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      • KCI등재

        일제 침략기 한국과 대만 항일운동세력의 국제연대

        한상도 한국민족운동사학회 2006 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.49 No.-

        The relationship between Korean and Taiwanese Independence Movement Organizations during the period of Japanese invasion Han, Sang Do 일제침략기 한국과 대만 항일운동세력의 국제연대한상도

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        In 과 Sb 의 첨가가 Tin Oxide 가스센서에서 Resistivity 와 Sensitivity 에 미치는 영향

        한상도,손영목,김종원,심규성 한국센서학회 1992 센서학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        To determine the effect of additions of trivalent and pentavalent ions on the electrical conductivity and sensing behaviour, indium and antimony were incorporated in tin oxide by the coprecipitation method. Antimony may be considered to enter the cassiterite structure as pentavalent ions, thermal energy could excite electrons from these ions into the conduction band. Similarly the indium ions would enter the lattice as In^(3+) but could accept electrons from the valence band, thereby becoming monovalent or divalent. These phenomena, however, how the potential barrier existing SnO₂ by addition of two kinds of ions could influence on the sensing behaviour in comparison with their influence on the resistivity were observed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        MODEM의 자동제어기 & 프로그램에 관한 연구

        한상도,Han Sang-Do 한국국방경영분석학회 1991 한국국방경영분석학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        one of the problems the users of DPS-6/45 used to face in the course of having access to work stations was that a telephone call has to be made manually every time to have receiver's modem on or off, and naturally it meant the waste of manpower as well as of time. A program has been worked out to automatically operate and control. utilizing the system clock within the main computer (DPS-6/45), the on/off switch on the modems. It has resulted in; 1) promotion in operability of the main computer, DPS-6/45 2) prevention of unnecessary telephone calls 3) curtailment of expenditure and manpower

