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        전위된 소아 상완골 과상부 골절의 치료 : 도수정복 되지 않는 골절의 최소 절개를 통한 정복술 Open Reduction with Minimal Incision of the Manually Irreducible Fracture

        한경진,어수익,박응석,강신영 대한골절학회 2002 대한골절학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        목 적 : 전위된 소아 상완골 과상부 골절의 치료에서 도수 정복 후 석고 고정술 또는 경피적 K-강선 고정술을 시행하거나 도수 정복이 되지 않은 경우 최소 피부절개를 통한 관혈적 정복 및 경피적 K-강선 고정술을 시행한 결과를 분석하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 전위된 상완골 과상부 골절(Gartland 제 Ⅱ, Ⅲ형)로 치료한 8세 이하의 환아중 1년 이상 추시가 되었던 총 74명 (74 골절) 을 대상으로 하였다. Gartland분류에 의한 제 Ⅱ형이 19차례, 제Ⅲ형이 52차례 이었고 정복의 기준은 건측의 주관절 Bauman 각으로 하였다. 안정적인Gartland 제 Ⅱ형, 6례에서 석고 고정을 시행하였고 불안정한 Gartland 제 Ⅱ형 13례와 Gartland 제Ⅲ형 52 례는 경피적 K-강선 고정술을 시행하였다. 도수 정복이 되지 않은 20례 (제 Ⅱ 형 1례, 제 Ⅲ 형 19례)의 경우, mini C-arm 영상하에 주관절 후면에 최소절개를 가하고 소절골도를 이용하여 정복하였다. 결과의 분석에는 주관절 운반각과 기능적인 운동범위의 소실 정도에 따른 Flynn의 분류를 사용하였다. 결과 : 저자들의 결과를Flynn의 분류에 따라 분석하면, 운반각의 경우 excellent는 52 례 (73.2%). good은 13례(18.3%) 로 만족할 만한 결과는 91.5% 이고 운동 범위의 경우 excellent는 49례 (69.0%), good은 20례(28.2%) 로 만족할 만한 결과는 97.2% 로서 비슷한 결과를 보였다. 도수 정복 및 경피적 K-강선 고정술이 운동 범위 요소(Functional factor)에서 더 많은 excellent, 그리고 최소 절개를 이용한 관혈적 정복 및 경피적 K-강선 고정술은 운반각 요소(Cosmetic factor)에서 더 많은 excellent를 나타내었다. 결 론 : 소아의 상완골 과상부 골절의 치료는 소아 골단의 성장판의 손상과 향후 발생할 수 있는 각변형을 고려하여 되도록 정확하고 세심한 정복과 안정적인 고정을 요한다. 또한, 도수 정복이 불가능할 경우 무리한 도수 정복 조작을 계속하지 말고 관혈적 정복을 시행하며 연부조직 손상을 줄이기 위해 가능한 최소 절개를 통한 정복 및 경피적 K-강선 고정을 하는 것이 좋은 결과를 나타내는 것으로 생각된다. Purpose : We evaluated the results of the displaced supracondylar fractures in children treated by closed reduction and cast immobilization, closed reduction and crossed K-wires fixation. Materials and Method : We retrospectively reviewed the results after 1 years of the treatment of 71 extension-type fractures (Gartland type Ⅱ-19 cases, type Ⅲ-52 cases) of supracondylar humeral fractures in children under age of 8 years. Closed reduction was impossible in 20 cases (1 type Ⅱ, 19 type Ⅲ) and we performed open reduction with minimal incision and cross percutaneous pinning. We measured Baumanns angle and range of motion of elbow and evaluated the results by Flynns criteria. Result : By Flynns criteria, 91.5 % of satisfactory (excellent, good) resuts in cosmetic factor and 97.2 % in more excellent in functional factor and that of the minimal open reduction and percutaneous pinning in cosmetic factor but over all satisfactory results were similar. Conclusion : The treatment of the displaced supracondylar humeral fractures in children need accurate and delicate reduction and firm fixation to prevent deformity and to preserve function of the elbow. Open reduction with minimal incision instead of general incision for the manually irreducible supracondylar humeral fracture would be a reliable and convenient method for the treatment of supracondylar humeral fractures in children.

