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      • KCI등재

        소양인(少陽人) 처방을 활용한 성인형 아토피피부염 치험 1례(例)

        한수진,송정모,Han, Su-Jin,Song, Jeong-Mo 사상체질의학회 2009 사상체질의학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        1. Objectives: The purpose of this case study is to evaluate the effects of Sasang constitutional therapy and treatment of an adult atopic dermatitis patient, who was diagnosed Soyangin, Interior febrile disease induced from the stomach affected by heat(少陽人 胃受熱裏熱病). 2. Methods: The adult Atopic Dermatitis patient was diagnosed Soyangin, Interior febrile disease induced from the stomach affected by heat(少陽人 胃受熱裏熱病) which was based on his Nature & Emotion(性情), physical characteristics, symptoms. He was medicated with Prescriptions of Soyangin. 3. Results and Conclusions: The clinical evaluation was made by SCORAD index, Total eosinophil count and Total IgE. After treatment, his SCORAD results significantly decreased from 88.4 to 21.9, Total eosinophil count decreased from 1320 to 120 and Total IgE also decreased from 1406.6 to 897.3. And the patient's subjective symptom and gerneral condition considerably improved after treatment. This case study describe the effectiveness on adult Atopic Aermatitis symptom by using Prescriptions of Soyangin.

      • 순천향대학교의 실내 초미세먼지(PM2.5) 농도 분포에 관한 연구

        한수진,유홍진 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2016 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.22 No.1

        In this study, indoor PM2.5 concentrations were investigated at buildings of Soonchunhyang Campus. The indoor concentrations of PM2.5 were below the regulation standards, in a few places. In most places, the indoor concentrations of PM2.5 were slightly above the regulation standards.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 경제 제재 활용 동인(動因) 연구 – 대(對) 이라크 및 이란 제재를 중심으로

        한수진 한국세계지역학회 2023 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.41 No.4

        The use of economic sanctions has increased significantly, and it is worth noting that the United States is the country that uses them the most. Why does the United States frequently use economic sanctions as a foreign policy tool despite decades of debate over the effectiveness of economic sanctions? This study suggests that the U.S. government's decision to impose economic sanctions is influenced by domestic political and economic factors and not necessarily by external pressures. To this end, economic sanctions against Iraq in 1990 and Iran in 2011 and 2012, both imposed by the United States, were selected as representative cases for comparative analysis. The U.S. administrations used economic sanctions to divert constituencies’ attention during times of election periods and economic downturns, even though they were in different diplomatic environments. In other words, even if tensions between the United States and its targets are high, the need for the United States to implement economic sanctions may not increase if domestic political and economic factors do not work. In this regard, it is necessary to closely observe various domestic factors that can drive the use of U.S. economic sanctions in the face of rising tensions between countries in the global economy and security sector in recent years.

