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      • KCI등재후보

        발타자르 휩마이어의 구원론

        최정기 ( Choi¸ Jung Ki ) 한국복음주의역사신학회 2020 역사신학 논총 Vol.37 No.-

        16세기 재침례교도는 개혁자들로부터 행위구원을 가르친다는 비판을 받았고 그런 시각은 세20기 까지도 이어졌다. 재침례교 신학자 발타자르 휩마이어의 구원론 역시 펠라기우스주의 내지 반펠라기우스주의(Semi-Pelagianism)라는 평가를 받아왔다. 특히 데이빗 스타인메츠(David C. Steinmetz)는 “Scholasticism and Radical Reform: No minalist Motifs in the Theology of Balthasar Hubmaier”(1971)라는 논문에서 휩마이어의 구원론에 가브리엘 비엘(의Gabriel Biel) 원리, 즉 ‘하나님은 자신 안에 있는 것을 행하는 자에게 은혜를 거부하지 않으신다’(facientibus quod in se est deus non denegat gratiam)가 남아 있다고 주장했다.스 타인메츠에 따르면 휩마이어는 타락하지 않은 영의 의지로 구원의 과정을 시작할 수 있다고 보았다. 죄인은 자신 안에 있는 두 가지 자원, 곧 ‘타락하지 않은 영의 의지’와 ‘자연 안에 있는 하나님의 계시’로 인해 복음을 듣지 않고도 하나님께 돌이킬 수 있다고 주장했다는 것이다. 그러나 휩마이어는 구원에 있어서 언제나 은혜의 선행성을 인정했다. 스타인메츠의 주장과는 달리 휩마이어는 말씀이 일차적으로 역사하지 않으면 영은 육에 갇혀 무력한 상태로 남아있다고 했다. 스타인메츠는 휩마이어의 구원론에서 말씀이 두 단계로 역사한다는 점을 간과했다. 하나님은 먼저 모든 사람에게 말씀을 보내셔서 영을 해방시키고 혼을 치유하셔서 자유의지를 발휘할 수 있게 하신다. 그러면 영은 하나님께 기도하고 구원을 위해 부르짖을 수 있게 되는데, 하나님은 그에 대한 응답으로 복음 선포자를 보내주셔서 말씀으로 거듭나게 하신다. 즉 말씀은 먼저 보편적 선행은혜로 모든 사람에게 임하고, 다음은 믿음으로 반응하는 자에게 거듭나게 하는 은혜로 임한다. 스타인메츠가 자연상태에서 하나님을 찾을 수 있다는 주장의 증거로 제시한 「의지의 자유의」(1527) 이디오피아 내시와 고넬료의 예는 휩마이어의 다른 논문과 비교해 보면 이미 말씀을 듣고 구원을 갈망하는 부류의 사람들로 이해해야 함을 알 수 있다. 휩마이어는 보편 속죄와 자유의지의 협력을 구원의 필수요소로 인정했다는 점에서 17세기 아르미니우스주의를 예견했다고 할 수 있다. The sixteenth century Anabaptists were criticized by reformers for teac hing ‘work-righteousness,’ and such criticism has never died out since then. Anabaptist theologian Balthasar Hubmaier was not an exception but his soteriology has often been categorized as Pelagianism or Semi-Pelagia nism. Especially David C. Steinmetz argued in his article “Scholasticism and Radical Reform: Nominalist Motifs in the Theology of Balthasar Hub maier”(1971) that the Gabriel Biel’s norm ‘God does not deny grace to those who do what is in them’(facientibus quod in se est deus non denega t gratiam) remains in Hubmaier’s soteriology. According to him, Hubmai er admitted that man can initiate the process of salvation in natural state by the work of spirit, which has been preserved intact through the fall. That is, sinners can turn to God without hearing the gospel due to two resources in them: “the unfallen will of the spirit” and “God’s revelation in nature.” However, Hubmaier consistently affirmed the prevenience of grace in salvation. Unlike Steinmetz’s contention Hubmaier argued that the spirit is imprisoned in the flesh and remains impotent until the word of God release it. Steinmetz failed to see that the word in Hubmaier’s theology operates in two stages. First, God sends his word Christ to all people so that he may liberate the spirit and heal the soul, and as a result free will is restored to man. Then the spirit in man can pray and cry to God for salvation, in answer to which God sends the preacher of the gospel in order to regenerate the believer. Thus, the word of God comes first to all humanity as prevenient grace, and then to those who respond in faith as regenerating grace. If we compare the Ethiopian eunuch and Corn elius in Freiheit (1527), whom Steinmetz presents as the examples of thos e who cry for God in natural state, with the same in the other treatises of Hubmaier, they ought to be those who long for salvation after hearing the word. Hubmaier antecipated Arminianism in the seventeenth century in that he acknowledged the universal offer of Christ’s atonement and the cooperation of human free will.

