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『추안급국안』 자료의 신빙성: 1689년(숙종 15) 박태보 친국 기록을 중심으로
한상권 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2023 한국문화 Vol.- No.102
King’s interrogation records(Chu-guk-an) was recognized as a crucial material to reproduce the vivid voices of the oppressed people in the pre-modern era since it has been first introduced to academia given that it was the preliminary record of interrogation at the site. However, questions have recently raised about the credibility of such records because Chu-guk-an is a record on the basis of harsh torture and severe punishment on criminals who attempted to rebel. It was confirmed that Park Tae-bo’s entire statement was deleted in Gi-sa-chin-guk-an which was the record of king’s interrogation of Park Tae-bo in 1689(the 15th year of King Suk-jong's reign), through comparison with the Annals of King Sukjong and Gi-sa-chin-guk-an. This was because Gi-sa-chin-guk-an was directly against the integrity and authenticity of King Suk-jong. King Suk-jong deleted Park Tae-bo's entire statement in Gi-sa-chin-guk-an to protect the dignity and absoluteness of the royal authority. .