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        헨리 G. 아펜젤러의 교육에서 본 배재안항교육의 요소

        최청순 배재대학교 주시경교양교육연구소 2021 대학교양교육연구 Vol.6 No.1

        본 논문은 아펜젤러의 교육철학과 가치, 그리고 그가 세운 배재학당의 건학이념과 교양 교육의 커리큘럼을 통해 안항교육의 요소들을 살펴본다. 안항은 기러기의 특성에서 착안한 이름으로, 안항교육이란, 행렬에서 V편대의 리더와뒤따르는 모두가 나름의 제 역할을 수행하는 동반성장의 교육적 가치를 담고 있으며, 뛰어난 사람을 더 뛰어나게 해주는 ‘수월성 교육’과 함께 학업 소수자를 배려하여 함께 발전할수 있도록 하는 ‘동반성장 학습’을 포함하고 있는 교육 방식이다. 또한 안항교육에서 교양 교육의 실현은 본질적인 대학교육의 회복이며 지성인으로서의 기초함양과 학문의 경계를넘나드는 통섭적 사고 능력의 강화를 위해 학생 모두에게 적용되는 보편적 교육, 균형 있는 교양교육임을 강조한다. 아펜젤러는 그의 교육에 있어 교양교육의 중요성을 강조하였고, 여기에는 안항교육이 말하는 이러한 요소들을 잘 담고 있다. 배재대학교는 건학이념의 가치들을 바로 세우기 위한 노력들을 기울여왔다. 따라서, 안항교육 속에 설립자 아펜젤러의 교육철학과 건학이념의 정신을 담아 학생들에게 좀 더 의미 있는 비전으로 제시할 수 있다면 이는 배재안항교육의 미래발전에 있어서도 가치 있는일이 될 것이다. This paper examines the elements of Anhang Education through Appenzeller’s educational philosophy and values, and the founding philosophy of PaiChaiHakDang and the curriculum of liberal arts education. Anhang Education is a name based on the characteristics of wild geese, and it contains the educational value of co-growth in which the leader of the V Squadron and everyone following the procession play their role. This is an educational method that includes “accompanied growth learning” that allows students to develop together in consideration of academic minorities, along with “excellent education” that works to make outstanding people better. It also emphasizes that the realization of liberal arts education in Anhang Education is a restoration of university education and as universal, university-based, and balanced education applied to all students to foster basic skills as intellectuals and strengthen their ability to think beyond academic boundaries. PaiChai University has made efforts to correct the values of the founding principles; therefore, presenting Appenzeller’s philosophy of education and founding philosophy of Anhang Education as a more meaningful vision for students, it would also be valuable for the future development of PaiChai-Anhang Education.

      • KCI등재

        대학교양교육으로서 기독교교양교육에 관한 연구-배재대학교를 중심으로-

        최청순 배재대학교 주시경교양교육연구소 2022 대학교양교육연구 Vol.7 No.1

        This paper is to study the contribution of Christian liberal arts education for a university education. Christian liberal arts courses operated by universities are typically divided into two sections: Christian liberal arts courses and Chapel. The goal of this paper is to detail the method for students to increase their satisfaction through Christian liberal arts at PaiChai University. To be better informed for my research, I looked at the curriculum of various universities around Korea. Additionally, It suggests the method on how the Christian liberal arts needs to change in the post –COVID 19 era. Within this critique are areas of need that are noticeable in the Christian liberal arts education. Firstly, the Christian liberal arts subjects tried to apply the same class content and evaluation criteria using unified video content. Secondly, It has suggested a method that allows students to be linked to their majors. Finally, It also emphasizes the need for diversification of Christian liberal arts electives. This paper would also suggest a method of Chapel which reflects the current times and can increase the desired participation rate of students. Also, it examines how to operate Chapel of non- Christians and Christians separately. For example, I had an experience participating in chapel as an undergraduate student, and after graduation I gave a lecture, as an instructor, for the Christian liberal arts course. This experience helped me research, as a hands-on worker, the university chapel with various viewpoints and positions empirically. Based on the examination of experience and the evaluation of students, I offer an analysis on the method of Christian liberal arts education and present suggestions and discussion to develop the Christian liberal arts education. It should make it a better founding philosophy of the university, and should help fit with the interests of students and their emotions.

      • KCI등재

        헨리 닷지 아펜젤러의 생애와 활동

        최청순(Choi, Chung Soon) 한국기독교역사연구소 2022 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.- No.57

        아펜젤러는 한국에서 아버지의 뒤를 이어 선교사로 활동하였다. 아버지가 선박사고를 당하여 순직했다는 소식을 듣고 어린 아펜젤러는 아픔을 겪었지만, 오히려 그 고난은 그를 한국선교사로 인도했다. 그는 한국과 한국인을 향한 사랑을 나타낸 선교사로, 배재학교를 발전시킨 교육가로, 한국전쟁 당시 헌신적으로 봉사했던 사회활동가로 근현대사에 뚜렷한 족적을 남긴 인물이다. 한국에서 태어나 한국 땅에 묻힌 아펜젤러는 평생 한국인과 한국교회를 위하여 모든 것을 바친 인물이다. 아버지가 설립한 배재학당의 5대 교장으로 취임하여 학생들에게 애국심을 심어주었으며 ‘크고자 하거든 남을 섬기라’는 기독교정신을 지켜나가기 위해 온 정성과 마음을 쏟았다. 일제에 의해 강제 추방을 당할 때까지 20년간 배재학교의 교장으로 헌신하였고, 추방을 당해서도 하와이 호놀룰루제일교회를 담임하여 이민 온 한인들을 도왔다. 해방 후 미군정 특별고문으로 파견되어 한국을 도왔고, 한국전쟁 당시 한국기독교세계봉사회의 총책임자로 임명되어 마지막으로 한국을 위해 봉사하다가 무리한 업무로 인해 희생적 죽음을 맞이한다. 논문에서는 아펜젤러의 생애를 아버지의 순직 이후 한국선교사로 임명받은 전후의 상황, 배재학교 교장으로 20년의 봉직, 일제에 의한 강제추방과 해방 후 미군정에서의 역할, 한국전쟁 당시 기독교세계봉사회 활동으로 나누어 검토하여 시기별 생애와 활동에 대하여 분석해 보고자 한다. Appenzeller succeeded his father as a missionary in Korea. Hearing that his father died in a ship accident, young Appenzeller suffered, but the hardship led him to a Korean missionary. He is a missionary who expressed his love for Korea and Koreans, an educator who developed PaiChai School, and a social activist who served devotedly during the Korean War, leaving a clear mark in modern and contemporary history. Born in Korea and buried in Korean soil, Appenzeller is a person who has dedicated everything to Koreans and Korean churches throughout his life. He took office as the fifth principal of PaiChai Hakdang, founded by his father, instilled patriotism in students, and devoted all his heart and soul to protect the Christian spirit of “Whoever would be great among you must be your servant.” He devoted himself to being the principal of PaiChai School for 20 years until he was deported by the Japanese colonial rule, and even after being deported, he was in charge of the Honolulu First Church in Hawaii to help Korean immigrants. After liberation, he was dispatched as a special adviser to the U.S. military government to help Korea, and he was appointed as the general manager of the Korean Church World Service (KCWC) during the Korean War, and finally died of sacrifice due to excessive work. In this paper, Appenzeller’s life was divided into the appointment as a Korean missionary after his father’s death, 20 years of service as a principal of PaiChai School, his role in the U.S. military government after Japan’s deportation and liberation, and KCWC activities during the Korean War. I reviewed this and analyzed the life and activities by period.

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