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업무용도로 이용되는 모바일 인스턴트 메신저에서 인지된 보안성, 인지된 프라이버시, 인지된 즐거움, 인지된 상호작용성이 지속이용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
이지은,황찬규,권두순,Lee, Jieun,Hwang, Changyu,Kwon, Dosoon 디지털산업정보학회 2015 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.11 No.3
As smart phones become more common nowadays, mobile instant messengers such as kakao talk and line are used as essential communication tools exchanging information between individuals. Also, the mobile instant messengers extend their use to business area beyond communication between individuals. This study is on how factors of mobile instant messenger such as perceived security, perceived privacy, perceived enjoyment and perceived interactivity affect business continual usage intention through perceived usefulness. The proposed model is based on Expectation-Confirmation Theory of Oliver and Technology Acceptance Mode of Bhattacherjee. For an analysis, 159 survey responses were collected from the office workers in Seoul and nearby cities, having experiences of mobile instant messengers. To validate the proposed research model, PLS analysis is performed with the valid 154 questionnaires. The path analysis results are as follows. First, perceived security has a positive effect on expectation-confirmation. Second, perceived enjoyment has a positive effect on perceived usefulness. Third, perceived interactivity has a positive effect on both perceived usefulness and expectation-confirmation. Fourth, perceived usefulness has a positive usefulness on satisfaction and continual usage intention of mobile instant messenger. Last, expectation-confirmation has a positive effect on perceived usefulness, and satisfaction has a positive effect on continual usage intention of mobile instant messenger. Since the mobile instant messenger may bring a pressure of work and a violation of privacy, it is necessary that the company provide a guideline for use of the mobile instant messenger and establish the in-house mobile instant messenger system.
중소 ICT 기업 학습조직 참여자의 셀프리더십이 학습지향성과 LMX를 통하여 직무만족에 미치는 영향
김남환,황찬규,Kim, Nanhwan,Hwang, Changyu 디지털산업정보학회 2018 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.14 No.1
Global conglomerates in the late 2010s are seeking changes from the existing method of financial growth into that of sustainable growth, as they are facing the age of 4th industrial revolution. In preparation for this change of the times and to stay competitive, small businesses are required to produce creative knowledge, and systematically share and store it by means of implementing voluntary and specific changes in their convictions and actions. This study aims to empirically examine how the ICT small businesses' organizational learning participants' self-leadership affect their job satisfaction through organization orientation and Leader-Member Exchange(LMX). The research sample consists of the first to third-year employees that have previously participated in the small businesses' organizational learning support project, and of learning leaders, group leaders, and group members from companies that have previously concluded the project. The results are as follows: First, the self-leadership at the ICT small businesses' organizational learning project has been shown to have a positive effect on job satisfaction. The same positive results are shown in learning orientation and LMX. Second, the learning orientation has been shown to have a positive effect on job satisfaction. Third, the LMX has been shown to have a positive effect on job satisfaction.
국가품질상 모델을 적용한 ICT산업의 인과 관계 분석 연구
신동근,황찬규,Shin, Dongkeun,Hwang, Changyu 디지털산업정보학회 2018 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.14 No.1
The purpose of this study is to develop the measuring instruments for evaluation criteria for Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award(MBNQA), suitable for ICT Industries, and to analyze the cause-effect relationship between those criteria through aforementioned instruments. MBNQA is formed with seven categories: Leadership, Strategic planning, Focus on patients, other customers and markets, Measurement, analysis and knowledge management, Human resource focus, Process management and Results. As excluding the Human Resource Focus category, this study empirically examined the cause-effect relationship among six categories. In order to empirically examine the research model, this study calculated Cronbach's alpha and reliability index, thus examined the reliability and executed Exploratory Factor Analysis. Furthermore, Average Variance Extracted(AVE) is used to verify the discriminant validity. Lastly, the hypothesis testing was made complete through significance test on the paths between variables. The result of this study shows that both leadership and social responsibility have direct cause-effect relationship with Measurement, analysis and knowledge management, Human resource focus, Process management and also that this relationship has direct impact on Human resource focus, Measurement, analysis and knowledge management as well, consequently exerting influence on the result through Process management, Finance and Market data.
디지털아카이브 전시장 관람객의 감정반응요인이 몰입과 만족을 통해 전시성과에 미치는 영향
김인환,황찬규,황인진,홍순근,Kim, Inhwan,Hwang, Changyu,Hwang, Injin,Hong, Soongeun 디지털산업정보학회 2016 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.12 No.3
Recently, the exhibition industry based on digital archive has been rapidly growing and the industry sees an innovative change with diverse digital archive exhibition venues emerging. Enabling visitors to enjoy new and varied exhibition provides a turning point to the exhibition environment. In today's world where IT (Information Technology) leads social changes, new framework and contents are required to establish digital culture that connects traditional culture with advanced information telecommunications. The objective of this study is to identify factors that influence the audience in a digital archive exhibition venue and to analyze impacts of these factors on exhibition success based on immersion and satisfaction. The study presents a research model that applies significant variables of emotional response theory in which fundamental psychological desire of humans is emphasized. To empirically verify the research model, the author conducted a survey for students of S university in Seoul and for ordinary people who have been to digital archive exhibition venues.
