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      • KCI등재

        홍수에 의한 하도변형을 고려한 물리서식처 모의

        이성진,김승기,최성욱,Lee, Sungjin,Kim, Seung Ki,Choi, Sung-Uk 대한토목학회 2014 대한토목학회논문집 Vol.34 No.3

        본 연구에서는 하상변동의 고려가 물리서식처 모의에 미치는 영향을 검토하였다. 이를 위해 수리 및 이동상 계산은 CCHE2D 모형을 이용하였으며 서식처 적합도 곡선을 사용하여 서식처 평가를 실시하였다. 적용구간은 달천 유역 괴산댐 하류 수전교에서 대수보까지 약 2.5km 구간이며, 2006년 7월 홍수기 시 실측된 유량 및 수위자료를 이용하여 이동상 모의를 수행하였다. 수치모형의 검증은 실측된 수위와의 비교를 통해 수행되었으며 하상변동의 검증은 실시 하지 않았다. 물리서식처 분석은 우점종인 성어기 피라미를 대상으로 실시하였다. 고정상과 이동상 조건에서 각각 갈수량, 저수량, 평수량, 풍수량의 유랑조건에 대한 복합서식처 적합도 지수 분포를 모의하고 가중가용면적을 산정하였다. 모의 결과, 이동상 조건에서 모의구간의 상류 및 만곡부에서 복합 서식처 적합도지수가 상승하는 결과를 확인하였다. 또한 가중가용면적은 이동상 고려 시 5.4~11.3%정도 증가하는 것을 확인하였다. This study investigates the impact of morphological change on the physical habitat simulation. For this, CCHE2D model is used for the hydraulic analysis including the morphological change, and the physical habitat suitability is assessed with habitat suitability curves. The model is applied to a 2.5km long reach downstream of the Goesan Dam, from Sujeon Bridge to Daesu Weir. Flow data of discharge and stage in July, 2006 are used in the computation. The numerical model is verified by means of comparison with the measured water surface elevation data, and the variation of the river bed is not verified in this study. Adult Zacco platypus is chosen for the dominant species. Physical habitat simulations result in composite habitat suitability and weighted usable area for drought, low, normal, and averaged-wet flows. The simulation results indicate that the composite suitability index increased at reaches right downstream of the Sujeon Bridge and around the bend. This also increased weighted usable area by 5.4-11.3%.

      • KCI등재

        갑상선 유두상암에서 림프절 전이 유무에 따른 Bcl-2, Bax 및 p27의 발현양상

        이성진,진성민,이상혁,여장옥,이선욱,손진희,채승완,김동훈 대한이비인후과학회 2010 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.53 No.3

        Background and ObjectivesZZThe aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the expression of Bcl-2, Bax, p27 and lymph node metastasis (LNM) in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). Subjects and MethodZZThe thyroid tissue samples were obtained randomly from the department of pathology at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital. The specimens were from 72 patients, comprising 25 patients with thyroid nodular hyperplasia (TNH), 23 PTC without LNM, and 24PTC with LNM between January 2006 and May 2008. Immunohistochemical staining for Bcl-2, Bax, and p27 was performed, and quantified blindly by three pathologists who had no clinical information of the patients. Immunohistochemical expression was scored as high (>25% of cells stained) or low (0-25%). ResultsZZExpression of Bcl-2 was scored as high for 1 (4%) TNH, 3 (13%) PTC without LNM and 4 (17%) PTC with LNM cases. Expression of Bax was scored as high for 0 (0%)TNH, 9 (39%) PTC without LNH and 16 (67%) PTC with LNM cases. Expression of p27 was scored as high for 13 (52%) TNH, 12 (52%) PTC without LNM and 13 (54%) PTC with LNM cases. Expression of Bax in the PTC with LNM group was scored higher than TNH (p<.01) and PTC without LNM (p<.05). There was no statistically difference in the immunoreactivity for Bcl-2 and p27 among the three groups. However, some positive expressions of p27were noted at the cytoplasm of the PTC. ConclusionZZOur results suggest that immunohistochemical analysis of Bax may be helpful in the diagnosis of PTC and in the evaluation of lymph node metastatic potential in PTC. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2010;53:153-8

