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      • KCI등재

        급성기 뇌중풍환자의 비만 및 복부비만과의 임상적 제특징 분석

        하유군,정기용,고호연,정희,백종우,여현수,고미미,최유경,김동우,한창호,조기호,방옥선,박종형,고성규,전찬용,Hsia, Yu-Chun,Jung, Ki-Yong,Go, Ho-Yeon,Jung, Hee,Baik, Jong-Woo,Yeo, Hyun-Soo,Ko, Mi-Mi,Choi, You-Kyung,Kim, Dong-Woo,Han, Chang-Ho,Cho, Ki- 대한한방내과학회 2008 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.29 No.1

        Background and Purpose : This study was to assess characteristics in acute stroke patients according to obesity and abdominal obesity. Methods : From1 Oct. 2005 to 31 Jul. 2007, 629 patients with a stroke were included. Patients were hospitalized within 30 days after the onset of stroke at Kyungwon University Incheon Oriental Hospital, DongGuk University International Hospital and Department of Cardiovascular and Neurologic Disease (Stroke Center), or Kyung Hee University Oriental Hospital. We investigated general characteristics preferences according to general obesity and abdominal obesity. Results : 629 acute stroke patients were included in the final analysis. Male, young age, hypertension, heart disease in the family history, hypertension in the past history, care of invalids or grandchildren and Taeumin in the Sasang constitution were higher among obese patients. Male, transient ischemic attack in the past history, smoker and Soyangin in the Sasangconstitution were higher among patients with abdominal obesity. The incidence of abdominal obesity corresponded to lower education level. Conclusions : In our study, we observed the general disposition of various characteristic distributions according to obesity and abdominal obesity in acute stroke patients.

      • KCI등재

        급성기 허혈성 뇌중풍(중풍)의 합병증에 관한 연구

        하유군,정기용,고호연,정승민,정희,고미미,강미숙,최유경,김동우,한창호,조기호,박종형,고성규,전찬용,Hsia, Yu-Chun,Jung, Ki-Yong,Go, Ho-Yeon,Jung, Seung-Min,Jung, Hee,Ko, Mi-Mi,Kang, Mi-Suk,Choi, You-Kyung,Kim, Dong-Woo,Han, Chang-Ho,Cho, Ki-Ho,P 대한한방내과학회 2007 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.28 No.1

        Background and Purpose : This study was to survey complication according to the TOAST classification and Sasangconstitution in first-ever AICD (acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease) patients. Methods : From 1 Oct. 2005 to 31 Oct. 2006. 97 patients with a first-ever stroke were included in the study. patients were hospitalized within 14 days after the onset of stroke at Kyungwon University Incheon Oriental Hospital. We recorded patient's complications according to the standard operation procedure of 'A stroke study for standardization and science on Korean Medicine' Results : Complications were recorded in 23 cases (24%). The most common complication was upper respiration infection in 11 cases (11%). No statistical significance was shown between complications of AICD and Sasangconstitutions, but complications rate of LAA was higher than SVO in AICD patients (odds ratio 4.17 95% CI 1.127${\sim}$7.307). Conclusions : To acquire more concrete data on this theme. we need further and larger scale research.

      • KCI등재

        Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor(ACE Inhibitor)에 의해 유발된 안면부 맥관부종(angioedema) 치험례

        하유군,정기용,백종우,김동우,박종형,전찬용,최유경,Hsia, Yu-Chun,Jung, Ki-Yong,Baik, Jong-Woo,Kim, Dong-Woo,Park, Jong-Hyung,Jun, Chan-Yong,Choi, You-Kyung 대한한방내과학회 2007 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.28 No.2

        Angioedema is a localized transient swelling of sudden onset that can occur in the face, lips, tongue, hand, feet, respiratory system and gastrointestinal system. Angioedema is classified as allergy, hereditary, idiopathic or induced by medication as like aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, opiates, antibiotics, and angiotensin-converting enzyme. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are widely prescribed for hypertension and heart failure. This drug is commonly associated with angioedema which may be potentially life threatening. We experienced a case of angioedema induced by ACE inhibitor (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor) in a 74-year-old patient who took ACE inhibitor to control hypertension during hospitalization. We thought the angioedema in the face had relation to myenzhong (面腫, mienjong) in oriental medicine. Weiling-tang (Wiryung-tang) was effective for angioedema in the face. As a result the symptoms disappeared rapidly. After 6 days, the patient's symptoms had notably improved.