      • KCI등재

        일제침략기 중국사회의 ‘한국’ 인식 - 한국관련 신문기사를 중심으로 -

        한상도 진단학회 2011 진단학보 Vol.- No.113

        이 글에서는 일제침략기 중국에서 간행된 신문에 실린 ‘한국’관련 기사를 중심으로, 중국국민당정부와 중국공산당을 포함한 중국사회 일반의 한국에 관한 인식과 관점을 살펴보았다. 그 결과 일제 침략기 중국신문에 실린 한국 관련기사에서는 다음과 같은 시사적인 사실을 발견할수 있었다. 첫째, 한국이 국권을 빼앗기게 된 배경을 살핌으로써, 이를 他山之石으로 삼아, 중국사회의 각성을 촉구하려 하였다. 둘째, 한반도에 대한 지정학적 관점과 국제정치적 측면에서 한국사회 상황에 접근하고 있었다. 일본의 침략으로부터 중국대륙의 안전을 담보하는 ‘방패막이’ 내지는 ‘안전판’으로서 한반도의 안정과 친중국 입장이 필수적으로 요구되었던 것이다. 그런 입장에 설 경우, 淸日戰爭에서의 패배는 일본의 중국 침략의 시발이었고, 한반도에 대한 전통적인 영향력을 상실하는 순간이었다. 비통과 아쉬움을 넘어서서, 脣亡齒寒의 지정학적 근접성을 뼈저리게 느끼는 反面敎師의 교훈으로 삼고자 하였다. 셋째, 일제의 대륙침략과 재만 한인사회의 동향을 경계심 담긴 눈길로 바라보았다. 일제의 한인이주 정책과 한․중 양 민족에 대한 이간책을 경계하면서도, 재만 한인사회 그 자체에 대한 우려를 감추지 못하였다. 넷째, 중․한 연대와 공동항일의 주장 뒤에는 자국 중심․자민족 중심의 속내가 감추어져 있었다. 중국대륙의 안전과 안정을 위한 안전장치로서, 한반도의 안정과 한민족의 분투가 필요하다는 속내였다. 다섯째, 한인독립운동세력 간의 ‘단결 부족’에 대한 지적 부분이다. 결과적으로 이는 임정승인 문제나 임정의 대미외교 등에 있어서, 중국정부가 牛耳를 잡고 나갈 수 있는 빌미를 제공하는 결과로 나타났다. 여섯째, 국내 항일운동세력과의 연대의 중요성을 강조하는 대목이다. ‘민족해방’ ‘조국광복’이라는 최종목표의 달성 여부는 국내의 전민족이 참여하는 대중투쟁 역량이 관건이 되리라는 지적으로 써, 국내 대중투쟁 기반과의 접목을 통해, 대중적 기반이 전무한 해외독립운동의 제약을 극복해야 한다는 요지였다. 끝으로 중국신문 기사의 논조를 전체적으로 살펴보면, 重慶․天津․長沙에서 발간된 大公報와 民國日報․申報 등 친 중국국민당정부 성향의 신문은 한․중 양 민족 간의 전통문화의 동질성과, 조공체제로 대표되는 수직적 양자관계 등을 강조하는 한편, 三民主義 논리 등을 통해 일제패망 후 전통적인 관계의 복원을 구상하고 있었음이 감지된다. 반면에 중국공산당이 발행한 新華日報와 解放日報에서는 중국공산당식 국제연대노선의 동반자라는차원에서 ‘한국’ 문제에 접근하고 있음을 일별할 수 있었다. 이는 밖으로는 일본제국주의 침략에 맞서야 하고, 안으로는 중국정부의 압박이라는 이중의 질곡에 맞닿아 있으면서도, ‘반파시즘 국제통일전선’이라고 하는 동아시아 피압박민족운동세력에 대한 리더십까지 염두에 두어야 했던 중국공산당의 항일전쟁노선에서 비롯된 것으로 해석해 볼 수 있다. 요컨대 ‘國際友人’이라는 표현처럼, 동반자적 관계를 표방한 것은 반제․반침략 국제연대라고 하는보편적인 가치를 구현한다는 선언적 의미와 함께, 중국공산당 자신도 피압박민족운동세력의 일원이라는 인식을 갖고 있었기에 가능했던 것으로 이해된다. This paper examines the awareness and viewpoint on Korea in general Chinese society including the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communists through some articles related to ‘Korea' in Chinese newspapers in Japanese colonial rule. As the result, the articles says these implications. First, the articles checked the Korean background which its sovereignty was robbed by Japan and tried to urge to awake China. Second, they approached the Korean current situation by international politically and geopolitically. They thought Korea as a protector or safety valve to guarantee the security of China from Japanese invasion. So, China should support safety of Korea and pro-Chinese position. According to the point, Chinese defeat of the Sino-Japanese War was a startpoint of Japanese invasion and the moment to give up its traditional influence to Korea. over bitterness and frustration, China wanted to make a good lesson to realize geopolitical nearness of Japan. Third, these articles watched up Japanese invasion of the Chinese continent and situation of Korean society in Manjuria. As they kept their eyes on the Japanese migration policy on Korean people and Japanese alienating measure on Korea and China,they couldn't hide their worry on the Korean society in Manjuria. Forth, in the back of an opinion for the solidarity of Korea and China and common anti-Japanese movement,China-centered intention was concealed. In other words, stability of Korean peninsula and struggle of the Korean race were needed as safeguards for stability and safety of China. Fifth, these articles pointed out ‘the lack of unity' of Korean independence movement. Because of it, the chinese government could took the leadership in many cases including an approval of the Korean Provisional Government and its diplomatic relation with the US. Sixth, they emphasized the importance of the unity with anti-Japanese powers in Korea. They said the capacity of the public struggle would be crucial to achieve a final objective of ‘liberation of the Korean people' or ‘Korean independence'. It meant that Korea should overcome a limitation of overseas independence movement through combination with the domestic public base because it had no public base. Lastly, according to the overall tones of the Chinese press, pro-Kuomintang of China newspapers such as Dagongbao(大公報), Minguoribao(民國日報), Shenbao(申報),zhongyangribao(中央日報) printed in Chongqing(重慶), Tianjin(天津), Changsha(長沙),Nanjing(南京) put stress on homogenity of traditional culture and vertical and bilateral relation as a tribute in two countries. Moreover, it was sensed that they wanted to recover the traditional relation through the Three Principles of the People after Japan collapsed. In contrast, the newspapers such as shinhuaribao(新華日報) and Jiefangribao (解放日報) published by the Chinese Communist Party approached Korean issues with a partnership. they thought Korea was one of the companions for international solidarity. It was originated from the unique line for anti-Japanese war of the Chinese Communists. The Chinese Communists should protect the country from the invasion of Japan outside and was pressed by the Kuomintang inside. And also, it wanted to lead the powers of oppressed people in East Asia, that is, 'an united front for anti-fascism'. In summary, one of the meanings that the Chinese Communists supported a partnership with Korea as the word of ‘international companion' was a declaratory meaning to realize the universal value of united front for anti-fascism and anti-invasion. At the same time, it means that China was aware of its position as one of the members of the oppressed nations.

