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        아이덴티티의 장소로서의 경주

        황종연 동국대학교 한국문학연구소 2010 한국문학연구 Vol.0 No.39

        The image of Kyŏngju as a local Confucian town changed radically with the Japanese invasion of Korea. Architectural scholar Sekino Tadashi's study of Kyŏngju's historical remains placed the city under heavy Japanese scrutiny and signaled its conversion from Confucian city to ancient capital of Silla. Kyŏngju was meticulously re-spatialized, by colonial officials and settlers alike, through a sustained project aimed at discovering and preserving the remains of Silla and, in doing so, suppressing any surviving traces of Koryŏ and Chosŏn. Their survey and development of Kyŏngju created new appearances and instilled new conditions for experiencing the city. Hence, Korean writers, from Yi Kwangsu to Yi T’aejun, had no choice but to see and experience Kyŏngju according to the spatial representations produced and disseminated by the Japanese. Despite the regulated experience, their understanding of Kyŏngju's space differed greatly from that of the Japanese settlers and travelers: they believed a revelation instrumental to their self-awareness was hiding within the relics and legends. Regardless of its intentions, the colonial reorganization of Kyŏngju provided the cultural resources for awakening a Korean national self-consciousness and laid the foundation for the sanctification of the city which would later become invaluable in forming a South Korean national culture. This essay examines how Japanese colonialism transformed the spatial representations of Kyŏngju and how Korean writers came to perceive, imagine, and render Kyŏngju with cultural meanings. My reading of Hyŏn Chin’gŏn and Yi T’aejun will reveal that Kyŏngju became a symbolic source for Korean self-definition and self-reflection in conflict with Japanese representations and ideologies. 1902년 건축학자 세키노 다다시(関野貞)의 보고를 통해 경주의 고적이 일본인들에게 알려진 이후 경주는 신라의 도읍이라는 관점에서 다시 인식되고 개발되기 시작했다. 식민지 정부의 관리를 비롯한 일본인 거류민은 신라 유적의 발굴과 보존 사업을 주축으로 경주의 공간을 재편하면서 그곳에 잔존한 고려와 조선의 자취를 억누르고 그곳을 신라 구도로서 재생하고자 했다. 그들의 경주 조사와 개발은 경주의 새로운 광경을 창출한 동시에 사실상 경주 경험의 새로운 조건을 창출했다. 1917년 조선 남부 순례 중에 경주를 방문한 이광수를 시작으로 조선인 작가들은 일본인이 개발한 유람 행로를 따라 경주를 여행하고 일본인이 만들어낸 표상 구조에 의존하여 경주를 인식할 수밖에 없었다. 그렇지만 그들이 일본인 거류민이나 여행자와 같은 방식으로 경주를 이해했던 것은 아니다. 오히려 그들은 경주의 고적과 전설에서 조선인의 자각에 유용하다고 믿어지는 어떤 계시를 구하고 있었다. 경주 공간의 식민주의적 재편은 그 의도와 무관하게 조선인의 민족의식의 발양에 적합한 문화적 자원을 공급했으며 나중에 한국 국민문화 구축의 중요한 수단의 하나를 이루는 경주의 성지화(聖地化)에 토대를 제공했다. 경주는 식민지 조선인이 당대의 집합적 삶의 요구에 맞게 스스로를 형성하는 데에 유용한 상징과 이야기의 원천이 되었다. 현진건에게 박제상의 이야기는 현대의 자주적인 조선인의 전상(前像)을 담고 있으며, 이태준에게 오릉의 경관은 특유의 미적 감수성을 지닌 동양인이라는 의식을 북돋운다. 그들의 경주 텍스트는 흥미롭게도 1920년대와 1940년대 사이에 일어난 조선관의 중대한 변화, 즉 일본에 대립하는 자주 민족으로서의 조선에서 일본 제국의 한 지방으로서의 조선으로의 변화를 반영하고 있다. 경주에 관한 현진건과 이태준의 텍스트는 그곳이 조선인 아이덴티티의 구성에 준거가 되는 장소의 하나였음을 알려준다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        After the Apocalypse of Literature: A Critique of Karatani Kojin’s Thesis of the End of Modern Literature

        황종연 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2007 Korea Journal Vol.47 No.1

        Based on his clear understanding of the extinction of the form, role, and formative conditions of modern literature, Karatani Kojin asserts that modern literature has ended and further has fallen into the realm of entertainment. Karatanis discussion of the end of literature owes a lot to theHegelian concept of the end of art and Kojves notion of history. Karatanis end-of-literature thesis means that a historically determined possibility of knowledge and morality can no longer be realized in liter- ary works. As we all know, however, a great number of works of art produced after Hegels end-of-art declaration have significance in our culture. Another important cornerstone of Karatanis explanation is Kojves view of what comes after the end of history, as well as the animalization of humanity. According to Kojve, the end of history means that human society no longer negates the given world. However, this paper argues that despite the overriding trend of human animalization, man still has the impulse to negate the given nature, culture, and the self that constitute them. Nevertheless, Karatanis thesis should be regarded as a challenge for us to think more seriously about the reasons why literature itself must exist.