      • KCI등재

        벼의 함수율에 따른 도정수율의 변화Milled

        하유,박경규,김혁주,홍동혁,나규동,서상훈 한국농업기계학회 2002 바이오시스템공학 Vol.27 No.2

        In order to investigate the optimum moisture content of paddy for milling process, a series of tests were conducted by examining the recovery rate and whiteness of milled rice in relation with the various moisture content. Hwabong-byeo and Dongjin-byeo varieties which were major paddies cultivated in Korea were used for the experiment. The test was performed with small experimental milling machines. In order to minimize the unexpected factors, environment conditions were kept in constant during the experiment.As a result, the recovery rate of milled rice were varied as the changes in milling time and degree of whiteness. However, the recovery rate of milled rice increases as its moisture content increases untill a certain point of moisture content and decreases slowly afterward. This certain point can be called optimum moisture content for rice milling. Also, it has a different value depending on the variety. In this experiment, optimum moisture content of Hwabong-byeo and Dongjin-byeo were considered around 14.8% and 15.3%, respectively. It is not sure that these optimum moisture contents for the two varieties would assume the same values irrespective of harvest year and place. However, it could be concluded that the optimum moisture content for rice milling is around 15%(w.b.) for Hwabong-byeo and 15.5%(w.b.) for Dongjin-byeo, respectively. 벼의 함수율에 따르는 도정 수율과 백도의 관계를 조사하고, 아울러 도정 수율이 가장 높게 나타나는 벼의 적정 함수율을 결정하고 또한 이에 대한 조사방법을 정립하기 위하여 본 연구는 실시되었다. 공시재료는 함수율이 18% 정도가 되는 동진벼와 화봉벼를 황산 희석액을 이용하여 EMC 상태로 벼의 함수율을 12%에서 17%사이로 조절한 후에 사용하였다. 이렇게 준비된 시료를 도정하여 함수율별로 도정시간에 따른 백도 및 도정수율의 변화를 측정하였으며, 이를 이용하여 백도별 함수율에 따르는 도정수율을 조사하였다. 본 연구에서 분석된 실험 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.1) 함수율별 도정시간에 따르는 백도는 함수율별, 품종별로 차이가 있었으며 본 실험에서 수행된 동진벼 및 화봉벼의 경우 최대 백도가 각각 48.5에서 49.8로 나타났다. 또한 백도는 도정시간에 관한 함수로 나타낼 수가 있었는데 상관 계수 R2는 0.95에서 0.99사이로 매우 높게 나타났다.2) 동진벼와 화봉벼에 대한 함수율별 제현율의 변화를 관찰한 결과 80.3∼82.7%의 제현율 분포를 보였으나 함수율별로 차이는 없었다.3) 함수율별 도정시간에 따르는 도정수율은 도정시간, 함수율별, 품종별로 차이가 있었다. 도정 시간이 증가함에 따라 도정수율은 감소하였는데, 본 실험에서 조사된 도정시간에 대한 도정수율의 관계를 함수로 나타낸 결과 상관 계수 R2 값이 0.90에서 0.99사이로 높게 나타났다.4) 벼의 함수율 변화에 따르는 백도별 도정수율은, 백도 35인 경우 벼의 함수율이 높아짐에 따라 증가하다가 동진벼 함수율 15.3%, 화봉벼 함수율 14.8%에서 최대값을 보였으며, 이후 함수율에서는 도정수율은 다시 감소하였다. 또한 백도 32.5∼40에 걸쳐 이러한 경향은 동일하게 나타났다.5) 일반적으로 도정수율을 최대화할 수 있는 벼 함수율은 품종 및 재배 지역, 재배 년도 등 여러 가지 요인에 따라 달라질 수 있으나 본 연구에서의 도정시험 결과 동진과 화봉벼의 경우 최적의 벼의 함수율은 15∼15.5% 전후인 것으로 판단되었다.

