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      • KCI등재

        농촌지역 다문화가정아동들의 언어특성관련 상관 연구

        황상심(Sang-Shim Hwang),정옥란(Ok-Ran Jeong) 한국언어치료학회 2008 言語治療硏究 Vol.17 No.1

        This study was aimed at evaluating and comparing culturally diverse environment groups in terms of language characteristics and the correlation of related variables. Forty-seven children and their mothers served as an experimental group. The mothers had diverse cultural backgrounds from countries such as the Philippines, Japan, Vietnam, etc. The majority of them came from the Philippines and Japan. To evaluate speech and language abilities of children and their mothers, four examination tools (Preschool Language Scale, Picture Vocabulary Test, and Naming test) and questionnaires were used. Performances were analyzed by the t test procedure and the Pearson correlation coefficient. As the result, language characteristics of the children with the culturally diverse family environment showed a high correlation to childrens verbal and non verbal intelligence, their mothers Korean language abilities, the extent of educational experiences of children such as kindergarten, and parents marriage periods.   The results of the study suggest that language characteristics of the children in the culturally diverse family environment are different, but analysis of the results also require the other various factors to be considered together.

      • KCI등재

        다문화가정 유아의 초기 표현어휘 발달과 성차

        황상심(Sang Shim Hwang) 한국언어치료학회 2010 言語治療硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        Early Expressive Vocabulary development was examined with 74 infants from Culturally diverse family environments between 10 and 36 months. The results were compared with other Korean children in literatures and revealed more differences than similarities in early expressive vocabularies. Boys produced more words thangirls but there was no difference in expressive vocabularies.

      • KCI등재

        이중언어아동의 교육 서비스 지원을 위한 언어발달지도사의 요구 탐색

        황상심(Sang Shim Hwang) 한국언어치료학회 2017 言語治療硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        Purpose: The multicultural population in Korea was 1.74 million or 3.4% of the total population in 2015. As a result, the number of children with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CLD) is also rapidly increasing.Accordingly, government departments are providing various support services to children and their families. One example is the language development support program for children with CLD since 2009. The purpose of this study was to explore language developmental support (LDS) needs, challenges, information uses, participation of interpreters, and stopping service for children with CLD and to discuss the results of this study in various aspects. Methods: For this study, a questionnaire consisting of participant characteristics, training needs, challenges, information uses, and collaboration with translators was distributed through Google docs. One-hundred-ninety LDS participated in the survey and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inference statistics. Results: LDS thought that education about first and second language acquisition and cultural customs and beliefs are needed for service. Also, they reported that they had challenges in communicating with parents and a shortage of resources. More than 75% of LDS were working with interpreters in service delivery. In utilization of resources, manuals and work books, related text books and own experience were the most frequently used. The reason for stopping the service after interview or assessment was a lack of someone to bring the child to the service and conflicts with the child s schedule and the service schedule. Conclusion:The results of this study seem to require detailed discussion.

      • KCI등재

        경상도 농촌지역 다문화가정 아동들의 언어특성

        황상심(Sang-Shim Hwang),정옥란(Ok-Ran Jeong) 한국언어청각임상학회 2008 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.13 No.2

