Lee와 Lee(2014) 연구의 추수연구로 단위검사를 대상으로 bi-factor 다차원 문항반응모형을 적용한 IRT "진점수" 동등화 절차를 제안하고, 그 적용 가능성을 실제 자료를 이용하여 탐색하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 단위검사로 구성된 대규모 독해 검사 자료를 이용하여, 2모수 로지스틱 모형(2-parameter logistic model: 2PL), 등급반응모형(graded response model: GRM), 단위검사모형(testlet response model: TRM), bi-factor 모형(bi-factor model: BFM)을 적용하였으며, 관찰점수 및 진점수 동등화를 시행하여 총 8개의 동등화 방법을 적용하고, 산출된 결과를 동백분위 동등화 결과와 비교하였다. 연구 결과, 2PL과 BFM을 적용한 관찰점수 및 진점수 동등화는 유사한 결과를 산출하였으며, GRM을 적용한 관찰점수 및 진점수 동등화 방법은 다른 방법들과 다소 차이를 보이는 결과를 산출하였고, 비교 기준이 된 동백분위 동등화 결과와 보다 유사한 결과를 보였다.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 미니멀리즘 패션에 나타난 미의식 연구 -도가(道家)의 ‘도(道)’ 미학을 중심으로-

        양정원(Yang, Jung Won),이미숙(Lee, Mi Suk) 한국디자인문화학회 2021 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        본 연구 목적은 탈현대적 가치를 갖는 도가사상의 ‘도(道)’ 미학에 주목하여 중국의 미니멀리즘 패션에 내재되어 있는 미의식을 분석하고자 한다. 연구 방법은 선행 연구 및 관련 서적을 중심으로 문헌 고찰을 통해 서양 미니멀리즘과 이와 연관성을 갖는 ‘도’ 미학을 살펴보고 이를 토대로 도가적 미니멀리즘 미의식을 도출한 후 중국의 미니멀리즘 패션의 미의식을 분석하였다. 연구범위는 2008년 이후부터 2021년까지 중국문화에 노출되어 중국문화의 영향을 받은 중국계디자이너들이 전통적 미의식을 통해서 미니멀리즘으로 재해석한 작품을 대상으로 하였다. 서양 미니멀리즘과 상응하는 연관성을 갖는 ‘도’ 미학을 허(虛), 무위자연(無爲自然), 유(遊), 유무상생(有無相生) 등의 미적 개념으로 대별하여 조형적 특성 및 미적 가치를 살펴본 후 도출된 도가적 미니멀리즘의 미의식은 ‘비움의 허무미’, ‘미완의 약졸미’, ‘일기적 공간미’, ‘변증적 상생미’ 등으로 나타났으며 이를 토대로 중국의 미니멀리즘 패션에 내재된 미의식을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 서양의 미니멀리즘의 ‘단순성’은 자연의 ‘본질추구’라는 특성을 내포한 ‘허’의 미적 개념과 연관성이 발견되며, ‘허의 미니멀리즘적 단순성’에서 도출된 ‘비움의 허무미’는 무정형이며 일체의 꾸밈이 없는 직선형 실루엣의 간결한 형식으로 표출된다. 둘째, 미니멀리즘의 ‘환원성’은 ‘자연적 본질로의 회귀’라는 특성을 내포한 ‘무위자연’의 미적 개념과 연관성이 발견되며, ‘무위자연의 미니멀리즘적 환원성’에서 도출된 ‘미완의 약졸미’는 인위적 흔적을 덜어내고 자연의 본성 그대로를 전시하기 위해 천연재료의 본형을 살리려는 방법으로 표출된다. 셋째, 미니멀리즘의 ‘상황성’은 ‘절대 자유의 공간 추구’의 특성을 내포한 ‘유’의 미적 개념과 연관성이 발견되며, ‘유의 미니멀리즘적 상황성’에서 도출된 ‘일기적 공간미’는 비구조적 풍성한 실루엣, 천연의 질감을 갖는 소재 등을 통해 표출된다. 넷째, 미니멀리즘의 ‘전체성’은 ‘유무대립의 관계가 상생하여 강렬한 어울림’을 내포한 ‘유무상생’의 미적 개념과 연관성이 발견되며, ‘유무상생의 미니멀리즘적 전체성’에서 도출된 ‘변증적 상생미’는 비대칭, 비균제적 조화를 통해 표출된다. 이상으로 자연주의적 색채가 강한 도가적 미의식은 환경을 고려한 지속 가능한 패션 디자인의 기초자료로 활용되리라 기대된다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the aesthetic consciousness inherent in Chinese minimalism fashion by paying attention to the ‘Do’ aesthetics of the Taoism, which has post-modern values. As a research method, through literature review focusing on previous studies and related books, Western minimalism and its related ‘Do’ aesthetics were examined, and the aesthetic consciousness of Taoist minimalism was derived based on this, and then the aesthetic consciousness of Chinese minimalism