      • KCI등재

        독립운동기 중국사회의 대한민국임시정부 인식과 평가

        한상도 한국독립운동사연구소 2020 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.69

        The interest in the Provisional Government of Korea of Chinese society was concentrated after its establishment, and then became receded. In the meantime, it revived through the heroic deed of Yun Bong-gil in April 1932, and picked up after the movement to Chongqing of the Kuomintang and Provisional Government of Korea considering the reorganization of international order and the influence to Korea after the end of the 2nd World War. This aspect related with the Chinese strategy of resistance to Japan. The interest in Korean independence movement and Provisional Government of Korea became higher and the recognition and assessment became more active due to the demand of Kuomintang-Communist collaboration with Xian Incident and the changing the line to positive fighting with the Sino-Japanese War. The Chinese society recognized that even though the Provisional Government of Korea was not qualified for national elements, sovereignty, territory, people, the government had symbolic characteristics as a Korea national representative. However, in its background the Sinocentrism was settled which understand the Korea nation to a member of Zhonghua minzu and Zhonghua culture. The Chinese society also recognized the government as the supreme command of Korean independence movement, and the party of Korean independence movement as a partner of Chinese anti-Japanese war, and through this, sought to strengthen the status of the government. The attempt to unity and combination around the Provisional Government of Korea related with the plan to secure the influence to Korea after the end of war. In other words, the China recognized the party of Korea independence movement in the government and China as a potential pro-Chinese political power. However, as the military government system of United States and Soviet union was established in Korea with the cold war system, and civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was stared, the expectation to the Provisional Government of Korea as a security to secure the influence to Korea became a mirage 중국사회의 임정에 대한 관심은 수립 직후에 집중되었다가, 점차 옅어져 갔다. 그러다가 1932년 4월 윤봉길 의거로 관심이 되살아났으며, 1940년 중국 국민당정부 및 임정이 重慶으로 이동한 뒤, 국제질서의 재편성 및 제2차 세계대전 종전 후 한반도에 대한 영향력 확보 등이 고려되면서, 임정에 대한 관심 또한 높아졌다. 대체로 언론매체를 중심으로 한 사회 일반에서는 ‘한민족의 대표’라는 상징성을 평가하였고, 국내외 한인을 다스리는 정부로서의 역할도 긍정하고 기대감도 가졌다. 하지만 그 배경에는 한민족을 중화민족 및 중화문화 체계의 일원으로 포괄시켜 파악하는 중화의식이 자리잡고 있었음이 시사된다. 또 임정을 한인독립운동의 최고지휘부로 자리매김하였고, 한인독립운동 진영을 중국항일전쟁의 파트너로 설정한 다음, 그 구심점으로서 임정의 위상을 강화시키고자 하였는데, 이 같은 임정 중심의 단결과 통합 시도는 종전 후 한반도에 대한 영향력 확보를 위한 구상과도 연계되어 있었다. 하지만 미·소 군정체제의 도래와 國共內戰의 발발로, 한반도에 대한 영향력 확보를 위한 담보로 평가했던 임정에 대한 기대를 거둬들여야 했던 것이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        개심술시 대동맥 차단 해제후 혈압변동에 관하여

        한상도,정창영,윤명하 대한마취과학회 1997 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.32 No.5

        Background : A decrease in mean arterial pressure (MAP) often accompanies aortic declamping during open heart surgery (OHS). But, there are no many reports to evaluate the extent of the decrease in MAP following the aortic declamping during OHS. Methods : Twenty nine patients undergoing OHS, 17 patients for repair of cushion defect and 12 patients for valve replacement were evaluated. Anesthesia was provided by fentanyl (30 g/kg bolus followd by 0.3 ug/kg/min infusion) and intermittent inhalation of N2O-Isoflurane. An indwelling radial artery catheter was used to measure MAP. Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) was calculated using the formula. Measurements were made just before aortic declamping (control), and 1,3,5,7 and 10 minutes after declamping. Results : MAP and SVR were decreased significantly until 7 minutes after aortic declamping compared to those of control value, and have a significant difference in decrease pattern of MAP following time interval after declamping between the patients for repair of cushion defect and the patient for valve replacement. The extent of decrease in MAP and/or SVR showed no significant relationship with difference the duration of bypass, patients body temperature and age. Conclusion : The results of this study indicated that there is a significant decrease in MAP and SVR after aortic declamping and it persists for about 7 minutes, without significant relation with bypass time, body temperaure and age. (Korean J Anesthesiol 1997; 32: 768∼775)

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