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주택일반분양자의 개발이익 분석 및 영향요인에 관한 연구 : 서울시 주택정비사업을 중심으로
최지흠 서울시립대학교 일반대학원 2022 국내박사
서울에서 양질의 아파트공급은 주택정비사업을 통해 이루어지고 있다. 높은 경쟁률과 낮은 리스크 때문에 시장에서 수요공급 원리에 따라 일반분양가는 조합원분양가보다 높아왔다. 그러나 최근 정부규제로 이러한 현상이 흔들리게 되었다. 정부의 분양가규제가 장기간 지속되면서 내재된 불합리성으로 인해 시장왜곡현상이 심화됐다. 규제의 반사이익은 일반분양자가 얻게 되었다. 반값분양, 로또분양, 금수저분양이 나타나면서 서민분양의 이미지는 사라졌다. 역할을 기대했던 양도소득세제와 전매제한제 등 제도적 장치는 허술했다. 주택정비사업에서 일반분양자는 창출자로서의 역할은 없지만 수혜자로서 주된 참여자로 인식되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 정부의 분양가규제로 인해 일반분양자가 사업시행자로부터 이전받은 개발이익과 그 영향 요인을 분석하였다. 분석을 위해 2009년부터 2020년까지 서울시에서 입주자모집공고를 시행한 주택정비구역 중 169개 구역을 분석대상으로 삼았다. 이를 통해 2008년 금융위기 이후 시장의 하락기와 상승기에 걸쳐 개발이익의 변화를 분석할 수 있었다. 전용면적을 84㎡타입으로 한정했고, 브랜드선호도가 높은 8대 아파트브랜드로 제한하였으며, 실거래가격과 분양가격을 구역별 평균값 및 해당 자치구별 평균값을 적용하였다. 개발이익은 발생 원인이 다른 ‘분양시점 개발이익(률)’과 ‘공사기간 중 개발이익(률)’로 구분하여 분석하였다. 경기하락기에는 시장의 수요공급기능이 제대로 작동되어 분양가격을 결정한 것으로 분석되었다. 경기상승기와 함께 시행된 정부의 분양가규제는 ‘분양시점 개발이익’을 급격히 상승시켰다. 규제가 집중된 동남권역의 ‘분양시점 개발이익’이 가장 높았으며, 동북권역이 가장 낮은 것으로 분석되었다. 분양가차이를 표준화한 ‘분양시점 개발이익률’은 동남권역과 함께 서북권역이 가장 높은 것으로 분석되었다. ‘공사기간 중 개발이익’은 정상주택가격 상승분을 공제하기 때문에 재고아파트의 가격상승률이 높은 동남권역이 가장 낮았으며, 서남권역이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. ‘공사기간 중 개발이익’은 시장상승기에 재고아파트에 비해 낮은 상승률을 보이는 분양권의 특성을 잘 보여주고 있다. 사업유형별로는 주택재개발사업에서 가장 높은 개발이익과 개발이익률을 나타냈다. 개발이익(개발이익률)의 영향 요인 분석은 데이터 특성을 고려하여 다중회귀분석을 적용하였다. 독립변수는 단지특성변수, 입지특성변수, 지역특성변수, 일반경제지표변수, 정부정책변수 등 5개 범주, 16개 변수를 선정하여 적용하였다. 정부의 분양가규제가 강할수록, 시장경기가 상승기일수록, 재정자립도가 높을수록, 반경 500m내 지하철역수가 많을수록, 초등학교와의 거리가 짧을수록, 임대주택비율이 높을수록, 사업유형이 재개발일수록, 대지면적이 클수록, 용적률이 낮을수록 총개발이익(률)이 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 총개발이익(률)에 가장 크게 영향을 미치는 범주는 시장경기 등 일반경제지표와 분양가규제 등 정부정책변수다. 다음으로 지역특성변수, 입지특성변수, 단지특성변수 순이다. 즉, 거시적인 요인일수록 개발이익에 더 큰 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 다만, 단지특성요인 중 임대주택비율과 재개발(사업유형) 등 일부 요인도 높은 영향도를 보이고 있는데 이들 특성은 정부규제와 밀접하게 연관되어 있기 때문으로 해석된다. 이를 통해 정부는 경기상승기에 부동산정책을 시행함에 있어 일반분양자에게 과도한 개발이익이 이전되는 현상을 간과해서는 안 될 것이다. 일반분양자 개발이익에 대한 환수 논의는 다양하다. 다만 본 연구에서는 현재 시행되거나 시행되었던 제도를 통해 보완책을 제시하고자 한다. 사회적 책임을 부여하는 방안으로 현행 전매제한기간을 개선하는 방안, 토지임대부 주택 도입방안, 환매조건부주택 도입방안을 제안하며, 금전적 개발이익환수 방안으로 주택채권입찰제, 부동산세제 개편, 수익공유제 모기지 제도를 제안하고자 한다. 좀 더 나아가서 분양가규제를 넘어서 개발이익과 공공기여에 대한 협상 및 조정을 통하여 시장안정과 사회적 책임을 동시에 달성할 수 있는 방안이 필요할 것이다. In Seoul, the supply of high-quality apartments is managed by the residential improvement project. Due to the high competition rate and low risk, the sale price of housing for sale to the general public has been higher than for the association’s members according to the principle of supply and demand. However, this phenomenon was affected by recent government regulations. As the government’s regulation on sale prices has continued for a long time, the market distortion phenomenon has been exacerbated due to inherent irrationality. The reflective benefits of regulation were given to the general buyers. With the appearance of half-price sales, lottery sales, and gold-spoon sales, the image of the common people’s sales disappeared. Institutional mechanisms such as the capital gains tax system and restrictions on resales, which were expected to play a role, were lax. In housing improvement projects, general buyers do not play a role as creators but should be recognized as major beneficiaries. In this study, the government’s regulation on the sale prices of public housing units, the development profits transferred by general buyers from the project operator, and the influencing factors this study analyzes. For the analysis, 169 areas out of the residential improvement project areas that Seoul announced a public notice of resident recruitment from 2009 to 2020 were targeted. Through this, it was possible to analyze changes in development profits throughout the decline and rise in the housing market cycle after the 2008 financial crisis. Eight major apartment brands with high brand preference in the market were selected and the area for exclusive use was limited to 84 m², and the actual transaction price and sale prices were used with the average value for each area and the average value for each autonomous district. Development profits were analyzed by dividing them into ‘development profits (rate) at the time of sale’ and ‘development profits (rate) during the construction period’ with different causes of occurrence. During the economic downturn, it was analyzed that the housing market’s demand and supply function worked properly and the sale prices were adjusted appropriately. The government's regulation on the sale prices, which took effect along with the housing market upturn, sharply raised the “development profit at the time of sale”. According to our analysis, the “development profit at the time of sale” was the highest in the southeastern region, where regulations were concentrated, and the northeast region was the lowest. In terms of the ‘development profit rate at the time of sale’, which standardized the difference in the sale prices, the northwest region along with the southeastern region was the highest. Since “development profits during the construction period” deducts the normal housing price increase, the southeastern region with the highest price increase rate of inventory apartments was the lowest, and the southwestern region was the highest. The “development profit during the construction period” shows the characteristics of right to purchase ownership, which show a lower rate of increase than inventory apartments during the housing market rise. By improvement project type, the highest development profit and development profit rate were shown in the residential redevelopment project. Multiple regression analysis was applied in consideration of data characteristics to analyze the influencing factors of development profit (development profit rate). The independent variables were applied by selecting 5 categories and 16 variables, including apartment complex characteristic variables, location characteristic variables, regional characteristic variables, general economic indicator variables, and government policy variables. The gross development profit (rate) was shown to increase with the stronger the government’s sales price regulation, the higher the fiscal independence, the more subway stations within a radius of 500 meters, the shorter the distance from the elementary school, the higher the rental housing ratio, the higher the site area, the higher the floor area ratio, the higher the gross development profit (rate). In addition, when the housing market is on the uptrend and when the improvement project type is redevelopment, the total development profit (rate) is analyzed to increase. The categories that have the greatest impact on gross development profit (rate) are general economic indicator variables such as the market cycle and government policy variables including regulation on the sale prices. Furthermore, it is in the order of regional characteristic variables, location characteristic variables, and complex characteristic variables. In other words, it was analyzed that the more macroscopic factors, the greater the impact on development profits. However, among the complex characteristic variables, some factors such as rental housing ratio and redevelopment (business type) also show a high influence which is interpreted as being closely related to government regulations. Through this, the government should not overlook the phenomenon in which excessive development profits are transferred to general buyers when implementing real estate policies during the housing market upturn. There are various discussions on the restitution of development gains from general buyers. However, this study intends to present supplementary measures through the systems that are currently being implemented or have been implemented. As a way to grant social responsibility, we propose a plan to improve the current resale restriction period, a plan to introduce land-leasing housing, a plan to introduce a house with sale and repurchase agreement, and as a way to restitution of development profits, this paper proposes housing bond bidding systems, reorganization of the real estate tax system, and a profit-sharing mortgage system. Furthermore, it will be necessary to achieve both housing market stability and social responsibility through negotiations and adjustments on development profits and public contributions beyond regulations on the sale price.