      • KCI등재후보

        관광통계 프로세스 설계 지원 도구 개발에 관한 연구

        한경진 한국콘텐츠학회 2004 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.4 No.3

        This study aims to perform Business Process Reengineering and to develop tourism statistics information system through the development of tourism statistics process design supporting tool. With this tool, we can manage tourism statistics systematic and integrated. Also it offers a tourism decision making supporting tool.Tourism statistics process design supporting tool consists of information provider, information maker, and informaion user. This tool can improve bussiness process, and rationalize system architecture. 49 business processes were designed and a database which connected with outside system was designed by this supporting tool.By these means, this tool provide more reasonable and effective decision making tool, when it comes to plan tourism development. 본 연구는 관광통계 프로세스 설계 지원 도구 개발을 통하여 업무 프로세스를 설계하고, 시스템을 구축함으로써, 관광통계를 체계적이고, 통합적으로 관리할 수 있도록 하고, 관광개발계획 의사결정 지원도구로 활용하는데 목적이 있다. 이러한 목표하에 정보공급자, 정보생산자, 정보활용자의 3가지 요소로 이루어진 관광통계 프로세스 설계 지원 도구를 개발하였다. 이러한 프로세스 설계 지원 도구는 기존의 개발계획지표가 관광 관련 정책결정 및 개발계획수립에 효율적의 활용될 수 있도록 업무프로세스를 개선하고 시스템 구조를 합리화시킬 수 있다. 프로세스 설계 지원 도구를 활용하여, 49개의 업무 프로세스를 설계하였고, 외부 기관과 연계되는 합리적인 데이터베이스를 설계하여, 관광통계정보시스템을 구축하였다. 그 결과 관광개발계획 수립시, 보다 합리적인 의사결정을 지원할 수 있게 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        완효성 탄소원 정제 내 citric acid의 생물학적 탈질소화 영향

        한경진,염여훈,김영,권수열 한국지하수토양환경학회 2022 지하수토양환경 Vol.27 No.3

        This study utilized citric acid as a floating agent in biological denitrification process and assessed its role under differentcarbon supplying conditions. Several microcosm tests including citric acid active (CAA), precipitating tablet release active(PTRA) and floating tablet release active (FTRA) were conducted to evaluate nitrate denitrification efficacy. In CAAreactors, nitrate removal was accompanied by the formation of denitrification by-products such as nitrite and nitrous oxide,with the extent of nitrate removal being proportional to citric acid concentration. These results suggest that citric acidinduced heterotrophic biological denitrification. PTRA reactor that incorporated CAA and the same electron donor showeda similar denitrification efficiency to CAA reactor. FTRA reactor, which contained the same amount of fumarate as PTRA,enhanced denitrification by 7% as compared to the PTRA reactor. The overall results of this work indicate that surpluscitric acid can be efficiently utilized in heterotrophic denitrification.

      • KCI등재후보

        문화모델을 이용한 색채연구방법 개발에 관한 연구

        한경진 한국기초조형학회 2004 기초조형학연구 Vol.5 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 색채문화모델을 제시하고, 색채연구 프로그램을 개발하고, 웹을 사용하여 적용하는데 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위해서는 인구통계학적, 기호학적 연구가 선행되어야 한다. 문화는 유형적, 계층적 두가지 관점에서 연구할 수 있다. 이러한 두가지 관점은 기호학적 방법에 의해서 연관되어질 수 있고, 색채문화모델을 구성할 수 있다. 문화모델은 문화의 내용, 표현, 그리고 문화변수로 이루어진다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 이론적 배경을 바탕으로 색채연구 프로그램을 개발하였다. 색채연구 프로그램은 5개의 상위 문화변수와 8쌍의 하위 문화변수, 그리고 16개의 이미지와 흰색, 검은색, 그리고 5개의 기본 색상으로 구성되어 있다.색채연구 프로그램으로 수집된 데이터에 대해서 유형적, 계층적 분석을 수행하였다. 유형적 분석은 기존의 색채연구방법에서 주로 사용되던 방법이고, 계층적 분석은 본 연구의 핵심으로서 문화의 심층을 연구할 수 있는 방법이다.색채문화연구 프로그램은 유형적, 계층적 분류 측면에서 문화를 분석할 수 있도록 하고, 국제적 문화의 차이를 밝히기 위해서 문화 집단의 특성을 해석할 수 있도록 한다.색채연구의 도구로서 웹을 사용면 다음과 같은 장점이 있다.1) 표현의 영역을 확장시킬 수 있다.2) 빠른 피드백을 얻을 수 있다.3) 국제적인 색채연구가 가능하다. This study aims to suggest a culture model in color studies, and to develop a color study program, and to apply it by using WWW. To achieve this goal, anthropological and semiological studies wrere carried out. It was found out there were aspects viewing culture: hierarchical, and typological. These two aspects could be united by semiological methods and form a culture model in color studies. A culture model consists of the contents, expressions of culture and culture variables. On the basis of these literature review, a color study program was developed with 5 higher cultural variables and 8 couples of lower cultural variables. The color study program using WWW consists of 16 images and 5 basic colors with black and white. With collected data, typological and hierarchical analysis were carried out. The typological analysis has been used in traditional color studies. The hierachical analysis using culture variables is the core of this studyThe cultural color study program can be used to analyze the culture at the aspect of typological and hierarchical classification and interpret the cultural segmentation to lighten inter-cultural differences. WWW as a medium for color studies has many advantages :1) to broaden the sphere of expression.2) to improve feedback speed3) to make a international color study possible

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        유관 나사 및 Hybrid형 외고정술을 이용한 당뇨병성 샤르코 족관절 신경관절병증의 관절 유합술

