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      • KCI우수등재

        생물학적 발광법에 의한 우유의 세균측정법에 관한 연구

        한석현,김창한,김종배,신현길,이승배 ( S . H . Han,C . H . Kim,J . B . Kim,H . K . Shin,S . B . Lee ) 한국축산학회 1985 한국축산학회지 Vol.27 No.12

        Bacteriological quality of raw milk was determined by an ATP assay based on firefly bioluminescence reaction and was evaluated as a rapid method for the counting of bacteria in raw milk. The light yield was affected by the concentration of ATP, giving a straight line with a range of 10 to to 10^(-6)M. When the number of bacteria in a raw milk counted by a conventional method was compared with an ATP assay, it gave a good correlation(r=0.74). This a new rapid method can be used for the determination of bacteriological quality of raw milk and applied to the other system, respectively.

      • KCI우수등재

        저장온도가 PSE - 이상돈육의 육질에 미치는 영향

        한석현,김천제 ( Suck Hyun Han,Cheon Jei Kim ) 한국축산학회 1986 한국축산학회지 Vol.28 No.9

        The object of present study was to evaluate the influence of storage temperature post mortem on drip, thaw drip loss and cooking loss of PSE porcine tissue. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Temperature of PSE muscle chilled through ice-watered storage(0-4℃) has fallen easily into 14℃ after one hour, and it was chilled to 0-4℃ after four hours, while they were 33℃ and 28℃ as they were preserved at normal temperature(28-32℃). 2. After three days, the drip loss by cooling through ice-water storage(0-4℃) was significantly (P$lt;0.05) lower than that by normal-temperatured preservation(28-32℃). 3. The longer the incubation time at 38℃ was after slaughter, the more the drip loss increased significantly (P$lt;0.05). 4. PSE muscle should be frozen as fast as possible(within 90 minutes) after slaughter to minimize the thaw drip loss. 5. In ice-watered storage(0-4℃), the cooking loss of sample was significantly lower than that in normal-temperatured preservation. But it had increased as time passed. 6. When adding substitutes, 8% of drip, to homogenate added NaCl, we found that there was no difference in the cooking loss between only meat with NaCl and samples containing 8% of drip, while the substitute was more than 8%, cooking loss was increased.

      • KCI우수등재

        계란의 통조림 가공이용에 관한 그 보존성과 미생물학적 연구 제2보 Poached Egg Yolk Canning 제조시험

        한석현 ( S . H . Han ) 한국축산학회 1973 한국축산학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Poached egg yolk canning process was carried in to study on the preservility, vacuumity, development of micro-organisms and function test. For poached egg yolk canning three different treatments were used: egg yolk only (T₁), egg yolk+ascorbic acid (T₂), egg yolk+AF-2(T₃). For each lots 90 polyvinyl butyl resine coated portable cans were used to can them. Treated eggs were filled with 8mm head space at 56-62℃ and canned immediately after 10 minutes air exhausting and cooled after the pasteurization at 56-62℃ for 10 minutes. Preservility of each lots was carried out individualy in 3 part trials; after 72 hours incubation at 37℃, 6 months and 12 months storage at room temperatures. For microbiological inspection with abnormal cans were carried in to physiological test of isolated strain from egg albumen can the results were as follows; 1. Abnormal cans (swell, flipper and springer etc.) were found in all lots average 8.8 percentage and in each treatment lot T₁=14.4, T₂=8.8 and T₃=3.3 percentage. 2. Vacuumity of average all treatment lots was in 20.1 cmHg and in order T₂=25.0, T₃ =18.0, T₁=16.7 cmHg for each lots. 3. Abnormal cans were found in to preservility incubation trial 22.0, 6 months trial 20.0, 12 months trial 17.6 cmHg. 4. The interior inspection with abnormal cans were found out sour and H₂S gas flavor. 5. In poached egg yolk canning, lot T₂ remained yellow viscous jelly. 6. Colonies of micro-organisms were developed at room temperature trial treatment T₁ lot and identified as proteus vulgaries, Escherichia freundii, cl. pectinovorum and clostridium tertium. 7. More study on low .temperature pasteurization and thermostabilization is felt necessary.

