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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        In the Aftermath of the Korean War: Colonial Modernities and Gendered Nationalism in Sin Sang-ok's Hell Flower (1958)

        황정현 문학과영상학회 2014 문학과영상 Vol.15 No.3

        This paper primarily concerns a cultural history of 1950s Korean society. In delving into it, Sin Sang-ok's 1958 film Hell Flower is analyzed as an allegory of the construction of Korean modernity through gendered nationalism. The postwar fifties was a formative period of modern Korea in all its aspects: it emerged as a modern nation-state out of the dynamics of the internecine war, the Cold War inter-state system, and the volatile Rhee regime. The war also reconfigured social classes accelerating the transformation of the feudal agrarian economic system into the modern industrial mode of production; and in the social vacuum left by the devastating war, American cultural influences introduced capitalist values of money and sexuality, which in contestation with traditional Confucian morals laid a general framework of modern Korean culture. As a popular cultural product of the time, Hell Flower is a poignant illustration of such historical, politico-economic, and socio-cultural conditions of a Korean modernity. Above all, it showcases how the building of modern nation was premised upon masculinist nationalism, which in a collusive liaison with the neo-colonial project of modernization, simultaneously displaces and appropriates its own women.

      • KCI등재

        (Re)Thinking History -Benjamin’s Historical Materialism and Nietzsche’s Genealogy-

        황정현 동국대학교 동서사상연구소 2021 철학·사상·문화 Vol.- No.36

        By conducting a comparative close reading of Walter Benjamin’s “These on the Philosophy of History” and Friedrich Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality, this paper proposes that the dialectical methodology of Benjamin’s historical materialism resonates with Nietzsche’s genealogical approach to history as a succession of interpretive regimes. Both Benjamin and Nietzsche see history as a contentious, contingent/discontinuous, and dynamic/dialectical process. Just as Benjamin sees history as the victor’s record treading down the victim’s story, Nietzsche’s genealogy traces the emergent process of a dominant system out of violent clashes between contending forces. Also, as Benjamin searches for a dialectical unity out of contentious historical elements, or a “constellation” of a present moment of danger with a particular past event, Nietzsche posits a genealogical unraveling of entangled interpretations as a “crystallization” into a unity. Most significantly, both thinkers share their ultimate concerns in rethinking history. As Nietzsche envisions a new ethics of life-affirming asceticism, Benjamin entreats for an ethical take on historiography as a redemptive practice for the oppressed.

      • KCI등재

        비언어적 활동을 통한 동화교육 방법론

        황정현 서울교육대학교 초등교육연구소 2000 한국초등교육 Vol.11 No.2

        In this paper I am concerned with nonverbal activities as methods of teaching fairy tales. The three reasons why I suggest that fairy tales be taught based on nonverbal methods are as follows ; First, fairy tales are basically image-centered literature. Second, children's way of receiving narratives is image-centered, too. Third, it is about time to reform the methods of teaching language arts, considering the present trend that letter-centered cultural media have been shifting to image-centered. This paper deals, based on these three reasons, with making movements, expressing images and making sounds, which help children develop their diverse and live imaginations, and thereby understand the essences of fairy tales more deeply and broadly. Besides, the methods proposed in this paper are those most familiar to children themselves.

      • KCI등재

        한·일 관계의 역학과 월남민 남성의 자아정체성 - 이범선 장편소설 ˹검은 해협˼ 연구 -

        황정현 한국문학이론과비평학회 2019 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.85 No.-

