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      • KCI등재

        거문고 음악의 정신성(精神性)에 대한 재음미(再吟味)

        한명희(Hahn Myung hee)(韓明熙) 국립국악원 1998 국악원논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        A view of music widespread these days revels a physical phenomenon of sound in the category of material things. This tendency distorts the character of traditional music. and much is lost. Korea s kŏmun go music is a representative example. To grasp the essential nature of kŏmun go music, one must penetrate the symbolic and connotative meanings that are hidden within the music. kŏmun go music bears an extra-musical dimension. In the Shilla period, it reflected a cosmology rooted in the spiritualism and in the unity of nature, and in the Chosŏn period, under the influence of Confucianism. it came to be associated with the formation of human character. What we must grasp in the context of today s musical world is that the spirituality implied in the kŏmun go music of the past can open up new horizons if brought into contact with present-day musical life. This is connected with the task of bringing Korean music into the 21st century as a major world music.

      • KCI등재

        한국에서 다문화가족의 혼인, 출생, 자녀의 추이에 대한 통계적 고찰 및 주산기 정책 전망

        이지현 ( Ji Hyun Lee ),한명희 ( Myung Hee Hahn ),정성훈 ( Sung Hoon Chung ),최용성 ( Yong Sung Choi ),장지영 ( Ji Young Chang ),배종우 ( Chong Woo Bae ),김유경 ( Yu Kyung Kim ),김혜련 ( Hye Ryun Kim ) 대한주산의학회 2012 Perinatology Vol.23 No.2

        목적: 최근 결혼이민자(marriage-based immigrants)의 증가로 인해서 한국에서 다문화가족(multi-cultural family)이 증가 추세이다. 한국에서 최근 20년간 다문화가족의 혼인, 출생, 자녀에 관한 통계적 변화추이를 조사하였다. 방법: 국가통계포털의 통계청 자료, 통계청의 2010년 인구동태통계연보, 행정안전부의 지방자치단체 외국인주민현황 조사결과, 한국보건사회연구원에서 발표된 다문화가족에 대한 보고서와 보건복지포럼의 해설들, 한국보건사회연구원, 보건복지부 등의 다문화가족에 관련된 보고서 자료들을 이용하여 분석하였다. 결과: 2010년 한국에서 전체 혼인건수는 326,104 중에서 다문화 가족 혼인건수는 35,098건으로, 10.8%이었다. 이는 최근 20년 간 현저히 증가되는 추세이었다. 2010년 다문화가족 혼인건수의 행정 지역별 분포는 경기도가 18.5%로 가장 높았고, 그 다음이 서울 15.4%이었고, 제주가 1.1%로 가장 낮았다. 서울(15.4%), 인천(4.5%), 경기도(18.3%)의 수도권에서 전부 38.2%로 약 1/3이 수도권이었다. 2010년에서 다문화가족 혼인건수 중 한국인 남편과 외국인 아내의 경우에서는 외국인 아내의 출신국적이 베트남, 중국이 가장 많았고, 그 다음이 필리핀, 캄보디아, 일본태국, 미국, 통골, 네팔, 대만 순이었다. 다문화가족에서 출생한 출생 수는 2008, 2009, 2010년에서 출생 수는 13,443, 19,024, 20,312명으로 증가 추세이며, 한국의 전체 출생 수에 차지하는 비율은 각각 2.9%, 4.3%, 4.3% 이었다. 자녀 수는 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010년에 각각 44,258, 58,007, 99,684,105,502명으로 중가추세이었다. 2009년 다문화가족 자녀의 연령별 수와 분포는 6세 미만, 7-12, 13-15, 16-18, 19-22, 23세 이상이 각각 66,825 (67.0%), 20,888 (21.0%), 3,174 (3.2%), 1,934 (1.9%), 2,160 (2.2%), 4,703(4.7%)명 이었다. 18세 이하 소아청소년은 전체에서 93.1%이었다. 향후 10년간 한국에서 다문화가족 수, 자녀 수의 전망에서 2011년에 비해서 약 1.5배 증가할 것으로 예상된다. 주산기 건강관리 면에서 산모의 영양 문제, 건강관리인식 부족, 빈혈, 저체중출생아의 출생 등 여러 문제가 있어서 향후 개선을 위한 방법이 제시되고 있다. 결론: 이상의 결과에서 다문화가족의 혼인건수(특히 외국인 아내가 주된 결혼형태), 출생 수, 자녀 수의 증가 추세와 이들의 발생을 파악함으로서 이들에 대한 주산기, 산과, 신생아, 소아청소년과 관리에서 다문화가족에 대한 특별한 관리 제도의 필요성을 보이고 있어, 의료 측면에서 이들을 잘 관리할 수 있는 제도적 뒷받침이 필요할 것이다. 다문화가족에 대한 혼인, 출생, 자녀 수, 자녀 연령 등에 관한 통계자료 들이 기본 자료로 활용되기를 기대한다. Purpose: Recently, the trend of multi-cultural families is rising in number due to increasing marriage-based immigrants in Korea. We evaluated statistic changes of characteristics in international marriage, births, and offsprings for the past 20 years in Korea. Methods: The annual report of national population from Statistics Korea, the survey results about the present status of resident foreigners from Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea Ministry of Public Administration and Security, and editorials from Health and Welfare Forum and other related reports of Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs and Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare were used. Results: There were 35,098 (10.8%) international marriages among total 326,104 marriages in 2010 in Korea. The regional distribution of the international marriage was the highest in Gyeonggi (18.5%), and the lowest in Jeju (1.1%). The metropolitan area Seoul (15.4%), Incheon (4.5%) and Gyeonggi (18.3%) comprised one third of the entire international marriage. The number of childbirths was 13,443 (2.9%) in 2008, 19,024 (4.3%) in 2009, and 20,312 (4.3%) in 2010 with increasing trend. The number of off-springs was 44,258 in 2007, 58,007 in 2008, 99,684 in 2009 and 105,502 in 2010. Children less than 18 years old was 93.1%, We expected 1.5 times of increase over the next coming 10 years in the number of multi-cultural international marriage and offsprings compared with 2011. Conclusion: When we evaluated the characteristics of multi-cultural marriages, childbirths, and off-springs, systemic nationwide care seemed to be necessary in the aspect of health problems such as perinatology, obstetrics, neonatology, and pediatrics. We expect our results to be utilized for the basic health data.