      • KCI등재

        비구·비구니 불공계(不共戒)의 제정 요인 고찰

        한수진 한국불교학회 2020 韓國佛敎學 Vol.96 No.-

        In this study, bhikkhu (male ascetic) and bhikkhunī (female ascetic) saṃgha were examined focusing on the factors of an explicit and unequal monastic code, which was specifically targeted at monks or nuns. The differences between the price of the male Pāṭimokkha of ‘not begging delicious food’ and the female Pāṭimokkha of eight pāṭidesanīya, suggest that the rules were stricter for monks than the nuns. This phenomenon appears to have been influenced by the social differences between men and women emanating from male supremacy and class status, which were predominant in the Indian society. The additional female monastic code that was not regulated in any of the male versions that ‘forbid eating garlic’ was influenced by the social conventions of Indian society, in which generally garlic was banned among upper classes and was mainly ingested by women and vulnerable lower classes. The rules of pācittiya such as ‘not receiving the alms admired by a bhikkhunī’, ‘not eating the food ordered by a bhikkhunī’, and ‘not receiving the food offered by a bhikkhunī’ in the male Pāṭimokkha were designed to prevent a close relationship between monks and nuns, and to ensure fair distribution in the saṃgha. Additionally these disciplines were aimed to protect the nuns from the monks who abused their power against the nuns. In conclusion, it is difficult to state that the different rules for monks and nuns were regulated to abuse nuns as women. The rule was based on the hierarchy of the monks who led the Buddhist saṃgha, and had a responsibility to train and educate the nuns who followed them as their teacher. The monks were burdened by rules more than the nuns. Serious discipline led to additional challenges. Therefore, it is not considered as sexual discrimination. 본 논문은 비구·비구니 불공계(不共戒) 중에서 비구 불공계인 색미식계(索美食戒), 수비구니찬탄식계(受比丘尼讚歎食戒), 비구니지수식계(比丘尼指授食戒), 비친니수식계(非親尼受食戒) 등과 비구니 불공계인 불식산계(不食蒜戒), 8바라제제사니 등의 조문을 중심으로 비구·비구니 불공계의 제정 요인을 살펴보고자 한 것이다. 비구 색미식계(索美食戒)와 비구니 8바라제제사니에서는 이부 승가 간에 미식(美食)에 관한 규범적 차등을 보였으며, 그 규제가 비구니 승가보다는 비구 승가에 엄격하게 규정되어 있다. 비구니 불식산계(不食蒜戒)와 비구의 산법(蒜法)에서는 비구니 승가에는 처벌조항이 제정되어 있으며, 비구 승가에는 대중이 마늘 냄새로 인한 불쾌감을 느끼지 않도록 철저하게 행동적 제약을 두고 있다. 이들 불공계가 제정된 요인은 불교 교단이 사회의 차별적 관념과 관습 등의 외부적 요인을 불교 교단의 이념에 맞게 재구성하여 수용하였기 때문이다. 이것은 불교 교단이 사회적 불평등에 맞서 차별이 아닌 차등으로 변화시키려는 노력이었다고 생각된다. 아울러 비구 불공계인 수비구니찬탄식계(受比丘尼讚歎食戒), 비구니지수식계(比丘尼指授食戒), 비친니수식계(非親尼受食戒) 등의 조문 제정은 비구·비구니 승가의 관계가 수직이 아닌 수평적 관계를 형성하기 위한 노력으로 보아야 할 것이다. 불교 교단은 청정하고 화합하는 승가를 유지하고, 비구 승가의 지위가 남용되거나, 승가 간에 수직적 관계가 형성되어 비구니 승가에 피해가 생기는 일이 없도록 비구니 승가의 보호 차원에서 이들 불공계가 제정되었다고 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        반도체공장 Clean Room에 대한 화재요인 분석 및 성능위주 화재안전설계(1)

        한수진,강경식 대한안전경영과학회 2006 대한안전경영과학회지 Vol.8 No.5

        This research analyzes clean room major fire prevention standard of clean Room(FM, IRI, and NFPA Code), the structure of Performance-Based Fire Safety Design(PBD) applied the korean fire industry situation. Performance-Based Fire Safety can operate effectively the performance of fire protection equipment & building design, so the fitness of fire safety system can be embodied by operating this. moreover, cost to be consume fire safety of real building can reduce and Performance-Based Fire Safety is considered to important technique in fire protection field. A fire in a clean room may cause a serious loss by spreading smoke particles. We will be investigated by using a computational fluid dynamics, for loss prevention by smoke spreading from one fire area to another for clean room and compared the Performance-Based Fire Safety Design with the prescriptive code design. The methodology of fire safety performance-based fire safety design and guarantee of many kinds design skill of fire system and developing design procedure will be very serious one in order to improve efficiency of domestic system. Therefore, This research will be contributing to secure safety of clean room and to set up the performance-based fire safety design in Korea by regulation for the performance-based fire safety design effectively.