      • KCI등재

        간헐적 수요를 갖는 철도 차량 유지보수 부품을 위한 기계학습 기반 수요예측 개선

        최정기 ( Jung-ki Choi ),최진영 ( Jin-young Choi ) 대한설비관리학회 2021 대한설비관리학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        In this paper, we considered a demand forecasting problem for railroad car maintenance parts that a maintenance company in Korea has been trying to resolve. Due to sporadic demand nature of railroad car maintenance parts, the demand cannot be estimated by using normal approaches such as time-series analysis or multiple regression analysis. Therefore, we applied various machine learning methods and identified good estimators for them. Specifically, we classified maintenance parts into several clusters using K-means method based on average demand interval and coefficient of variation, which can be calculated for each item. Then, for each cluster, we identified a proper estimator by testing decision tree, random forest, and neural network. By adopting these results, we expect that we can improve the forecasting capability of the company and reduce the production lead time up to 40 to 60 days.

      • KCI등재

        IV분과 : 간벌강도에 따른 잣나무 인공림의 생장변화 모니터링

        최정기 ( Jung Kee Choi ),이병기 ( Byung Ki Lee ),이대성 ( Dae Sung Lee ),최인화 ( In Hwa Choi ) 한국임학회 2014 한국산림과학회지 Vol.103 No.3

