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전처리 방법에 따른 흰점박이꽃무지 유충 분말의 단백질 함량과 열변성 특성 변화
함윤경,송동헌,노신우,김현욱 한국식품조리과학회 2019 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.35 No.6
Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in protein content and thermal denaturation properties of white-spotted flower chafer (Protaetia brevitarsis) larvae, powdered using different pretreatment methods. Methods: White-spotted flower chafer larvae powders were prepared by applying the following three methods: oven-dried larvae powder (OLP), oven-dried at 100ºC for 16 hr without any pretreatment process; frozen and oven-dried powder (FOLP), frozen at -20ºC for 24 hr and oven-dried at 100ºC for 16 hr; and frozen and freeze-dried larvae powder (FFLP), frozen at -70ºC for 24 hr and freeze-dried (-45ºC, 0 m Torr) for 5 days. Results: No differences were observed in the moisture content and crude ash content among the larvae powders (p>0.05). However, FFLP exhibited lower crude protein and crude fat contents compared to OLP and FOLP treatments (p<0.05). The order of protein solubility in the white-spotted flower chafer larvae powder was determined to be FFLP (95.66%) > FOLP (76.20%) > OLP (68.71%) (p<0.05). Moreover, the results from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis showed that FFLP had significantly lower onset and peak temperatures, but higher ΔH than OLP and FOLP treatments. The results from protein SDS-PAGE indicate that although larvae powders prepared with the oven-drying process (OLP and FOLP treatments) present decreased intensity of protein bands (< 50 kDa), a new protein band (70~100 kDa) was also observed. Conclusion: The results of this current study indicate that freeze-drying could be an excellent pre-treatment method to produce white-spotted chafer larvae powder with minimizing the protein denaturation. Moreover, if oven-drying conditions (time and temperature) are fixed, freezing prior to oven-drying reduces the extent of protein denaturation in white-spotted flower chafer larvae powder as compared to direct oven-drying of the raw ingredient.
함윤경,노신우,이재혁,양나은,최윤상,김현욱 한국축산식품학회 2023 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.43 No.1
The practical use of Korean native black goat skin as a source of gelatin extraction is limited. The objective of this study was to optimize the extraction temperature and time of gelatin from Korean native black goat skin, and to compare the quality characteristics of goat skin gelatin and other commercial gelatin products. Response surface methodology was applied to optimize the extraction temperature and time of gelatin obtained from native Korean black goat skin. The effects of temperature (50℃–70℃) and time (2–4 h) on extraction yield and gel strength were investigated using a facecentered central composite design with 13 experiments. Gelatin extraction from Korean native black goat skin was prepared through the serial processes of alkali pre-treatment, bleaching, neutralization, hot-water extraction, and freeze-drying. Using the optimization plot of Minitab software, the optimized conditions for extracting temperature and time of goat skin gelatin were 59.49℃ and 3.03 h, and the optimized values of extraction yield and gel strength were 12.52% and 263.37 g, respectively. Based on a quality comparison of goat skin gelatin with commercial gelatin, the pH value of gelatin extracted from Korean native black goat skin was 5.57. The color of gelatin extracted from Korean native black goat skin was darker than that of commercial gelatin (p<0.05). Higher emulsifying properties and gel strength of goat skin gelatin were observed when compared to those of commercial gelatin (p<0.05). Therefore, the results of this study indicate that Korean native black goat skin may be a valuable source for gelatin extraction.
함초와 펩신 가용성 콜라겐이 저염 돈육 패티의 가공적성에 미치는 영향
송동헌,함윤경,황고은,진구복,김현욱 한국식품조리과학회 2019 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.35 No.2
Purpose: This study examined the effects of glasswort and pepsin-soluble collagen on the processing characteristics of low-salt pork patties. Methods: Glasswort was freeze-dried and pepsin-soluble collagen was extracted from duck skin. Pork patties were formulated as follows: 2.0% NaCl (w/w, control), 0.5% NaCl (w/w, (-) control), 0.5% NaCl + 1% glasswort powder (w/w, GW treatment), 0.5% NaCl + 2% pepsin-soluble collagen (w/w, PC treatment), and 0.5% NaCl + 1% glasswort powder + 2% pepsin-soluble collagen (w/w, GW + PC treatment). Results: The pH and color values of the control and (-) control were similar (p>0.05), whereas the addition of pepsin-soluble collagen decreased the pH of the low-salt pork patties (p<0.05). The GW treatment had lower lightness but higher redness, yellowness and hue angle than the other treatments (p<0.05). The (-) control showed the lowest moisture content (p<0.05), but there was no significant difference in moisture content between the control and three low-salt treatments (p>0.05). The solubilities of total, water-soluble and salt-soluble proteins were higher in the low-salt treatments than the control (p<0.05). The addition of glasswort powder and/or pepsin-soluble collagen decreased the cooking loss but increased the cooking rate of the low-salt pork patties. The textural properties of the GW treatment were similar to those of the control (p>0.05). On the other hand, the PC treatment resulted in a lower hardness and higher cohesiveness than the control (p<0.05). Conclusion: The addition of glasswort and/or pepsin-soluble collagen could reduce the cooking loss and modify the texture properties of low-salt pork patties. Therefore, this study suggests that the addition of glasswort and pepsin-soluble collagen into pork patties as a functional ingredient can be an effective way of improving the processing characteristics of low-salt pork patties.