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        급성충수염(急性蟲垂炎)의 단순복부촬영상(單純腹部撮影像)의 방사선학적(放射線學的) 고찰

        이종태,서정호,최병숙 대한소화기학회 1975 대한소화기학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        In 24 cases of surgically proven acute appendicitis, the X-ray findings of simple abdomen prior to operation were analysed at the Department of Radiology, Severance Hospital. We have proved the possibility of accurate roentgen diagnosis, even in cases with vague and nonsuggestive clinical symptoms. he radiological findings are as follows: 1. In 92.7% of cases the reflex ileus findings of bowel are noted. 2. In over 71% of cases the gaseous distension of bowel around appendix is noted. It has the significant diagnositic value of acute appendicitis when correlated with t.he clinical symptoms. 3. In 4.0% of cases the extra-alimentary free-air shadows are noted, they are found almost at the subhepatic region. 4. In 1.6% of cases the coproliths are noted, it has almost definite diagnostic significance. 5. The obliteration of right flank line or inferior hepatic angle shows diagnostic value in the cases of local or pan-peritonitis with the acute appendicitis. 6. The shadows of much fecal densities (over 58.9% of cases) will be significantly related to the acute appendicitis.

      • 도시 대기먼지의 위해평가에 있어서 황사효과 분석

        이종태,손지영,조용성 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2006 한국보건교육·건강증진학회 학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.- No.-

        황사는 대기오염과 관련하여 심혈관계 빛 호흡기계 질환으로 인한 사망의 증가 등의 건강영향으로 인해 관심의 대상이 되어왔다. 그러나 최근의 황사성분을 분석한 연구결과에 따르면 실제로 황사기간 동안에 전체먼지농도 중 조대먼지농도의 비율은 증가한 반면 미세 먼지농도의 비율은 감소하였고 유해한 중금속의 농도도 별다른 변화를 보이지 않거나 오히려 감소하였다. 이에 본 연구에서는 서울시의 2000년부터 2004까지의 5개년 자료를 이용하여 황시사기를 포함한 경우와 포함하지 않은 경우를 비교하여 황사현상으로 인한 대기먼지가 총 사망에 미치는 영향을 비교ㆍ분석하였다. 분석결괴에 따르면 총 사망에 미치는 대기먼지의 영향은, 황사시기를 포함하여 분석한 경우보다 황사시기를 제외하고 분석한 경우에서 더 큰 건강영향을 보였다. 즉, 황사시기를 제외하고 분석한 경우에서 대기먼지가 총 사망에 미치는 위험의 크기가 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 이는 황사의 화학성분 및 황사 시기의 사람들의 행동양식의 변화와 같은 노출의 감소로 설명될 수 있으며, 도시 대기오염의 건강위해성을 평가함에 있어서 황사시기를 포함하여 분석하는 경우 도시 대기오염, 특히 대기먼지의 위해도를 과소평가할 가능성이 있으며, 지금까지 제안되는 기존의 연구결과보다 실제 도시 미세먼지의 건강영향이 훨씬 더 클 수 있음을 본 연구결과가 제시하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        폐암의 경간동맥전새술

        이종태 대한영상의학회 1985 대한영상의학회지 Vol.21 No.6

        From March 1985 to September 1985, Transcatheter hepatic arterial embolization was performed in 17 primary hepatoma and 8 metstasis of liver in Department of Radiology, Yonsei University College of Medicine. Metastatic cancers of liver were one nasopharyngeal cancer, one small bowel leiomyosarcoma, one gall bladder cancer and 5 colon cancers. The used embolization materials were the followings: Gelfoam particles for one primary hepatoma, 95% absolute ethanol for 4 patients, lalon(250-590$\mu$m)for 19 patients and autologous blood clots for one metastasis. The results were summarized as the follows: 1. The devascularization of tumor vessels in post-embolization hepatic angiogram was complete in 6 primary hepatoma and one metastasis and partial in 11 primary hepatoma and 7 metastasis. 2. In the follow-up CT evaluation 3 to 4 weeks after embolization, well necrotic density was revealed in 8 primary hepatoma and one metastasis. 3. The complications were fever with higher than 38$^{\circ}C$(92 ), abdominal pain(72%) and nausia or vomiting(40%). They were subsided within one to 7 days after embolization. 4. In liver function study, sGOT and sGPT were elvated in 96% of total cases and returned to normal within 3 to 7 days. Alkaline phosphatase was elevated in 80% of total cases and returned to normal within 15 to 30 days. LDH was variable. In 4 caes of absolute ethanol infusion, above liver enzymes were markedly elvated as 10 times or more as normal range.