      • KCI등재

        롤랑 바르트의 정신분석학적 어휘: - 『S/Z』에서 문자의 의미와 무의미

        한석현(Seokhyeon HAN) 프랑스학회 2018 프랑스학연구 Vol.0 No.86

        Le propos de cet article est de confirmer un Barthes comme écrivain-critique en lisant, à partir du dévoiement conceptuel et de l’incohérence théorique dans son S/Z, la façon particulière par laquelle le lexique psychanalytique fonctionne comme son idiolecte. Le titre de S/Z fait penser à l’algorithme de Lacan « S/s », mais par la lettre Z qui est absente dans l’algèbre lacanienne, le monogramme s’échappe du système de sa théorie. On peut donc lire le fait que le monogramme représente lui-même l’emprunt langagier, la déviation du système de discours psychanalytique, et le jeu de signifiant. D’abord, sur le plan de la déconstruction analytique de l’œuvre, le monogramme signifie que BartheS lit, découpe, dissémine et ré-écrit BalZac. S du titre s’identifie à S meut du nom de Barthes comme trace du sujet de lecture, et la barre implique ici le découpage du texte, l’union de lecture et d’écriture et l’annulation de la distinction entre l’auteur et le lecteur. Ensuite, sur le plan de la castration comme thème primordial de l’œuvre, le monogramme signifie que Sarrasine regarde Zambinella dans le miroir (/). Pourtant ce que Sarrasine regarde à l’intérieur de Zambinella en tant qu’image gémelle de lui-même n’est pas le manque symbolique du phallus imaginaire, mais la castrature comme la castration réelle, et il l’a déjà possédée, dans son nom, comme la lettre du manque (SarraZine). Le monogramme S/Z représente donc la véritable littéralisation de la castration. Enfin, dans la mesure où la lettre Z est celle de dévoiement qui déjoue le paradigme sexuel, le monogramme peut être considéré comme la lettre du neutre qui représente l’espace du sens indécis ou du non-sens. D’où se dégage le schéma suivant : la castration=la force de suspension=époché du sens=le plaisir=le neutre. On peut conclure alors que la lettre S/Z est un signifiant ultime du plaisir du texte.

      • KCI우수등재

        계란의 통조림 가공이용에 관한 그 보존성과 미생물학적 연구 제3보 전란의 Poached Egg Canning 및 Custard Canning 제조시험

        한석현 ( S . H . Han ) 한국축산학회 1973 한국축산학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        Poached whole egg canning and custard canning process were carried out to study on the preservility, vacuumity, development of micro-organisms and function test. For poached whole egg canning and custard canning four different treatments were used; egg albumen+egg yolk+AF-2 lot (T₁), egg shell+egg shell membrance+egg albumen+egg yolk+AF-2 lot (T₂), milk+custard+AF-2 lot (T₃) and seasoning solution+custard+AF-2 lot(T₄). Treated eggs were filled with 8㎜ head space at 85.0°∼85.5℃ and canned immediately after 15 minutes air exhausting and cooled after the pasteurization at 85∼90℃ for 15 minutes. Preservility of each lots was carried out individually in 3 part trials; after 72 hours incubation at 37℃, 6months and 12months storage at room temperatures. For microbiological inspection with abnormal cans were carried out physiological test of isolated strain from whole egg and custard cans and the results were as follows: 1. Abnormal cans were found in all lots average 4.7 percentage, and each treatment lot T₂=7.7, T₁=5.5, T₃=3.3 and T₄=2.2 and in the preservility, incubation trial 6.6, room temp. 12months 5.0 and 6months trial 2.5 percentage. 2. Vacuumitys were detected in order T₁=26.3, T₃=26.0, T₄=24.3, T₂=23.3 cmHg and in the preservilitys, incubation trial 27.2, room temp. 6months 25.0 and 12months trial 22.7 cmHg. 3. In poached whole egg canning lot T₂ showed yellow grey and lot T₃ was thin good gelation. 4. No colonies of microorganisms were developed every treatment lots. 5. Number of abnormal can in this treatment trials have a lowly tend to tendency but another cause of abnormal can was over-filling. 6. Some improvement in can coating and can making is essential.

