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        현와 이도의 삶과 문학

        이종호(Lee, Jong-ho) 대동한문학회 2014 大東漢文學 Vol.40 No.-

        이 글은 17세기 고령의 선비, 현와 이도의 삶과 문학을 조명한 것이다. 현와는 임란 직후 서울에서 양녕대군의 6세손으로 태어나 평탄한 소년기를 보내다가 광해조 대북정권의 난정에 가담한 백형 이심이 인조반정으로 처형되면서 집안형편이 어렵게 되었다. 그즈음 현와는 영남의 선비 이대기의 딸과 혼인하면서 초계로 낙남했고, 그 이후로 점차 영남사인으로 정착하게 된다. 소과에는 입격했으나 대과에 매번 불리하여 일정 시기에 와서 과거를 그만두었고, 고령으로 거처를 옮긴 뒤 60세를 전후하여 음직으로 종묘서 직장, 안기도 찰방 등을 역임했다. 현와의 문학세계를 개괄적으로 검토했는 바, 현와의 시 중에서 척화파 대신 정온과 성주의 병졸 이사룡의 절의정신을 노래한 작품이 수작으로 꼽히는데 모두가 병자호란이 낳은 문예적 분비물인 셈이다. 장편 산문작품은 가야산을 유람하면서 견문한 내용과 느낌을 기록한 유람기로 묘사의 사실성이 돋보이는데, 그가 초계 지역사회에서 주도적 인물이었음을 알게 해준다. 단편으로는 안동의 기녀 당아와 나눈 로맨스를 담담하게 묘사한 송별 서문과 문생 전형의 서재 이름을 풀이한 두암팔경시 서문이 평가할 만하다. 현와는 선진양한 고문을 전범으로 삼아 학습한 어우 유몽인에게서 고문을 배웠기에 장자의 문장을 전범으로 삼고 장자적 상상력에 기초하여 문장구법을 구사하려 했다. 그러나 그의 문법이 전고의 활용 등과 같은 부분에서 다소 의미전달력이 떨어져 문체가 통창하지 못한 결함이 간혹 엿보인다. 이 글에서는 지역한문학의 활성화라는 의도 아래, 새로운 작가의 발굴이라는 면에 중점을 두고, 현와의 삶과 교유를 구체적으로 살펴 향후 심화될 그의 문학세계 검토에 토대를 마련하고자 힘썼다. 아울러 이 글을 통해 17세기 병자호란 이후 나타난 蹈海의식과 忠憤정신의 형상화가 고령지역 한문학의 주된 주제였음도 확인하였다. This paper studied on the literature of Hyunwa Lee Do(1593~1668) who has lived in 17th century. Hyunwa, his literary name, was born on 1593 right after Japanese Yimjin Invasion of Korea for the 6th descendant from Yanneong-Daegoon. Eventually Gwanghae's misgovernment committed by Daebuk regime caused Yinjo Banjung(coup). As soon as his oldest brother who get involved in a misgovernment died by execution, his family was broken up. He was married Lee Daegi's daughter, and then he moved to Chogea of Youngnan Province from Seoul. Hyunwa was gradually settled immigrants in Yeungnam as a provincial Sunbi. Until then he passed Samasi but still failed Mungwa. By the way, before long he moved to Goryung, and took up a public office as a Jongmyouseo Jikjang, Angido Chalbang. We can summarize a literary world of Hyunwa as follows. Poems that vividly described Jong-on and Lee sa-ryong's faithful mind was loved to recite, and prose writings as a diary of Gayasan sight-seeing, farewell preface about pure love with gisaeng Dang-a, reading expressed his thoughts on Duarm which was a Joan-hyong's studying room are his major work. In short, he was one of the talented provincial intelligentsia in 17th century of Choson dynasty, used Jangja's imagination to write prose. To conclude, I believe that his literary works based on Byungja-horan which broke out in 1636. Also his Dohae mind and Chungboon sprit stemmed from the bitter experience forced to give in to Chung, Manchurian empire treated as a Barbarian.