      • KCI등재

        후방인공수정체 탈구에 대한 반대방향 외부(ab externo) 공막고정술

        이성진,최경식,박성희,정기용 대한안과학회 2007 대한안과학회지 Vol.48 No.10

        Purpose: To report the clinical effects of reverse ab externo scleral fixation with scleral penetration using a 10-0 prolene needle in patients with dislocation of a posterior chamber intraocular lens (PCIOL). Methods: The ab externo scleral fixation technique uses a corneal tunnel and a loop of 10-0 propylene made by 2 consecutive scleral sutures to fix the haptic to the sclera. The reverse technique penetrates the sclera with a 10-0 prolene needle instead of a 26-gauge needle and introduces the 26-gauge needle into the corneal tunnel to pull the 10-0 prolene needle through, thus creating a loop around the haptic and fixing it to the sclera. Scleral fixation was performed on one haptic in 2 eyes and on both haptics in 3 eyes. Results: The dislocated IOLs were successfully repositioned, and the corrected visual acuity was improved postoperatively in all 5 eyes. There was no specific complication except mild hyphema in 1 eye. Conclusions: Reversed ab externo scleral fixation is an easy and effective way to reposition dislocated PCIOLs and decrease the complication of hemorrhage and hypotony frequently associated with the standard ab externo technique.

      • KCI등재

        건축물 용도 변경과 임대인의 의무 - 대법원 2021. 4. 29 선고 2021다202309 판결 -

        이성진 경북대학교 법학연구원 2021 법학논고 Vol.- No.74

        A lease becomes effective when one of the parties has agreed to allow the other party to use an object and take profits therefrom, and the latter has agreed to pay rent for it. Article 623 of the Civil Code provides that: A lessor is bound to deliver the object to the lessee, to maintain conditions necessary for the use and taking profits of the leased object while the lease is in force. In the case of the target judgment(the Supreme Court's judgment of 2021da202309 sentenced on April 29, 2021), the defendant company B delivered the object to the plaintiff without changing the use of the building to a neighborhood living facility. At the time of the lease contract in this case, the defendant company B and the plaintiff agreed that the purpose of the lease was to operate a convenience store. Landlord Defendant Company B is obliged to make it possible for the lessee plaintiff to report for convenience store operation or apply for designation as a tobacco retailer. Therefore, Company B, who delivered the object without changing the use of the building to a neighborhood living facility that can operate a convenience store and apply for designation as a tobacco retailer, violated the obligation to deliver the object. And after that, the defendant company B is still obligated to change the use of the building from a factory to a neighborhood living facility. However, the target judgment was decided only in the standardized framework of the establishment of the lease contract and the obligations of the lessor. If the Supreme Court had considered the circumstances and motives that led to the lease agreement, it is thought that it could have denied the lessor's duty to repair through the principle of good faith. 임대인의 수선의무를 발생시키는 사용・수익의 방해에 해당하는지는 구체적인 사안에 따라 목적물의 종류 및 용도, 파손 또는 장해의 규모와 부위, 이로 인하여 목적물의 사용・수익에 미치는 영향의 정도, 그 수선이 용이한지 여부와 이에 소요되는 비용, 임대차 계약 당시 목적물의 상태와 차임의 액수 등 제반 사정을 참작하여 사회통념에 의하여 판단하여야 할 것이다. 대상판결(대법원 2021. 4. 29 선고 2021다202309 판결)의 경우, 피고 B 회사가 원고에게 하자 즉 건축물의 용도를 공장으로 변경하여 둔 것을 다시 근린생활시설로 변경하지 아니하고 목적물을 인도하였다. 이 사건 임대차 계약 시에 피고 B 회사와 원고는 임차 목적이 편의점 운영임을 약정하였으므로, 임대인 피고 B 회사는 임차인 원고가 편의점 운영을 위한 영업신고나 담배소매인 지정신청 등이 가능하도록 할 의무가 있다고 볼 것이다. 피고 B 회사가 건축물의 용도를 편의점 운영과 담배소매인 지정신청 등이 가능한 근린생활시설로 변경하지 않고 목적물을 인도한 것은 목적물 인도의무를 위반한 것이다. 그리고 그 이후 피고 B 회사는 여전히 건축물의 용도를 공장에서 근린생활시설로 변경할 수선의무를 부담하고 있다고 볼 것이다. 다만, 대상판결은 임대차 계약의 성립과 임대인의 임차목적물 사용・수익 상태 유지의무의 정형화된 틀에서만 판시하였는데, 임대차 계약에 이르게 된 경위나 동기 등을 세심히 살폈더라면 신의칙이나 형평의 원칙 등을 통하여 임대인의 수선의무를 부정할 수도 있었다고 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        성년후견제도의 문제점과 개선방안 - 성년후견을 중심으로 -

