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        신바로약침과 침치료를 이용한 족저근막염 환자 4례에 대한 임상증례보고

        최철우,허석원,윤용일,민부기,김민균,윤제필,최진령,오민석,Choi, Chul-Woo,Huh, Suk-Won,Yun, Yong-Il,Min, Boo-Ki,Kim, Min-Kyun,Yoon, Je-Pil,Choi, Jin-Ryung,Oh, Min-Seok 척추신경추나의학회 2013 척추신경추나의학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Objects : This study is a report on treatment effect of the case that treated by using of Shinbaro pharmacopunture and acupuncture to plantar fasciitis patients. Methods : The four patients diagnosed with Plantar fasciitis were treated by using of Shinbaro pharmacopunture and acupuncture, Algometer Pressure and Numeric rating scale(NRS) were used as the evaluation tool of treatment effect. Results : Shinbaro pharmacopunture and acupuncture showed improvement of symptoms for all patient groups and brought about significant change on numerical value of Algometer Pressure and Numeric rating scale(NRS). Conclusions : The result shows that Shinbaro pharmacopunture and acupuncture can be effective treatment to Plantar fasciitis. Merely later, further study is needed.

      • 외상성으로 발생한 급성 요배통 환자에 대한 도침치료 3례 : 증례보고

        최철우,최봉석,오민석,Choi, Chul woo,Choi, Bong seok,Oh, Min seok 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2017 한의학연구소 논문집 Vol.26 No.1

        Objectives:The purpose of this study is to report the effect of acupotomy on pain, lumbar function, and quality of life in acute low back pain patients. Methods:We performed Acupotomy in three patients who have acute low back pain due to a traumatic motive within one week. NRS was used to evaluate patients' pain, ROM and RMDQ were used to evalutate lumbar function, EQ-5D and EQ VAS were used to evaluate quality of life, and a five-point Likert scale was used to evaluate treatment satisfaction. Results: Acupotomy reduced the patient's NRS, increased ROM and reduced RMDQ. EQ-5D increased in cases 1 and 3 but decreased in case 2 and EQ VAS increased in all cases. Conclusions: This study shows acupotomy has useful effect and acupotomy can be a effective treatment on acute low back pain patients. 이 증례보고의 목적은 도침 시술이 외상성으로 유발된 급성 요배통 환자의 통증, 기능, 삶의 질에 미치는 영향을 보고하기 위함이다. 1주일 이내의 외상성 계기로 인해 요배통을 호소하는 총 3명의 환자에게 도침 시술을 시행하여 NRS, ROM, RMDQ, EQ VAS에서 유의한 호전이 있었으며 EQ-5D의 경우 증례 1,3에서 유의한 호전이 있었다. 향후 보다 많은 증례보고 및 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

      • 외상성으로 발생한 급성 요배통 환자에 대한 도침치료 3례 : 증례보고

        최철우,최봉석,오민석 大田大學校 附屬 韓方病院 2017 惠和醫學 Vol.26 No.1

        요통은 주로 요·천추부를 중심으로 발생하는 통증을 말하며1) 인구의 약 80%가 일생 중 요통을 경험하는 것으로 알려져 있다 2). 요통의 원인은 아직까지는 명확하지 않지만, 근골격계 손상으 로 인한 생체역학적 요인이 요통의 가장 큰 원인으로 거론되고 있다3). 요통의 치료는 수술적 요법과 비수술적 요법으로 나눌 수 있는데, 수술적 요법은 구조적인 병리상태가 있는 경우와 같 이 통증의 원인이 비교적 명확할 때 효과적인 치료법이며 수술 적 요법이 필요한 적응증이 아닌 경우 보존적 치료를 한다4),5). 한의학에서 요통은 오래전부터 많은 문헌에서 소개되어 왔고, 《黃帝內經》6)에서는 “腰는 腎의 府이며 轉搖하지 못하는 것은 腎將이 憊하기 때문이다.”라고 하였고 《醫學入門》7)에서는 “腰는 腎의 外候로 一身의 轉移開闔者이니 그러한 까닭에 諸經은 腎絡於腰脊에 통하고 비록 外感, 內傷, 種種 不同이나 반드시 腎虛而後에 邪가 능히 湊한다.”고 하여 요통의 원인에 대한 언급을 볼 수 있다. 요통의 한의학적 치료는 보존적인 치료법을 위주로 시행해 왔으며 그 방법으로는 침구치료, 추나치료, 한방물리요법, 약물치료 등의 방법이 활용되어 왔다8). 최근 한의학적 치료요법 중 도침에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있는데 도침이란 중국의 朱漢章 교수에 의하여 개발된 침법으로 연부조직손상에 대한 직접적 치료법이며9), 특히 근육과 인대의 누적성 손상에 치료 효과가 뛰어나다고 알려졌다10). 이에 저자는 외상성으로 발생한 급성 요배통 환자 3례에 도침 시술을 활용하여 유의한 결과를 얻었기에 보고하는 바이다. The purpose of this study is to report the effect of acupotomy on pain, lumbar function, and quality of life in acute low back pain patients. Methods:We performed Acupotomy in three patients who have acute low back pain due to a traumatic motive within one week. NRS was used to evaluate patients' pain, ROM and RMDQ were used to evalutate lumbar function, EQ-5D and EQ VAS were used to evaluate quality of life, and a five-point Likert scale was used to evaluate treatment satisfaction. Results: Acupotomy reduced the patient's NRS, increased ROM and reduced RMDQ. EQ-5D increased in cases 1 and 3 but decreased in case 2 and EQ VAS increased in all cases. Conclusions: This study shows acupotomy has useful effect and acupotomy can be a effective treatment on acute low back pain patients.