      • KCI등재

        "홍명집(弘明集)"과 "광홍명집(廣弘明集)"에 보이는 불식육계(不食肉戒) 논쟁

        한수진,신성현 한국불교선리연구원 2019 禪文化硏究 Vol.26 No.-

        In this paper, by researching the significant contentions about forbidding the intake of meat, which was issued in the Hong ming ji and the Guang hong ming ji, it was possible to analyze this precept in the context of early Chinese Buddhism. In early Chinese Buddhism, the prohibiting of meat-eating was regulated from the very beginning due to the propagation of the Buddhism following the directives of the Mahāyana Sūtra, which was translated faster than the Hīnayāna, with the former advocating this rule. Moreover, in the Southern Dynasties, this precept was irrelevant with Brahmāʼs Net Sutra (梵網經), which the Bodhisattva of Mahāyana supported, but preferred Buddhism based on the Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra with the tathāgatagarbha theory(如來藏思想). The precept of forbidding the intake of meat was strict in early Chinese Buddhism. There are reasons for this as follows. First, the precept of forbidding meat consumption was compared with the regimen of Taoism, so it was required clarifying the superiority of Buddhism as well as its differences between Buddhism and Taoism. Secondly, the practice of forbidding meat-eating was approved upon the laity claimants of Shen bumie lun(神不滅論) with the Buddhist doctrines of karma and rebirth in the Liang(梁) Dynasty. They emphasized keeping ahiṃsā with karuṇā and maritrī in general. Thirdly, Liang Wu-di(梁武帝), the Emperor of Liang Dynasty, took advantage of the precept of forbidding meat-eating and instituted it as the national law to control the Buddhist saṃgha and the nation. In summation, in Chinese Buddhism, the contention of forbidding meat-eating was one of the most practical regulations of the Mahayana Bodhisattva precepts, of Buddhism especially in the Southern and Northern Dynasties era at the Southern. 본 연구에서는 "홍명집"과 "광홍명집"을 중심으로 초기중국불교에서 불식육계(不食肉戒)에 대한 논쟁을 살펴봄으로써, 불식육계가 초기중국불교에서 수용·발전되어진 과정과 강조된 원인을 살펴볼 수 있었다. 초기중국불교에서 육식금지는 육식을 금하는 대승경전이 특정 조건하에서 육식을 허용한 소승경전과율장보다 먼저 역출되어 전파됨으로서 불교의 도입단계에서부터 금지 조항으로 각인되어져 수지하게 되었다. 그러나 적어도 남북조시대에 남부지역에서의 육식금지는 대승보살계를 설한 『범망경』의 불식육계와는 무관하였으며, 오히려 여래장사상 계통의 경전들을 전거로 들고 있었다. 이와 더불어 초기중국불교에서 불식육계가 강조된 원인을 간략히 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 불식육계는 불·도·유간의 교섭관계에 있어서 불식육계가 도교의 양생술(養生術)과 비교되는 경향으로 인해 불·도를 구별하고, 불교우위를 주장하기 위한 것이었다. 둘째, 불식육계는 남북조 시대에 양나라의 신불멸론(神佛滅論)을 주장한 재가신도들에 의해 윤회응보론에 입각하여 불살생계(不殺生戒)를 지키고, 자비심을 바탕으로 한 불식육계 실천의 중요성이 설명·강조되고, 이를 불교 최고의계로 인식하였기 때문이었다. 셋째, 불식육계는 양나라 양무제가 승단의 통제와 국가통치 수단을 필요로하는 과정에서, 대승의 여래장사상을 설한 경전을 중심으로 불식육계의 실천을강력하게 주장하고, 이를 법령화함으로서 강압적인 왕권 개입이 있었다. 하지만양무제의 강력한 불교교단의 불식육계 수지 의지는 이후 중국불교가 채식위주의식생활을 하는데 큰 역할을 하였다. 이와 같은 결과에 따라 중국불교에서 불식육계 논쟁은 특히 남북조시대에 남부지방에서 불교교리를 이해하는 과정에서 주목된 보살계였음을 알 수 있었다. 불식육계의 실천은 보살계를 실천하는 중요한 계로 인식되어져 중국불교에서 불식육계를 지키는 식생활문화 형성에 토대가 되었다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        한국 성인의 성별 및 연령에 따른 치주염과 비만, 건강행동의 연관성

        한수진 한국치위생학회 2020 한국치위생학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between periodontitis, obesity, and health behavior according to sex and age in Korean adults. Methods: Data on 11,032 adults aged 19-79 years were obtained from the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHNES). We used multivariate logistic regression analysis to test for associations. Results: The final model that was adjusted for demographic characteristics and health status, showed a higher risk of periodontitis with increasing body mass index (BMI), smoking, failure to use oral care products, and no dental check up. In the sub-group analysis, only smoking was significant in the 19 to 39-year-old age groups. In the 40 to 64-year-old age group, a BMI of 30 or higher, and smoking, use of oral care products, and dental check-up were significantly associated with periodontitis. In the female group, BMI, smoking, use of oral care products, and dental check-up were significantly related to periodontitis. However, in males, only smoking was significant. Conclusions: Obesity management can be helpful for periodontal health as periodontitis prevalence in adults increased as BMI increased. For periodontal health, an oral health program should include smoking cessation and the use of oral care products and dental check up as part of obesity management.

      • KCI등재

        Multilateral Development Cooperation in Higher Education: Insights from South Korea

        한수진,Sooho Lee,최동주 한국교육개발원 2023 KEDI Journal of Educational Policy Vol.20 No.2

        Drawing on its economic development history, South Korea has invested considerable effort into improving higher education in developing countries to assist their economic development. Although South Korea has increased its official development assistance (ODA) to higher education through multi-bi channels over the last decade, there is a marked lack of attention to this action. As this field is relatively new, this study aims to characterize South Korea’s multi-bi ODA projects in higher education (2010-2019) using the co-word analysis method. The results show that cooperation with multilateral organizations has supplemented the existing weakness, at least regarding the objectives and contents of projects. However, to mitigate the regional concentration and the fluctuation in the number of projects, South Korea should make more effort to allocate ODA based on the recipient’s needs and establish a consistent policy.

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