fashion was analyzed. The scope of the study was targeted at works that were exposed to Chinese culture from 2008 to 2021 and reinterpreted as minimalism by Chinese designers who were influenced by Chinese culture with a traditional aesthetic consciousness. The aesthetic consciousness of Taoist minimalism, which was derived after examining formative characteristics and aesthetic values by dividing the aesthetics of ‘Do’, which has a corresponding connection with Western minimalism, into aesthetic concepts such as ‘Heo’, ‘Muwi-jayeon’, ‘Yu’, ‘Yumusangsaeng’, appeared as ‘Empty Heomu beauty’ and ‘Unfinished Yakzol beauty’, ‘Ilgijeok Space beauty’, ‘Dialectic Win-win beauty’. Based on this, the results of analyzing the aesthetic consciousness inherent in Chinese minimalism fashion are as follows. First, the ‘simplicity’ of Western minimalism is found to be related to the aesthetic concept of ‘Heo’ which implies the ‘pursuit of the essence’ of nature, the ‘Empty Heo-mu beauty’ derived from ‘Heo’s minimalistic simplicity’ is expressed in a concise form of a straight silhouette without any amorphous ornamentation. Second, the ‘reduction’ of minimalism is found to be related to the aesthetic concept of ‘Muwi-jayeon’, which contains the characteristics of ‘return to the essence of nature’ and ‘Unfinished Yakzol beauty’ derived from ‘minimalistic reducibility of Muwi-jayeon’ is expressed as a way to remove artificial traces and reveal nature. Third, the ‘situationality’ of minimalism is found to be related to the aesthetic concept of ‘Yu’, which contains the characteristics of ‘absolute freedom space pursuit’, and the ‘Ilgijeok Space beauty’ derived from ‘minimalistic situationality of Yu’, is expressed through unstructured silhouettes and natural textures. Fourth, the ‘wholeness’ of minimalism is found to be related to the aesthetic concept of ‘Yumusangsaeng’ that implies ‘intense harmony due to the coexistence of relationships’, and ‘Dialectic Win-win beauty’ derived from the ‘Yumusangsaeng’ of the aesthetics of the ‘existence-free coexistence’ is expressed through asymmetric and non-uniform harmony. As mentioned above, the Taoist aesthetic with strong naturalistic colors is expected to be used as a basic material for sustainable fashion design considering the environment.

      • KCI등재

        국내 정형외과 의료소송 현황 파악

        이원(Won Lee),이미진(Mi Jin Lee),김용민(Yong Min Kim),우찬명(Chan Myung Woo),김소윤(So Yoon Kim),김양수(Yang-Soo Kim) 대한정형외과학회 2016 대한정형외과학회지 Vol.51 No.3