        본 연구는 잣나무 인공림을 대상으로 간벌강도를 다양하게 실시한 후 흉고직경, 수고, 수관폭, 수간재적, 수간바이오매스, 고사목의 생장변화를 파악하고자 실시하였다. 1차 간벌은 19년생 때 입목본수의 29~69% 강도로 실시되었으며, 간벌 직후(19년생), 5년 후(24년생), 12년 후(31년생)에 3차에 걸쳐 입목조사가 수행되었다. 흉고직경생장의경우 대조구에 비해 강도간벌구의 평균생장량이 간벌 5년 후 19.6~19.9%, 12년 후 13.3~24.7% 높았으며 유의적인 생장차이가 나타났다. 또한 간벌 후 초기생장량이 후기생장량보다 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 대경목 후보(DBH ≥ 25 cm)본수를 비교한 결과, 강도간벌구에서 약 31%가 나타난 반면, 대조구에서는 단지 2%에 불과했다. 수고생장은 간벌강도에 따라 생장의 차이가 나타나지 않았으며, 평균수관폭 생장량은 강도간벌구가 대조구에 비해 5년 후 30.6~33.3%,12년 후 35.0~40.0% 높았다. 단목재적의 평균 생장량은 강도간벌구가 대조구에 비해 간벌 5년 후 39.8~46.8%, 12년후 23.0~52.0% 높았다. 단위면적당 최대 임분재적 및 바이오매스량은 무간벌표준지에서 간벌 후 12년 동안 133 m3/ha(51 kg/ha)에서 344 m3/ha(132 kg/ha)로 증가하였다. 수관폭, 재적, 바이오매스는 간벌강도에 따라 모두 유의적인 생장차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 고사목은 간벌 후 12년 동안 강도간벌구에서 전혀 발생하지 않은 반면 대조구에서는27.9~37.8% 발생하였다. 2차 간벌시기를 결정하기 위하여 목편을 통해 연륜생장을 분석한 결과, 1차 간벌 후 10년전후가 적합한 것으로 나타났다. This study was conducted to investigate growth changes of DBH, height, crown width, volume, stembiomass, and dead trees after thinning treatments with different thinning intensity for Korean white pine (Pinuskoraiensis) plantation. First thinning was applied with 29~69% intensity based on number of trees in 19-yearoldplantation, and trees were measured three times: right after thinning (19-year-old), 5 years later (24-yearold),12 years later (29-year-old). In the case of DBH growth, average DBH growth of heavily thinned plotswas 19.6~19.9% higher 5 years later, and 13.3~24.7% higher 12 years later, compared to that of unthinned plots.Initial diameter growth rate was higher than late growth rate. The proportion of large pole candidates (DBH ≥ 25 cm)was 31% in heavily thinned plot while only 2% was shown in unthinned plot. No difference was shown inheight growth depending on plots, and average crown width growth in heavily thinned plots was 30.6~33.3%higher, 5 years later, and 35.0~40.0% higher, 12 years later, compared to that of unthinned plots. Averagevolume growth of individual trees in heavily thinned plots was 39.8~46.8% higher, 5 years later, and23.0~52.0% higher, 12 years later, compared to unthinned plots. The maximum volume and biomass per unitarea were shown in unthinned plot; the volume and biomass 5 and 12 years later after thinning were 133 m3/ha (51 kg/ha) and 344 m3/ha (132 kg/ha), respectivily. The significant difference appeared in crown width,volume, and biomass depending on thinning intensity. No dead trees occurred in heavily thinned plots for 12years after thinning, while mortality rate in unthinned plots was 27.9~37.8%. As a result of analyzing annualincrement using cores to determine the timing of second thinning, it suggested that second thinning be suitablearound 10 years after first thinning.

      • KCI등재후보
      • Carbamoylethyl Starch의 製造와 종이 製造時 添加效果에 관한 硏究

        尹世永,崔正箕,鄭文箕,趙炳默,吳正壽 동국대학교 생명자원과학대학 연습림 1995 연습림논문집 Vol.- No.4

        Recently, paper strength properties come up to be lowered by increasing ratio of utilization of recycling paper. In order to overcome these problems, strengthening agents which may cause enviromental problems have been used. Therefore, acrylamide was added to starch which is a cheap natural polymer, carbamoylethyl starch(CES) with high activity was prepared, and so the applicability as a paper additive was examined. The results are following; FT-IR spectra of CES of which degree of substitution was 0.25 showed strong C=O band at 1680㎝^-1 which corresponds the carbonyl group n amides(amide Ⅰ). Analysis of bravender viscosity showed that cooking start point of CES is 60℃ and instant viscosity is 830 B.U.(bravender unit). Effect of carbamoylethl DS on strength properties was resulted that CES of DS 0.20 appeared to be the best choice for making handsheets from KOCC with good overall strength properties, and it was selected as standard sample. Effect of pH on strength properties was obvious for their increasing values as decreasing pH. Also, a 5-fold increase in size rate as well as significant increase in wet-tensile strength were obtained in handsheets from KOCC by 3% wet-end addition of CES.

      • 신장이식 후에 발생한 거대세포바이러스 폐렴에 합병한 침습성 아스페르길루스증 1예

        마명신,이경훈,염정필,박재성,김남수,최정기,이흥범,이용철,이양근 의과학연구소 1999 全北醫大論文集 Vol.23 No.1

        This 45-year-old woman had undergone renal transplantation on November 25, 1998. In January 1999 she developed dry cough and mild fever. Chest radiographs revealed multifocal patchy and conglomerated consolidation on both lung field, especially lower lung field. Open lung biopsy was performed and aspergillosis and CMV infection were demonstrated in the biopsy specimen. The patient was treated with conventional amphotercin and ganciclovir, but she was progressively aggravated due to fatal combined cytomegalovirus and aspergillosis pneumonia.

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