      • KCI등재

        답리작 사료작물의 랩사일리지 생산비 분석

        하유신(Yu Shin Ha),박경규(Kyung Kyoo Park) 한국초지조사료학회 2012 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        본 연구는 겨울철과 여름철에 답리작 사료작물의 랩사일리지 생산에서 연구보고된 조사료 재배품종과 재배방법을 기준으로 하였을 때, 소요 기계에 따른 기계화 생산 작업의 특성과 부담면적, 기계 이용비용을 분석하여 조사료 생산비용을 산출하였다. 생산비용은 작물종류(호밀, 청보리, IRG, 수단그라스), 파종방법 (산파, 조파)과 트랙터 마력 (50, 75, 100, 130 ps)에 따른 경작규모별 (부담면적 ha별), 부담면적대비 경작지비율별 (25, 50, 75, 100%), 작부체계별(품종 숙기별, 동·하계 작물별)로 분류하여 산출하였다. 트랙터 100 ps, 조파를 기준으로 단일 품종 재배보다 호밀, IRG와 청보리 등을 품종 숙기별로 재배할 때 파종은 20일에서 30일로, 수확은 약 30일에서 40일로 시기가 늘어나기 때문에 부담면적이 57.1 ha에서 77.5 ha로 증가하였다. 동·하계 작물 연중 재배시 생산비용은 100 ps 트랙터, 조파, kg-TDN 기준으로 호밀 + 수단은 250원, 청보리 + 수단은 215원, IRG + 수단은 234원, 호밀 + 청보리 + IRG+ 수단은 233원으로 나타났다. 이는 연중 재배하지 않는 경우에 비해 고정비가 줄어들기 때문에 생산비용은 약 30~50% 절감되었다. 따라서 답리작 사료작물의 랩사일리지 생산시 노동피크와 수확시기의 분산, 기계장비의 효율성을 제고할 수 있도록 품종 숙기별 연중 재배 작부체계의 이용이 바람직한 것으로 판단되었다. Mechanized operation model and mechanical cultivation technology for winter barley, rye, Italian ryegrass and sudan grass wrap silage production system at the paddy field for cropping system was developed. Also, a series of experiment were performed and lots of data were collected and analyzed to develope mechanical technology, coverage area, and optimum size of the farm (break-even point) for wrap silage production system. The coverage area for winter barley or rye wrap-silage production system is determined around 61.9, 73.4, 77.5, 88.2 ha in the case of drill seeding and different ripening species by tractor power 50, 75, 100, 130 ps, respectably. The break-even point of the farming size is analyzed as 20 ha and its production cost is estimated around 367, 383, 430, 443 won/TDN-㎏ in the case of winter barley wrap-silage by tractor power 50, 75, 100, 130 ps, respectably. The break-even point of the farming size is analyzed as coverage area and its production cost is estimated around 237, 215 won/TDN-㎏ in the case of winter barley wrap silage and sudan grass by the tractor power 50, 100 ps, respectably.

      • KCI등재후보

        급성 세균성 전립선염

        하유,조용현 대한요로생식기감염학회 2011 Urogenital Tract Infection Vol.6 No.2

        Bacterial prostatitis represents a small portion of the prostatitis spectrum, and acute bacterial prostatitis (ABP) is uncommon. But ABP is a urologic emergency. Even if there is a wide consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of ABP, many physicians need detailed guidelines with clear evidence. We suggest the diagnosis and treatment criteria of ABP with extensive review of the current literatures. The initial diagnosis of ABP is based on signs and symptoms like fever or voiding problem. Patients with symptoms should undergo urine analysis and culture of the urine. An imaging study of the prostate including transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) is suggested to exclude prostatic abscess (LoE 4). Elevated levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) are helpful to distinguish ABP from other febrile UTI. The predominant causative organisms are Gram-negative bacteria, mainly Escherichia coli. Appropriate management of ABP includes rapid initiation of broad-spectrum parenteral antibiotics and symptomatic support.

