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건강검진 수검자의 의료기관내 검진센터 선택요인과 만족도
임복희,최희성,Im, Bock-Hee,Choi, Hee-Sung 한국디지털정책학회 2014 디지털융복합연구 Vol.12 No.12
The purpose of this study was to induce continuing health screening of the examinees of the health promotion centers by identifying reason of health screening, selection factors of health promotion center, satisfaction level for health promotion center and revisit intention for the examinees who have utilized the health promotion centers of hospitals in Busan and also understanding the examinees' preferences. This study has been conducted from 2, 22.~4, 5. 2013 with the 892 examinees who had utilized the 10 medical institutes in Busan. And the frequency, ${\chi}^2$-test, t-test, ANOVA, logistic regression was analysed. The summary of the study results is as follows. In terms of health screening type, those with office worker physical examination, those with revisit had the highest frequency whereas the group with no disease and the group of being healthy for subjective health condition had the highest frequency. As for the determination factors of health promotion center, accessibility, partnership work, acquaintance recommendation was found to be the highest and followed. And as for the satisfaction level of health promotion center, satisfaction level for accessibility and medical check-up was found to be the highest with 3.59 points, and followed by satisfaction level for brand name, facility, the economic cost. Finally, as for the revisit intention had the highest frequency. Based on the study results above it would be necessary to establish a reasonable price structure in revitalizing promotion and improving health program.
한상호(Sangho Han),최희성(Hee Sung Choi),민대호(Dae Ho Min),황찬규(Changyu Hwang),김종암(Chongam Kim) 한국추진공학회 2009 한국추진공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.5
본 논문은 유동과 구조물간의 상호작용으로 인해 유체나 구조, 한 쪽 분야에서의 접근으로는 한계가 있는 고체 로켓 내부 유동-구조-연소 결합 문제를 해결하기 위해 FSI를 이용한 전산해석을 목적으로 한다. ALE(Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) 기술 방식을 도입하여 계산 격자의 움직임을 허용하면서도 격자에 대한 연속체 입자의 상대운동이 가능하도록 하였다. 유체 영역의 해석 프로그램은 2차원 압축성 비정상 유동 해석을 위한 오일러 방정식을 ALE 형태를 변형시켜 적용 하였고, 고체 영역의 해석 프로그램은 ALE를 고려한 2차원 동적 유한 요소 방법을 사용하였다. The Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian(ALE, in short) method is the new description of continum motion ,which combines the advantages of the classical kinematical descriptions, i.e. Lagrangian and Eulerian description, while minimizing their respective drawbacks. In this paper, the ALE description is adapted to simulate fluid-structure interaction problems. An automatic re-mesh algorithm and a fluid-structure coupling process are included to analyze the interaction and moving motion during the 2-D axisymmetric solid rocket interior FSI phenomena simulation.
슬라이싱과 청킹 개념을 도입한 확장 가능한 경로 테스팅 방안
최은만(Eun Man Choi),최희성(Hee Sung Choi) 한국정보과학회 2012 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.39 No.1B
화이트 박스 테스팅을 위하여 주로 사용하는 경로 테스팅 방법은 테스트 대상 프로그램의 규모에 크게 영향을 받는다. 이런 단점을 해소하기 위하여 이 논문에서는 슬라이싱과 청킹 개념을 도입하였다. 청킹은 논리 흐름의 덩어리를 프레임화 하여 필요에 따라 펼치거나 추상화할 수 있게 한다. 또한 슬라이싱은 프로그램 동작의 부분 집합을 추출하여 복잡도를 줄이고 특정 변수에 집중하게 한다. 본 논문에서는 이런 두가지 개념을 도입하여 확장 가능한 경로 테스팅 방법을 제안하여 화이트 박스 테스팅의 실용성을 높일 수 있음을 보였다.
김은경(Eun Kyung Kim),최희성(Hee Sung Choi),이응석(Eung Seok Lee) 대한약학회 1997 약학회지 Vol.41 No.5
N-(tert-Butoxycarbonyl)-omicron-(dicyanoethylthiophosphono)-L-tyrosine(7), the key intermediate for the synthesis of thiophosphotyrosine-containing peptide derivatives, was prepared. For the phosphorylation, we used tau-Boc-tyrosine and phosphoramidite in the presence of 1H-tetrazol. For the protection of thiophosphate moiety, cyanoethyl protecting group was used. Thiophosphotyrosine-containing peptides could be used as tools for the elucidation of mechanism of signal transduction pathway and also prepared as PTK inhibitors, PTPase inhibitors and cytosolic protein binding blockers. It may be contributed for the development of potential anticancer agents.