      • KCI등재

        Assessment of Inorganic Chemicals in Groundwater in Rural Provinces of Korea

        황종연,박선화,김문수,조훈제,이경미,전상호,송다희,김덕현,김태승,정현미,김현구 한국환경분석학회 2017 환경분석과 독성보건 Vol.20 No.2

        In this study, we focused on the evaluation, comparison of the physiochemical characteristics, and distribution of cations and anions in groundwater sampled in rural areas of Korea. The on-site measurements of pH, EC, DO, and ORP (average, minimum, and maximum) respectively ranged as follows: 5.7~8.7, 49~1,224 μS/cm, 0.5~11.8 mg/L, and -53.0~697 mV. The assessments of water quality for agricultural usages were evaluated using SAR, sodium (%), RSC, PI, SSP, MH, PS, and Kelly’s ratio (KR) and were classified as SAR [Excellent (100%)], Sodium [Excellent (2.1%), Good (51.1%), Permissible (39.3%), Doubtful (6.2%), Unsuitable (0.7%)], RSC [Good (100%)], PI [Excellent (100%)], SSP [Excellent (0.7%), Good (37.2%), Fair (61.4%), Poor (0.7%)], MH [Acceptable (96.6%), Non-Acceptable (3.4%)], KR [Permissible (69.7%), (Non-Permissible (30.3%)], and PS [Excellent to Good (100%)]. In addition, classifications of groundwater based on the Piper diagram showed that the groundwater was grouped into the Ca2+-(Cl--NO3 -) and Ca2+-HCO3 - types, which are general features of groundwater in Korea. Moreover, the tracking of dominance types (classified as evaporation, rock, and precipitation) based on the Gibbs diagram showed that the origins of anions and cations in the groundwater are of rock dominance.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Applications of Hydrochemical Models for the Assessment of Groundwater

        황종연,박선화,이경미,김문수,김덕현,김태승,김현구,정현미 한국환경분석학회 2017 환경분석과 독성보건 Vol.20 No.3

        In this study, we focused on the evaluation and comparison of the physico-chemical characteristics and distribution of cations and anions in groundwater sampled from 2015 (485 samples) to 2016 (145 samples) in rural provinces of Korea. The major objectives of this study were as follows: 1) quality assessment of groundwater for special usage, such as agricultural or industrial applications; 2) the determination of groundwater types; and 3) the tracing of ion sources in groundwater. The assessment of the groundwater qualities from 2015 (n=480 samples) to 2016 (n=145 samples)) for agricultural usages were conducted using SAR (Sodium Adsorption Ratio), Na(%), RSC (Residual Sodium Carbonate), PI (Permeability Index), SSP (Soluble Sodium Percent), MH (Magnesium Hazard), KR (Kelly’s Ratio) and PS (Potential soil Salinity). Furthermore, the results of samples in 2015 were classified as SAR [Excellent (100%)], Sodium [(Excellent (34%), Good (55%), Permissible (9%), Doubtful (1.6%), Unsuitable (0.4%)], RSC [(Good (95.7%), Medium (3.5%), Bad (0.8%)], PI [(Excellent (40.6%), Good (59%), Unsuitable (0.4%)], SSP [(Excellent (26.3%), Good (59.8%), Fair (13.1%), Poor (0.8%)], MH [(Acceptable (94.4%), Non-Acceptable (5.6%)], and Kelly’s Ratio [(Permissible (93%), Non-Permissible (7%)], PS [(Excellent to Good (98%), Good to Injurious (1.2%), and Injurious to Unsatisfactory (0.2%)]. In addition, the groundwater sampled in 2016 was classified as SAR [Excellent (100%)], Sodium [Excellent (2.1%), Good (51.1%), Permissible (39.3%), Doubtful (6.2%), Unsuitable (0.7%)], RSC [Good (100%)], PI [Excellent (100%)], SSP [Excellent (0.7%), Good (37.2%), Fair (61.4%), Poor (0.7%)], MH [Acceptable (96.6%), Non- Acceptable (3.4%)], KR [Permissible (69.7%), (Non-Permissible (30.3%)], and PS [Excellent to Good (100%)]. Evaluations based on the Wilcox diagram were classified as “excellent to good” or “good to permissible” and the water quality evaluated using the U.S. Salinity Laboratory’s Diagram was classified as C1S1 (Excellent/ Excellent) and C2S1 (Good/Excellent) for all samples from 2015 to 2016. Moreover, in the application of two factors of the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) and Corrosive ratio (CR), we obtained similar results for defining the suitability of groundwater for industrial purposes.

      • 환경분야 시험 · 검사기관 정도관리 제도 소개

        황종연,이혜리,고상호,이진주,김지혜,전수아,김효경,박창희,허유정,신선경 한국분석과학회 2021 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.11

        환경분야 시험 · 검사 등에 관한 법률(이하, 환경시험 · 검사법) 제18조의2(시험 · 검사기관의 정도관리)에서는 같은 법 시행령 제13조의5(시험 · 검사기관 등)에서 정하고 있는 환경 분야 시험 · 검사기관에 대하여 정도관리를 하도록 정하고 있다. 정도관리는 시행령 제13조의5 제3항에 따라서 매년 표준시료의 분석 능력을 평가하는 숙련도 시험과 시험 · 검사기관의 기술인력, 시설, 장비 및 운영능력 등에 대한 실태평가와 이에 관련된 자료를 평가하여 판정하는 현장평가로 구분된다. 숙련도 시험은 매년 실시하며, 현장평가는 3년 주기로 실시하도록 하고 있다. 정도관리는 환경시험 · 검사법 시행규칙 제17조의2(정도관리심의회 등)에서 정한 위임업무에 따라서 국립환경과학원에서 실시하고 있다. 위임규정에 근거하여 국립환경과학원은 ‘환경시험 · 검사기관 정도관리 운영 등에 대한 규정(국립환경과학원 고시)’에 따라서 1,400여 시험실에 대한 정도관리를 실시하고 있다.

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