      • KCI등재

        활로사징후군의 완전교정수술 전후의 단순흉부 X 선 소견에 대한 비교고찰

        이종태 대한영상의학회 1977 대한영상의학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        In thirty six cases of Tetralogy of Fallot who underwent complete total correction from 1965 to 1975 at Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, the preoperative and postoperative plain chest radiographic findings were analyzed and compared each other. The clinical and operative findings were reviewed for the details of radiologic evaluation. The clinical and operative results are as follows; 1. The patients ranged in age from one to thirty years at the time of operation and had main symptoms of dyspnea, cyanosis, upper respiratory infection, squatting and clubbing in descending order. 2. In almost cases, the postoperative Hgb, Hct., arterial oxygen saturation and right ventricular systolic pressure are much improved within normal range. 3. In all cases except one with muscular septal defect of ventricle, membranous defects are noticed and in 18 cases the size of defect is above 3cm2. 4. In pulmonary stenosis, combined type is in 19 cases, infundibular one in 10 cases and valvular one in 7 cases. 5. Combined anomalies are artrial septal defect in 4 cases, rightside aortic arch in 4 cases, persistent foramen ovale in 4 cases and aortic insufficiency in 3 cases. Plain chest radiographic findings are is follows; 1. In the immediatlly postoperative periord, cardiothoracic ratio was above 0.55 a stastically significant in 24 cases which measured and it was more increased in the postoperative one or two month. Thereafter, it was maintained with stable size. 2. Preoperatively elevated cardiac apex, indicative of right ventricular enlargement show no significant change in the postoperative periord. 3. Preoperative pulmonary outflow tract appears concave in 21 cases and it pappears flat or convex in the immediatley postoperative periord in 217 cases, suggesting significant posoperative change. 4. In 23 cases, preoperative pulmonary vascular markings are decreased to slight to moderate degree. They are markedly decreased in 25 cases in the immediat y postoperative periord and gradually increased or within normal range from the postoperative one month. 5. In plain chest radiographs, the incidence of mediastinal widening due to hemorrhage when operation and pulmonary congestion in lower lung fields between immediately postoperative periord and postoperative one month.

      • KCI등재후보

        지하방수로 설계를 위한 적정 위치선정 및 규모 결정에 관한 연구

        이종태,임택선,허성철,박상식,Lee. Jong-Tae,Lim. Taek-Sun,Hur. Sung-Chul,Park. Sang-Sik 한국방재학회 2008 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.8 No.5

        이 연구는 계획규모를 초과하는 홍수량으로 인하여 예상되는 하천범람피해를 경감하기 위한 지하방수로 계획에서의 적정 위치선정 및 규모를 결정하기 위한 기초분석기술에 대한 것으로서, 1998년과 2001년에 집중호우로 일부제방의 범람 및 붕괴에 의해 막대한 손실이 발생한 중랑천을 대상으로 하였다. 지하방수로의 유입부 위치는 200년 빈도홍수에 취약한 서울시경계, 당현천 합류부, 월계 1교, 묵동천 합류부의 4곳을 후보지로 선정하였고, 유출부는 국공유지로서 사용이 가능한 중랑천하구부와 한강의 반포대교 우안부을 선정하였다. 유입부의 월류고별 횡월류량을 산정하고 홍수저감효과를 분석하였다. 검토결과, 유입부의 위치는 당현천 합류부가 적정한 것으로 판단되었는바, 이곳에 지하방수로 유입부를 설치하였을 때 홍수저감효과가 가장 큰 것으로 나타났다. 지하방수로의 적정규모검토를 위해 방류구 운영규칙을 단순저류, 일정률, 일정량, 일정률+일정량의 혼합방류의 4가지 방식을 기본으로 하는, 총 8가지 경우를 적용하여 비교 분석하였다. 200년 규모의 홍수에 대응하는 지하방수로의 적정규모를 검토한 결과 방수로의 크기는 단순저류(Rule D)일때 가장 큰 규모인 직경 12 m로 분석되었고, 일정률 방류(Rule E)에서는50%방류에서 직경 9 m, 일정량 방류(Rule F)에서는 직경 8 m, 일정량 + 일정률 방류(Rule G)의 경우는 직경 7 m로 각각 산정하였다. 이 연구에서 제시한 검토과정은 하천제방의 범람으로 연안의 침수피해가 막대할 것으로 예상되는 경우에 EAP 차원에서의 방수로 건설 계획에 유용할 것으로 판단된다. 또한, 중랑천 방수로를 건기시에는 서울시와 의정부지역을 연결하는 지하 도로로 활용하는 방안을 함께 고려함으로써 방수로의 활용성을 크게 증대시킬 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. In this study, to reduce the flood damage caused by flood discharge exceeding project flood, the primary technology was applied to determining the optimal location and size for underground sluiceway. The Jungrang Stream was selected for this study because the stream was overflowed and the embankment section of the stream was destroyed owing to localized torrential rainfall in 1998 and 2001. Considering 200-year frequency storm, the inlets of the underground discharge channel were located at Seoul City limits, the confluence of Danghyun Stream, Wolgye 1-gyo, and the confluence of Mukdong Stream. The outlets were located at the estuary of Jungrang Stream and rightbank of Banpo Bridge in Han River. The transverse discharge according to the variation of overflow depth at the inlet of underground discharge channel was estimated and the effect of inundation reduction was analyzed. To examine the appropriate scale of the underground discharge channel, the 8 operation methods for the management of outlet discharge were compared considering four rules (only storage, the constant discharge rate, the constant discharge volume, and the mixture of the constant discharge rate and discharge volume). As a result, the effect of inundation reduction was most significantly improved when the inlet was located at the confluence of Danghyun Stream. The appropriate size of underground sluiceway for 200-year frequency storm was studied, and as a result, the appropriate diameters of the underground discharge channel were 12 m in case of only storage(Rule D), 9m in 50% of discharge(Rule E), 8 m in constant discharge volume(Rule F), and 7 m in mixture method(Rule G). This investigation process can be applied to design the underground discharge channel when the inundation damage is significant in coastal area due to embankment overflow. The underground discharge channel in Jungrang Stream can also be used as an underground road to link Seoul City to Uijeongbu City during dry season.

