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      • 아시아 인프라 투자은행(AIIB)과 민관협력(PPP) 운영방식 연구

        황수판,한광석 충북대학교 사회과학연구소 2019 사회과학연구 Vol.36 No.2

        중국은 2016년 1월 아시아 인프라 투자은행(AIIB)을 공식 출범하였다. 세계은행(Word Bank)과 아시아 개발은행 (ADB)은 세계경제의 부흥 및 개발, 아시아 등을 포함한 세계의 빈곤퇴치를 목표로 하고 있다. 그러나 국제금융질서하에서 아시아 경제발전에 필요한 재원을 충족시키지 못하 였다. 따라서 AIIB는 다자개발은행(MDB)으로 아시아지역의 인프라 시 설 투자에 대한 재정을 지원하고 지역경제 발전을 촉진시킬 목적으로 출 범되었다. AIIB는 중국의 일대일로(One Belt, One Road)정책을 지원하 고 아시아 지역의 경제발전에 대한 욕구를 충족하기 위해 설립된 금융기 구라 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 AIIB의 설립배경, 지배구조, 지분율 배분 및 운영방식 등에 관한 종합적인 연구를 수행하고자 한다. 또한 WB의 PPP(Public-Private Partnership) 사업 진행 현황과 ADB의 PPP 진헹사 업을 토대로 AIIB에 PPP 방식의 적용 가능성에 살펴보고자 한다 After the financial crisis in 2008, regional and global infrastructure investment was inadequate, with labor productivity declined and global economic growth weakened due to lack of total demand. There has been a worldwide interest in the new Chinese financial institution after the announcement of The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)’s establishment by China's President Xi Jinping in October 2013. Under the “One Belt and One Road” policy, AIIB has established the existing international financial in order to meet the needs of Asian economic development. However, a new international financial order has not yet been established. The AIIB is a new era of regional multilateral financial cooperation institutions, it is providing financial support for the construction of infrastructure in the Asian region, which is helpful to promote regional interconnections, and local economic development. It has been supported by many Asian countries and other developing countries also attracted some developed countries such as the UK. It is possible to know current economic development status of Asian developing countries through the study of AIIB. This study examines the overall establishment background and process of the AIIB and compares the size, function and governance structure of it, with the World Bank and the areas of three institutions. The establishment of AQB will contribute greatly to the economic development of Asia in the future, and will have a great impact not only on Asia but also on some countries and regions.

      • KCI등재

        한·중 ‘단맛(甛味)’ 속담의 의미 대조 연구

        황수판,강은지 한국언어과학회 2022 언어과학 Vol.29 No.4

        The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the semantics of the taste term sweetness by comparing two representative predicates tal- in Korean and tian in Chinese. To do this, we mainly focus on their uses and distributions in proverbs in each language. After reviewing the dictionary meaning of each predicate, we compare how various (extended) meanings can be derived in the proverb by utilizing the syntagmatic relations induced in the interpreting process of proverbs. As a result, we present six criteria to specify the core semantics of each term: 'positive taste description,’ ‘positive emotion (or judgment or attitude),’ ‘positive description on various situations,’ ‘the direct expression on benefit,’ ‘negative/positive flavors derived through the contrast with the taste term bitterness’, and ‘the residual meaning which rests on the causal relation conveyed in some proverbs.’ Concomitantly, we also pay attention to which words are closely related to tal-/tian, and thus more frequently used in proverbs. Given their distributions based on the semantic co-occurrence, it is briefly discussed which semantic features play a crucial role to specify the overall usages and meanings of tal-/tian in Korean/Chinese proverbs.

      • KCI등재

        한·중 ‘쓴맛’ 속담의 대조 연구

        황수판 ( Huang Shoupan ),강은지 ( Kang Eunji ) 한국중국언어학회 2021 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.93