      • KCI등재

        “한 파편의 역사?”: 롤랑 바르트의 <우리 문학> 기획

        한석현 ( Han Seokhyeon ) 한국불어불문학회 2021 불어불문학연구 Vol.- No.125

        본 논문은 롤랑 바르트가 말년에 집필을 숙고했던 <우리 문학> 기획의 수고본 노트 분석을 목적으로 한다. <우리 문학>은 이탈리아 가르잔티 출판사의 청탁으로 기획되었으나 책은 출간되지 않았으며, 이를 위해 작성된 초고 역시 존재하지 않는다. 다만150여 장의 메모카드가 프랑스국립도서관 <롤랑 바르트 문고>에 보관되어 있다. 논문의 1차적 목표는 단속적인 기록으로만 남은 기획의 실체를 밝히는 데 있으며, 이를 위해 다음 두 가지 질문을 던진다. 첫째, 바르트의 ‘우리’ 문학은 무엇으로 구성되는가? 즉, 바르트가 제시하는 프랑스 문학사 개념은 무엇인가? 둘째, 그것의 반-모델로서 바르트는 어떤 문학사를 상상하는가? 이를 통해 <우리 문학>은 단지 한 권의 책의 미실현된 기획 혹은 그것의 미미한 흔적이 아니라, 읽기와 쓰기가 한 주체의 존재 방식과 맺는 관계를 밝혀주는 하나의 가상적 개념이며, 이론과 역사의 교차지점에서 비평적 작업 자체를 하나의 문학적 대상으로 승화시키고자 하는 실천임을 확인한다. Dans les « Fichiers » de Barthes, nous pouvons découvrir un projet inachevé et dont le titre attire la curiosité du lecteur : « Notre littérature ». Ce projet constitué d’une cent cinquantaine de fiches n’a pas pour but premier de construire une histoire littéraire chronologique, énumérant oeuvres canoniques, écrivains et écoles, etc. En outre comme le laisse voir la lecture des extraits tirés de Guerre et paix et d’À la Recherche du temps perdu dans le cours de La Préparation du roman, le projet peut être envisagé sous un rapport de complémentarité avec un autre projet Vita Nova. Proposant une nouvelle conception de l’histoire littéraire, il renvoie également à une valeur significative en tant que projet indépendant. Cette étude partira de l’hypothèse que Barthes vise à constituer une histoire littéraire, personnelle, qui met en avant la subjectivité d’un sujet lisant, à savoir une histoire de la littérature à la première personne, dans laquelle « Notre littérature » comme souvenir collectif se transforme en un « Ma littérature » comme souvenir individuel, « moment de vérité ». Étant donné que ce travail de Barthes correspond à l’invention d’un nouvel objet littéraire, nous nous demandrons aussi en quoi une description de l’histoire littéraire peut devenir, elle-même, une oeuvre.

      • KCI우수등재

        계란의 통조림 가공이용에 관한 그 보존성과 미생물학적 연구 제4보 Egg yolk 첨가 yoghurt 제법에 관한 연구

        한석현 ( S . H . Han ) 한국축산학회 1973 한국축산학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        These experiments were carried out to study on egg yolk yoghurt processing. As a supplementary test, eggyolk was added to 15% skim milk; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10%, respectively to determine the acidity development. L-bulgaricus(66) and Lactobacillus acidophilus (63) were used as starter bacteria and acidity development after 24hr`s incubation at 40℃. 1. Egg yolk blank-1.3% Egg yolk 3% lot-2.4% 2. Egg yolk 1%, 2%, 4%, lots-similar to egg yolk blank Egg yolk 6% lot-0.8% Egg yolk 10% lot-curd 3. Coagulation took place after 8-9 hours incubation depending on the gravity of yolks. Higher gravity needed longer hours to coagurate. 4. Egg yolk 6% lot showed strong yellow curds and very much serum.

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