      • KCI등재

        비 이온성 저삼수질농도의 조영제 Iopromide (Ultravist)의 임상이용과 부작용

        이종태 대한영상의학회 1988 대한영상의학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Cenerally non-ionic water-soluble contrast media has been known to be considerably better than the con-ventional ionic contrast agents because of its physiochemical properties which are more hydrophilic lower in osmolality than the ionic agents of equivalent iodine concentration. It means that the non-ionic agent has less side reactionand better general tolerance. lopromide (Ultravist) is a newly developed non-ionic contrast media that is suitable for angiography. Some non-ionic contrast media such as Metrizamide and lopamidol were clinically introduced and proved tobe the most compromising agents for neuroradiographic study but lopromide is not yet freely avalilable in the vascular study. In order to evaluate the clinical fitness and its side effects of lopromide for angiography various type of angiography were done in 136 patients using lopromide and ionic contrast media Diatrizoate meglumine for comparison 85 patients received lopromide and 51 received Diatrizoate moglumine (DTM). Similar volumes of the contrast media was administered at similar rate to both groups. The results were as the follows: 1. In celiac angiography of 31 patients with lopromide (Ultravist 370) and 18 with DTM 60there were observ-ed 9.7% mild pain and 25.8% mild heat sensation in lopromide. In DTM 60 mild pain was approximately 3 times more frequently observed than lopromide. Heat sensation is mild and similar in frequency of both groups. There was no clinically significant side effects resated to the osmolality and its difference between two groups. 2. In peripheral angiography of 47 patients with lopromide 300 and 24 with DTM 60 there were observed 19.1% mild 6.4 moderate in pain and 46.8% mild 1% moderate heat sensation in lopromide. But in DTM there were 33.3% mild 58.3% moderate and 8.3% severe pain and also 70.8% mild and 16.7% moderate heat sensation in DTM were observed. lopromide is more advantageous and better contrast agents than the DTM for peripheral vascular study on the point of low side effect related to osmolality. 3. In renal angiography there was no clinically significant side effects and its difference between two groups. 4. among 85 patients with lopromide and 51 with DTM there were 8% general side effects in lopromide and 17.6% In DTM in iopromide and 51 with DTM there were 8% general side effects in lopromide and 17.6% in DTM in lopromide they were nausia (7.1%) chilling (1.2%) and Hypotension (1.2%) The frequency of general side reactionwas not significantly different between two groups. 5. The quality of angiogram with lopromide and DTM was "good" in almost cases and there were no clinically diffrence between two groups.wo groups.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        췌장암의 초음파검사와 초음파유도하 경피세침흡인생검

        이종태 대한영상의학회 1986 대한영상의학회지 Vol.22 No.6

        Ultrasonography of pancreas has been already estabilished to be a effective method in the evalustion of pancreatic mass lesion. In addition to ultrasonography, ultrasonoguided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pancreatic mass has been known to be a safe method of obtaining tissue diagnosis in patients with pancreatic cancer without operation. From March, 1984 to June, 1986 ultrasonography and ultrasonoguided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biospsy were performed in 40 patients who had been finally diagnosed as pancreatic cancer at the Department of Radiology, Yonsei Univeristy College of Medicine. The results were summarized as follows: In ultrasonographi findings of pancreatic cancer, (1) The location of pancreatic mass is 19 cases in head , 3 in head and body, 7 in body, 4 in body and tail, 5 in tail and 2 diffuse type. (2) The size of tumor ranged under 2 cm in 2 cases, between 21 -4 cm in 21 between 4.1-6 cm in 13 and over 6 cm in 4 cases. (3) The other u traosnographic findings were 6 cases common bile duct dilatation, 4 pancreatic duct dilatation, 10 peripancreatic node enlargements, 16 liver metastasis and 3 stomach involvement . In ultrasonoguided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pancreatic cancer, (4) The cytologic diagnosis were positive malignant cell in 31 cases(77.5%), highly suspicious malignant cell, but inconclusive in 3(7.5%), negative malignant cell in 2(5.0%) and material insufficiency in 4 cases(10%) (5) No significant complication during or after procedure was found.

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