        목적: 국내 정형외과 관련 의료소송 판결문의 분석을 통하여 정형외과 의료소송의 현황과 원인이 된 과정을 파악하고자 함이다. 대상 및 방법: 소송시작이 2005년부터 2010년인 정형외과 의료소송 판결문 341건을 대상으로 하여 빈도분석을 실시하였다. 결과: 사건 발생 시점에서 소송 종결 시점까지의 평균 소요기간은 4.22년이었다. 의료소송의 원인이 된 과정은 수술이 46.3%였고, 수술의 종류는 척추 수술이 가장 많았다. 사고의 결과는 장애가 가장 많았고, 최종심 결과는 원고일부승이 40.5%, 원고패(기각)가 34.3%였다. 감염은 전체 중 26.1%에서 발생하였고, 손해배상 청구금액은 평균 181,998,036원이었으며 인용금액은 평균 58,897,161원이었다. 결론: 정형외과 의료소송으로 이어진 의료사고의 주요 원인 과정은 수술이 가장 많았고, 그 중에서도 척추 수술이 가장 많았다. 추후 의료사고의 근본 원인분석을 통해 의료사고를 줄이고 재발을 방지하기 위한 후속 연구가 이루어져야 할 것이다. Purpose: Through the analysis of orthopedics lawsuit rulings, the purpose of this study is to understand the current trends of medical lawsuits in orthopedics in Korea. Materials and Methods: An analysis of medical lawsuits in orthopedics was conducted. As the study method, a quantitative analysis was performed on 341 cases. Results: The average period of lawsuits, from the occurrence of the medical accident to end of the ruling, took an average of 4.22 years. The most frequent procedure that was the main cause of the medical accidents was surgery, at 46.3%. When surgery is the main procedure that caused the medical accidents, the result of examining the types of surgeries showed that spine surgery had the highest percentage. For the outcome of the accident, the highest number of cases resulted in disability and for the final court outcome, 40.5% ruled partially in favor of the plaintiff (the patient) with acknowledgement of only the damage incurred due to medical error of the total sum claimed, and dismissal of the claim made by the plaintiff (patient) accounted for 34.3%; 26.1% of cases develop infection. For the amount of claim for damage, the average amount of claim was 181,998,036 won; in the judgement amount, the average amount of judgement was 58,897,161 won. Conclusion: The most frequent procedure in orthopedics was surgery and spine surgery comprised a large proportion of these surgeries. Future studies to determine root causes of medical accidents should be conducted to reduce medical lawsuits and to plan against the repeating of medical accidents.

      • KCI등재

        사후분해 시체에 대한 법의학적 접근

        최영식,이상용,김유훈,조갑래,이봉우,양경무,정낙은,서중석,이한영,이원태,강현욱 大韓法醫學會 2000 대한법의학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Disposal of a homicide victim by dismemberment is rare, but individual cases are on record in most major medicolegal departments. Recognition of postmortem mutilation may be of importance in the interpretation of certain murders committed by sexual perverts and other mentally deranged individuals and sometimes performed for the sole reason of easier disposal of the body. Postmortem dismemberment is usually readily recognizable as such; The edges of the injuries are dry and lack evidence of bleeding. The joints may be disarticulated without fracture, or the use of an axe or saw may be evident from examination of bones. Parallel horizontal or oblique furrows in the bone surface are caused by skipping of the saw prior to establishing depth. Such patterns on the bone may assist in identifying the particular saw involved. So we report 25 dismembered corpses that autopsied in National Institute of Scientific Investigation. This paper can help in attempting to establish not only the first criminal investigation steps but also the medicolegal approach methods in unidentified and dismembered deaths.

      • A Development of Assessment Model for Maintenance of Type R Fire Alarm System in the Building

        Lee,Su-Kyung,Yoo,Sang-Bin,Nam,Yang-Won 한국화재소방학회 1997 한국화재소방학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1997 No.-

        Type R fire alarm is required intelligent buildings and height buildings which was based on automatic system. But in Korea, maintenance of fire alarm system is very poor. In this study, we developed assessment model for the type R fire alarm system which was assessed by using 96 checklist items. The assessment model was tested through the actual 4 buildings with type R fire alarm system. It is shown that present model can be applied for the assessment of all buildings through the examination of the suitability of assessment model by actual assessment. Also, it was made easily fire manager to carry out checklist for type R fire alarm system in buildings.