      • KCI등재

        주역과 한국음악

        한명희 한림대학교 태동고전연구소 2006 泰東古典硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        어느 한 특정지역 음악의 양식(樣式)이나 특수성은, 그 음악 자체의 내적 진화에 의해서만 형성되지 않는다. 그 보다는 오히려 그 특정지역의 철학사상이나 기후풍토와 같은 배경적 토양에 크게 영향을 받는다. 따라서 동아시아 문화권에 속하는 한국음악은 필연적인 현상 이지만 고래로부터 전승되는 이 지역 특유의 주역사상이나 음양오행론이나 샤머니즘 같은 도도한 시대사상들과 밀접하게 연결되어 있다. 이 글은 주역과 한국음악의 연계성을 개괄적으로 살펴본 입문적인 논고이다. 주지하다시피 주역과 음악은 비록 장르가 다르고 표현방법이 다를 뿐, 양자가 지향하는 궁극의 좌표는 동일하다. 끝없는 생성과 소멸의 우주적 진화의 과정에서 음(陰)과, 양(陽)의 균조(均調)를 통한 삼라만상의 조화경을 지향하는 것이 주역의 본질이라면, 현실적이고 즉물적인 음향(sound)을 소재로 해서 역시 천지인 우주만물의 무궁한 조화와 화평(和平)을 추구하는 것이 음악의 궁극적 목표이다. 이 같은 음악의 궁극적 조화의 경지를 노자(老子)는 대음희성(大音希聲)이라고 표현했고, 유가에서는 '대악여천지동화(大樂與天地同和)'라고 했으며, 장자(莊子)는 '천악(天樂)'이라고 했다. 이처럼 음악과 주역은 지향점이 같기 때문에, 상호간에는 발상이 같고, 방법론이 유사하며, 심지어는 이론적 체계를 공유하는 부분이 적지 않은 것이다. 이 같은 양자 간의 상관관계는 특히 오늘날처럼 제반 장르가 세분화되지 않고 통합적으로 이루어지던 고대사회의 사유체계를 연상하면 한층 자연스럽고도 당연하게 이해가 될 것이다. The factor that make up the peculiarity of a local music is not only internal. A musical form is influenced by the external factors such as thoughts or environment. Korean music is not exceptional. It is largely influenced by the typical thoughts of Korea that is also under influence of the Book of Changes, Yin and yang theory, Wuxing(五行) theory - also called "the theory of five elements" -, and shamanism. This article is a brief survey on the relationship of Korean music and the Book of Changes. The Book of Changes and music has a similar characteristic by nature. The contents of the Book of Changes represents the world view of ancient Chinese that would develop into the common world view of traditional far eastern countries. This book describes the world of continuos change that is the repetition of generation and extinction and a course of universal evolution. The ancient China's view to music is much similar to it. They saw music as a large instrument to the harmony of universe that is full of sounds. This musical and universal harmony is described by Laozi(老子) like this : "the great sound is scarcely heard", and Zhuangzi(莊子) called it "the music of heaven". The confucianism also laid stress on the musical harmony that is expressed like "the great music is harmonized with the heaven and earth". The traditional Korean music had similar aspects. Therefore, it borrowed its methodology and theoretical system form those of the Book of Changes. This also reflects the traditional far-eastern thoughts system that is also called a thought of integration.