        배경 및 목적: 농촌지역 다문화가정에서 성장하는 아동들은 다문화환경과 지역적 또는 다른 요건으로 인하여 다른 언어특성을 보일 것이 예측된다. 본 연구에서는 농촌지역 다문화가정 아동과 동일 지역에서 성장하고 있는 비교집단 아동들의 언어특성을 비교하였다. 방법: 본 연구는 경북 A농촌지역 및 경남 H농촌지역에 거주하는 생활연령이 만 2세 11개월에서 만 7세 4개월까지 국제결혼으로 형성된 필리핀, 일본, 베트남 등의 다문화가정아동 47명(남:여=25:22)을 실험집단으로 하였다. 실험집단과 생활연령을 일치시킨 아동 21명(남:여=12:9)을 비교집단으로 선정하여, 취학 전 아동의 표현-수용언어척도와 그림어휘력검사로 실험집단과 비교집단의 통합언어연령, 수용언어, 표현언어 및 어휘이해력을 평가하였다. 또한 다문화가정 아동들을 필리핀 다문화가정아동과 일본 다문화가정 두 집단으로 나누어 두 집단의 언어특성을 비교하였다. 결과: 다문화가정 아동들이 통합언어연령, 수용 및 표현, 그리고 어휘이해력에서 비교집단 아동들에 비하여 통계적으로 유의미하게 낮은 수행력을 나타내었다. 필리핀 다문화가정 아동과 일본 다문화가정아동 집단을 비교한 결과 두 집단 간 유의미한 차이가 없었다. 논의 및 결론: 비교집단에 비하여 다문화가정 아동들이 언어이해, 표현 및 어휘이해력에서 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났으나, 일본과 필리핀 두 집단 간 비교에서는 유의미한 차이가 없었다. Background & Objectives: It is expected that children from a culturally diverse family environment will have different language abilities to children from a culturally uniform family environment because of the exposure of the former to different language environments. This study compared language characteristics of children from culturally diverse groups (experimental group: Japanese, Philippines, and others; n=47) to those of Korean children (control group). The majority of the experimental group subjects were from the Philippines and Japan. Methods: To evaluate the speech and language abilities of the children, two standardized tests (Preschool Receptive-Expressive Language Scale and Picture Vocabulary Test) were used. Performances were analyzed by the “t” test procedure. Results: First, there were statistically significant differences in speech and language performance between the culturally diverse environment group and the control group. Second, when the country of origin of the mother was taken into account, there were no significant differences in percentiles. Discussion & Conclusion: The results of the study suggest that the language abilities of children from a culturally diverse family environment are different from those from a culturally uniform family environment. Future studies examining the specific linguistic characteristics within each cultural group are warranted.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 다문화아동의 격조사 및 연결어미 산출과 관련 변인에 관한 연구

        황상심(Sang Shim Hwang) 한국언어치료학회 2015 言語治療硏究 Vol.24 No.4

        Purpose: Recently, the number of children with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CLD) has increaseddramatically in Korea, especially whose language environment is Korean-Vietnamese. This study explored grammatical morpheme uses in children with Korean-Vietnamese language backgrounds in terms of case particles (nominative, adverbial, objective, complement, and pre-nounal), connective ending (conjunctive, contrast, alternative, succession, condition, cause, purpose, background and simultaneity) and related variables in grammatical morpheme uses. Methods:Data was collected from 17 children with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CLD) and 17 typicallydeveloping children (TD) aged about 58 months. The CLD and TD groups all showed similar receptive vocabulary ability and lived in the same areas. Spontaneous speech samples were collected in story retelling and free play situations. T-test and Pearson's correlation were used to analyze the data. Results: There was a statistical difference between the groups in terms of the frequency of using case articles such as nominative, adverbial, and objective cases. However, connective ending use including coordinate and subordinate connective ending was similar to the comparison group except cause connective endings. In addition, a correlation was shown between the mother's Korean language ability and connective ending use, and the children's language ability and case article uses. Conclusions: These findings indicated signigicant decreases in children's use of case particles in a Korean-Vietnamese language environment. Further, the use of connective endings was similar to the comparison group, while some variables were related to grammatical morpheme uses. A more detailed study will be conducted at a later date.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 다문화 아동과 말소리장애 아동의 음운오류패턴

        황상심(Sang shim Hwang),김수진(Soo Jin Kim) 한국언어청각임상학회 2015 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.20 No.3