        This paper studies how the male refugee from North Korea perceives the Korea-Japan relationship in the novel Black Strait by Lee Beom-sun, and finds its meaning. This paper analyzes the relationship among character personality, hierarchical order and the background of the times, focusing on individual morality, gender and nationality. In the novel, the characters form compositions as “Korean male-Japanese male” and “Korean male-Japanese female.” The Korean man beats the Japanese man because he has superior moral sense. Because the Japanese man is mean, he cannot beat the Korean even though he uses military force. Meanwhile, an order is formed by a gender between a Korean man and a Japanese woman in a romantic relationship. Instead of being protected by the Korean man, the Japanese woman loses her identity, and her sexuality is controlled by Korean traditional patriarchal system. The relationship follows the generation of children in South Korea in the 1970s. With Japan threatening South Korea with its economic power, the Korean son wins over the Japanese son’s “money power” with dignity. This means This means not only that the view of life, which a refugee has been following since the past, are justified, but also that life continues. In the novel, the Korea-Japan relationship ends with ‘moral’ Korea embracing Japan. The relationship is exclusive to a female character because it only accepts male blood clots being cautious about Japan. The values of the male refugee from North Korea and his response to reality in Black Strait are compatible with the characteristics of Lee Beom-sun’s later works. Therefore, studies on Lee Beom-sun’s novels will help us to understand the changes in the writer’s sense as a refugee from North Korea. 본 논문은 이범선 장편소설 ˹검은 해협˼에 나타난 인물 간의 위계를 구성하는 질서를 파악하고, 월남민 남성의 한·일 관계 인식이 소설적으로 형상화되는 방식과 의미를 규명하고자 한다. 이를 위해 작중인물의 성격과 인물 간 위계의 관계를 분석하고, 이것이 작품의 시대적 배경과 맞물려 어떤 의미를 형성하는지 고찰한다. ˹검은 해협˼의 인물 관계는 젠더와 내셔널리티에 따라 크게 ‘한국인 남성-일본인 남성’, ‘한국인 남성-일본인 여성’으로 도식화할 수 있다. 남성 인물 간의 관계에서는 도덕성을 중심으로 한 개인적 자질에 의해 위계가 결정된다. ‘고결한 인품’이나 ‘자긍심’ 같은, 한국인 남성이 지닌 개인적, 정신적 자질의 우수함은 일본인 남성이 내세운 군사력과 경제력 등 ‘근대적 집단 물리력’을 이긴다. 한편 남성 인물과 여성 인물의 관계에서는 젠더에 의해 위계가 정해지며, 여성 인물의 섹슈얼리티가 제한된다. 일본인 여성은 한국인 남성의 도덕성과 권위에 기대어 보호받는 대신, 일본인이자 여성으로서 자신의 정체성을 상실한다. 이 역학 관계는 일제강점기 아버지 세대에서 1970년대 아들 세대로 이어지면서, 일본이 경제력을 앞세워 남한의 안정을 위협하는 현실에 대응한다. 나아가 이는 월남민이 한국전쟁 이전부터 고수해 온 자기 가치관의 정당성과 삶의 연속성을 확인하는 것을 의미한다. 이 소설에서 한·일 관계는 ‘윤리적 가부장(제)의 질서’를 근간으로, ‘도덕적으로 우월한’ 한국이 일본을 ‘포용’하는 것으로 마무리된다. 이 포용은 일본에 대한 경계심을 유지한 채 ‘남성 혈족’만을 대상으로 한다는 점에서 배타적이고 제한적이다. ˹검은 해협˼에 나타난, 과거의 삶을 관장하던 질서를 회복함으로써 남한에 정착한 현실에 대응하고자 하는 월남민 남성의 태도는 이범선 후기 소설의 특성과 상통한다. 나아가 전후소설의 주요 문제 중 하나인 ‘월남민의 자의식’이 이후 어떻게 지속되고 변주되었는지 추적할 단서가 된다. 따라서 이범선 작가론의 영역을 ‘전후 단편소설’의 범주를 넘어 1960-70년대 장편까지 확대, 심화한다면, 작가론의 다각적 고찰과 함께 ‘50년대 전후소설의 문제의식’의 통시적 변주를 파악하는 데 도움이 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        드라마의 인지 과정 이해

        황정현 한국문학교육학회 1999 문학교육학 Vol.3 No.-

        The goal of this research is to grasp the relations between actuality and reality, and fiction and mimesis, and show how "fiction" and "mimesis", which are the characteristics of drama, realize reality, the world of "ideas". Further, I will attempt to show the influences that the processes and relations has on learning activity. "Fiction" and "mimesis" lead us to see through the "essences" by exerting a catalystic role in cognitive processes where we grasp "the real" through "the actual". This interpretation requires us to reflect upon the resricted interpretation that fiction and mimesis are regarded as some components comprising drama. Fiction and mimesis are universal cognitive elements of the human race. We can see, as in the below, that there is no difference between the cognitive steps of drama and those of other cognitive activities. 1. the step of knowing "being" 2. the step of knowing "the ways of being" 3. the step of communicating each other 4. the step of knowing "the ways of acting" And we are able to obtain a holistic cognition in learning through the steps of a variety of human cognitive activities where "sensory, factual, relational and essential quality cognitions" interact with and interweave into one another.

      • KCI등재

        Revisioning History: Race, Empire, and Transnationality in Charles W. Chesnutt’s The Marrow of Tradition

        황정현 미국소설학회 2012 미국소설 Vol.19 No.3

        Charles W. Chesnutt’s 1901 novel The Marrow of Tradition is an artistic representation of the revisionist social history of colonial racism during the 1898 Wilmington riot. The novel exposes the terror of white racism in the post-Civil War years, the white’s anxiety over black retaliation, and the disillusionment with political corruptions and limitations, thus resurrecting the entire history of American slavery. Into this narrative of concrete historical turmoil are dialectically interwoven not only Chesnut’s own personal experiences but also stories of his fictional characters, sunk and sublated into a broader historical vision, in which a dialectical relationship between the specific present and the past histories of the US domestic racial relations expands to include a global synchronic history of the Spanish-American War and the contemporary world’s imperialist frenzy. In short, Chesnutt delves into a particular piece of post-Reconstruction history from dialectical and intersubjective perspectives and rewrites it as a transnational historiography.

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