      • KCI등재

        데페록사민 전처치가 토끼 심근경색 크기의 감소에 미치는 효과

        양관모,오동렬,박승현,박규남,이원재,김형국,황두영,최승필,채장성 대한응급의학회 1998 대한응급의학회지 Vol.9 No.4

        Background: Reperfusion of ischemic myocardium has been postulated to result in a specific oxygen radical mediated tissue injury. Iron may liberate during ischemia and we hypothesized that administration of the iron chelator, deferoxamine during ischemia would result in improved recovery after postischemic reperfusion. Purpose: To test whether iron-catalyzed processes contribute to myocardial necrosis during ischemia and reperfusion, deferoxamine was administered to block iron catalyzed hydroxyl radical formation in rabbits. Methods: Eleven rabbits were divided into two groups : control group (n=5) and deferoxamine pretreatment group (n=6). The left circumflex coronay artery was ligated for 30 minutes and reperfused for 180 minutes. Area at risk (AR) was measured by non-stained area with methylene blue injection into left atrium after left circumflex coronary artery ligation. Infarct size was measured by weighing after triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining. Heart rate was measured using electrocardiographic recording and systemic blood pressure was monitored by pressure transducer connected to the catheter in the left ventricle. Results: 1. There was no significant difference of heart rate and blood pressure in deferoxamine pretreatment group compared with control group. 2. There was significant decrease of serum iron concentration after continuous infusion of deferoxamine compared with serum iron concentration before ligation of coronary artery(P<0.05). 3. There was no significant difference of area at risk between control and deferoxamine pretreatment group. 4. Area at necrosis to area at risk was significantly reduced in deferoxamine pretreatment group compared with control group(P<0.05). The results suggest that deferoxamine infusion prior to coronary artery occlusion has a significant benefit in reducing infarct size in this model.

      • 농공단지 조성에 따른 하천 수질관리 대책에 관한 연구 : 충청남도 지역을 중심으로

        이원묵,양천회,오재원 大田産業大學校 1993 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        ABSTRACTA study of stream pollution caused by construction of the Industrial Complex in Agricultural Area of Chung Chong Nam Do were described here. The five main results of this studies are summerized.First, since 1988, among the companies moved in the industrial complex area, the number of electric and electronic companies have increased compared with food companies requiring much BOD, This is very desirable to reduce the water pollution.Second, the average Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD) of Masan stream was the highest and it was decreased in the order of Yudug, Jo and Jangan stream.Third, although the concentration of heavy metals such as Cd and Cr6+ are not off the limit and the amount of it is small, it is desirable to introduce a chemical process to remove these metals.Fourth, since the wastewater from industrial complex area is the major factor in stream pollution, the laws associated with environmetal protection should be enforced even then if the industrial complex area with food and chemical companies produce wastewater less than 500 ton/day.Fifth, it is required to improve a facilities whicli separate living wastewater from inderstrial wastewater in Kaya-gok and Nojang industrial complex area. A study of stream pollution caused by construction of the Industrial Complex in Agricultural Area of Chung Chong Nam Do were described here. The five main results of this studies are summerized. First, since 1988, among the companies moved in the industrial complex area, the number of electric and electronic companies have increased compared with food companies requiring much BOD, This is very desirable to reduce the water pollution. Second, the average Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD) of Masan stream was the highest and it was decreased in the order of Yudug, Jo and Jangan stream. Third, although the concentration of heavy metals such as Cd and Cr^6+ are not off the limit and the amount of it is small, it is desirable to introduce a chemical process to remove these metals. Fourth, since the wastewater from industrial complex area is the major factor in stream pollution, the laws associated with environmetal protection should be enforced even then if the industrial complex area with food and chemical companies produce wastewater less than 500 ton/day. Fifth, it is required to improve a facilities which separate living wastewater from inderstrial wastewater in Kaya-gok and Nojang industrial complex area.

