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      • KCI등재

        타자를 보는 젠더의 시선

        하세봉(Ha Sae-Bong) 부산경남사학회 2008 역사와 경계 Vol.69 No.-

        This article examines and compares how females and males looked at Japan with a different point of view through the travel account of Japan by Chosun(朝鮮) female teachers published around 1930. The gendered gaze was shown in three different strata. One of them was the consumption of modernity. Images of Tokyo or Osaka were characterized as ‘modernity' and ‘civilization' and the tour of ‘modernity' and ‘civilization' was expressed as consumption of curiosity or pleasure. There was not much difference of genders in the consumption of modernity. However, the stratum of internalization of colonialism showed quite a difference. While male tourists were conscious of their identity as the Chosun people, female teachers were not aware of the point of crossing the borders. The inconvenient process of crossing borders reminded Chosun males of ethnicity as a fellow countryman not the sense of national as a nation state. On the other hand, female teachers of Chosun felt the homogeneity as the subject of the Japanese Empire even without thinking of their identity as ethnicity. Femininity of female teachers was indicated in their eclecticism in symbolic clothing style in which they adopted Korean traditional jacket and skirt. They did not emphasize femininity like the ‘modern girl' nor did they accept the restraints of a big family. Their femininity was eclectic and coincided with the conservative nature of the profession of teacher, who was in charge of modern colonial education. While some pioneer males maintained a strained gaze conscious of the duties and responsibilities entailing the tour of Japan, travel accounts of female teachers lacked this kind of tension. They were extrovert unlike the students studying in Japan in the 1920's who showed introspective contemplation. The unusual hospitality of Japanese hosts led these female teachers to prioritize the exemplary colonialism as subjects of the empire rather than the feminine identity.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 상상의 가능성 : 해양사 연구

        하세봉(Ha, Sae-Bong) 부산경남사학회 2016 역사와 경계 Vol.101 No.-

        20세기말부터 동아시아 학계에서 방대하게 누적되고 있는 해양사 연구는 기존의 역사학을 넘어설 새로운 가능성을 가지고 있는가? 한국과 해외학계에서 왜 해양사 연구가 필요한가 하는 문제제기는 대부분 종래의 전통적 역사학의 시각이나 인식을 비판하는 지점에서 출발하고 있다. 해양사 연구는 그 연구 대상인 오늘날 해양이 처한 현실에서 시작되어야 한다. 그 현실이란 국가 간의 해양영토 분쟁, 해양의 오염과 생태환경의 변화, 문화적 인적 교류 공간으로서 해양의 기능 위축등이다. 해양사 연구의 새로운 가능성을 위한 키워드는 탈민족의, 지구사, 환경생태사, 인류세(Anthropocene) 등의 이론에서 구할 수 있다. 이러한 역사이론에서 가져온 시각을 활용하여 해양사 연구는 기존의 역사연구에서 빠진 부분을 채워 넣자는 수준에서 한 걸음 더 아나가야 한다. 여기에는 몇 가지 방향이 있다. 1) 해양사 연구는 해양이 공동자산이었음에 유의해야 한다. 2)근대중심주의를 넘어서고, 해양의 로컬리티(locality)적 성격이 부각되어야 한다. 3)해양 환경생태사 연구는 인류세 논의를 염두에 두어야 한다. 20세기 이후 글로벌화라는 레코드 A면이 돌아가면서 동시에 지구온난화라는 레코드 B면이 빠르게 돌아가고 있다. 해양사는 레코드 A,B면을 동시에 파악해야 한다. 열대학이나 물고기가 인간의 역사를 뒤흔들었다는 국내학계의 연구는 새로운 가능성을 열고 있다는 점에서 의미 깊다. 4) 바다에서의 시간은 근대적 규칙성에서 더딘 점에 주목해야 한다. 근대는 바다에서 시작되었음에도 불구하고 바다에서 시간의 근대적 규칙성은 완결되지 못했고, 이 점은 오늘날까지 지속되고 있다. 5) 해양사 연구는 역사 연구의 논리 뿐 아니라 역사 서술의 방식에서도 자기 갱신할 가능성을 타진해야 한다. 시계열에 입각한 역사서술, 인과론적 해석 등에 대한 비판은 우발성이 강한 해양사 서술에서 경청할 가치가 있다. Is there any possibility that the substantially accumulated research of the maritime history is able to surmount the conventional historical studies? To answer this question, we should cast doubt on a current perspective of historical studies as the beginning of this issue. The precedent maritime history studies have started at the point reviewing the viewpoint or way of thinking in historical society. But the study of maritime history ought to be starting with carefully scrutinized current issues such as territorial disputes, pollution of sea and the declined role of sea in terms of cultural transaction. The new possibility for the study of maritime history can be derived from post-nationalism history, global history, environment-ecological history and Anthropocene. With acquiring those theories, maritime history studies should step forward more than merely filling the blank of history. There are several methods to deal with it. Firstly, maritime history studies must keep in mind sea & oceans as common resources. Secondly, the maritime history research should beyond modern-centrism. Also the research must highlight the characteristic of locality. Thirdly, the study of sea-environment history should combine with the theory of Anthropocene. The tropical studies or the study on the fish that the human history was largely affected by Korean scholar are meaningful. Globalization has been simultaneously emerged with the global warming since 20<SUP>th</SUP>century. Maritime history should contemplate both factors. Last, but not least, the time in the sea is being out of regularity and continues until today. If it reminds that the modern had started at sea and the important fact of the modern is regularity of time, this is worth careful attention. The study of maritime history should keep eyes on the possibility of renewing historiography. The critics on the description according to the time series and causational interpretation values on the study accidental maritime history.