        배경 및 목적: 다문화 아동의 말소리문제에 대한 관심은 높지만 말소리장애 아동의 말소리문제와 유사점과 차이점에 대한 질적인 정보는 부족하다. 이 연구는 베트남 다문화 아동과 일반적인 말소리장애 아동의 음운오류패턴에서 차이가 있는지 그리고 발달적 패턴과 비발달적 패턴에서 어떤 오류 형태를 보이는지 알아보기 위한 것이다. 방법: 말소리장애 아동 30명과 말소리산출에 문제가 있는 베트남 다문화 아동 30명, 총 60명 아동을 대상으로 '우리말 조음음운검사(UTAP)'를 통해 유도한 낱말의 음운오류패턴을 분석하였다. 결과: 두 집단 모두 마찰음과 파찰음의 파열음화를 비롯한 발달적 음운오류패턴을 빈번하게 보였으며, 말소리장애 아동 집단이 대부분의 음운변동에서 유의미하게 오류가 더 많은 것으로 나타났다. 말소리장애 아동은 베트남 다문화 아동에 비해 종성탈락과 유음탈락이 많이 나타났으며, 베트남 다문화 아동은 말소리장애 아동에 비해 동화변동이 많이 나타났다. 비발달적 패턴에서 두 집단은 모두 후방화가 빈번하였다. 논의 및 결론: 본 연구결과는 낱말 유도 검사로 수집한 말자료의 오류패턴 분석을 통하여 말소리장애 아동과 베트남 다문화 아동의 오류패턴 차이에 대하여 구체적으로 제시하였다. 이 연구결과는 임상현장에서 베트남 다문화 아동의 말소리 오류를 일반아동의 발달적 패턴과 비교할 수 있는 동시에 말소리장애 아동의 비발달적 패턴과도 비교 분석할 수 있는 방법을 제안하였다. Objectives: The number of children in Korea whose language environment is Korean-Viet-namese has increased dramatically in recent years. This study was undertaken to examine phonological patterns, especially typical and atypical error patterns, and to compare the patterns of children with speech sound disorders (SSD) to children of culturally and linguis-tically diverse backgrounds with speech sound production errors (CLD). Methods: Data was collected from 30 SSD and 30 CLD, total 60 children, about 60 months old. Error pat-terns were explored based on production of words in Urimal Test of Articulation and Pho-nology (U-TAP). A t-test was used to analyze the data. Results: There were similar phono-logical error patterns between the two groups; however the SSD showed a higher frequency of typical and atypical errors than the CLD group did. Also, the results indicated compara-ble levels for some typical and atypical error patterns for the CLD and SSD group. Conclu-sion: This study investigated phonological characteristics of speech sound productions-typical and atypical error patterns-in children with Korean-Vietnamese families compared to children with speech sound disorders from homes of only Korean parents. The results suggest there are some related factors to be considered and discussed.

      • KCI등재

        다문화가정아동의 5세 전 후 집단 간 언어발달특성 비교 연구

        황상심 ( Sang-shim Hwang ) 한국특수교육문제연구소 2009 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.10 No.3

        이 연구는 일본, 필리핀, 베트남 등 다문화가정 아동 47명을 60개월 이전 집단과 60개월이후 두 연령 집단으로 나누어 연령에 따른 언어발달 특성을 알아보았다. 이를 위해 경상남도와 경상북도의 읍, 군, 면 및 시 인근 지역 아동을 대상으로 표준화된 언어평가도구를 이용하여 통합언어연령, 수용언어연령, 표현언어연령 및 어휘이해연령(백분위)을 평가하여 연령집단에 따른 언어발달차이를 살펴보고 그 결과를 분석하였다. 통합언어연령, 수용언어연령 및 표현언어연령에서는 두 연령 집단 간 유의미한 차이가 있었으나, 어휘이해 백분위에서는 두집단 간 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 없었다. 이와 같은 연구 결과를 종합하여 볼 때 다문화가정 아동들은 언어연령측면에서 60개월 이전 집단보다 60개월 이후 나이가 많은 아동 집단에서 더 많은 언어발달의 차이를 보이고 있으며, 일반적으로 다문화 이중언어환경 아동들이 연령이 증가함에 따라 언어발달 차이를 좁혀 정상적인 발달을 한다는 결과와 다르게 다문화가정 아동들이 나이가 증가하여도 언어발달의 차이를 여전히 보이는 것으로 나타났다. This study was aimed at comparing language characteristics of children from culturally diverse families according to age groups(before 60 months and after 60 months). For this study, 47 children from multicultural environment were participated. The majority of them came from the Philippines and Japan. To evaluate language abilities of the children, two standardized tests (Preschool Receptive-Expressive Language Scale and Picture Vocabulary Test) were used. Performances were analyzed by the “t” test procedure. The results of this study were as follows; There were statistically significant differences between the two age groups in receptive language age, expressive language age and combined language age, but there were significant differences between the two age groups in receptive vocabulary abilities. The older age one shows less performance than the youngers.

      • KCI등재

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