        한경진,노형래,한승환,Han, Kyeung-Jin,Roh, Hyong-Rae,Han, Seung-Hwan 대한족부족관절학회 2010 대한족부족관절학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Purpose: The diabetic charcot neuroarthropathy of ankle is an infrequent site (around 5%), but is definitely the location that, because of the instability and progressive deformity it involves, cause ulceration in a high percentage of patients, and this can then become a reason for amputation. However, the treatment of this disastrous disease is still challenging. We analyzed the clinical and radiological results of ankle arthrodesis by our fixation method in Charcot neuroarthropathy. Materials and Methods: Seven cases that were diagnosed as charcot neuroarthropathy of ankle arthrodesis were followed for more than 16 months postoperatively. Mean age was 57 years, and the mean follow-up period was 27 months. Anterior approach was used in arthrodesis, and internal fixation by 3 or more cannulated screws and hybrid type external fixation were used. Auto iliac bone for grafting was combined in all cases. External fixator was kept for 3 months without weight-bearing. Then, boots brace was applied for more 3 months allowing partial weight-bearing. Four cases had minor complications such as pin site infection. Preoperative and postoperative AOFAS score, time to fusion and postoperative complications were checked. Results: Postoperative fusion was completed in all cases, and the mean time to fusion was 3.4 months. No postoperative complication was checked. At the last follow-up, the mean AOFAS score had increased from 54 points to 72 points. Patient's satisfaction was over 80%. Conclusion: Satisfactory results were obtained after ankle arthrodesis using internal and hybrid type external fixation combined with auto iliac bone graft in charcot neuroarthropathy with minor complications.

      • 대퇴직근 기능성 유리 피판술을 위한 신경 및 혈관에 대한 해부학적 고찰

        한경진,이영길,김준용,한승환,이두형,조재호,Han, Kyoung-Jin,Lee, Young-Kil,Kim, Joon-Yong,Han, Seung-Hwan,Lee, Du-Hyoung,Cho, Jae-Ho 대한미세수술학회 2007 Archives of reconstructive microsurgery Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this article to evaluate the availability of the rectus femoris flap in Korean subjects. Material and Methods is that Cadaveric dissections were done on 51 femoral triangles of 26 cadevers. We measured the length of the direct head of rectus femoris from anterior superior iliac spine to patella upper pole, ASIS to lateral border of femoral nerve, and entry point of femoral nerve and vessel branches to rectus. Usually, there were three terminal branches to rectus femoris from the femoral nerve. The entry point of the first branch was at the proximal $17.5{\sim}31.4%$ portion of the rectus femoris. The second and the third branch entered at the proximal $22.5{\sim}40.7%$ and $26.3{\sim}42.3%$, respectively. The vessel entry was at $20.2{\sim}37.3%$. The length from ASIS to femoral nerve was $3.5{\sim}8.5\;cm$. Among the 51 rectus femoris muscles, 44 had one nutrient artery, and 7 had 2 nutrient arteries. The nutrient artery originated from the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery in 18(40.9%) cases, directly from the lateral femoral circumflex artery in 8(18.0%) cases, and from proximal(6 cases, 13.6%) and distal(12 cases, 27.3%) portion of the deep femoral artery. The average length of the nutrient artery was 29.8 mm and the width was 2.14 mm. The point where it meets the main feeding artery of the rectus femoris was $9.0{\sim}15.0\;cm$ from the ASIS. In all cases, the main artery's entrance was proximal to the first nerve branch. Conclusion is that rectus femoris has available data for functional flap.

      • KCI등재

        테이핑 처치 전·후 등속성 근력과 운동시간 경과에 따른 고유수용감각의 변화 연구

        한경진,채승희,강익원 한국웰니스학회 2010 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate changes of isokinetic muscle strength proprioceptive function as exercise time duration after ankle taping in baseball players. For this study, thirty highschool baseball players whose had no ankle injuries were volunteered, and all subjects were randomly divided into two groups (TG -taping group, n=15 and CG - control group, n=15). Dominant side ankles of all subjects in TG were taped by closed basketweave technique before exercise. For exercise stimulation, 10, 20, 30 and 40 minutes of running exercise was carried out on the treadmill (10km/h, 0%) with 48 hours intervals. Cybex 770 Model(Lumex, U.S.A) was used to measure isokinetic muscle strengths at 30°/sec and 120°/sec angular velocity, and then peak torque % body weight and average power % body weight were collected to analyze. To measure proprioceptive function, hop test and Romberg test were conducted. To analyze the datas, repeated measured two way ANCOVA and T-test were used and significance was set at p<.05 for all tests. The results are as follows; 1) Isokinetic muscle strengths of plantar flexor were significantly decreased by taping(p<.01). 2) Power of dorsi flexor, plantar flexor and eversor were significantly decreased by taping(p<.05). 3) The distance of hop test after exercise were significantly increased compared to before exercise in TG, and the distance of hop test at 20 min after exercise were significantly increased compared to before exercise in CG. 4) The duration of Romberg test of all measurements were significantly decreased in TG compared to CG. The duration of Romberg test at 10 min after exercise were significantly increased compared to before exercise and then significantly decreased at 20 min after exercise and these at 10 min after exercise were significantly increased compared to 20 and 30 min after exercise in TG. In conclusion, taping on ankle can have an negative effect on ankle muscle strength, power, proprioceptive function and when baseball players need taping, exercise duration should be considered.

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