환경경영에서 건강신념모델을 이용한 병원환경이 대응성과 건강가치성을 통해 예방행동에 미치는 영향
장국현,황찬규,송영우,Jang, Googhyun,Hwang, Changyu,Song, Youngwoo 디지털산업정보학회 2016 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.12 No.3
Several efforts to replace the use of existing fossil energy resources have already been made around the world. As a result, a new industry of renewable energy has been created, and efficient energy distribution and storage has been promoted intensively. Among the newly explored renewable energy sources, the most widely used one is solar energy generation, which has a high market potential. An energy storage system (ESS) is a system as required. In this paper, the design and implementation of an ESS for the efficient use of power in stand-alone street lights is presented. In current ESS applied to stand-alone street lights, either 12V~24V DC (from solar power) or 110V~220V AC (from commercial power) is used to recharge power in systems with lithium batteries. In this study, an ESS that can support both solar power and commercial power was designed and implemented; it can also perform emergency recharge of portable devices from solar powered street lights. This system can maximize the scalability of ESSes using lithium batteries with efficient energy conversion, with the advantage of being an eco-friendly technology. In a ripple effect, it can also be applied to smart grids, electric vehicles, and new, renewable storage markets where energy storage technology is required.
기업 종사자들의 공정성 지각이 심리자본과 직무만족을 통해 조직몰입에 미치는 영향 : 건설업·제조업 종사자를 중심으로
엄재규,황찬규,송영우,Eom, Jaekyu,Hwang, Changyu,Song, Youngwoo 디지털산업정보학회 2016 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.12 No.3
With research findings that the righteous and advanced society relies on the microscopic personal experience related to the justice as well as the perilous reality of 70% of corporate employees in all industrial environment, this study samples employees in the manufacturing and construction industry, both of which take up 40% of all industries, to look into how the awareness of the justice within their organizations influences the organizational commitment through psychological capital and occupational satisfaction; and to understand the beginnings for the macroscopic change. As a result of verifying the interrelationship between the justice and psychological factors, distributive justice and interactive justice are in a positive relationship with the psychological capital while procedural justice shows no influence; the procedural justice and interactive justice are positive with the occupational satisfaction whereas the distributive justice shows no influence. Also psychological capital appears positive with the occupational satisfaction and organizational commitment while occupational satisfaction is positively related to the organizational commitment.
컨설팅 기업 조직원의 성격 특성이 셀프리더쉽과 자기효능감을 통해 직무만족에 미치는 영향
유인철,황찬규,이대근,Ryu, Inchul,Hwang, Changyu,Lee, Daekun 디지털산업정보학회 2017 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.13 No.3
The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of character traits of employees of consulting firm on job satisfaction through self-leadership and self-efficacy. The proposed model is based on big5 model of Coasta and McCrae(1992). To validate the proposed model, structural equation model is analyzed with the valid 140 questionnaires collected from Seoul and nearby cities by using Smart PLS 3.0. The results are as follows. First, extraversion has a positive effect on self-leadership, not on self-efficacy. Second, agreeableness has a positive effect on self-leadership, not on self-efficacy. Third, conscientiousness has a positive effect on both self-leadership and self-efficacy. Fourth, emotional stability does not have a positive effect on both self-leadership and self-efficacy. Fifth, openness to experience has a positive effect on both self-leadership and self-efficacy. Sixth, self-leadership has a positive effect on self-efficacy. Seventh, self-leadership has a positive effect on job satisfaction. Last, self-efficacy has a positive effect on job satisfaction. This research proves that, while the character of employees generally forms the meaningful relationship with self-leadership and self-efficacy, in some entries of Big 5 character elements it has still produced the different results with the previous researches, which betrays that the relationship between one's character and self-leadership and self-efficacy can differ according to the characteristic of jobs. It requires further study to prove how each of Big 5 elements differently effects on self-leadership and self-efficacy according to diverse characteristic of jobs.
전시디자인기업 구성원의 마음챙김이 자기효능감 직무만족을 통해 직무성과에 미치는 영향
정수형,황찬규,Jung, Soohyung,Hwang, Changyu 디지털산업정보학회 2018 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.14 No.1
The growth of the Exhibition Design Industry has been exponential both internationally and domestically since the composition and fusion of Artistic Culture and information. Since the introduction of various Display Techniques, such as, augmented reality, Virtual Reality, and 3D interactive applications, the Exhibition Display Industry has seen innovative development. Furthermore, this has transpired a new wave of change and globalization in social network and thru creative Exhibition Design this has become a turning point in the Exhibition Design Industry. The aim of this research is to find Influencing factors of domestic Exhibition Design Industry members. These factors thru self-efficacy and job satisfaction will study objectively to find what influences duty result and help members of Exhibition Design Industries to work comfortably and to increase productivity we are proposing effective and efficient development methods. To do this, we are suggesting a research model applied on variables of the mindfulness theory which is based on the emphasized unconsciousness which represents the existence of the mind. To objectively verify this research model, we have conducted surveys on Exhibition Design Industry workers and a Material Designer in Seoul.