      • KCI등재

        근대 동아시아사의 재구성을 위한 공간의 시점

        河世鳳(Ha Sae bong) 동양사학회 2011 東洋史學硏究 Vol.115 No.-

        It is the purpose of this thesis that reconstruct modern East Asian history in a view of space. East Asia changed its order from Traditional Chinese world order to Japanese Imperial system since Sino-Japanese War/Russo-Japanese War. In the process to imperial system, problematic space that is social irregularities concentrated transferred from south China to southwest Japan, furthermore, to northwest Korea. Domestic and international irregularities were double concentrated in northwest Korea peninsula. In the 20th century, move of population increased owing to compression of space and time. In this time problematic space transferred from former natural space to Capital or Top City made by mankind. Problematic space of transition period played an important role in political process of each nation. Hunan, the battle field of Taiping Rebellion became a place of bearing important powerful men who sustained Qing Dynasty. Kyushu in Japan rose to the space of establishing Meiji government. Northwest Korea(Peyngando) rose new conservative power class after Sino-Japanese War from discriminated area. For such cases, problematic spaces played a leading role in building Nation State. At the same time, the spaces ended its political role when Nation State was built. Urbanization accumulated irregularities at Capital or Top City, and at the same time, the logic of capital city was decorated like the logic of nation state. Capital or Top City was the core space of planning and deciding international policies. In the capital city, class polarization had become more serious. Resistance to invasion started from Top city to the whole country. Interaction between capital city of each nation contributed to reinforcing nationalism and making community of radical ideology. Based of city, the identity of top city symbolized by ‘大(Great)’ has an important meaning for view of future of East Asia.