      • 전자빔을 이용한 공기중 VOC 분해반응 특성

        원양수,한도흥,박완식,Tatiana Stuchinskaya,이홍승 영남대학교 환경문제연구소 2000 環境硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        공기중 휘발성유기화합물의 처리를 위해 전자빔 가속기를 이용하여 Trichloroethylene(TCE)의 분해특성에 대해 연구하였다. TCE를 포함한 공기는 서로 다른 반응분위기, 초기농도의 변화, 수증기 존재유무와 같은 변수하에서 분해실험이 행해졌다. 산소를 반응분위기가스로 사용하였을 경우 최대분해율이 나타났는데, TCE 초기농도 2000 ppm에 대해 20kGy에서 99%의 분해율을 보였다. TCE 농도는 산소와 공기 조건하에서 지수함수적으로 감소했으며, TCE 분해효율에 대한 수증기 효과가 행해졌다. 수증기 (5600ppm) 존재하에서 TCE분해율은 수증기가 존재하지 않을 경우보다 약 10% 높게 나타났다. 1차 생성물로 Dichloroacetic acid, Dichloroacethyl chloride, Dichloroacethyl ester acetic acid 등이 생성되었고 분해와 산화반응을 통해 CO, CO2로 전환되었다. 또한 Perchloroethylene, Hexachloroethane, Chlorofona Carbon tetrachloride와 같은 과염소탄소 화합물이 생성되었다. Decomposition of trichloroethylene (TCE) in electron beam irradiation was examined in order to get information on treatment of VOC/air. Air containing vaporized TCE has been studied in a flow reactor with different reaction environments, various initial TCE concentration and in presence and absence of water vapor. Maximum decomposition was observed in oxygen reaction environment and degree of decomposition was about 99 % at 20 kGy for 2000 ppm initial TCE. The concentration of TCE exponentially decreased with dose in oxygen and air. The effect of water vapor on TCE decomposition efficiency was examined. The decomposition of TCE in presence of water vapor (5600 ppm) was by ca. 10% higher than in absence of water vapor. Dichloroacetic acid, dichloroacethyl chloride and dichloroethyl ester acetic acid which were identified as primary products, were decomposed and oxidized to give CO and CO2. Perchloroethylene, hexachloroethane, chloroform and carbon tetrachloride were also observed as highly chlorinated products.

      • KCI등재

        국내산 및 제초제 내성 콩(HS2906)의 일반성분, 무기질 및 지방산 조성

        양윤형,이정희,김형진,윤원기,김환묵,김미리 동아시아식생활학회 2005 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        Proximate analysis, mineral and fatty acid composition of three conventional domestic soybean cultivars and two imported ones including glyphosate-tolerant HS2906 were evaluated by AOAC method, ICP-AES and gas chromatography. There were several differences in the proximate analysis among three conventional domestic soybean cultivars ; higher crude fat in the cultivar Hwanggumkong, higher crude protein in Pungsankong, and higher carbohydrate and crude ash in Duyukong. The ranges of contents of proximate components of domestic cultivars were similar to the data previously reported. There were no significant differences in proximate analysis between conventional soybean WS82 and glyphosate-tolerant HS2906 ; 23.55~23.90% of crudefat, 34.22~35.55% of crude protein, 6.25~6.45% of crude ash, and 25.35~26.47% of carbohydrate. The mineral and fatty acid compositions of HS2906 were similar to those of conventional soybeans previously reported.

      • KCI등재

        아동의 구강보건에 대한 보호자의 관리태도 및 지식정도에 관한 조사연구

        양정강,이원용 大韓小兒齒科學會 1975 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.2 No.1

        The study was performed to evaluate the Parent's knowledge and attitudes concerning the dental health of their children. A questionnaire consisting of 17 questions was given to each of the 664 parents by their children who are attending in primary school and was completely by them. The collected information from the questionnaire was analyzed by the visits to dental clinic, age and education. The results obtained from this study are as follows: 1) The more educated parents were more interested to the dental health of children. 2) In the knowledge concerning the dental health of their children, the parents who were more educated and had visited the dental clinic gave the better responses. 3) There were no clear differences in age groups in the knowledge and attitudes on their children's dental health. 4) The reason for first visiting the dental clinic was dental treatment 43.2%, toothache 35.4%, for the purpose of oral examination 21.2%, and others were 9.2%. 5) 13.1% of the parents who had visited the dental clinic couldn't or didn't follow the recommended treatment because of economic difficulty 53.3%, lack of time 25%, lack of understanding of child's dental needs 18.3%, and other reasons were 3.3%.

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