      • KCI등재후보

        제2형 다발성 내분비선증 (MEN type 2a) 1예

        한명희,김진희,김문재,김기수,김삼수 대한내과학회 1990 대한내과학회지 Vol.38 No.6

        Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2a(MEN 2a) is an inherited syndrome characterized by the association of medullary carcinoma, parathyroid hyperplasia and pheochromocytoma. It was discovered that medullary carcinoma of the thyroid produces calcitonin, and the capability of measuring calcitonin makes early diagnosis of a C-cell abnormality possible. Current study of the syndrome is focused on defining the genetic and molecular basis, and recent advances in mapping the MEN 2a gene suggest a deletional mutation in an area near the centromere of chromosome 10. Recently, we experienced a case of MEN 2a in a 33-year-old female patient. She had undergone bilateral adrenalectomy leaving a small amount of the left adrenal cortex, followed by a total radical thyroidectomy. Post-operatively she has maintained normal blood pressure, along with preservation of adrenal cortical functions.

      • 「樂記」에 나타난 古代中國人의 音樂觀 : 宇宙論的 觀點을 中心으로 focused on cosmological view

        韓明熙 서울市立大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.20 No.1

        'Yue Chi' forming a part of 'Li Chi' is valuable music literature which is assumed to be written at the end of warring state period or at the beginning of Han dynasty. This book reflecting ancient chinese view on music exerted much influence on the Korean's view on music to say nothing of Chinese musical thought. Thus, it is self-evident that the exact understanding of 'Yue Chi' is instrumental in understanding the Oriental's conception of music as well as Korean musical theory. In this paper, we examined various sociological background shaping the content of 'Yue Chi' in connection with ancient Chinese musical cirucmstances of ancient Chinese society, and showed how the overall musical environment and「zeit geist」are contained in 'Yue Chi'. Besides the essential topic of music itself, the content of 'Yue Chi' ranges from music's effect on human mentality, on society and on politics, to musically reinterpreted cosmological thoughts such as the principle of the Yin Yang. In this paper, we confined our main concern to the cosmological view on music and are led to conclude that ancient Chinese did not consider music as an simple auditory art but in terms of the harmony and order of the Universe. This view corresponds to those of Greeks and medieval philosophers. Especially, it shows similarity to the theory of Musica Mundana, which is a part of Boethius, (d, 524); Musica Mundana, Musica Humana, and Musica Instrumentalis. We showed in this paper that ancient people's attitude toward music in both the east and west assumes cosmological, philosophical, and ideological color.

      • 한국 제례음악의 악현변천 소고 : 음양오행 사상에 기해서

        한명희 한국음악학회 1982 한국음악학회논문집 음악연구 Vol.1 No.1

        It must he true that the difference in a people's living environments and historical background resulted in a different musical pattern. So we have to apprehend the historical background in which its specific form and color were created in order to understand correctly a people's indigenous music. Certainly, the Korean traditional music developed under its unique cultural circumstances. Therefore we cannot fully understand them without the knowledge of its historical background. One of the main factors which have influences on the orchestration of the Korean court ritual music is the traditional oriental doctrine of the Yin-Yang and Five Elements. Yin-Yang and Five Elements Doctrine is originated from the ancient chinese societies and it have had influences on every nook and corner of the Korean culture as well as the chinese culture. The musical instruments employed in the traditional ritual music were called Paleum, or eight categories, for they were made of eight different materials representing the Eight Diagrams in the principle of the Yin and Yang. The eight materials which used to make the musical instruments were metal, stone, earth, skin, silk, wood, gourd, and bamboo. And the Eight Diagrams represent Keon, Tae, I, Chin, Son, Kam, Kan, and Kon. They stand for various natural phenomena. For example Keon represents heaven and northwest; Tae the pond and west; I fire and south; Chin thunder and east; Son wind and southeast; Kam water and north; Kan mountain and northeast; and Kon earth and southwest. On the other hand, 12 yulryos (12 tones in a octave) represent respectively the 12 symbols of the Oriental Zodiac and 12 months of lunar calender, and 12 yulryos also correspond to four seasons and four directions. For example Eungjong, Hwangjong and Taeryo represent winter (October, November, December by the lunar calender) and north; Taeju, Hyopjong and Koson spring (January, February, March) and east; Jungryo, Yubin and Imjong summer (April, May, June) and south; Ichik, Namryo and Muyok autumn (July, August, September) and west. Therefore when they were going to arrange the instruments of the traditional ritual music, they had to follow the principles of these doctrines. According to the ancient sources there are four kinds of orchestration in the traditional ritual music. They are Kunghyun, Hunhyun, Panhyun, and Tukhyun. Kunghyun which is for the emperor means that the musical instruments (especially bells and chimes) are placed on the four cardinal points of compass, and Hunhyun, for the performance of lords, means the arrangement of the instruments on the three cardinal points, and Panhyun which is for dignnitary means the disposal of bells and chimes on the two sites, and Tukhyun, for the celetrated, is the case the musical instruments arranged on the only one side. In Korea, it was a tradition to follow the arrangement of the Hunhyun. So the bronze bells and stone chimes were placed on the three cardinal points which correspond to east, west and north. But this tradition of the orchestration has been faded away little by little as times changed. Therefore the existing form of the arrangements of the traditional ritual music does not fully accord with the principle of the original Hunhyun, Nevertheless we can distinctly recognize that the orchestration of the Korean traditional ritual music is deeply rooted in the doctrine of the Yin-Yang and Five Elements.

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