      • KCI등재

        감마선 조사에 따른 감귤 품종별 생존율과 과실특성 및 가시길이에 미치는 영향

        최철우,김민주,진성범,박석만,윤수현 한국육종학회 2023 한국육종학회지 Vol.55 No.4

        In this study, we investigated the variety-dependent survival of citrus seedlings and analyzed the pomological characteristics offruits and thorn lengths following irradiation with gamma rays. Scions from the seedlings of the following citrus varieties, ‘Yuzu’, ‘Noeulhyang’,‘Sarahyang’, ‘Namgam’ (nucellar), and ‘Meiwakumquat’ irradiated with gamma rays at 0, 60, 80, and 100 Gy were grafted onto trifoliate orange. At 6 months after grafting, the survival rates of ‘Yuzu’ and ‘Noeulhyang’ exposed to 100 Gy were 49.5% and 34.8%, and that of ‘Sarahyang’and ‘Namgam’ (nucellar) exposed to 80 Gy were 51.6% and 46.8%, respectively. ‘Meiwakumquat’ exhibited the lowest survival among thevarieties used in this study. Therefore, we classified ‘Meiwakumquat’ as highly susceptible to gamma radiation; ‘Noeulhyang’, ‘Sarahyang’, and‘Namgam’ (nucellar) as intermediately susceptible; and ‘Yuzu’ as the least susceptible. We assessed the effects of gamma radiation on the pomologicaltraits in irradiated ‘Tambit1ho’ and ‘Yuzu’. Among the 72 irradiated ‘Tambit1ho’ seedlings, the average seed number (number of seeds per fruit)varied between 0 and 18.6, whereas that in the unirradiated seedlings was between 8 and 18. Among the irradiated seedlings, the average seednumber was less than 1.0 in eight seedlings. In addition, we observed variations in weight, rind and segment hardness, and sugar and acid contents. The thorn length of the flush in unirradiated ‘Yuzu’ was between 1.3 and 6.0 cm, whereas that of flush in gamma-irradiated seedlings wasbetween 0.1 and 6.1 cm. Among the irradiated ‘Yuzu’ seedlings, the thorn length was less than 0.1 cm in two seedlings.

      • KCI등재

        산 함량이 높고 향기가 좋은 레몬 신품종 ‘제라몬’ 육성

        최철우,김민주,윤수현,박석만 한국육종학회 2023 한국육종학회지 Vol.55 No.4

        The lemon cultivar ‘Jeramon’ is a nucellar seedling obtained through controlled pollination, with ‘Frost Lisbon’ as the seed parentand ‘Meyer’ as the pollen parent. ‘Jeramon’ had its first fruit set in 2012 and was selected in 2015 after evaluating its characteristics forthree consecutive years. The ‘Jeramon’ tree was vigorous, upright-spreading, and flowered three times a year (mid-May to Early June, lateJune to early August, and early September). The average fruit weight was 120 g. The rind thickness was approximately 5 mm, which wasthicker than that of common citrus cultivars, including Satsuma mandarin and late-maturing cultivars. The rind and pulp were pale yellowat full maturity. Total soluble solid ratio and acidity were 8.5% and 11°Brix, respectively, which were higher than that of ‘Frost Lisbon’. ‘Jeramon’ is self-compatible, producing approximately 10 polyembryonic seeds per fruit (Registration No. 9060).

      • KCI등재

        Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification assay for Detection of Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus, a Causal Agent of Citrus Huanglongbing

        최철우,현재욱,황록연,Charles A Powell 한국식물병리학회 2018 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.34 No.6

        Huanglongbing (HLB, Citrus greening disease) is one of the most devastating diseases that threaten citrus production worldwide. Although HLB presents systemically, low titer and uneven distribution of these bacteria within infected plants can make reliable detection difficult. It was known loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method has the advantages of being highly specific, rapid, efficient, and laborsaving for detection of plant pathogens. We developed a new LAMP method targeting gene contained tandem repeat for more rapid and sensitive detection of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), putative causal agent of the citrus huanglongbing. This new LAMP method was 10 folds more sensitive than conventional PCR in detecting the HLB pathogen and similar to that of real-time PCR in visual detection assay by adding SYBR Green I to mixture and 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. Positive reactions were achieved in reaction temperature 57, 60 and 62oC but not 65oC. Although this LAMP method was not more sensitive than real-time PCR, it does not require a thermocycler for amplification or agarose gel electrophoresis for resolution. Thus, we expect that this LAMP method shows strong promise as a reliable, rapid, and cost-effective method of detecting the CLas in citrus and can be applied for rapid diagnosis is needed.

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