      • KCI등재

        냉전시기 타이완(臺灣)에서 박물관의 전시와 정치

        하세봉 ( Sae Bong Ha ) 현대중국학회 2011 現代中國硏究 Vol.13 No.1

        국립박물관의 전시는 정치와 얼마나 긴밀한가? 이것이 본 논문이 던지는 질문이다. 국가에 의하여 설립되고 운영되는 국립박물관은 국가권력과 무관할 수 없는 것은 당연하다. 그런데 문제는 국가권력의 정치적 요구에 박물관의 전시가 얼마나 어떻게 호응하는가 혹은 할 수 있는가 하는 점이다. 이 논문에서는 1950년대∼1970년대 중반의 타이완의 성립박물관, 국립역사박물관, 고궁박물원의 전시를 통하여 질문에 접근하였다. 이들 3대 박물관에서 국민당 정권의 정치적 정당성이나 반공교육을 위한 전시가 자주 열렸다. 따라서 박물관의 전시가 국가권력의 정치적 요구에 이바지했다는 점은 분명하다. 다만 타이완성립박물관과 국립역사박물관은 정치적 요구에 적극적으로 따랐지만 고궁박물원은 소극적이었다. 또한 전시 콘텐츠도 달라서, 전자는 중국민국의 수립과 관련된 역사 및 인물의 전시가 많았고, 후자는 孫文과 관련된 道統의 전시가 큰 비중을 차지했다. 그리고 1967년 이후 시작되어 사회 정치적으로 크게 영향을 끼친 중화문화부흥운동에 의하여 3대박물관의 전시가 크게 바뀐 것은 아니었다. 즉 정치권력의 요구에 박물관의 전시가 따르기는 하지만 바로 반영하지는 않는다는 점을 말해준다. 그것은 박물관의 소장품에서 유래하는 특성에 기인했다. 정치권력과 박물관 전시의 거리는 박물관의 소장유물이 결정했던 것이다. How much close is the exhibition of national museum with Politics? This is a question that this paper requests. It is natural that national museums established and managed by government have close relationship with government power. It is not clear the display of museum to what extent response to the political need of government. This paper approaches to the question by exhibitions of Taiwan Provincial Museum, National History Museum and National Palace Museum in the 1950`s-mid 1970`s. There were many exhibitions for the justification of the Nationalist Party or anticommunist education. So it is evident that the exhibitions of museums contributed to political requests. Taiwan Provincial Museum & National History Museum actively contributed to political requests, however National Palace Museum passively did. Also, due to difference of exhibition contents, Taiwan Provincial Museum had many exhibitions about history and heroes of the Republic of China, however, National Palace Museum opened many exhibitions about Sun Yat-sen and Orthodoxy of Chinese political civilization. And there was few changes in exhibitions of the three museums by Chinese culture renaissance movement(中華文化復興運動) which started after 1967 and strongly affected society and Politics. In other words, exhibitions of museums complied to requests of political power, however, not straightly. This comes from the nature from collections of museums. The collections decided the distance between political power and exhibitions of museums.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        동아시아 역사상, 그 구축의 방식과 윤곽

        河世鳳(Ha Sae-bong) 역사학회 2008 역사학보 Vol.0 No.200

        This article sums up the past 10 year's studies and the results in East Asian history conducted in the field of Korean History. It first examines how the discourse of East Asia, which is a main stream discourse in the Korean academic circle, has influenced the history studies taking East Asia as the unit of study. There seems not much relation between the discourse of East Asia and the actual historical studies of East Asia, which may reflect the lack of messages the discourse can offer to the study of history. Secondly, studies in East Asian history are characterized by considerable outcomes from collective researches. However, collective studies needed to be organically related, because studies conducted so far are considered no more than adding up individual studies. Another characteristic is that the Korean studies of East Asian history intervene in the overseas academic field and vice versa. History studies of modem East Asia in Korea are classified into four areas: The economic history from the viewpoint of comparison or relationship, the study on the circulation of knowledge and information and mutual recognition, the study on frontiers, areas and the diaspora, and the study on the memory and representation. These studies either compare the relationship between Korea and China or between Korea and Japan, or analyze the relationship between two countries along with the third country. Studies on the history of Manchuria are remarkable, and the studies on knowledge and information circulated among countries, especially on one country's perception of the other, were conducted a lot. The studies on memory and representation are deconstructing the modernistic or nationalistic perception of history. I suggested several directions for furthering studies in history of East Asia. The studies need to be conceptualized and synthesized, and to be extended toward multiple relations and networks, and to activate city-based or locally-oriented East Asian researches in order to shape East Asian history in a diverse way.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아 역사의 기억전시교육 박물관에서 동아시아 역사의 전시 -구주(九州)국립박물관의 경우-

