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태주호,한수남,Tai, Joo-Ho,Han, Su-Nam Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol 1987 한국생화학회지 Vol.20 No.2
본 실험에서는 돼지 백혈구 배양에서 Newcastle disease virus(NDV)와 Phytohemagglutinin(PHA)을 사용하여 돼지 백혈구 인터페론 및 돼지 면역 인터페론을 생산하고 돼지유래 PK(15) cell, 사람유래 FL cell 및 산양유래 BGK cell에서 VSV에 대한 항바이러스 역가를 비교조사하였다. NDV로 유발시킨 돼지 백혈구 인터페론의 평균역가는 PK(15)cell에서 129 IU/ml, FL cell에서 72 IU/ml로 55.8%의 교차종간 항바이러스력을 보였다. PHA로 유발시킨 돼지 면역 인터페론의 평균역가는 PK(15) cell에서 197 IU/ml로서 돼지 백혈구 인터페론의 1. 5배였으나 FL cell에서는 항바이러스력이 관찰되지 않았다. 한국재래산양유래 BGK cell에 VSV를 접종한 결과 CPE가 관찰되어 감수성이 인정되었으며 VSV를 이용한 인터페론 assay가 가능하였다. 본 실험에서 생산된 돼지 백혈구 및 연역 인터페론은 BGK cell에서 항바이러스력을 나타내지 않았으나 사람 백혈구 및 섬유아세포 인터페론은 항바이러스력이 관찰되어 사람 인터페론의 광범위한 교차종간 항바이러스력을 확인할 수 있었다. In the present study, attempts were made to produce porcine leukocyte interferon (PorLeIF) and porcine immune interferon (PorIIF) in the culture of porcine leukocytes. The interferons produced were tested for antiviral activity against vesicular stomatitis virus on porcine-derived PK(15) cells, human-derived FL cells, and Korean native black goat-derived BGK cells. When Newcastle disease virus(NDV)-induced PorLeIFs were assayed on homologous PK(15) cells, and heterologous FL cells, the mean titers were 129 IU/ml and 72 IU/ml respectively. The activities of phytohemagglutinin(PHA)-induced PorIIFs were 197 IU/ml on PK(15) cells and no activity on human FL cells. The mean antiviral activity of PorIIF was 1.5 times that of PorLeIF in PK(15) cells. BGK cell line derived from Korean native black goat kidney was o bserved to be ahost cell for vesicular stomatitis virus, showing cytopathic effect upon infection. In the cells PorLeIF and PorIIF did not exhibit any antiviral activity, but reference human $\alpha$- and $\beta$-inbterferons exhibited the cross-species antiviral activity, indicating that BGK cell line can be used for human interferon assay.
돼지 백혈구 인터페론 및 돼지 면역 인터페론 생산에 관한 연구 교차종간 항바이러스 효과
태주호,한수남 ( Joo Ho Tai,Su Nam Han ) 생화학분자생물학회 1987 BMB Reports Vol.20 No.2
In the present study, attempts were made to produce porcine leukocyte interferon (PorLeIF) and porcine immune interferon (PorIIF) in the culture of porcine leukocytes. The interferons produced were tested for antiviral activity against vesicular stomatitis virus on porcine-derived PK(15) cells, human-derived FL cells, and Korean native black goat-derived BGK cells. When Newcastle disease virus(NDV)-induced PorLeIFs were assayed on homologous PK(15) cells, and heterologous FL cells, the mean titers were 129 IU/㎖ and 72 IU/㎖ respectively. The activities of phytohemagglutinin-(PHA)-induced PorIIFs were 197 IU/㎖ on PK(15) cells and no activity on human FL cells. The mean antiviral activity of PorIIF was 1.5 times that of PorLeIF in PK(15) cells. BGK cell line derived from Korean native black goat kidney was observed to be a host cell for vesicular stomatitis virus, showing cytopathic effect upon infection. In the cells PorLeIF and PorIIF did not exhibit any antiviral activity, but reference human α - and β -interferons exhibited the cross-species antiviral activity, indicating that BGK cell line can be used for human interferon assay.
Neurovascular Primo Bundles at the Kidney Meridian Revealed Using Hemacolor Staining
배경희,길현지,유영웅,태주호,권희민,소광섭 사단법인약침학회 2015 Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian Studies Vol.8 No.6
Neurovascular bundles were observed earlier in connection with the K-meridians of a rat [1]. At that time, the existence of the primo vessel (PV) in the bundle was not noticed despite expectations in accordance with the description of Kim [2]. Applying the hemacolor staining technique, which was recently developed to detect the subcutaneous primo vascular system (PVS) [3], the expected PV was, indeed, revealed. This finding of a neurovascular primo (NVP) bundle is the first example of a PVS found in the peripheral nerves.
아프리카돼지열병에 대한 국가 가축전염병 정책의 글로벌 비교분석과 디지털 가축 방역체계의 필요성
박준영(Jun-Young Park),태주호(Joo Ho Tai) 대한수의학회 2024 대한수의학회지 Vol.64 No.4
African swine fever (ASF) is a highly lethal viral disease affecting domestic pigs and wild boars, with devastating global economic and ecological impacts. Since its initial outbreak in Korea in September 2019, extensive measures, including preventive culling and biosecurity protocols, have been implemented. However, these measures have caused significant socio-economic challenges, including environmental issues and compensation disputes. This study examines the evolution of Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases post-ASF outbreak, focusing on changes in culling policies, compensation frameworks, and their alignment with global practices. By analyzing policy modifications and international case studies, the research highlights the effectiveness and limitations of Korea’s ASF management strategies. It also proposes the adoption of digital precision livestock farming systems to enhance early disease detection and reduce culling through advanced technologies like Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and big data. These innovative approaches aim to mitigate ASF’s impacts and provide sustainable solutions for disease prevention and livestock management and production.
고광호(Kwang Ho Ko),조미정(Mi Jeong Jo),이장훈(Jang Hoon Lee),노민수(Min Su Noh),류재련(Jea Ryeon Ryu),이진화(Jin Hwa Lee),안재석(Jae Suk Ahn),태주호(Joo Ho Tai),민동선(Dong Sun Min),박병욱(Pyeong Uk Park),김기협(Key Hyup Kim) 한국응용약물학회 1994 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.2 No.1
Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities and skin irritation of piroxicam patch were investigated. Piroxicam patch increased the pain threshold in rat hind paw inflamed by carrageenan and inhibited writhing induced by acetic acid in mice. Piroxicam patch also inhibited the carrageenan-induced edema in rat hind paw as well as the increased vascular permeability induced by histamine in rats. In adjuvant arthritis of rats, piroxicam patch showed anti-inflammatory effects. Skin irritation of piroxicam patch was tested in Newzealand White rabbits and evaluated by Primary Irritation Index of Draize. The results from skin irritation test showed that piroxicam patch seemed practically non-irritating. The result from the present study indicates that piroxicam may be useful without serious side effects as anti-inflammatory analgesics in this patch form.