        이성진 민사법의 이론과 실무학회 2015 民事法理論과 實務 Vol.18 No.2

        극심한 신체적 장애로 인하여 도저히 자신의 의사를 표시할 보조수단이 없을 경우에는 민법 제9조를 유추적용하여 성년후견의 요건을 갖춘 것으로 보든지, 또는 성년후견개시의 요건으로서의 사무를 처리할 능력은 사무에 관해서 ‘결정하여’ 표시할 수 있는 능력을 의미하므로 이러한 ‘결정’을 할 수 없는 상태라면, 그 밖의 사유로 인하여 정신적 제약이 있는 경우에 해당하여 성년후견을 개시할 수 있다고 해석하는 것이 타당할 것이다. 민법 제9조의 ‘지속적’이라는 것은 불필요하며, ‘결여’라는 의미는 ‘없거나 현저히 부족함’으로 이해하여야 성년후견과 한정후견의 차이가 명확해지므로, 민법 제9조를 “… 정신적 제약으로 사무를 처리할 능력이 없거나 현저히 부족한 사람에 대하여 …”라고 개정하는 것이 바람직할 것이다. 미성년자인 상태에서는 피성년후견인으로서 보호될 수는 없지만, 민법 제9조는 미성년후견인 그리고 미성년후견감독인은 성년후견을 청구할 수 있도록 규정하고 있으므로 성년자가 되어도 정신적 제약이 계속될 경우 미성년자의 성년기가 임박하여 그 보호의 공백을 막기 위하여 성년후견이나 한정후견을 청구할 수 있다고 생각한다. The Civil Act Article 9 (1) The Family Court shall adjudicate on the commencement of adult guardianship for a person who continuously lacks the capacity to manage affairs due to mental restraints caused by a disease, disability, old age or by any other cause upon the application of the principal, his/her spouse, his/her first cousin or closer relative, guardian of the minor, supervisor of guardianship for the minor, limited guardian, supervisor of limited guardianship, specific guardian, supervisor of specific guardianship, public prosecutor, or the head of a local government. (2) The Family Court shall take the will of the principal into account in adjudicating on the commencement of adult guardianship. With regard to the interpretation of the above provisions, if it is is impossible to use means of assistance that can express his own account due to severe physical disability, article 9 of the civil law can be so for this case. The ‘continuously’ of article 9 of the civil law is unnecessary. ‘lacks’ of article 9 of the civil law means ‘absent or greatly lacking’. Therefore ‘continuously lacks’ of article 9 of the civil law must be revised. Any juristic act done by an adult ward is voidable. The Family Court may determine the scope of the irrevocable juristic acts of adult wards. Any juristic act necessary for everyday life and the price for which is not excessive, such as the purchase of daily necessities, shall not be cancelled by an adult guardian.

      • KCI등재

        『동산 ․ 채권 등의 담보에 관한 법률』상 동산담보등기

        이성진 민사법의 이론과 실무학회 2011 民事法理論과 實務 Vol.15 No.1

        In order to get out at excessive dependence regarding real security, we have to utilize positively movables security. Specially, small and medium-sized businesses have trouble in financing with shortages of collaterals such as real estate, even if they are maintaining generally a technology with considerable levels. So they must be able to raise funds through movables like machine and facilities. Therefore, in order to activate a movables security system, the act on movables security system which is called 『Act on Security of movables and claim etc.』 was established recently. 『the Act on Security over Movable Property, Receivables, etc.』 is established on June 10 in 2010 in other to activate a movables security system. And this law is enforced on June 11 in 2012. There can be various issues and problems in 『the Act on Security over Movable Property, Receivables, etc.』 because registration of movables security and receivables, etc. is enforced for the first time. Among them, I study manner, effectiveness, etc. with respect to the registration of movables security on 『the Act on Security over Movable Property, Receivables, etc.』 at this paper. Through this paper, I suggest various interpretive method and my point of view of the registration of movables security on 『the Act on Security over Movable Property, Receivables, etc.』.

      • KCI등재후보

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