        하세봉 ( Sae Bong Ha ) 수선사학회 2014 史林 Vol.0 No.47

        This thesis aims to grasp how the history of East Asia is displayed in Kyushu National Museum. Kyushu National Museum, which opened in 2005, established “Understand Japanese culture from the point of Asian view” as its basic vision. This is the only museum that adapted Asian history as its subject. I will take on a new approach on understanding the display of the Kyushu National Museum. I will look into the relationship between Japanese history research and the developing process of Japanese museums, as well as historic research, and displays by analyzing the standards of local, national and regional history. The formation period of national history in the late 19thcenturymatchesImperialmuseum`serection.Havinganewrecognitionoflocalhistoryaround1960`sisoverlappedwiththemuseumfoundationboomin1970`s.Regional history was raised in the early 1990`s, which included the coming out of Kyunshu National Museum and built the Asian historical view. Kyushu National Museum was named “Cultural Exchange Exhibition” instead of “Permanent Exhibition”. In the Cultural Exchange Exhibition room, there were five classifications by era, comprising of the main exhibition room and eleven related rooms. The exhibition of local history represents Kyushu located in the frontier to accept and spread foreign culture in the history of Japan. Though an exhibition of national history holds few display items, the state of it is quite high. This tells us a process, a connection with different cultures leading to Japan`s imitation causing its originality. Exhibitions in the regional history are East Asian cultural properties, giving an opportunity to compare Japan`s. The exhibition of “Ding-dong, bell dium” attracts attention. This display expresses the interaction through musical instruments. It is an expressive concept that cultural interactions are resonance, because it gives a new perspective. A good amount of study in maritime history is a remarkable feature in the Japanese academic world. But there are no exhibitions about Sea Road, such as drifting records and Wako, despite of an ultimate theme, “Sea Road, Asian Route”. Some people have doubts about the slogan, “We (Kyushians) are the one. “ But it is hard to look for a regional diversity in the Main Exhibition room, except for one special exhibition. Also, it seems that local historians did not intervene in museum exhibitions. Kyushu National Museum did not include any Imjin War or Imperialism exhibitions. War is the most extreme form of cultural exchange. In spite of “cultural exchange”, there is no war in the display. I doubt the relation which the research trend of marine history by the Japanese academic world is mainly focused on the pre-modern one.

      • KCI등재후보

        식민지권력의 두 가지 얼굴 - 조선박람회(1929년)와 대만박람회(1935년)의 비교 -

        하세봉(Ha Sae-Bong) 부산경남사학회 2004 역사와 경계 Vol.51 No.-

        One of the most significant features of modern society is that people gather together on a large scale on the basis of similar purposes or motives without knowing each other. There had been a lot of occasions where hundreds or thousands of people gathered together at the same place both in colonial Chosun and colonial Taiwan. The most exemplary occasion of people's gathering both in Chosun and Taiwan would be the expositions. This paper compare those expositions held in Chosun and Taiwan with each other focusing on the exposition held in Chosun in 1929 and the exposition held in Taiwan in 1935 and through which further examine the different aspects of the realities of colonies. The mobilization of people by the colonial authority was not confined to the military or public works. Exposition was a more roundabout way of mobilizing people. Exposition was such an occasion as collected new, curious and exciting stuffs and made people gather together of their own volition and spend money in such a way as they were informed of through the advertisement of mass-media. In the sense that expositions sponsored by the state authority mobilized people not by compulsory means, but by providing more persuasive and exciting atmosphere that could attract voluntary participation, it could be considered to be a more cleverly devised ruling mechanism. Making the best use of every possible characters and moving images, large scale advertisement drove people into the excitement of expositions. People who showed up in expositions were not what they had been in the past any more, cause they did so as mass consumers. Such massive and voluntary participation was due to the cleverness of the mobilization mechanism that made up the exposition. The word cleverness here was another expression of the ability to have a thorough grasp of people's need and instinct, awaken their latent desires and magnify them. The mechanism was very similar to that of contemporary mass consumption society, where advertisement and department stores ceaselessly incites people's desires for more expanded consumption. Seen from such an aspect, Chosun Exposition and Taiwan Exposition that had been held every six years were almost the same with each other in their characters. However, people's attitude toward expositions appeared quite differently. In hosting expositions, the purpose of publicizing the achievement of the colonial government toward the Japanese central government was more decisive in Taiwan than in Chosun. In Chosun, intellectuals were very critical about expositions, while in Taiwan, intellectuals were rather disappointed by the indifference of the people in mainland China. The Taiwanese people understood Chosun so well as to set up some sort of stereotyped images of Chosun on their own, while the Chosun people were quite indifferent to Taiwan. The difference of political situation between Chosun and Taiwan before the Japanese colonial rule, that is, Chosun's being an independent sovereign state and Taiwan's being a local province under the rule of Ching empire, resulted in the different attitudes of people toward expositions. The difference between being a sovereign state and being a local province before colonialization brought forth another difference in the lives of colonial people. As Chosun was a sovereign state, she had her capital within her territory and the capital became the center of colonial rule. All the advanced civilization came into the capital city of Seoul and almost all of central governmental institutions such as business organizations, modern cultural facilities and modern educational system were concentrated in the capital city. Those expositions held in Seoul were the good examples. People from countryside were amazed by the speedy railways, busy streets and shops, mesh of electrical wires, streams of trams, coaches and bicycles going back and forth, etc. The gap between the capital city and local provinces widened even under the colonial ru

      • KCI등재

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