      • KCI등재

        COVID-19 상황하에서 온라인 브랜드 커뮤니티 유형별 서비스 품질 결정요인이 사용자 만족도에 미치는 영향

        하유,김문홍 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2022 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.22 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of an online operation model of a company according to COVID-19, pay attention to the development and operation of an online brand community, and analyze each strength through surveys on the types of online brand communities of three companies. Finally, we attempt to provide meaningful implications for companies seeking to develop an online brand community during the epidemic. Information was collected and analyzed for famous online brand communities at home and abroad, and exploratory factor analysis was conducted to verify tartanity and efficiency. Second, it is the result of tartanism and exploratory factors. Finally, the validity of this method was verified through a validation investigation, and the hypothesis was empirically verified after comparing the relevant values with the extracted data. Consumer satisfaction determinants of brand service quality by online brand (consumer-centered, corporate-operated, and third-party company-opened) have a positive effect. Six items of formability, reliability, responsiveness, interaction, information provision type, and stability are analyzed and assumed to be the determinants that have the greatest influence. This paper analyzed the determinants that influence the large model among the determinants of brand service quality by online brand community type. It provides useful references and data for the operation of a company's online brand community.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 피드백 추구 행동과 학업성취와의 관계:피드백 추구 동기 및 자기성찰의 역할

        하유 한국교육과정평가원 2021 교육과정평가연구 Vol.24 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 대학생의 피드백 추구 행동과 학업성취와의 관계에서 피드백 추구 동기와 자기성찰의 역할을 탐색하는 것이다. 피드백 추구 행동은 간접적으로 정보를 획득하는 모니터링과 타인에게 직접적으로 정보를 얻는 질문으로 정의하였고, 이러한 피드백 추구 행동을 중심으로 선행되는 피드백 추구 동기와 후속되는 자기성찰이 피드백 추구 행동과 학업성취와의 관계에서 어떠한 역할을 하는지 살펴보았다. 연구대상은 D지역에 소재하는 A대학교에 재학 중인 총 303명의 대학생이며 구조방정식모형 분석을 통하여 변인들 간의 구조적 관계를 살펴보았다. 분석 결과, 첫째 피드백 추구 동기 유형에 따라 피드백 추구 행동은 차별적인 양상을 보였다. 즉, 자신의 이미지를 강화하려는 이미지 관리 동기 보다는 자신의 능력을 향상하고자 하는 도구적 동기가 강할수록 더 빈번한 피드백 추구 행동을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 피드백 추구 행동은 자기성찰을 통해 학업성취에 간접적인 영향을 주었으며 피드백 추구 행동과 학업성취의 직접경로는 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 셋째, 피드백 추구 동기가 도구적 동기 일 때, 피드백 추구 행동과 자기성찰을 매개로 학업성취에 유의한 간접효과를 보였다. 이를 통해 피드백 추구 행동이 학업성취에 미치는 효과가 피드백 추구 동기 및 자기성찰에 따라서 차별성을 갖는 것을 확인하였으며 대학생들의 피드백 활용 과정에 이들의 중요성 및 필요성을 논의하였다. The purpose of this study is to explore the role of college students’ feedback-seeking motives and self-reflection in the relationship between their feedback-seeking behavior and academic achievement. Feedback-seeking behavior was defined as monitoring information in indirect ways or directly asking for information from others. In the feedback-seeking behavior process, the roles of the preceding feedback-seeking motives and subsequent self-reflection were examined in the relationship between feedback-seeking behavior and academic achievement. This research was conducted on a total of 303 undergraduates in one college located in D city, Korea. A structural equation modeling analysis was used to investigate the structural relationships among the variables. According to the results, the types of motives for seeking feedback had discriminating effects on feedback-seeking behavior. It was found that learners with the instrumental motive for seeking feedback to improve their abilities were more frequently involved in feedback-seeking behavior than ones with the image management motive for enhancing their image. Second, the feedback-seeking behavior influenced academic achievement through self-reflection, but its direct effects were not statistically significant. Third, the instrumental feedback-seeking motive showed a more positive effect on academic achievement through feedback seeking behavior and self-reflection, compared to the image management motive. Finally, the importance and necessity of feedback seeking behavior for college students’ learning was discussed in terms of the students' feedback utilization process.

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