        本論文著眼於韓語和漢語的俗語研究中目前還未出現過的‘五味’俗語中‘苦味’俗語的研究。本研究的目的在於通過‘苦味’俗語的對比研究來深入分析韓國和中國文化有什麼共同點和不同之處。因此本文首先以韓中俗語字典為基礎, 列出字典中有關‘五味’俗語的總條目數量, 然後從中以韓中數量差異最大的‘苦味’俗語為中心做了深入對照分析。本研究把‘苦味’俗語按照比擴張義分為‘(質)不好’, ‘不好的心情或感情’, ‘(人生的)苦痛, 困難’和‘有益處’等四種類型進行了對比分析。 今後, 關於‘五味’俗語的研究, 除了‘苦味’俗語的研究以外, 根據具體素材, 俗語意義和‘味道’類別等來擴張研究範圍, 從而對俗語裡包含的韓中文化的共性和特性進行更加深入的研究。 This paper is a study of the proverbial differences between Korean and Chinese. In particular, we focused on proverbs about ‘bitter taste’, which is one of the ‘five basic tastes’. We expected that contrasting proverbs about ‘bitter taste’ could shed some light on the cultural similarities and dissimilarities between Chinese and Korean. To conduct this study, we first researched the total number of Korean and Chinese proverbs about the ‘five tastes’. Our pre-research revealed that among the ‘five basic tastes’ proverbs, the total number of proverbs about ‘bitter taste’ was quite different in Korean and Chinese, Therefore we narrowed down the scope of our research to this subject. After that, we categorized and analyzed these examples into four semantic types - deficiency, unpleasantness, adversity and benefits. In conclusion, we suggested several future research subjects. We can study the other five taste proverbs, save bitter taste, with a focus on the words that appear in proverbs along with each taste. This probing study will reveal how each taste word has several meanings in different situations beyond the basic meaning of the taste itself. Furthermore, we can contemplate how the meaning expansion of each taste word happens in a unique way, and its diverse cultural nuances. Through these studies, we can contribute to understanding a part of both universal and unique cultural characteristics between Korean and Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        중국인 대학원생 조별 발표 과제 수행의 난점(difficulties)에 관한 사례 연구 : 조원 회의 단계의 토론⋅토의를 중심으로

        황수판(Huang Shoupan) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.6

        국내 대학원의 교육 과정을 이수하게 되면 한 학기에 최소한 1회 이상의 조별 발표 과제를 수행하게 된다. 조별 발표 과제를 하게 되면 최종 발표 단계 전까지 여러 차례의 회의에 참여해 조원들과 수많은 토론과 토의를 해야 한다. 그러나 학문 목적으로 유학을 온 대다수의 외국인 대학원생들은 전공 지식이나 언어 구사 능력의 부족, 심리적인 갈등 등으로 인하여 조별 발표 과제를 수행하는 데 여러 가지 어려움을 겪게 된다. 특히 대학원 과정을 수행함으로써 말하기 과제 중 시사적 주제에 대한 한국어 모어 화자와의 대화 및 발표, 토론⋅토의를 가장 어려워하는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 본 연구는 학문 목적 중국인 대학원생 26명을 대상으로 조별 발표 과제 수행 중 토론⋅토의 시 나타난 난점에 대해 2019년 10월 15일부터 연구 계획을 설계하여 11월 20일까지 1차 설문을 조사하였다. 그 결과를 바탕으로 1차 설문 조사의 피조사자 가운데 여섯 명을 선정하여 2019년 11월 26일부터 12월 4일까지 2차 면담 조사를 실시하였다. 2차 면담 조사를 통하여 그들이 조원 회의에서 겪었던 구체적인 상황에 관한 진술을 통해, 난점을 파악하는 한편, 그러한 어려움에 대한 반응을 포함한 심리적인 학습 전략을 함께 살펴봄으로써 현시점의 학문 목적 학습자의 한국어교육이 시사하는 바를 제언하고자 하는 데에 목적이 있다. There will be at least one group assignment every semester for the domestic postgraduate courses. During the whole assignment, the group members require to organize several group meetings, and the meetings require continuous debates and discussions. However, it must be pointed out, when most of the Chinese postgraduate students attempt to participate in the group assignment, they could encounter many difficulties because of lack of the professional knowledge, the language organization skills and even the psychological inferiority. In particular, it was found that it was most difficult to have conversations, presentations debates and discussions with native Korean speakers on current topics in speaking by conducting graduate courses. Therefore, this study designed a research plan from October 15, 2019 on the difficulties encountered during debates and discussions among 26 Chinese postgraduate students were selected as the research objects for the first stage of the questionnaire research until November 20. After that, 6 Chinese postgraduate students were selected for a face-to-face interview at the second stage from November 26 to December 4, 2019. Through the face-to-face interview survey, it was clear that what difficulties did they encounter in the group meeting and what psychological activities did they have in the face of a series of difficulties. In this essay, it is necessary to analyze the interview survey to put forward suggestions on current Korean language education.

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