      • KCI등재

        文山 李載毅의 삶과 交遊

        李鍾虎(Lee Jong-Ho) 한국인물사연구소 2010 한국인물사연구 Vol.13 No.-

        Moonsan is Lee Jae-ui(1772~1839)'s pen name. He is born the eldest grandson of the Jeonju Lee's Dukchun family line. Jeonju Lee's family is a prince of the blood in Chosun dynasty.. His noble birth make him a proud person. His birthplace was Seoul, but he have lived in Yongin, Kyunggi province. Especially he is a great-grandson of chief general, Lee Ju-guk who loved by king Jungjoe. Lee Jae-ui should carry out a duty of descendant offering sacrifice to his ancestors. That is a devout and unavoidable fate for him. Because he has a strong consciousness of offering sacrifice to his ancestors. He didn't go into government service at all. Instead of it, he made an effort to cultivate his morals and manage the family. Lee Jae-ui was taught chinese literature by Nam, you-do and the confucian scriptures by Ryu, Jung-mo in early years. During adult ages, he was a disciple of Park, yoon-won and Song, hwan-ki who are prominent scholars of confucianism. And then he promoted a friendship with lung, Jaw-meun Ann, ho Kim, young Sim, Ryu Song, Myung-hee lung, Yak-yong etc., they are his senior scholars. Whang, Gi-chun and Hong, Jik-pil, Lee, Man-jung and Sim, Du-young are Lee Jae-ui's best friends, First of all, he was known by lung, Yak-yong's argument parter of human nature. We hope that Lee Jae-ui's literature and thought is studied deeply sooner or later.

      • KCI등재

        韓醫學으로 보는 文宗의 疑問死에 대하여

        이종호(Lee, Jong-Ho),안덕균(Ahn, Duk-Kyun) 백산학회 2009 白山學報 Vol.- No.83

        The authors explained the hypothesis that Moonjong of Lee's Dynasty maybe died by the unexplaining treatment of the Medical Officer named JeonSoonEu. Moonjong had very slight desease called swelling, but Medical Officer gave him very poisonous Pinellia ternata in Pheasant meat, So he suddenly died in the three year of reign means very short period among the Lee's Dynasty. Generally Pheasant like to eat Pinellia ternata during the Summer, So If one want to eat the Pheasant meat must waite till the winter. Because during the winter Pheasant can't found the Pinellia ternata, so Pheasant meat not toxic. ... Who is the orderer, are not yet reaveled instead of JeonSoonEu. One cann't give the confidence as a prime mover of JeonSoonEu, because he is only one of the Medical Officier. So one thinks that probably SeJo, the younger brother, one of the most powerful king during the Lee's Dynasty is the main suspecter. Sejo killed the nephew Danjong, Son and succesor of MoonJong, and catch the reins of government by 'coup d'etat’. If Sejo connect with the Moonjong's died, maybe he is the only one suverean who killed the two kings overall the Korean history.

      • 벌크 FinFET의 기술 동향 및 이슈

        이종호,최규봉,Lee, Jong-Ho,Choi, Kyu-Bong 한국진공학회 2016 진공 이야기 Vol.3 No.1

        FinFETs are able to be scaled down to 22 nm and beyond while suppressing effectively short channel effect, and have superior performance compared to 2-dimensional (2-D) MOSFETs. Bulk FinFETs are built on bulk Si wafers which have less defect density and lower cost than SOI(Silicon-On-Insulator) wafers. In contrast to SOI FinFETs, bulk FinFETs have no floating body effect and better heat transfer rate to the substrate while keeping nearly the same scalability. The bulk FinFET has been developed at 14 nm technology node, and applied in mass production of AP and CPU since 2015. In the development of the bulk FinFETs at 10 nm and beyond, self-heating effects (SHE) is becoming important. Accurate control of device geometry and threshold voltage between devices is also important. The random telegraph noise (RTN) would be problematic in scaled FinFET which has narrow fin width and small fin height.

      • 우리 문화유산속의 과학(5) - 경주 포석정의 회돌이 원리

        이종호,Lee, Jong-Ho 한국과학기술단체총연합회 2002 과학과 기술 Vol.35 No.5

        경주 포석정은 사적 1호로 신라시대 헌강왕 이전에 건립된 것으로 추정되는데 고래모양의 수로 위에 띄운 술잔을 돌리며 시와 노래를 즐기도록 만든 것이다. 술잔이 사람 앞에서 맴돌게 만든 이 포석정은 유체역학적으로 와류(회돌이) 현상이 생기도록 설계한 것으로 우리 선조들의 지혜와 과학기술의 바탕에서 이루어진 것이다.

      • 우리 문화유산속의 과학(6) - 한지, 천년세월 견뎌내는 '살아있는 종이'

        이종호,Lee, Jong-Ho 한국과학기술단체총연합회 2002 과학과 기술 Vol.35 No.7

        우리나라의 한지는 세계에서 가장 우수한 종이요 천년 세월을 견뎌내는 것은 물론 썩지도 않는다. 2~7세기 사이에 전래된 것으로 추측되는 우리의 한지는 닥나무를 재료로 하고 있는데 창문용으로 사용되는 창호지는 바람과 빛을 통과시키고 습도까지 조절하는 기능까지 갖추고 있어 '살아있는 종이'라고도 한다.

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